标题: 【NS】Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 06:41 AM
标题: 【NS】Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-13 06:44 AM 编辑

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle announced for Switch
Nintendo Switch《玛利欧+疯狂兔子 王国之战》发表 确认推出中文版

  Ubisoft 在 2017 年 E3 展前发表会中邀请到创造了《玛利欧》的知名游戏制作人宫本茂登台,正式公开和任天堂合作的新作游戏《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战(暂译,Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle)》将会在 Nintendo Switch 主机于 2017 年 8 月 29 日发售。

※ 05:40 更新:根据 Ubisoft 官方证实,《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》确认会推出中文版本。 但推出方式和上市时间目前尚未定案。

  宫本茂登台时表示「感谢 Ubisoft 跟任天堂 25 年来的合作,很高兴可以带来这款崭新的游戏。 彼此都同样是软件开发商,互相有竞争和合作的关系,期待带来彼此激荡更好的游戏。 」

  这次的企划首度将 Ubisoft 的代表角色之一「疯狂兔子」融入到玛利欧的世界中,这是一项很大的挑战,希望带来一款与众不同的崭新玛利欧游戏。 宫本茂也表示 Ubisoft 很擅长制作动作游戏的开发,这款游戏带来了很赞的游戏节奏。

  现场也说明《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》花了三年进行开发。 疯狂兔子们将会因为不明原因闯入蘑菇王国,而玛利欧希望拯救这个疯狂的局面。 一开始的时候玛利欧和疯狂兔子们并不认识彼此,他们将会发挥彼此的潜力拯救蘑菇王国。

  游戏玩法是回合制的对战游戏,会涌入一波一波的敌人。 在蓝色的活动的范围内发挥策略,运用双方合作的跳跃、跳入水管绕背和隔着掩体射击等技能来试着策略性的击倒敌人。

  Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》预定在 2017 年 8 月 29 日发售。

Ubisoft officially announced Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle for Switch during its E3 2017 press conference. It will launch on August 29.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Ubisoft:

When the Mushroom Kingdom is thrown into chaos by a mysterious vortex, it’s only natural that Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Yoshi come to the rescue. But nobody knows chaos like the Rabbids, and in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, those long-eared rapscallions will be teaming up with the Mushroom Kingdom crew to try and set things right. Four Rabbids heroes—Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Peach, Rabbid Luigi, and Rabbid Yoshi—will embark on a brand new adventure with Mario, Peach, Luigi, and Yoshi on the Nintendo Switch on August 29.

In Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, you’ll explore a Mushroom Kingdom that has been turned upside-down. Those iconic green pipes have sprouted Rabbid ears and turned white, and many other sights familiar to Nintendo fans have been caught up in the craziness. As you explore this colorful, vibrant world, you’ll collect coins, solve puzzles, and find hidden chests containing items and gear to help your team grow stronger against the challenging enemies that stand between you and your goal.

Your team of heroes will have to defeat enemies in turn-based battles, wielding unique ranged and melee weapons and using the environment to take cover from enemy fire. You choose three of the eight total heroes to make up your team during the single-player campaign, and you can swap them out to experiment with different combinations. Each hero has their own weapons and abilities, many of which can be cleverly combined to deal extra damage and affect your enemies adversely (e.g. set their butts on fire). The turn-based combat gives you time to consider each move, plan how you’ll use team jumps and pipes to reach optimal positions, and make the best use of each hero’s skills. The destructible cover means you can’t get too comfortable, and your enemies have some tricks of their own to keep you on your toes.

In addition to a single-player adventure that spans four worlds, Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle also includes co-op challenges (each player controls two heroes each) with multiple difficulty levels for you to take on with a friend and test your skills. You can also use your amiibos to unlock new in-game features.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Kingdom Battle will be available in a Standard Edition, as well as a Collector’s Edition that includes a six-inch figurine of Rabbid Mario, a set of physical collector’s cards, and the original soundtrack. If you pre-order, you’ll also get a set of eight unique in-game weapons. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle will be released for the Nintendo Switch on August 29.

https://rabbids.ubisoft.com/port ... kingdom-battle.aspx


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 06:41 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-13 06:43 AM 编辑

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-15 08:47 PM

《玛利欧+疯狂兔子:王国之战》实机展示! 超过250种武器可用

  Ubisoft 与任天堂合作打造的《玛利欧+疯狂兔子:王国之战》在今年 E3 2017 上现身,让 Ubisoft 最为知名的疯狂兔子乱入蘑菇王国,与任天堂的多位英雄一同踏上冒险旅程。 不过在 Ubisoft E3 展前记者会所展示的内容只有些许的战斗画面,并未给予太多的游戏内容,而随着 E3 正式开始后,任天堂也展示了更多的《玛利欧+疯狂兔子:王国之战》供玩家抢先看。

  影片中展示了相当多的游戏细节,也清楚的表达出这并不是一款单纯恶搞的作品。 首先就游戏中的可操控角色就有相当多元的设计,以正牌的「路易吉」以及乱入的「兔易吉」为例,正牌路易吉善于使用狙击枪以及遥控炸弹车做远程输出,「兔易吉」则是善于使用布置型的炸弹外,也会对敌人施加负面效果,让队友对其攻击时可获得治疗效果。

  而除了角色差异外,游戏也准备了超过 250 多种武器供玩家使用,而这些武器除了外观和伤害有差别之外,也具备着各式各样的独特效果。 开发团队在影片中便展示了一把有机率将敌人击飞的武器,除了可以藉此与敌人保持距离外,也能运用击飞的状态与队友作其他连动攻击。


  开发团队在影片中所展示的为对上首领「Rabbit Kong」的关卡,借着实机操作的画面来展示「路易吉」、「兔碧姬」与「玛利欧」的能力。 除了基本攻击外,已可看到各种趣味技能,甚至是团队连续技的设计。

  《玛利欧+疯狂兔子:王国之战》将会于 Nintendo Switch 推出,并预计于 2017 年 8 月 29 号上市,该作也将会推出繁体中文版本,但明确的发行日期则尚未确立。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-24 07:27 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-21 04:00 PM
Ubisoft 宣布《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国大战》将透过在线更新中文语系

  Ubisoft 今(21)日宣布,于今年度 E3 展甫公开的《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国大战》将于游戏正式发行后,采用下载更新的方式推出中文语系。 购买英文版本的玩家,在未来更新推出后将可透过游戏选单选择中文语系游玩。 《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国大战》将在今年 8 月 29 日于 Nintendo Switch 平台独占推出。


  在《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国大战》的游戏中,玩家将会与搞怪的疯狂兔子与玛利欧和其他伙伴们结伴进入出状况的蘑菇王国,组成一个不太可靠的英雄小队,试图要让被神秘漩涡搞乱的蘑菇王国回复正常。 玩家将可探索四个独特的游戏世界,收集金币,寻找各种隐藏的宝物,解决各式的谜题。 并在回合制的战斗中使用多样化的远近攻击,搭配殊殊技能并善用战场上的环境互动,发挥各英雄的强项,并与其他队友合作一齐打倒敌人。

  在《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国大战》的主战役里,玩家将会从八名英雄组成具有三名独特角色的队伍,并可透过每位角色专属的技能树自定义这些角色的能力以创造出完美的三人组合。 游戏将支持二人合作游戏,玩家可以与好友组队进行本地端的多人游戏,并在三种困难度下一起迎战对手。 《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国大战》将把 Nintendo Switch 可以随时随地游玩的特性发挥到淋漓尽致,让玩家无论何时何地都能进行单人与合作游戏。

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国大战》将推出两种版本:标准版和典藏版。 标准版包含了主游戏,而典藏版包含了主游戏、Ubicollectibles 制作的疯狂兔子玛利欧 6 英吋公仔、一套实体收藏卡片、游戏原声配乐 CD。 所有预购《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国大战》的玩家还可获得一套 8 件有着独特属性的专属游戏武器。 此外,Ubicollectibles 还创作了四个灵感源自「The Rabbids Heroes」的独特公仔。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-2 06:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-2 07:29 PM 编辑

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle ‘The Phantom of the Bwahpera’ trailer
《玛利欧+疯狂兔子 王国之战》多人合作演示视频

  今天 Ubisoft 公开了一段《玛利欧+疯狂兔子 王国之战》的多人合作演示视频。在视频中,我们可以看到 4 个角色分为两组进行操控。


  《玛利欧+疯狂兔子 王国之战》将在今年 8 月 29 日于 Nintendo Switch 平台独占推出。游戏正式发行后,采用下载更新的方式推出中文字幕。购买英文版本的玩家,在未来更新推出后将可透过游戏选单选择中文游玩。


  Switch平台游戏《玛利欧+疯狂兔子 王国之战》也公开了全新预告片“歌剧兔影”。

  《玛利欧+疯狂兔子 王国之战》已经制作了三年时间,是一款专为 Nintendo Switch 开发的作品。在本作中,育碧的当家人物疯兔来到了蘑菇王国,造成了一片混乱,疯兔和马里奥要一起合作来拯救蘑菇王国,马里奥、路易、碧奇公主、耀西等角色都会在游戏中登场。




Ubisoft has released a new trailer for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle dubbed “The Phantom of the Bwahpera,” .

The RPG is a crossover between the Super Mario and Rabbids universes. The Rabbids appear in the Mushroom Kingdom after it is torn apart by a mysterious vortex. In order to bring order back to the Kingdom, Mario and company team up with the Rabbids. Read more here.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is due out for Switch on August 29.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-4 12:17 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-8 03:18 PM
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle 'Mario' Character Gameplay Trailer


Ubisoft has released the first in a series of character spotlight trailers for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. This one highlights Mario.

Here’s an overview of the character, via Ubisoft:

Discover and unleash Mario’s power in Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle. As a mid-to-close range fighter with excellent mobility, Mario is the perfect hero to lead your team in combat. Use his M-Power technique to power-up your allies and blast foes when they move using Mario’s Hero Sight. With Mario by your side, no challenge is too great!

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is due out for Switch on August 29.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-16 10:45 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-16 02:14 PM 编辑

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle ‘Rabbid Luigi’ character trailer
Nintendo Switch《玛利欧+疯狂兔子 王国之战》兔子路易基介绍PV

  今天育碧公开了《玛利欧+疯狂兔子 王国之战》的新预告视频,介绍了这位从疯兔世界穿越过来的兔子路易基。

  兔子路易基的主要武器是个像悠悠球一样的东西,此外还有各种样式的火箭筒可选,火箭筒可以直接炸掉敌人的掩体。兔子路易基可以为自己添加 Buff,减轻敌人攻击带来的伤害,甚至可以生成防护罩。也不要小瞧兔子路易基的滑铲哦!

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》这款游戏采用了回合制战斗系统,战斗当中可以使用多种道具,并能够利用掩体协助作战,躲在掩体后面并不能保证绝对的安全,这些掩体是可以被破坏的。“马里奥”系列戏中的特色“水管”也会出现在游戏当中,玩家可以在战斗中通过这些水管实现快速移动,对敌人实施打击。此外出战的成员还能够通过团队合作跳跃来扩大移动范围,队友之间还能互相加 Buff。

  Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》预定在 2017 年 8 月 29 日独占发售。游戏正式发行后,采用下载更新的方式推出繁体中文语言包。购买英文版本的玩家,在未来更新推出后将可透过游戏选单选择中文游玩。

The second character spotlight trailer for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle introduces Rabbid Luigi.

Here’s an overview of the character, via Ubisoft:

Rabbid Luigi is the most ingenuous of the Rabbid heroes. Easily scared, he would always avoid conflict given the choice. Despite this, he has very strong powers, even if he doesn’t really understand how to use them! He might not even seem very menacing at first, but his great defensive and elemental skills make him the wizard every team needs.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is due out for Switch on August 29.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-23 07:07 AM
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle 'Rabbid Peach' Character Trailer


Rabbid Peach Character Overview

A proficient healer and damage-denier, when this defense-oriented prima donna takes the battlefield she keeps one eye on the enemy, and one on Mario.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-24 07:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-24 04:49 PM 编辑

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Season Pass announced
Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》中文更新同步推出 SEASON PASS 时程揭露

  Ubisoft 今(24)日正式宣布,《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》中文语系更新将在游戏上市时同步推出,玩家透过软件更新即可取得繁体中文语系。

  同时官方亦公开上市后续追加内容发行计划,陆续为玩家带来新武器、单人挑战、合作地图以及全新剧情内容;拥有 Season Pass 资格的玩家将可在日后享用三款 DLC 下载内容。

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》的故事让最知名的电玩游戏角色玛利欧和天不怕地不怕、行事作风混乱的疯狂兔子意外地凑在一起去拯救被神秘漩涡搞得四分五裂的蘑菇王国。

Season Pass 资格将收录以下内容:

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》将在 8 月 29 日于 Nintendo Switch 平台独占推出;《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》Season Pass 将于 8 月 29 日起在 eShop 数字商店贩卖、售价为 19.99 欧元,亚洲地区商店暂未开启。

Ubisoft Announces Season Pass for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle

Today, Ubisoft announced the post-launch plans for Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle, which will include new weapons, solo challenges, co-op maps and brand new story content.

Season Pass owners will be able to enjoy three pieces of DLC:

• 8 unique steampunk weapons will be available at the launch of the game, each one with its own statistics. These items will be exclusive for season pass owners.

• This autumn, players will be able to test their skills with new solo challenges, or with a friend, through additional co-op maps.

• In 2018, players will be able to play through brand new story content.

The season pass will be available for Nintendo Switch on August 29th, 2017 for $19.99.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Battle is the story of an unexpected encounter between the most famous video game character, Mario, and the irreverent and chaotic Rabbids, as they join forces to restore the Mushroom Kingdom, which has been torn apart by a mysterious vortex. Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle will be available exclusively for Nintendo Switch on August 29TH, 2017.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-25 06:03 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-29 06:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-29 07:19 PM 编辑

Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》你必须知道的5大游戏秘诀

  育碧创新 Switch 独占游戏《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》将在 2017 年 8 月 29 日发售,这个游戏结合蘑菇王国的经典角色和场景与育碧吉祥物疯狂兔子进行“混搭”,展现了一个充满活力的游戏世界。而在这多彩光鲜的外表之下,《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》在策略玩法上的深度将由上至下地考验玩家,集合众多知名角色一同战胜疯兔敌人。













Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle 'Luigi' Character Trailer
Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》路易吉介绍PV

  今天育碧公开了《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》的新预告视频,专门介绍了十分怕鬼的路易吉,下面一起来看看这段视频吧。


  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》这款游戏采用了回合制战斗系统,战斗当中可以使用多种道具,并能够利用掩体协助作战,躲在掩体后面并不能保证绝对的安全,这些掩体是可以被破坏的。“马里奥”系列戏中的特色“水管”也会出现在游戏当中,玩家可以在战斗中通过这些水管实现快速移动,对敌人实施打击。此外出战的成员还能够通过团队合作跳跃来扩大移动范围,队友之间还能互相加 Buff。

  Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》预定在 2017 年 8 月 29 日独占发售。游戏正式发行后,采用下载更新的方式推出繁体中文语言包。购买英文版本的玩家,在未来更新推出后将可透过游戏选单选择中文游玩。



Luigi Character Overview

Mario’s brother Luigi might occasionally tremble in the face of danger, but when the chips are down he always rallies with the team to get the job done. A master of long-range attacks—arguably due to his fear of the front lines—Luigi has bravely led many ‘fighting retreats’ thanks to his advanced mobility.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-30 07:29 AM







作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-6 03:38 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-7 06:22 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-9 07:30 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-12 07:42 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-15 07:35 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-16 07:02 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-21 12:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-9-21 07:21 AM 编辑



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-17 05:16 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-24 02:28 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-8 07:29 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-12-8 08:12 PM 编辑

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Getting a Versus Mode on December 8
《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》免费更新释出本机双人对抗新模式 在多变战场互相较劲

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/156333.html

  UBISOFT 今(8)日宣布《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》释出免费更新,开放本机双人「对抗模式(Versus mode)」,玩家可以与朋友直接互相对抗。

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》是 Ubisoft 与任天堂合作的回合制游戏,今日官方释出免费更新,提供新的本机「对抗模式」,让两名玩家使用同一台主机(共享一对 Joy-Con 控制器、或使用 Nintendo Switch Pro 控制器)在变化多端的战场上运用战术技巧互相对抗。

  此模式中,玩家将可从主游戏程序提供的 8 位英雄中自由挑选 3 位。 另外,他们也可替每位角色预先设定 3 种独有技能来制定自己的专属策略。 战场上会出现充满惊喜的随机加成物品,拿到这些物品的玩家可获得额外的行动、加倍伤害或其他优势。 另外,每场战斗都可以搭配各种设定自定义游戏,包括增加倒数定时器或限制战斗的回合数,也可以拿掉所有物品享受纯粹的战术体验。

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》已上市,新本机「对抗模式」今日上线。


Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle Versus Mode Coming December 8

How sharp are your Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle tactics? Sharp enough to test against another human player? You’ll be able to find out on Friday, December 8, when the free Mario + Rabbids Versus mode arrives. Pitting you against a friend on the same system (and playable either with two controllers or with a pair of Joy-Cons), Versus challenges players to hand-pick their three-hero squads, and use every attack and technique available to them to claim victory across small, surprise-filled maps.

There’s a catch, however. Each player has just three available actions per turn, and how you decide to invest them is a big part of the strategy here. You may be accustomed to moving, attacking, and using techniques for each of your heroes during every turn in the campaign and co-op, but Versus is a different story. Will you move all your characters into strategic positions, or will you spend all your actions to, say, move Luigi into a sniping spot, activate his motion-attacking Steely Gaze, and then open fire on a juicy target? Whatever you do, you can bet your opponent will be watching your every move, so be careful not to leave yourself vulnerable.

Versus mode’s selectable combatants are evenly matched, from a skill-point standpoint. Instead of your leveled-up campaign characters, both players can choose from beefy, upgraded versions of all eight characters. You can stick with the solid all-around starter loadouts, or you can specialize using one of 16 unlockable variants (like Rabbid Luigi’s Vampiric option, or Mario’s BIG Stomp loadout), each with differently balanced stats and weapons. And yes, you can pick an all-Rabbid or all-Mushroom Kingdom team. Little things can make a big difference in these matches, and grabbing the optional power-ups (scattered across the map in question-mark blocks, of course) can swing the balance of a match by adding an extra action to a turn, buffing your attacks, and more.

There’s a lot of depth to uncover in these matches, but they’re also meant to be short and snappy – and if you’ve got a short attention span or just want to pump up the challenge, you can limit matches to seven or 10 turns, and set short, medium, or long time limits on those turns. And just to be sure that things heat up near the end, there’s the Showtime option, which kicks in as the match nears its end and turns regular items into super items, while also opening up new ways to get around the map, like pipes or trampolines. If one team is on the ropes, these are a potential lifeline that can yank them back into the lead.

Versus mode will be available December 8 as a free download for owners of Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle on Nintendo Switch. For more on the game, check out our previous Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle coverage.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-2-23 03:37 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-23 06:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-5-24 05:18 PM 编辑

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle DLC 'Donkey Kong Adventure' Launches in June
《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》扩展DLC内容「大金刚冒险」6月发售

转载 - 多玩(http://tv.duowan.com/1805/390999435265.html

  UBISOFT 今(23)日宣布《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》公开了扩展DLC内容「大金刚冒险」,该 DLC 将于 6 月份正式上市,并且发布了预告片。


  之前购买了《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》季票的玩家可以免费获得本次「大金刚冒险」DLC,育碧方面也将推出收录「大金刚冒险」DLC的《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》黄金版实体卡带销售。

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》已在 Nintendo Switch 平台上线。

The Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle downloadable content “Donkey Kong Adventure,” which was announced in January, will launch via the Nintendo eShop in June, Ubisoft announced.

“Donkey Kong Adventure” is a new story that sees the vengeful Rabbid Kong use his new powers to take over a mysterious island. Donkey Kong, Rabbid Peach, and a moody new Rabbid hero named Rabbid Cranky will team up on a journey across four brand-new environments, which are full of “reinvented tactical gameplay, new enemies, and secrets to uncover.”

A few outlets have also gone up with new previews and gameplay videos of the downloadable content, including Game Informer, GameSpot, GameXplain, IGN, and Ubisoft Blog.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is available now for Switch.

Mario + Rabbids: 6 Reasons You'll Go Ape for Donkey Kong's Adventure - Ubisoft Blog



作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-12 07:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 09:54 PM 编辑

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle DLC ‘Donkey Kong Adventure’ launches June 26
《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》公开「森喜刚冒险」上市日期 以新能力大战一场

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/163972.html

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》追加下载内容「森喜刚冒险」在今(12)日 Ubisoft 举办的 E3 展前发表会上正式公开发售日期,预定于 6 月 26 日推出。 与朋友分道扬镳的疯兔碧姬公主,将和两位全新英雄角色一起化险为夷!

  在《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》「森喜刚冒险」里,除了有全新英雄角色森喜刚之外,还有一段充满创新战术的游戏机制、全新敌人和各种秘密的崭新故事。 玩家将和两位全新英雄角色:热爱香蕉的森喜刚和顽固倔强的疯兔库朗奇,一起踏上穿越四种崭新环境的旅程,并且与靠着新能力占领神秘岛屿的疯兔森喜刚大战一场。

  在发现新的游戏内容之际,玩家还将利用各种崭新能力扭转战争局势,包括森喜刚能把朋友、敌人和掩体石头抛向空中的抓抛技能,以及疯兔库朗奇能在空中射击敌人的本事。 全新的英雄队伍将迎战强大的敌人并面对巨大且难以捉摸的魔王,包括两只会不择手段实现他们权谋目标的鲨鱼疯兔。

  《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》追加下载内容「森喜刚冒险」将在 6 月 26 日于 Nintendo Switch 平台全球发售,拥有 Season Pass 的玩家将于 6 月 25 日抢先一天游玩。


The Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle downloadable content “Donkey Kong Adventure” will launch via the Nintendo eShop on June 26, Ubisoft announced during its E3 2018 press conference.

Here is an overview of the downloadable content, via Ubisoft:

Embark in an epic battle against a vengeful Rabbid Kong who uses his new powers to take over a mysterious island. Donkey Kong, Rabbid Peach, and a moody new Rabbid hero, Rabbid Cranky, will team up on a journey across four brand-new environments. Discover a world full of reinvented tactical gameplay, new enemies, and secrets to uncover.

Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle is available now for Switch.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-27 06:28 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-27 08:18 PM 编辑

《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》追加下载内容「森喜刚冒险」即日起全球同步推出
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/3/164633.html

  Ubisoft 今(27)日宣布 Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》追加下载内容「森喜刚冒险」即日起全球同步推出,并收录于黄金版内。


  与朋友分道扬镳的疯兔碧姬公主,将和两位全新英雄角色一起化险为夷! 这两位全新英雄角色分别是:热爱香蕉的森喜刚和顽固倔强的疯兔库朗奇。 他们将一起踏上横跨四种崭新环境的旅程,并且与靠着新能力占领神秘岛屿的疯兔森喜刚大战一场。

  Nintendo Switch《玛利欧 + 疯狂兔子 王国之战》已上市。


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