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【PS4/XB1/PC】Tom Clancy's The Division 2

2018-3-9 11:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-9 03:41 PM 编辑

Tom Clancy's The Division 2 Announced
Ubisoft 确定《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》正在开发中
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/159909.html

  Ubisoft 于刚刚确定,《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》正在开发中,预定于 2018 E3 电玩展正式揭露。

  《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》是款在线开放世界角色扮演游戏,故事描述在美国感恩节购物季黑色星期五那天,一场毁灭性的流行性病毒席卷纽约市。 作为社会文明的最终防线,一支秘密且可独立运作的战术特工部队 —「The Division」就此启动。

  该作品于 2016 年 3 月 8 日正式上市至今已两年,而今日稍早 Ubisoft 确定续作《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》正在开发中,并预定在今年 E3 电玩展正式揭露。

  《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》目前尚未公布平台等内容。

An Announcement from Massive Entertainment on The Division 2

What an incredible few years it’s been for the team here at Massive! When we first began work on Tom Clancy’s The Division, we knew we had something special and something we believed in so strongly that we wanted to make sure we got it right. We also knew we couldn’t achieve that goal without your help.

Since the launch of The Division two years ago, we’ve remained focused on this philosophy. We continue to create more opportunities to interact directly with livestreams, ongoing surveys, and social media. We also introduced public test servers as a way of getting immediate feedback before integrating major features and changes into the game. We’ve never stopped wanting to make The Division better and our most recent 1.8 update is a testament to that, as seen from your overwhelming feedback and support.

All of these new features and experiences have made our team better, too. We’re nimbler and better prepared to take action based on feedback. And now, more than ever before, we have a clear vision of what’s important and what continues to make The Division a special experience for so many people. Following our Year 2 anniversary celebration, we’re going to keep supporting that experience with new title updates that will bring new Global Events, Xbox One X enhancements, and more.

That said, we’ve always envisioned the story in the game we launched in 2016 as the beginning chapter in a larger saga, and today we’re excited to share more info about what’s next for The Division universe.

We’re thrilled to announce that we are working on Tom Clancy’s The Division 2, and that development will be led by Massive Entertainment in collaboration with Ubisoft Reflections, Red Storm Entertainment, Ubisoft Annecy, Ubisoft Shanghai and Ubisoft Bucharest. The Division 2 will be powered by an updated version of the Snowdrop engine that enables us to realize our ambitions for the sequel, but more importantly, we’re also taking everything we learned over the past two years and applying it towards the sequel to make sure we get it right.

Part of that means recognizing your commitment to The Division. With that in mind, we’re adding a new type of achievement called “Shields” to the game. Earning them will unlock special rewards in The Division 2 when it launches.

On behalf of all the teams at Ubisoft, we thank you for the support you’ve given us over the past two years, and we hope that our continued work will earn that support for many years to come. We can’t wait to show you what we have in store for The Division 2 at E3 2018 in June. See you then!”

Julian Gerighty - Creative Director, Massive Entertainment

2018-6-11 04:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-11 09:18 PM 编辑

The Division 2 launches March 15, 2019; E3 2018 trailer, gameplay walkthrough
《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》释出宣传及实机试玩 预定 2019 年上市

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/163824.html)

  微软于本日的 2018 Xobx E3 发表会上,公开了 Ubisoft《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》最新作《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》宣传影片。

  就在年初官方透露续作正在开发中后,Ubisoft 也在 E3 展前宣布本次展览将会有《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》的最新消息。 而就在今日的微软 Xbox E3 展前发表会上,正式公开了本作的宣传影片,以及实机试玩影像。

  《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》游戏将在饱受摧残的华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,为玩家带来开放的角色扮演射击游戏体验。 这一全新的背景设定将使玩家在游戏过程中见到现实世界中标志性建筑,体验丰富的角色扮演系统和快节奏的战斗。 这些新元素将共同为玩家带来前所未有的体验。 玩家可以单独作战,或者与至多三名队友组队共同完成主线剧情,暗区 PvP 对战等多样化的游戏任务。

  在曝光宣传影片的同时,官方也宣布《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》将于 2019 年 3 月 15 日推出的消息。



The Division 2 will launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 15, 2019, Ubisoft announced during Microsoft’s E3 2018 press conference. Users can register now for a chance to play the beta at the game’s official website.

Here is an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:

Set seven months after a deadly virus was released in New York City, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 will bring players into a fractured and collapsing Washington D.C. The world is on the brink, its people living through the biggest crisis ever faced in human history. As veteran Division agents, players are the last hope against the complete fall of society as enemy factions vie for control of the city. If Washington DC is lost, the entire nation falls.

Led by Massive Entertainment in collaboration with seven other studios around the world, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 is the next evolution in the open-world online shooter RPG genre that the first game helped establish. Building upon more than two years of listening to and learnings from The Division community, Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 will offer a substantial campaign that organically flows into a robust endgame, to create a cohesive and meaningful experience for all types of players.

More information is available at the game’s official website.https://tomclancy-thedivision.ubisoft.com/game/en-us/home

《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》公开中文版宣传影片 即日开放登记 Beta 测试资格
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/1/163861.html

  《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》已于稍早的微软 Xbox E3 2018 展前发表会释出宣传影片与实机试玩影像,Ubisoft 也紧接宣布,《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》Beta 测试资格已于即日起开放登记。

  《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》为《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁》系列续作,背景设定在致命病毒席卷纽约市的七个月后,将引领玩家前进一片断垣残壁的华盛顿特区。 此时世界岌岌可危、人类面临了史上最大的危机,在敌对派系争夺城市控制权的情况下,身为经验丰富国土战略局特工的玩家,将是阻止人类社会彻底崩坏瓦解的最后希望。 一但华盛顿特区沦陷,美国将应声而倒。

  官方表示,《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》采用强化版本 Snowdrop 游戏引擎,由 Ubisoft 旗下 Massive Entertainment 工作室领军、协同遍及世界各地其它七间工作室团队合作开发,将使前作所建立起来 的开放世界在线射击 RPG 游戏类型更上一层楼。 《全境封锁》自玩家社群收集各种想法与意见长达两年之久后,《全境封锁 2》将提供内容充实的战役,并自然地链接至扎实的封顶后游戏内容,替所有类型玩家创造出有吸引力且有意义的游戏体验。

  《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》中文版将于 2019 年 3 月 15 日在 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 与 PC 平台上推出,现已开放登记 Beta 测试资格。
2018-6-12 07:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 09:56 PM 编辑

The Division 2 adds raids; E3 2018 cinematic trailer
《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》实机试玩影片 挺进崩坏瓦解的华盛顿特区

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/163973.html

  Ubisoft 在美国 E3 2018 展期正式揭露了最新续作《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》,将于 2019 年 3 月 15 日在 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 和 Windows PC 平台上市,并且会和欧美同步推出中文版 。

  时空设定在致命病毒席卷纽约市七个月后的《全境封锁 2》,将让玩家冒着高度危险前进一片断垣残壁的华盛顿特区 — 在病毒、暴风、洪水以及接踵而来的混乱下,华盛顿特区的面貌有了剧烈变化。 从淹水的都会区、崩坏的历史古迹到著名地标,玩家将进入一个充满多样化环境与生物群落的动态开放世界中;在敌对派系争夺城市控制权的情况下,身为经验丰富国土战略局特工的玩家,成了阻止人类社会彻底崩坏瓦解的最后希望。 一但华盛顿特区沦陷,美国将应声而倒。

  ㄒ由 Massive Entertainment 领军与世界各地其他七间工作室 * 合作开发的《全境封锁 2》将让前作建立起来的开放世界在线射击角色扮演游戏类型更上层楼。 包含自《全境封锁》玩家社群中收集了各种想法与意见长达两年之久后,《全境封锁 2》秉持着「终局优先」的精神制作游戏封顶后游戏内容、注重每位玩家的策略自由度,就是要带给玩家更丰富且更深刻的游戏体验。

  自上市首日开始,《全境封锁 2》的主线剧情战役将会自然地串接扎实的封顶后游戏内容,并提供新的挑战和叙事变化,为不同类型玩家创造出有吸引力又有意义的游戏体验。 当玩家达到 30 级后,他们将能够选择不同的专长,例如爆破专家、神射手或生存专家。 专长是一种既有弹性又多变化的角色发展系统,能为玩家带来新职业的技能、模块、特殊天赋与工具,例如全新的招牌武器,让玩家有新的机会成长他们的角色以及依照自己想要的方式微调装备。 此外,包罗万象的 PVP 体验、可攀升的「世界分阶」,以及彻底重新设计、重新平衡的「暗区」体验都将自游戏上市第一天起提供。 《全境封锁 2》也将带来系列首创、考验干练特工团队合作默契的全新 8 人副本「突袭行动」(Raid)。

  Ubisoft 表示,为实现对于《全境封锁 2》长期支持的承诺,在上市之后游戏将持续定期提供新的更新内容,带来全新挑战和有新鲜感的革新要素;除此之外,玩家还能享有一整年以上持续更新的免费故事剧情导向任务、 地图扩充和全新追加要素。

  《全境封锁 2》中文版将于 2019 年 3 月 15 日在 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 与 PC 平台上推出,现已开放登记 Beta 测试,玩家可透过官方网站登记 Beta 测试资格,即有机会在上市前抢先体验:ht tp://thedivisiongame.com/beta



Ubisoft announced that The Division 2 will have raids and debuted a new cinematic trailer for the game during its E3 2018 press conference.

Here are the details, via Ubisoft.com:

Set in a one-to-one recreation of Washington, D.C., The Division 2 has been shaped by all the lessons the development team learned from listening and collaborating with players since The Division‘s launch more than two years ago. As a result, the game has been developed with an endgame-first mentality. For players, this means that from day one, The Division 2‘s main campaign will naturally flow into a robust endgame with its own narrative thread and unique challenges.

Progress also continues long after Level 30. Once you reach the level cap, you’ll be able to select a Specialization. Each Specialization, like sharpshooter, demolitionist, or survivalist, comes with its own progression path. These paths introduce new skill mods, talents, and tools, including brand new signature weapons. As you further customize your Agent, you’ll also have access to a wealth of PvP experiences, including a fully revamped Dark Zone experience. Additionally, in a first for the franchise, eight-player raids will make their way to The Division 2. These challenging missions will test the skill, communication, and teamwork of even the most expert Agents.

While there will be tons of content available on day one, The Division 2 is committed to continually offering new content updates. Post-launch, the game will see the inclusion of a year’s worth of story-driven missions, map expansions, and new modes for free.

For those who want even more content, an optional premium pass will give you access to one year of exclusive add-ons.

The Division 2 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 15, 2019.

2018-8-21 09:58 PM
《全境封锁 2》公开中文典藏版信息 实体零售与数字版展开预购
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/167149.html

  Ubisoft 今日宣布,预定 2019 年 3 月 15 日在 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 及 Windows PC 平台推出的《全境封锁 2》中文版,即日起开放一般版、黄金版、终极版和典藏版的预购。

  预购任一版本的玩家将可获得菁英 Beta 封闭测试资格以及「国会守护者组合包」,内含两件游戏中物品:「摇篮曲」奇特等级 SPAS-12 霰弹枪以及危险物质 2.0 服装。


• 标准版:内含 2019 年 3 月 15 日全球推出的中文版游戏主程序
• 黄金版:内含《全境封锁 2》中文版游戏主程序(数字黄金版可享提前 3 天游玩)、提早 7 天解锁第一年所有追加内容的 Year 1 Pass 资格、独特自定义物品,以及额外活动等
• 数字终极版:内含《全境封锁 2》中文版游戏主程序(可享提前 3 天游玩)、Year 1 Pass 资格,以及 3 款额外数字组合包(菁英特工组合包、战乱特勤局组合包、第一线人员组合包)


  Ubisoft 同时揭露两款《全境封锁 2》限量典藏版「深入暗区典藏版」「凤凰护盾典藏版」,以及一尊 Ubicollectibles 独立公仔,并确认两款典藏版以及独立公仔将在亚洲地区发售。

• 《全境封锁 2》PS4 中文版游戏主程序,以及包含战乱特勤局组合包的额外数字内容
• 一尊 Ubicollectibles 设计制作的 30 公分高《全境封锁 2》特工海瑟‧华德公仔
• 以收藏盒包装的艺术印刷集、精选游戏原声配乐、华盛顿特区地图


• 《全境封锁 2》PS4 中文版游戏主程序、Year 1 Pass 资格,以及 3 款额外数字组合包(菁英特工组合包、战乱特勤局组合包、第一线人员组合包)
• Ubicollectibles 设计制作的 1/6 比例布莱恩‧强森可动公仔(附带武器和装备可拆卸配件)
• 铁盒、艺术印刷集、精选游戏原声配乐、华盛顿特区地图

  Ubisoft 同时揭露了直接取材自《全境封锁 2》里的前巴尔的摩警局狙击手、由 Ubicollectibles 设计制作的布莱恩‧强森公仔。 这尊制作精细的公仔配备神射手专用的 TAC-50C 狙击步枪,并摆出强森的招牌姿势,准备好捍卫面目全非且陷入混乱的华盛顿特区。 布莱恩‧强森公仔可以和「暗区典藏版」附赠的海瑟‧华德公仔进行组合。


  日前在 E3 起开放的《全境封锁 2》Beta 封闭测试的登记人数创下了 Ubisoft 史上成长最快的纪录,玩家可以到以下网址免费登记取得参与后续 Beta 封闭测试的机会。 预购的玩家可获得菁英 Beta 封闭测试的资格,较一般封闭测试更早提前参与测试活动。

《全境封锁 2》Beta 封闭测试登记网页:http://thedivisiongame.com/beta

  由 Massive Entertainment 领军、与世界各地其他七间工作室携手合作的《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》将让前作建立起来的开放世界在线射击角色扮演游戏类型更上层楼。 时空设定在致命病毒席卷纽约市 7 个月后,带领玩家前进一片断垣残壁的华盛顿特区。 世界岌岌可危,人类文明面临了史上最大的危机。 在敌对派系争夺城市控制权的情况下,身为经验丰富国土战略局特工的你,成为阻止人类社会彻底崩坏瓦解的最后希望。 如果华盛顿特区沦陷,美国将应声而倒。





  从前作《全境封锁》广大玩家社群收集各种想法与意见长达 2 年之后,《全境封锁 2》将提供内容充实的剧情战役,并自然地串接扎实的封顶游戏内容,为所有类型玩家创造出具吸引力又有意义的游戏体验。 游戏确认会带来 1 年的免费更新与追加内容,包含全新故事剧情导向任务、地图扩充以及全新追加要素。
2018-8-22 08:05 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-22 08:47 AM 编辑

The Division 2 Gamescom 2018 trailer, screenshots


  由 Massive Entertainment 领军、与世界各地其他七间工作室携手合作的《汤姆克兰西:全境封锁 2》将让前作建立起来的开放世界在线射击角色扮演游戏类型更上层楼。 时空设定在致命病毒席卷纽约市 7 个月后,带领玩家前进一片断垣残壁的华盛顿特区。 世界岌岌可危,人类文明面临了史上最大的危机。 在敌对派系争夺城市控制权的情况下,身为经验丰富国土战略局特工的你,成为阻止人类社会彻底崩坏瓦解的最后希望。 如果华盛顿特区沦陷,美国将应声而倒。

  从前作《全境封锁》广大玩家社群收集各种想法与意见长达 2 年之后,《全境封锁 2》将提供内容充实的剧情战役,并自然地串接扎实的封顶游戏内容,为所有类型玩家创造出具吸引力又有意义的游戏体验。 游戏确认会带来 1 年的免费更新与追加内容,包含全新故事剧情导向任务、地图扩充以及全新追加要素。

  《全境封锁 2》中文版将于 2019 年 3 月 15 日在 Xbox One、PlayStation 4 与 PC 平台上推出,现已开放登记 Beta 测试,玩家可透过官方网站登记 Beta 测试资格,即有机会在上市前抢先体验:ht tp://thedivisiongame.com/beta


Ubisoft released a new trailer and set of screenshots for its upcoming online third-person shooter sequel The Division 2 at Gamescom 2018.

Additionally, Ubisoft announced that pre-orders for the game are now available. Here are the full details:

Players who pre-order any edition will gain access to the Private Beta, as well as the Capitol Defender Pack. The Capitol Defender Pack includes two in-game items, “The Lullaby,” an exotic SPAS-12 Shotgun, and the Hazmat 2.0 Outfit. Full contents for each edition include:

• The Standard Edition includes the base game, releasing worldwide on March 15, 2019.
• The Gold Edition includes the Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 game, with a three-day early access to the game starting March 12, 2019, and the Year One Pass, which comprises seven-day early access to all free Year One Episodes, exclusive customization items, additional activities and more.
• The Digital Ultimate Edition includes the Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 game, with a three-day early access to the game starting March 12, 2019, the Year One Pass and three additional digital packs (Elite Agent Pack, Battleworn Secret Service Pack, First Responder Pack).

Ubisoft also unveiled the Dark Zone and Phoenix Shield Collector’s Editions and a Ubicollectibles© standalone figurine.

The Dark Zone Definitive Collector’s Edition includes:

• The Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 game, with a three-day early access to the game starting March 12, 2019, the Year One Pass which comprises seven-day early access to free Year One Episodes, and three additional digital packs (Elite Agent Pack, Battleworn Secret Service Pack, First Responder Pack).

• A 30cm-high Ubicollectibles figurine of Heather Ward, a Tom Clancy’s The Division® 2 Specialized Agent.

• Other high-end physical items including a STEELBOOK© metal case, a Book of Lithographs, the selected Game Soundtrack and a Washington, D.C. Map.

The Phoenix Shield Collector’s Edition is available for pre-order exclusively on the Ubisoft Store. It includes:
• The Tom Clancy’s The Division 2 Game, with a three-day early access to the game starting March 12, 2019, the Year One Pass and three additional digital packs (Elite Agent Pack, Battleworn Secret Service Pack, First Responder Pack).

• An Ubicollectibles high-end sixth scale Articulated Figurine of Brian Johnson, an agent on active duty with equipment and gear.

• Other high-end physical items including a SteelBok metal case (a Ubisoft Store exclusive), a Book of Lithographs, a selected Game Soundtrack and a Washington, D.C. Map.

In addition Ubisoft also revealed its Ubicollectibles Brian Johnson figurine, a former sniper with the Police department in Baltimore, directly inspired from Tom Clancy’s The Division 2. Finely-textured, this figurine shows the agent in an iconic pose equipped with the TAC-50C Sniper rifle, the signature weapon of the sharpshooter specialization class, ready to defend a transformed and chaotic Washington D.C.

The Brian Johnson figurine can be assembled with the Heather Ward figurine from The Dark Zone Collector’s Edition.

The Division 2 is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 15, 2019

2018-8-23 07:57 PM

  育碧旗下的《全境封锁》可以说是经历了发售前“万众期待”,发售后“问题重重”以及后续运营上的“逐步改进”。在经历了这样的大起大落之后,育碧方面在开发《全境封锁2(The Division 2)》时从中吸取了很多教训。近日,游戏开发工作室Massive娱乐总经理David Polfeldt在接受外媒Gamesindustry采访时,就把《全境封锁2》的开发比作是“二次婚姻”。




2018-9-28 04:56 PM
《全境封锁2》武器系统详情公布 引进新武器种类重做武器天赋系统

  将在明年3月份发售的《全境封锁2(Tom Clancys The Division 2)》,不仅将把游戏的主要战场从纽约搬到了华盛顿,而且还将在玩法系统上做出众多调整,在之前我们曾经报道过新作中新引进的三种专精职业系统。而在昨晚对于新作的武器系统的变化调整,官方在相关公告中给出了详细说明。具体如下:


· 枪械种类




· 特制武器


· 手雷



· 神枪手(Sharpshooter):将可以装备闪光手雷
·  爆破兵(Demolitionist):将可以装备燃烧手雷
· 求生专家(Survivalist):可以装备破片手雷


· 武器配件





· 武器天赋


2018-10-4 05:03 PM

  《全境封锁2》距离正式发售还有半年时间,开发商Massive Entertainment已经开始释出一些不同于前作的情报,包括武器的调整,并会加入新的武器分类设定,制作团队保证会有更加有趣的差异。






  《全境封锁2》将继续使用育碧自家研发的新版Snowdrop 2.0引擎,让开发团队可以在极短的时间内打造出1:1呈现、历经转变的华盛顿特区。透过大幅跃进的画面及技术来实现对这部作品的野心。其中包含支援高细节照明模组、浓雾、反光以及水体渲染与模拟等先进技术。幸存者逐渐适应了灾后的世界,平民开始建造全新的社群聚落,而国土战略局特工首先必须保护平民免于掠夺者与搜刮者的伤害,夺回对城市的控制权以及帮助人民重建都市。玩家将持续与游戏中的平民紧密合作以帮助他们求生、确保足够的资源并且重建家园,逐步揭露背后的武装集团与旧政府阴谋并且对抗更庞大的势力。


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