韩版 ♥ Dylon布的前后U领长版背心!Cutting 显瘦 和 布质很好~
在boutique可以卖RM30 以上噢~
S-XL 都能穿!不用怕~弹性很佳~~
新款的 不再单调!!! 让你穿背心也更显特别~~两款【S 0001】 & 【S 0002】,全长76cm
【S 0001】桃红(出色) / 黑(基本显瘦款) / 米白(偏粉喔~) / 宝蓝(百搭)
【S 0002】宝蓝(百搭) / 米白(比白还来得自然,比较不会死白) / 黄(时尚) / 黑(基本显瘦款) / 湖水绿(很显人白)
这楼的背心买4件就 + 送布质很赞,市场价RM12的裹胸(接下来会介绍~)
时尚水钻珍珠雪纺无袖上衣【S 0003】
布料:珍珠雪纺 Pearl Chiffon(比较好的雪纺)
* 珍珠雪纺面料的颗粒感更强,普通雪纺则没有;珍珠雪纺垂坠感更强,普通雪纺看起来更轻飘一些,但不是飘逸的感觉。从重量上来讲,同码数的珍珠雪纺要重过普通雪纺。如果是制作夏装长裙,珍珠雪纺面料比普通雪纺的效果会更好一些,看起来够飘逸,又有足够的垂坠感。*
颜色:浅紫 / 黑 / 米白 / 浅黄(比S0002的来得柔一点) / 宝蓝
这楼的背心买4件就 + 送布质很赞,市场价RM12的裹胸(接下来会介绍~)
透气Tube 裹胸~浪漫长款【S 0004】& 普通短款【S 0005】
颜色:黑色 / 白色
【S 0004】
有塑胶,所以会稳住 不像平时买的会一直跌下来,而且比较透气,不会那么闷~
胸部比较丰满的mm 比较推荐这款~
【S 0005】
这款比 S0004 短一些,也是有塑胶,两层的~里面的布料很舒服~
♥ 我们需要的是认真的买家 We need is a SERIOUS Buyer ♥ 全部现货 All Ready-Stocks ♥
【购物须知 Term & Condition:】
1. All prices are fixed, no bargain and postage is not included.
2. Please PM us which item you're interesting.
3. Your order will be reserved for 1 days only, Please make payment within 1 days.
Unless you have any personal reason have to postpone, otherwise we will cancel your reservation.
4.Color may different due to monitor resolution.
5. 100% actual product shooting by Miss Lovely Korea Miss Lovely. Korea.Fashion.
6.All is ready stock, what you see what you get.
7. Your order will post out within 3 working days after you made the payment! (Normally will post out next day after payment made)
8. We will make sure all the stock are in good condition before post, so no exchangeable, no good refund and no exchange, exceot serious problem that we miss out, please contact us.
9. We will refund you if there are any out of stock.
怎样才算瑕疵品?How is the defective goods?
1. Goods broken. 商品破损。
2. Large area of dirt that cannot wash off. 大面积无法洗落的污迹。
3. The accessories on clothes are dropped. 衣服上的饰品掉落无法缝回。
以下问题不接受列为瑕疵品 Below are not accepted as defective goods:
1. Thread head, slight off-line or crochet. 线头,轻微脱线和钩针。
2. Dirt area below 0.5cm 0.5cm. 以下的污点。
3. Fade, shrink or other problem after wash. 洗后褪色或缩水等现象。
4. Personnel perception problem. 个人观感问题。
5. Size not fit. 尺寸不合身 。
PS: If you found defective items, please contact contact us within 3 days after received parcel, take a clear photo and pm/email us:misslovelyfashion@gmail.com
Otherwise it will not be accepted. Postage we are solely responsible.
如果您发现瑕疵品,请在收到物品3天内,拍下清楚照片,pm/email:misslovelyfashion@gmail.com 。否则将不受理。邮费我们将全权负责。
要借照片的mm们~ 请通知一声噢~~谢谢~
这些衣服都是 水精灵0亲自精挑细选的~
♥ mm们不必担心衣服的品质 都是不错的 ♥
1. 特价品 [M] 开头不列入免邮优惠。
2. 必须在 20/12 11.59pm 前汇款,才享有优惠。
3. 免邮优惠只限于西马区;东马区的宝贝们需再付RM3才享有优惠。
4. 免的是快邮POSLAJU。
Terms and Conditions:
1. Special price product [M] is excluded in this FREE SHIPPING promotion.
2. Must make complete payment before 20/12 11.59pm to enjoy this promotion.
3. FREE SHIPPING promotion only for West M'sia ; Pretties who live at East M'sia have to pay more RM3 to enjoy this promotion.
4. Free POSLAJU shipping.
Thank you for your support! 感谢支持! ^^