我这里包括我已经有四个成员了,如果有兴趣加入我们的一员,欢迎pm 询问
Kampar Putra Single storey/ double storey family style home opposite to pettronas(prefer, without aircon) finding for Housemate
MEDIUM Room available
Start from May 15th
Full furniture
Air-Con (double storey no aircon)
Washin machine
Individual electric meter
Water Heater
Allowed cook
8mbps streamyx( if streamyx available, if not then 4mbps)
Under Private Owner
No Smoking! No bad attitude!!

Common area utilities expenses divide to 5 people

Feel interested to join,  Pm for detail and discuss

LOW PRICE!!!!!!!!
LOW PRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!

PS. Maximum 5 people in 1 house(for kampar putra:, double storey no limitations) already have 4 people, left 1 slot!~
If leaving, have to announces before 3month, or find a person to replace