本帖最后由 yzding 于 2016-12-16 04:48 AM 编辑


全新打造{ 韩式的梦幻浪漫}与{欧式的高贵典雅}
*配合我们新搬迁Wedding In House Fair,12-18 Dec 2016
促销配套只需RM 3699 nett!! !
签购我们任何配套[档案全赠](All Softcopy Return)
*YZD Wedding Gallery
*联络号码 :016 793 3313
*营业时间 :11:00am - 9.00pm
*YZD Wedding Gallery 地址 :191-191A,jalan kenanga 29/4,Indahpura,81000 Kulaijaya(Aeon Kulai旁边)
(google map搜寻 YZD Wedding Gallery 就找到我们地址啦)
ZHI DING YEOH Is Owner and Founder of YZD Wedding Gallery
-2016 workshop and speaker In HongKong By International portrait and wedding photographers association
-2016 Workshop in Taiwan by Top Global of Wedding Photographer Association
-2016 Workshop in Shanghai By Apsc-2015 Top Weds Asia 30 outstanding wedding photographer
-2015 1st half competition AsiaWpa bride alone-Winner
-2015 WPPA international Bride Alone-2nd place
-2015 WPPA International Maternity-3rd place
-2015 The MPA Malaysia Wall of Fame Contest -Best 30
-2015 MPA(U.K) Merit x 5
-2015 speaker in WPPA International
-2014 Oneyeland Award wedding -finallist
-2014 WPPI 1st half online competition silver Award
-2014 MPA AWARD(UK)Overseas Licentiate Of The Year Merit winner
-2014 MPA AWARD(UK)Award Of Excellence winner
-2014 ONEYELAND Award Finalist
-2014 LWPPAsia member
-2014 SWPP member(UK)
-2014 LMPA member(UK)
-2014AWPPI member(U.S)-2012 WPPM Professional member
-2013 WPPI 1st half online competition 2nd place winner
-2012 WPPM Winner bride and Groom Alone Professional Category
-2012 International Loupe Awards 2012 Bronze Award
-2012 WPPI 2nd half online competition Winner People's Choice Award