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【PC/PS4/Xbox One】Fallout 4

2013-11-18 06:52 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-4 06:38 PM 编辑

Fallout 4 Officially Announced
《辐射4》正式发表 将跨 PS4、Xbox One 与 PC 三平台推出

  Bethesda Softworks 今日晚间正式发表《辐射(Fallout)》系列最新作《辐射4》,确定将跨 PS4 / Xbox One / PC 平台推出,同时开设游戏官方网站与公布首部宣传预告影片。

  在这段宣传预告影片中,玩家将随着主角饲养的狼犬的引导,穿梭在现代与过去交错的场景,一窥相隔近 5 年后,在世代交替的最新硬件平台上呈现的核战浩劫后开放世界舞台的景观。

  更多详情将在 Bethesda Softworks 预定 6 月 14 日晚间(※)举办的 E3 展前发表会中揭晓。

※ 马来西亚时间 6 月 15 日上午 9:30

  等待终于结束,Bethesda 于 2015 年 6 月 3 日时间晚间十点正式公布《辐射》系列新作《辐射 4(Fallout 4)》,本作将由获奖无数的 Bethesda Game Studios 操刀,将带来继《上古卷轴 4:遗忘之都》、《辐射 3》以及《上古卷轴 5:无界天际》之后,最令人惊奇的次世代开放世界废土之旅。

  「我们都知道这游戏对于大家意味着什么」Bethesda Game Studios 游戏总监 Todd Howard 表示:「充足的时间与强大的次世代技术将允许我们开创前所未有的高峰,老实说我们从未这么兴奋过,并且已迫不及待要与大家分享更多有关《辐射 4》的消息! 」

  有关《辐射 4》的实机影片预计将会在今年 Bethesda 的 E3 展前发会上公布(时间 6 月 15 日),而游戏预计将在 Xbox One / PlayStation 4 / PC 上登场。


游戏原名:Fallout 4
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC
开发厂商:Bethesda Game Studios
发行厂商:Bethesda Softworks



Bethesda Announces Fallout 4

Bethesda, a ZeniMax Media company, today confirmed the upcoming global release of Fallout 4, the next generation of open-world gaming. The world premiere of the game will take place during Bethesda’s E3 Showcase being held at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, California on June 14th beginning at 7.00pm PST, and streamed live around the world via Twitch and YouTube.

Fallout 4 is being developed for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PC by award-winning Bethesda Game Studios under the direction of Todd Howard. This eagerly-awaited game is the follow up to the 2008 ‘Game of the Year’, Fallou 3, and the first title from the world-renowned studio since the release of their global phenomenon and 2011 ‘Game of the Year’, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

“We know what this game means to everyone,” said Game Director, Todd Howard, “The time and technology have allowed us to be more ambitious than ever. We’ve never been more excited about a game, and we can’t wait to share it.”

The game’s official trailer, created in-game at Bethesda Game Studios, can be viewed at: www.fallout4.com.

2013-12-12 07:18 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-3 11:25 PM 编辑

Bethesda注册《辐射4》商标 新作即将到来?



Leaked Documents Reveal That Fallout 4 is Real, Set in Boston

Still upset about that massive Fallout 4 hoax? Here's some good news for you: The next entry in Bethesda's post-apocalyptic RPG series is real, it's in development right now, and, as rumored, it appears to be set in Boston, according to casting documents obtained by Kotaku.

Kotaku:http://kotaku.com/leaked-documen ... l-set-in-1481322956







2014-3-3 07:36 AM
《辐射4》剧情大展望:从零开始 将会更加丰富






2015-6-3 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-3 06:20 PM 编辑

《辐射》系列官方网站展开倒数计时 预定 3 日晚间揭晓新作情报

  Bethesda Softworks 于 2 日在《辐射(Fallout)》官方网站开设倒数计时网页,预告将于 3 日晚间 22:00 公布《辐射》系列新消息,推测应为睽违数年的系列最新作《辐射 4》。


  《辐射》是款以核战浩劫后世界为背景的角色扮演游戏,1997 年问世至今总共推出 6 款系列作,最新一款为 2010 年推出的《辐射:新维加斯》,已经相隔近 5 年未有新作登场。

  先前就曾传出不少关于《辐射 4》的小道消息,如今 Bethesda Softworks 终于正式宣告将于今(3)日公布《辐射》系列新作的消息。 由于 Bethesda Softworks 预定于 14 日晚间举办自家的 E3 展前发表会,因此预料今日公布的内容应为预告性质,详情将保留到发表会揭晓。

  喜爱《辐射》系列的玩家不妨密切注意今晚 22:00 即将公布的内容。
2015-6-15 07:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-15 07:29 PM 编辑

【E3 15】欢迎回归完全开放式废土世界! 《辐射 4》游戏内容详情发表

  Bethesda 今(15)日于年度电玩盛会「美国电子娱乐展(E3 展)」展前举办的发表会中,揭露《辐射》系列新作 Xbox One / PlayStation 4 / PC《辐射 4(Fallout 4)》详细内容。 发表会中表示在《辐射 3》推出之后,Bethesda Game Studios 精心雕琢长达 4 年,将为玩家带来次世代规格的《辐射 4》开放式废土世界体验!


  《辐射 4》游戏开头,是在核灾爆发前的一个宁静的午后开始,玩家将要完全自创自己的分身,除了男性之外同时也可以创建女性角色,并且为自己的角色配建能力点数。 在开场的和平序幕之后,核灾将会爆发,主角一家人躲入地下避难所后,游戏舞台即跳到 200 年后的灾后世界。 玩家将在这个完全开放式的废土世界中探索,来探索世界并解开包含为何跳至 200 年后的众多谜团。


  发表会中解说《辐射 4》承袭系列强调 “完全开放世界” 的玩法并且进一步进化为次世代的规格。 游玩时可以自由选择要透过第一人称或第三人称来体验 4 代的废土世界。 玩家将会在核灾后残废的波士顿市中心探索,并结识忠心的 “狼犬” 并在牠的协助下结伴同行。


  在发表中也可以一窥到《辐射 4》具备了庞大的客制化要素。 除了自创玩家的分身角色之外,还可以建设住宅、打造城镇来振兴这个残破的世界。 玩家还可以组合各种零件来打造属于自己的独特武器,甚至还可以客制自己的装甲!


  同时,也揭露了游戏中的接口将以全新的手持装置来呈现,可以在该装置中确认各种选单、加成玩家数值甚至游玩小游戏。 同时《辐射 4》限定版也会同捆此装置的酷炫实体产品。 Bethesda 还特地为了这个选单要素打造了附属的 iOS / Android app 来和游戏连动。


  而现场也加码宣布,将会推出和《辐射 4》同世界观的智能型手机游戏《辐射:庇护所》,玩家将可以在这个以 4 代为背景的仿真游戏中,建设并经营自己的避难所,来配给灾民各种食物、水等民生资源,还要建设各种设施,甚至让居住者繁衍下一代。 Bethesda 强调《辐射:庇护所》为一款不用连上网络就可以游玩的单机免费游戏,同时发表会结束后已在全球上架提供下载。


  在发表会最后,Bethesda 也公布《异尘余生 4》将在 2015 年 11 月 10 日于 Xbox One / PlayStation 4 / PC 上登场。



2015-6-16 07:08 AM
Fallout 4 Launches November 10, First Gameplay, Pip-Boy Edition Revealed


Fallout 4 Arriving November 10 Worldwide

Bethesda Softworks, a ZeniMax Media company, today announced that the eagerly-awaited Fallout 4 will be available worldwide on Tuesday, November 10, 2015 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and PC. On November 10, Bethesda will also release the Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition – a premium collector’s edition - through participating retailers across the globe.

In addition to including the highly-anticipated game, Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition includes:

• Pip-Boy Replica, Stand and Capsule Case - This wearable device faithfully replicates the in-game model and comes complete with RobCo Industries stand, custom-printed capsule, adjustable foam cuff, rotating knobs and lights. Designed to accommodate a variety of smartphone devices with customizable foam inserts, the Pip-Boy is the ultimate accessory for the official Pip-Boy companion mobile app that allows players to manage their in-game inventory, perks, holotapes, and more.

• Physical Pip-Boy Pocket Guide - Featuring handy illustrations and chock full of Vault-Tec approved tips, this manual is the ultimate how-to pocket guide for using and maintaining your new Pip-Boy.

• Physical Vault-Tec Perk Poster - Keep track of your perks with your very own physical Vault-Tec perk poster, fully-colorized retro fun for the quintessential Wasteland survivor.

• Power Armor Collectible Metal Packaging - Exclusive to the Pip-Boy Edition, this decorated metal case is the ultimate fan collectible.

The Fallout 4 Pip-Boy Edition will be available through pre-order in the coming days and retails for $119.99 (US),
2015-6-26 06:30 PM
Bethesda 同意一名死忠粉丝以 2240 个瓶盖来预购《辐射4》

  日前国外有名热爱《辐射3》的玩家 GatorMacheteJr 花了七年多存了 11.2 磅瓶盖(注:瓶盖为《辐射》世界中交易的货币),花钱送到游戏厂商 Bethesda 看看是否可以用这些瓶盖来预购新作《辐射4》,结果 GatorMacheteJr 今日表示,Bethesda 不仅收下了这些瓶盖,同时同意会兑现这笔交易。 随后 Bethesda 也证实了这件事。

  GatorMacheteJr 日前在国外论坛提到,由于多年来《辐射3》是他最爱的游戏,他决定开始存瓶盖,结果在他修读大学与硕士课程 7.5 年间他大量喝饮料,存了 11.2 磅的瓶盖。 后来他决定花钱把这些瓶盖运送到美国马里兰州的 Bethesda,希望可以预购《辐射4》。

  他的努力没有白费,他总共搜集了 2240 个瓶盖,而他今日更新消息指出,Bethesda 告诉他,因为他是第一个做这件事的人,所以他在今年 11 月将会得到这款游戏,而他所给的这些瓶盖将会存放在 Point Lookout 人民银行(为《辐射》系列中的银行)。

  Bethesda 的社群负责人 Matt Grandstaff 后来也在官方推特上张贴照片,并且写着「我的办公室闻起来都是啤酒味」证实了这件事,同时 Bethesda 在回复玩家也表示,这是玩家有史以来第一次做这件事,所以这名玩家表现(指 GatorMacheteJr)应该获得认可。

Matt Grandstaff 在推特上证实了这件事


  PC / PS4 / Xbox One《辐射4》将在 2015 年 11 月 10 日上市。
2015-7-18 07:01 AM

2015-7-24 07:01 AM
Bethesda's Fallout Anthology comes in a mini-nuke

QuakeCon 2015: Announcing Fallout Anthology

BOOM! On stage during the 2015 QuakeCon welcome, Pete Hines dropped a bomb with the announcement of Fallout Anthology.

For the first time in the history of the award-winning franchise, all the Fallout games you know and love – or need to catch up on – are available in one explosive PC collection that arrives on September 29th in North America and October 2nd across European territories. Fallout Anthology features five critically acclaimed games and official add-ons in a premium collectible set – neatly packaged inside a Fat Man mini-nuke!

And because there’s a new edition coming to the Fallout family this November, the collection takes a page from Vault-Tec and reserves a space for your Fallout 4 game disc.

Fallout Anthology explodes with content, including the following games and add-ons:

Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition

From award-winning developers Bethesda Game Studios, create any character you want explore the open wastes of Washington, D.C. however you choose. Every minute is a fight for survival as you encounter Super Mutants, Ghouls, Raiders, and other dangers of the Wasteland. In addition to the critically-acclaimed Fallout 3, the Game of the Year Edition includes official add-ons: The Pitt, Operation: Anchorage, Broken Steel, Point Lookout and Mothership Zeta.

Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition

Battle your way across the heat-blasted Mojave Wasteland to the neon drenched Vegas Strip. Along the way you’ll be introduced to a colorful cast of characters, factions, mutated creatures and much more. The Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition comes complete with the full suite of add-ons: Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road, Courier’s Stash and Gun Runners Arsenal.

Fallout Tactics

In these dark times, the Brotherhood of Steel is all that stands between the rekindled flame of civilization and the radiated Wasteland. Take up arms, stand shoulder to shoulder with your brethren, and protect the weak, whether they like it or not. Your squadmates will be more dear to you than family and for those that survive there will be honor, respect and the spoils of war.

Fallout 2

It’s been 80 long years since your ancestors trod across the wastelands. As you search for the Garden of Eden Creation Kit to save your primitive village, your path is strewn with crippling radiation, megalomaniac mutants, and a relentless stream of lies, deceit and treachery. You begin to wonder if anyone really stands to gain anything from this brave new world.


After 80 years of idyllic Vault life, Vault 13’s vital water chip has malfunctioned. You are chosen by the Overseer to venture out into the Wasteland and save your fellow Vault Dwellers. Seek out a new microchip and return before the water supply runs out.

2015-9-10 06:54 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-11 07:08 AM 编辑

Fallout 4 post launch plans, Season Pass confirmed
FallOut 4《辐射4》官方团队最新公告揭露发售后内容及支持

  FallOut 4《辐射4》这款万众瞩目的角色扮演游戏系列最新作品,距离正式发售仅仅剩 1 个多月的时间,而制作团队 Bethesda Game Studios 为了让这款作品尽善尽美、同时倾听玩家的声音,也在官方网站上公告出了最新的开发讯息,包含了发售及发售后的支持、不定时更新、创作及模块工具以及额外的下载内容等。 而以下就是来自 Bethesda 的公告

. 《辐射4》发售与后续支
  在经过多年的开发之后《辐射4》终于进入最后一个月的开发时程,我们投注了无数的时间以及心力,至今仍然不敢相信这款作品已经几乎要完成了,很快的这款作品就要离开我们的手心奔向玩家的怀抱。 而对于这款游戏还有太多我们没公布且没有透漏过的内容,因为我们希望玩家可以自己去探索游戏世界的奥秘,并且在游戏中创造属于自己的专属冒险故事。 而就在开发的过程中我们开始思考,要如何在这款游戏正式发售之后进行持续支持,而以下就是我们的一些想法,先与玩家们分享。


  我们将会进行不定期的免费更新,就如同先前的《上古卷轴 5:无界天际》,这些更新将不只是修正游戏、而是会带来新的游戏内容。 以《上古卷轴5:无界天际》来说,我们透过更新加入了骑马战斗、传奇模式、击杀特写镜头以及各种视觉强化等。 我们将会与玩家保持紧密的沟通并了解你们想要在《辐射4》中看到怎样的新内容,不论是小型更新或者是全新的游戏内容,都将会致力提供给玩家。


  我们游戏中最重要的一点就是要给予玩家最高的自由,并让玩家能够打造专属的游戏体验,而模块工具就是非常重要的一部分。 就如同先前的作品一样,我们在打造《辐射 4》时就希望能让游戏保有开放且可模块化的特性,在 2016 年年初我们将会率先于 PC 平台上推出免费的模块创作工具,而这项工具跟我们在制作过程中使用的是一模一样的。 玩家将能够自由的创作自己专属的模块并且与所有玩家分享本身的创作,同时我们也会在日后将相同的模块创作工具移植到 Xbox One 以及 PlayStation 4上。


  如同以前我们推出的作品一样,我们总喜欢在游戏发售后持续替游戏开发额外的下载内容,而同时玩家也不断的表示想要有更多的额外 DLC 内容,有鉴于此,为了要让我们的粉丝能够以最优惠的价格享受《辐射4》的所有额外下载内容,我们也将会推出季票的服务,季票只需要 30 美金就能让玩家享受游戏中所有额外推出的内容。 我们还在努力的打造游戏、所以并不清楚未来将会推出多少额外下载内容,但预计时间是将于明年年初时开始陆续推出。 而根据我们先前推出的《上古卷轴 4:遗忘之都》、《上古卷轴 5:无界天际》以及《辐射 3》来看,这些下载内容最起码的零售价总和超过 40 美金,所以当我们把 DLC 做好时季票就是最优惠的选择。

  再次感谢所有玩家的支持,你们对于《辐射4》的期待着实让我们非常震撼,同时也鼓励我们在最后的这一个月开发时程内将所有的细节都做到尽善尽美并推出我们有史以来最棒的游戏。 我们等不及让玩家立刻体验这款作品,并与我们以及全球所有玩家分享你的冒险过程。

Fallout 4 – Launch and Beyond

After many long years, Fallout 4 is entering its final months of development. We've put so much into it for so long; we can’t believe it’s almost done. The game will soon be out of our hands and into yours. There’s so much there that we haven’t talked about or spoiled, because we want you to discover it, to make it your own.

It's during this stage of development that we start thinking about how we'll support Fallout 4 after launch. We wanted to give you a taste of what we plan on doing:

Regular Updates

We'll be doing regular free updates to the game, and like Skyrim, these will come with not just fixes, but new features. For Skyrim we added things like mounted combat, legendary mode, kill cams, visual enhancements and more. We’ll work with all of you to figure out what new things you’d love to see added to Fallout 4, whether they are small tweaks or new features.

Mods & Creation Kit

The most important thing in our games is the freedom you have to create your own experience, and modding is a big part of that. Like all our previous games, we’ve made sure to keep Fallout 4 open and moddable at every step in development. Early next year we’ll release for free the new Creation Kit for the PC. This is the same tool we use in the studio. You'll be able to create your own mods and share them with others. We’re especially excited these same mods will then be coming to Xbox One, and then PlayStation 4.

Downloadable Content

We've always done a lot of DLC for our games. We love making them and you always ask us for more. To reward our most loyal fans, this time we’ll be offering a Season Pass that will get you all of the Fallout 4 DLC we ever do for just $30. Since we’re still hard at work on the game, we don’t know what the actual DLC will be yet, but it will start coming early next year. Based on what we did for Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Skyrim, we know that it will be worth at least $40, and if we do more, you'll get it all with the Season Pass.

Thanks again to all of you! The support and excitement you’ve given Fallout 4 has blown us away. It’s energized us even more to do everything we can in these final months to make this our best game yet. We absolutely can't wait for you to play it, and share your adventures with us and each other.

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