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2018-9-2 10:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-3 08:31 PM 编辑

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy teases next DLC guest character

  NIS America(日本一美国分部)日前公布了《SNK女主角组队热斗》的DLC新角色的剪影。之前该游戏公布的DLC新角色为百万亚瑟王系列中的神偷亚瑟。



NIS America has released a silhouette of the a new guest downloadable fighter coming to SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy following the recently announced Thief Arthur.

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy is due out for PlayStation 4 and Switch on September 6 in Japan, and September 7 in North America and Europe.
2018-9-3 07:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-3 07:38 PM 编辑

SNK teases ‘new game announcement’ for September 10
SNK 开设神秘新作倒数网页 预定 9 月 10 日晚间揭晓详情

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/0/167740.html

  SNK 今(3)日在官方网站开设标题为「NEW SNK GAME ANNOUNCEMENT」的神秘倒数网页,以乌云为背景衬托出「A NEW DAWN REISES(一个新黎明的崛起)」的口号,预告将于日本时间 9 月 10 日(一)19:0 0 发表新作游戏。

  目前网页上并未透露新作内容的具体信息,不过因为索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲(SIEJA)日前曾宣布将于日本时间 9 月 10 日(一)18:30 举办 PS4 新作游戏发表会「layStation LineUp Tour」,刚好跟 SNK 新作游戏预计的发表时间接近,预料该新作应该跟 PS4 有关。



SNK has launched a teaser website titled “New SNK Game Announcement” featuring the text “A New Dawn Rises” and a countdown ending on September 10 at 19:00 JST.

The website will update 30 minutes into the hour-long PlayStation Lineup Tour video live show, which will act as Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia’s pre-Tokyo Game Show 2018 presentation, that starts at 18:30 JST on the same day,.

SNK previously announced The King of Fighters XIV at Sony’s pre-Tokyo Game Show 2015 event.
2018-9-10 06:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-10 07:42 PM 编辑

Samurai Spirits announced for PS4
人气剑戟格斗游戏系列新作《侍魂 SAMURAI SHODOWN》2019 年登场

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/168023.html

  株式会社 SNK(总部:大阪府吹田市、社长:外山 公一)今(10)日宣布,剑戟格斗游戏《侍魂(SAMURAI SHODOWN,日本名称:SAMURAI SPIRITS)》将于 2019 年正式发售。

  名称回归原点的《侍魂》是 1993 年问世后风靡一时大受欢迎的的剑戟格斗游戏《侍魂》系列最新作,距离前作《侍魂 闪》相隔 10 年后以全新面目再次登场! 采用最新 Unreal Engine 4 引擎制作,霸王丸、娜可露露、加尔福特等历代人气角色将以崭新的视觉表现开展激烈的战斗。

SNK has announced Samurai Spirits for PlayStation 4. It will launch in 2019.

Visit the teaser website https://www.snk-corp.co.jp/official/samuraispirits/

2018-9-28 10:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-28 05:17 PM 编辑

SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy DLC character Skullo Mania from Fighting EX Layer announced
《SNK女主角组队热斗》公布新角色 某格斗游戏角色女体化

  SNK公布PS4/Switch游戏《SNK女主角组队热斗》的第二名DLC角色为来自《FIGHTING EX LAYER》的骷髅狂热者(CV:甲斐田裕子),他将会女体化在本作中登场,具体推出日期为10月中旬(美版10月11日)。

  《SNK女主角组队热斗》现已在 9 月 6 日登陆日本地区PS4/Switch,9月7日登陆欧美地区。


SNK Heroines: Tag Team Frenzy will add Skullo Mania from Fighting EX Layer as a paid downloadable content character on October 11, publisher NIS America and developer SNK announced.

Here is an overview of the character, via western publisher NIS America:

Skullo Mania is your local hero to save us all! In his normal life he recently found employment as a productive salaryman with his pet dog, pochiro. However, he has been troubled recently by the fact that he has been missing pockets of his memory where he turns into the masked fighter, Skullo Mania. With these mixed feeling he has also discovered new powers within himself. What is to become of our masked hero?!
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