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【Xbox One/PS4/PC】Just Cause 3

2014-11-5 07:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-14 06:04 PM 编辑

Avalanche Studios has clarified that Just Cause 3 will not have microtransactions

Just Cause 3 Unveiled!

“When will you make Just Cause 3?"

We’ve lost count of the times we’ve been asked that question in the last few years. No matter if we’ve issued a press release about building a new studio, sponsored some event or posted photos of food to our personal Instagram accounts – the most frequent topic of conversation has somehow always been Rico and his huge sandbox world filled with crazy emergent gameplay.

Well, we’re beyond excited to finally unveil Just Cause 3 to the world! In a massive 12 page blowout, Game Informer are sharing their impressions after hours of exclusive hands-on time with the game. Rico is also gracing their cover, where he’s leaping from a building while firing his grapple mid-air, surrounded by helicopters and fighter jets. It’s an artist’s rendition, but the scenario could just as easily have been created in-game – the chaotic diorama is exactly what Just Cause is all about.

Following last week's rumours and speculation, we also wanted to take the opportunity to address a few misconceptions. Those leaked screenshots were taken from an ancient version of Just Cause 3. Like most games, this one went through an exploratory phase where we looked at different control schemes, different technologies, different business models. Those leaked screenshots show aspects of that process, and in no way reflect the game we are making today.

To be perfectly clear: Just Cause 3 will be available in 2015 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC. It will be distributed as a retail box and digital download. It is not a Free To Play game. It does not feature in-game micro transactions.

Does that mean we'll release the game and call it quits? Nope. Beyond launch, we are likely to look into DLC packs and items as part of our ambition to support Just Cause 3 and its players for many years to come, but until that time we’re completely focused on making the best Just Cause game we possibly can. Rest assured it will be a huge, fully packed and extremely rewarding experience right out of the gate.

We can't wait to see your reactions to what we've created. Just Cause 3 truly represents the next generation of chaotic sandbox fun. But just like real sandboxes, ours doesn't really come to life until it's populated by crazy kids refusing to let go of the red barrel as it's shooting across the sky about to explode in a sea of fire, and... Wait, where are we going with this again?


Christofer Sundberg, Co-founder and Chief Creative Officer of Avalanche Studios

2014-11-7 06:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-12 07:15 AM 编辑

Just Cause 3 Xbox One Screenshots Leaked

So today here at xbox underground we got our hands on some exclusive Just Cause 3 Xbox One screenshots. These are legitimate screenshots taken from a debug build of the game on Xbox one.


《正当防卫3》更多泄露截图 或有微交易要素

  此前曾有传闻透露,国外论坛Xbox Underground放出了四张据说是《正当防卫3》的泄露截图。而日前该论坛又放出了三张本作的全新泄露截图,这批截图不仅有游戏场景和人物的画面,还包含游戏加载画面和微交易方面的内容。

  实际上早在2014年4月时Square Enix公司就曾经注册了《正当防卫3》的域名,不过此后该公司并没有什么新动作。本次连续出现本作的相关传闻是否意味着本作已经正式着手开发了呢?具体情报还有待官方证实。

消息来源 - http://xbox-underground.com/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=47

2014-11-13 06:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-14 06:06 PM 编辑

驰骋天际的高度自由《正当防卫 3(Just Cause 3)》正式发表 预定 2015 年问世

  于 2010 年推出 2 代后,其系列开发团队 Avalanche Studios 便陆续暗示着续作的可能性,日前终于藉由最新一期的 Game Informer 杂志正式发表了开放世界动作游戏《正当防卫(Just Cause)》系列最新作《正当防卫 3(Just Cause 3)》,并独家曝光了 3 张画面截图。本作预定 2015 年在 PS4、Xbox One、PC 等 3 平台上发售。而在线游戏平台 Steam 也公开了初步的设定与特色供玩家们参考。

  根据 Steam 上的数据,本作的故事发生在邻近地中海、饱受血腥残酷统治的 Medici 共和国,当时手握大权的是一名对于权力集度迷恋的独裁者 - Di Ravello 将军,玩家则是依旧要扮演系列主角 Rico Rodriguez,必须设法运用任何手段瓦解将军的势力。游戏内共有着超过 400 平方英哩的空间让玩家可以直上天际或是潜入海底享受极致的自由性,而为数众多的武器、装备与载具则能够激发玩家的想象力以最富创意的方式完成使命。

  保留前作就有的抓钩与降落伞,让主角无论是在高速移动或是攀爬大楼、劫持载具都能更加得心应手。而拜背景设定在地中海所赐,除了宛如度假天堂的景色外,Rico Rodriguez 还可穿上飞鼠装横越各个山头,并在岛屿上从事跳伞等极限动作,体验毫无垂直限制的乐趣。当然不可或缺的挑战任务与收藏品也一样也没少,等待着玩家细细挖掘。

  此外,Avalanche Studios 随后发出了声明驳斥日前的传闻,《正当防卫 3》将不会是一款「免费游玩(Free to Play)」作品,且系统内不会有「微交易(Microtransactions)」机制。

  PS4、Xbox One、PC《正当防卫 3》预定 2015 年问世。
2014-11-18 06:58 PM
《正当防卫3(Just Cause 3)》制作人访谈视频 打造沙箱游戏

  此前一段时间,关于《正当防卫3》的传闻可谓源源不断,而不久前国外媒体Game Informer则透露了《正当防卫3》的正式情报,并确认游戏将于2015年登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。日前Game Informer更通过其Youtube频道放出了一段本作的制作人访谈视频,通过采访Avalanche Studios的联合创始人Christofer Sundberg以及游戏总监Roland Lesterlin,让大家了解开发商是如何打造本作的沙箱游戏世界的。


2014-12-12 07:21 AM

2015-2-2 05:57 PM

2015-2-13 11:25 PM
Just Cause 3 Debut Trailer & Screens


2015-4-25 07:13 AM
Just Cause 3 gameplay reveal trailer coming next Tuesday

Just Cause 3 gameplay reveal trailer coming next Tuesday

Square Enix and Avalanche Studios are delighted to announce that the world-first gameplay reveal trailer for Just Cause 3 will be released on Tuesday 28th April at 2pm UK time.

Also revealed for the very first time today is the explosive pack artwork that will be taking centre stage for the game.

Just Cause 3 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC in Holiday 2015.

Be the first to see the trailer and all future video reveals by subscribing to the official Just Cause YouTube channel here.
2015-4-28 06:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-4-29 06:22 PM 编辑


  睽违了将近5年之久,Avalanche Studios旗下的沙盒式动作游戏代表作《正当防卫》系列终于要在今年推出续作,官方于28日首次公开了第一支实机宣传预告。



  发行商Square Enix同时公布预购玩家将能够获得「Weaponised Vehicle Pack」(武装载具包)下载内容,包含三辆搭载强大火力的独家豪华载具。


Just Cause 3 Gameplay Reveal Trailer Released

Square Enix and Avalanche Studios are delighted to debut the world-first gameplay reveal trailer for Just Cause 3. Captured straight from actual gameplay, the trailer shows Rico Rodriguez unleashing his unique brand of chaos and destruction across the Mediterranean island paradise of Medici as he seeks to destroy General Di Ravello’s hold on power by any means necessary.

Pre-order Just Cause 3 now and secure the Weaponised Vehicle Pack, shown at the end of the trailer. The Weaponised Vehicle Pack includes 3x exclusive luxury vehicles primed for action and fully loaded with the firepower to kick start a revolution.

Just Cause 3 is coming to PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC in Holiday 2015.
2015-6-20 05:44 PM
Just Cause 3 Launches December 1


Just Cause 3 Launching December 1st 2015

To support the news that JUST CAUSE 3 will be launching globally on December 1st, Square Enix and Avalanche Studios are proud to release their latest trailer - ‘THIS IS JUST CAUSE 3”, a full reveal of all the features, challenges, vehicles and weapons that players all around the world are eagerly waiting to get their hands on this Holiday.

“Just Cause 3 is one of our most anticipated titles and we’re excited to build on everything the community loved about Just Cause 2,” said Phil Rogers, CEO at Square Enix. “With a beautiful 400 square-mile sandbox, Just Cause 3 will offer players almost endless hours of creativity, destruction and awe-inspiring stunts this December 1.”

Get ready to set the world on fire on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and high-end Windows PC on December 1st 2015.

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