本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-12 06:54 PM 编辑
Fumito Ueda’s next project underway, rivals the scale of previous titles
《最后的守护者|食人巨鹰 TRICO》上田文人表示新作在做了 尚处在尝试阶段看画面还要等等
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以《ICO》《旺达与巨像》《食人巨鹰 TRICO》等作品闻名的游戏制作人上田文人在本周Fami通杂志中接受了采访,就他的新作品谈及了一些内容。以下为根据文字速报整理的要点内容:
·接受 KOWLOON NIGHTS 的支援是因为这次目标的作品规模比较大,没有一个大组织支撑很难实现。
·这次的新作不是一个独立游戏,最终想要做成跟《ICO》《旺达与巨像》《食人巨鹰 TRICO》同等的规模。
·首先大致有个概念,在初期阶段获得KOWLOON NIGHTS的支援。然后根据状况找一个发行商合作扩大开发体制,大概是这样。
The next project from Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian creator Fumito Ueda and his genDesign studio is currently underway and will rival the scale of his previous works, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.
Here are the tidbits from Weekly Famitsu’s interview with Ueda:
• “We’re in a stage of various trials. This stage we’re in, where we’re actually making our ideas to test if they’re interesting or not, is being supported by
Kowloon Nights (a game fund), so we’re proceeding with prototyping.”
• “We’re working out the core parts first, and from there we’ll make it into a stable product. That’ss our challenge this time.”
• “What we’re making now doesn’t feel like an indie game. We’re ultimately aiming for something on the scale of Ico, Shadow of the Colossus, and The Last Guardian.”
• “If larger-scale development becomes of interest to us, then I think we will significantly expand our development system and take it to a large-scale development team to make it a big game.”、
• “This will be a completely new title, not a sequel.”
(Editor’s Note: The image above was posted on the
genDesign website on January 2 underneath the company’s New Year 2018 message.