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【PS3/Xbox 360/PC】Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel

2015-1-28 07:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-28 07:08 PM 编辑

《边缘禁地:续集前传》Hammerlock 女爵包今日推出

  2K 和 Gearbox Software《边缘禁地:续集前传》全新追加内容「Hammerlock女爵包」今日已在 Xbox 360、PlayStation®3 和 Windows PC 平台上推出(将于 1 月 29 日在欧洲和大洋洲的 PS3 平台上推出)。

  「Hammerlock 女爵包」收录了《边缘禁地:续集前传》的最新可扮演角色 Lady Aurelia 女爵,她是《边缘禁地 2》里的 Sir Hammerlock 的姐姐。身怀全新动作技巧 「冷若冰霜(Cold as Ice)」的 Lady Aurelia 带着一把狙击枪,从在轨道上的 Turbomansion 来到卫星 Pandora 上。她还拥有三个新的技能树,有能力造成冰冻伤害,也有能力把合作队友变成她的仆人。


  「Hammerlock 女爵包」是《边缘禁地:续集前传》四套追加内容包里的第三套,已包含在《边缘禁地:续集前传》优惠套装(收录价值 39.96 美金的内容,只卖 29.99 美金,不包含《边缘禁地:续集前传》主游戏,但需要《边缘禁地:续集前传》主游戏才能玩所含内容。也需要 Xbox Live、PlayStation®Network 或 Steam 账号和因特网联机)内。每套追加内容包也可用 9.99 美金的价格单独购买。《边缘禁地:续集前传》优惠套装可让玩家取用全部四套追加内容包,并可在这些内容包于 Xbox Live、PSN、Windows PC、Mac和 Linux 平台上推出时立即下载。《边缘禁地:续集前传》优惠套装也包含了先前释出的「Handsome Jack 分身包」,以及「终极寻宝猎人升级包:狂袭全像巨蛋」。

  《边缘禁地:续集前传》已上市,推出 Xbox 360、PS3 以及 Windows PC 三种版本。PC 版建议售价新台币 1,190 元, Xbox 360 版建议售价新台币 1,390 元, PS3 版建议售价新台币 1,490 元。《边缘禁地:续集前传》的游戏软件分级为限制级。
2015-3-12 07:03 PM
2015-4-1 07:28 AM
2018-5-16 06:29 PM
针对《边缘禁地 3》E3 公布消息一事 开发商 Gearbox Software 执行长出面发表响应
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/162654.html

  游戏开发商 Gearbox Software 执行长 Randy Pitchford 今(16)日于个人推特页上以描述一名表演者故事,间接响应此事并表示《边缘禁地 3》不会在 E3 亮相。

  日前有消息透露《边缘禁地》系列续作《边缘禁地 3》将可能在 E3 前公布消息,然而今日游戏开发商执行长 Randy Pitchford 响应此事:「我可以直接说游戏并不会在 E3 亮相,但许多人还是会选择他所想要相信的。 」

以下为 Randy Pitchford 个人推特内容:

  Todd Robbins 是一名厉害的表演者,他会表演在脸上钉钉子或是吃灯泡,这些是真的,但是他也会表演魔术,而这些是假的。

  他曾说过:「当我让东西消息时(这是一个魔术,是假的),人们都保证这是真的,但是当我吃一个灯泡(这不是魔术,是真的)时,人们会断言这是一个伎俩。 」

  重点在于,我们的本能会倾向坚持那些我们「想要」相信的东西,而无视那些违反我们希望的真相,不管到底有没有证据。 我们需要具有独立思考的能力的头脑来看清现实。

  举例还说,我现在可以明确的写出《边缘禁地 3》不会在 E3 亮相,许多人会选择不相信。 而这些人会找一种说法来说服自己所想要相信的,而不管其他真相是什么。


  事实上,人类这方面的本能强大,导致这类的争论只有增加、没有减少,感觉就好像《边缘禁地 3》注定会成为下一款《战栗时空 3》似的。

  《边缘禁地 3》对许多人来说很重要,我爱你们。 Gearbox Software 正在努力的工作,以创造出令人兴奋的事物,希望能为你们带来快乐。 你们的热情激励着我们,谢谢! 我爱你们!
2018-10-9 10:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-10-9 10:51 PM 编辑

Borderlands 2 VR Announced for PlayStation VR
《无主之地 2 VR》正式发表 预定 12 月 14 日登陆 PS VR平台

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201810/8920721464.html

  2K 与 Gearbox Software 宣布经典FPS 游戏《无主之地 2(Borderlands 2 》将会推出 VR 版本游戏《无主之地 2 VR》,预定于 12 月 14 日登陆PS VR(PS4)平台,负责开发的依然是 Gearbox Software。

  本作中将加入一个让时间流逝减缓的新功能“BAMF Time”,并且游戏针对只能单人游玩进行了各种调整。下面就是官方公开的宣传片与游戏画面。

  《无主之地 2》是 Gearbox 于 2012 推出的FPS游戏,采用卡通渲染其背景设定在一个名为潘朵拉的星球上,为了寻找“传说宝库”的寻宝猎人来到了这里。游戏[词语过滤-#0048]包含六种职业,分别是狂枪手、刺客、魔女、突击兵、机械术士以及面具疯子。

  《无主之地 2 VR》将于 2018 年 12 月 14 日发售,目前已经在美服PS Store开启预售,售价49.99美元。


Borderlands 2 VR Gets All Up in Your Face on PlayStation VR

2K and Gearbox Software today announced Borderlands 2 VR, that will bring the critically-acclaimed and genre-defining shooter-looter franchise to VR for the first time on December 14, 2018 on PlayStation VR. Fans who pre-order Borderlands 2 VR will also be rewarded with instant access to a dynamic PlayStation Theme featuring the game’s four iconic Vault Hunters – Salvador, Maya, Axton and Zer0.

Developed by Gearbox Software, Borderlands 2 VR brings the iconic world of Pandora to life like never before. Fans will virtually become a treasure-seeking Vault Hunter, grab 87 bazillion guns, and face off against the galaxy’s most charming psychopathic dictator, Handsome Jack, to free Pandora from the corrupt Hyperion Corporation.

Key Features

• Virtually Step onto Pandora: Step into the boots of a treasure-seeking Vault Hunter armed with 87 bazillion possible guns on a quest to line your pockets with loot and free Pandora from Handsome Jack’s clutches. Blast bandits with real-world aiming, punch bullymongs in the mouth, find the perfect gun inside a life-sized treasure chest and inspect it from every angle. Catch-aRide and race across Pandora in first-person view and experience the thrill of a psycho running toward you with grenade in-hand yelling, “Boom time!”

• Virtually Slow Time: Borderlands 2 VR includes new features unique to the VR experience to empower Vault Hunters in their fight against Handsome Jack. With Bad Ass Mega Fun Time (aka BAMF Time), players can use this new slow-mo ability to literally slow the speed of the game temporarily to set up their next attack. In addition, with the option to Teleport, players can glide across Pandora as gracefully as Claptrap (if he had grace).

• Become a Virtual Vault Hunter: Take on the role of one of four playable classes – Siren, Commando, Gunzerker and Assassin – each with unique combat styles and updated skills that leverage the new VR functionality, including the new BAMF Time ability. Whether crushing enemies with Maya’s Siren powers, calling in Sabre Turret reinforcements as Axton, feeling the heft of dual-wielded machine guns as Salvador, or the satisfying swing of Zer0’s sword in an enemy’s back, Borderlands 2 VR immerses players like never before.

• Experience Virtual Improvements: For the first time ever, players can experience the sublime exhilaration of driving around the Borderlands in first-person perspective – accelerating and steering with the joystick and aiming the vehicle’s weapons with their headset. With the use of the motion controllers and headset, players can interact with the menu systems in a new and intuitive way for the platform, easily navigating through the menus by pointing, clicking, dragging and dropping. Players will also have the choice of preferred movement styles. Whether that’s the VR popular pointed-teleportation, or the classic direct movement style with joysticks – your experience should feel good for VR and true to form of classic Borderlands.

• Get Virtually Rich: Borderlands VR brings shoot-and-loot mechanics to VR with bazillions of procedurally-generated guns and gear, each with their own capabilities and modifiers. Procedurally-generated shields, grenades, relics, class mods and more round out your Vault Hunter’s arsenal for maximum power and mayhem.

Borderlands 2 VR will be available on December 14, 2018 for the PlayStation VR. Borderlands 2 VR is single-player only. For more information, please visit the official Borderlands website.
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