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2013-6-15 05:56 PM


2013-9-21 06:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-9-22 07:37 AM 编辑

TGS 2013:《D4:Dark Dreams Don't Die》新图

微软工作室、Access Games与Press Play携手合作,今日在东京电玩展上放出了即将在Xbox One上推出的新作《D4:Dark Dreams Don't Die》的最新游戏截图。

这款章节式的黑色风格冒险游戏,将会让玩家跟着私家侦探David Young 的脚步揭开故事序章,体验他如何发挥能力、回到过去的时空,解开妻子被谋杀的真相,并阻止此杀人事件的发生。

微软表示,《D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die》发挥Kinect所有功能,让玩家透过进阶手势与语音控制,在每一个场景中反应出英雄的行动和情感,进而使玩家更融入游戏。《D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die》将会在Xbox One上独家发行。

Xbox Wire:http://news.xbox.com/2013/09/tgs-d4-qa

2014-6-12 07:35 AM

2014-9-15 07:08 AM

2014-9-18 08:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-20 04:56 PM 编辑


  《D4:暗梦不灭(D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die)》是由Access Games所推出的一款XBOX One剧情式冒险游戏,日前官方确认本作于2014年9月18日登陆欧美地区,并放出了游戏的发售宣传影像,让广大玩家能够看到这款新作的实际片段。

  本作的售价为14.99美元,将包含序章、第一章和第二章的内容。游戏描述了一位名叫David Young的私家侦探的故事,他的妻子因为谋杀而死。由于无法记起她死亡时期的那些创伤事件,他决定穿越时间来阻止这场谋杀。本作中玩家们可以用Kinect或XBOX One手柄来进行游戏,并可以通过按键切换操作方式。


D4 and the Evolution of the Noir Adventure Game

Japanese mystery games tend to sit somewhere on a rather vast spectrum, ranging from the profoundly serious to the patently absurd. The work of Hidetaka Suehiro – known to his fans as Swery65 – occupies a very specific part of that spectrum, with a smart, surrealist tone all his own. Swery65 is directing the upcoming Xbox One title D4, which launches on September 19 as a $14.99 digital download for Xbox One. And don’t worry: Swery65’s signature sense of humor (as seen in 2010 cult classic Deadly Premonition) is on full display here.

D4 stars the young, eccentric, and hip David Young, whose wife was killed two years prior, and whose killer hasn't yet been brought to justice. David, for his part, possesses the special ability to re-experience moments from the past, simply by touching mementos – such as, say, a strappy, summery high-heeled shoe. When David's crazy roommate attacks him (with a live mouse inside her mouth) in one of the game’s early scenes, David starts to reminisce about the time when she “suddenly” moved in, and wisps nostalgic about how she would often bring him dinner.

D4 can be played using either a controller or Kinect – and the Kinect integration fits in very nicely with the game’s tone. When you choose this control method, looking around the room is handled with wide swipe gestures; if you want to examine an object, you merely perform a grabbing gesture with your hand. When facing off against the crazy roommate, you use quick hand movements to dodge and deflect various kitchenware that she hurls your way. At one point, when she climbs onto the kitchen table, you can grab her shoulders quickly and pull her down. It’s weird stuff, made all the weirder by the fact that you’re doing it yourself.


2015-4-29 07:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-5 06:37 PM 编辑

D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die Coming to PC

微软与Access Games、Press Play合作的黑色推理游戏D4ark Dreams Don't Die下载数达130万次!而D4也宣布移植到PC平台上。

PC版与Xbox One的差异为

● 画面将会有所调整以及修复Bug

D4: Dark Dreams Don't Die coming to PC

D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die, Access Games’ episodic Xbox One adventure game, is coming to PC, director Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro announced.

“The catalyst for this port was the presentation I did at GDC, where we made a PC version experimentally to demonstrate the point that we could provide emotional immersion and recreate human sensations even without Kinect on hand and it was designed to be playable with nothing but a mouse,” Swery told Famitsu.

“Prior to my presentation, we had heard from a lot of people who said that they wanted to play D4, but don’t own an Xbox One, but afterwards when people knew that a PC version existed, they were really keen on seeing it get an actual release and created some buzz on social media.”

The next month will be dedicated to clearing the PC version of bugs.

Swery continued, “This past April, the staff has been working really hard day and night to get all aspects of the game ported over, so hopefully May will be focused on taking care of bugs.”

A release date was not announced.
2015-11-6 06:38 PM
Swery65 taking a short break from game development

Important news

Hi everyone.

Unfortunately, I have some bad news for you all.

Starting today, I will be taking a short break from game development, in order to focus on recovering from reactive hypoglycemia. I'm already slow enough at making games as it is, and I feel like all I ever do is make my fans wait... But I've decided that I need to take a rest here, so that I can hopefully continue to make games in the future.

I'll keep checking my SNS accounts as much as I can, so I hope to keep seeing you all here whenever I return. So don't get mad if I go #DrinKING.

When I recover from my illness, I'm going to do my best to make games that are better and more awesome than ever before!

Please keep cheering Access Games on!

I Love You All!!

2017-8-12 04:07 PM
Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro to announce new game on September 2
《D4 暗梦不灭》制作人将在PAX上公布新作

  曾经制作《致命预感》和《D4:暗梦不灭》的Swery65工作室主要成员末弘秀孝通过推特确认,他将在今年的PAX West上公布自己的最新作品。

  末弘秀孝制作的上一款游戏是Xbox One和Win10独占的《D4:暗梦不灭》,这款游戏讲述了一位名叫David Young的私家侦探的故事,他的妻子因为谋杀而死。由于无法记起她死亡时期的那些创伤事件,他决定穿越时间来阻止这场谋杀。本作中玩家们可以用Kinect或XBOX One手柄来进行游戏,并可以通过按键切换操作方式。《D4:暗梦不灭》继承了该工作室一贯的渣画质。虽然游戏的画面差了点,但是游戏的整体素质比起他此前制作的《致命预感》还是要强上不少的。不知道在经过了三年以后,他的这款新作的游戏画面是否能有所提升……

Deadly Premoniton and D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die director Hidetaka “Swery” Suehiro will announce his first new game in three years during a panel at PAX West 2017 on September 2 between 4:30 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. PT, the event schedule reveals.

Here’s a full overview of the panel:

Coffee Time With Swery65

How I design games, what I get inspiration from, why I became a monk…

And at the end, I’ll announce my first new game in 3 years, the first since D4: Dark Dreams Don’t Die!

I will have a cup of coffee at the talk, so please bring your cup of coffee as well. When you first come up to ask me a question, I’ll ask you about what kind of coffee you like. I don’t care who you are, if you don’t love coffee like I love coffee, I’ll ask you to leave. (Pending policy approval from PAX management.)

Back in January, Suehiro announced the opening of his new studio, White Owls, which has been working on its first original project.
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