本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-23 06:52 AM 编辑
Deep Silver今天宣布,《杀手已死》即将登陆PC平台。《杀手已死:噩梦版》将于5月9日以数字和零售两种形式登陆PC,游戏同时还将包括独占内容。游戏的价格为19.99美金。
根据Deep Silver的说法,新加入的内容包括:
游戏设定在不远的未来。玩家将扮演一个名为Mondo Zappa的处刑人。他的最终目标是处死各型各色的罪犯。
The Nightmare Continues: Deep Silver brings Killer Is Dead to PC
Deep Silver today announced that Killer Is Dead is making its way to PC. The “Killer Is Dead – Nightmare Edition” will be available for retail and digital download from May 9th 2014 and feature exclusive extra content. The price will be 19.99 EUR/USD/GBP.
The additional content includes
• New difficulty mode called Nightmare Mode. In this mode, enemies can only be defeated using the following attacks: Adrenaline Burst, Dodge Burst, Headshots, so the gameplay requires far more skill and tactics. Players will not be able to use the Final Judgement finisher (QTE mode) to defeat enemies.
• Smooth Operator Pack for console will be included and unlocked after Episode 3.
• Theater Mode - Rewatch cutscenes and get extended background information on characters, helping to unravel the story after your 1st playthrough
About Killer Is Dead
Killer Is Dead is set in a not-so-distant future similar to (but not the same as) the world we know now. The player takes control of an executioner named Mondo Zappa who wields a Japanese sword in his right hand and brandishes interchangeable weapons in his left artificial arm. His ultimate goal is to execute various heinous criminals scattered around the world and beyond.
Completely unique visuals and outstanding stylish action come together to deliver an unprecedented gaming experience in Killer Is Dead. The action title is being jointly developed by Kadokawa Games and Grasshopper Manufacture, with Suda51 lending his trademark sense of style at the helm.