本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-7-17 06:38 PM 编辑
New Dishonored Content: Daud's adventure concludes in The Brigmore Witches
Darkness or Redemption? The final path of Daud, the man behind the assassination of Dunwall's Empress, will be determined in Dishonored's last add-on, The Brigmore Witches.
If you completed The Knife of Dunwall, you will be able to carry over your save file to The Brigmore Witches. If you haven't finished the content yet, you still have plenty of time - The Brigmore Witches arrives on Xbox 360, PS3, and Steam for $9.99 or 800 MS Points next month on August 13th. PS3 players in Europe will be able to purchase the content a day later on August 14th.
After discovering the identity and intentions of Delilah, the leader of the Brigmore Witch coven, you set out to disrupt her from completing a powerful ritual that will spell your doom. Having already been betrayed by your lieutenant, Billie Lurk, you must rely on feuding gang factions—the Dead Eels and the Hatters—to negotiate your way through previously unseen districts of Dunwall en route to Delilah’s stronghold. Regardless of the way you reach your destination, one thing is for certain – you will finally answer for your treacherous actions and fall before the mercy, or punishment, of the Royal Bodyguard and Assassin, Corvo Attano.
• New Powers, Weapons and Gadgets: The mark of the Outsider empowers you with unique supernatural abilities. Quickly draw your enemies towards you and suspend them helplessly in air or use them as a human shield with ‘Pull’. Call upon the Whalers to assist in combat with ‘Summon Assassin’ and track down hidden Runes and Bone Charms with ‘Void Gaze’. To aid in your dangerous exploits your customized arsenal of weapons and gadgets will include Chokedust to daze your enemies, whale oil-powered Stun Mines to shock your targets, and a concealed Wristbow to launch sleep darts and explosive bolts.
• Explore More of Dunwall: Make your way through Draper’s Ward and explore its streets, hazardous sewers and the two rival gangs’ home bases: the textile mills and the boat docks. Revisit the rotting Coldridge Prison, which you must infiltrate in order to free the dangerous but imprisoned leader of the Dead Eels gang. Finally, attack the gothic Brigmore Manor, where Delilah and her Brigmore Witches dwell and await your reckoning.
• Choose Your Path: In your quest to thwart Delilah’s plans, approach each mission with your own style. Your redemption – or your turn towards darkness – depends on your skills and the decisions you make. Determine your ultimate fate as you conclude Daud’s journey in The Brigmore Witches.
• Persistent Playthrough: Continue your journey from The Knife of Dunwall through The Brigmore Witches in the truest sense. Your power, weapon and item upgrades, Chaos level, and player actions from The Knife of Dunwall will carry over via a compatible save file option.
《耻辱》全新DLC布里格摩尔女巫 新刺杀对象
去年的黑马作品《耻辱(Dishonored)》令人印象深刻,而时过半年之后开发商Arkane Studios也不想让玩家们忘记该作。Bethesda正式公布《耻辱》最新的DLC“布里格摩尔女巫(The Brigmore Witches)”,该DLC将于2013年8月13日登陆PS3和XBOX360平台,售价为9.99美元和800微软点数。
如果你之前打通来的DLC“顿沃城匕首THE KNIFE OF DUNWALL)”,那么在该DLC中的存档可以继承到DLC“布里格摩尔女巫”中。