标题: 全马最大的房屋规划 双层排屋22X80 500K 包完手续费 [打印本页]

作者: WIlliam0219    时间: 2016-12-13 06:34 PM
标题: 全马最大的房屋规划 双层排屋22X80 500K 包完手续费
本帖最后由 WIlliam0219 于 2016-12-13 06:38 PM 编辑

他不只是规划房屋住宅区 他还是一个城市规划
整个project占地5322英亩 其中包括就业区 Shopping mall 6所学校 1所Matrix International School
全面几期都卖完了 已经开始有人进去住了
年尾也将开通新的tol和highway通往KL KLIA 及Puchong等地
到时去KL Puchong只需20-25min   KLIA 15min

价格范围:  500K-680K(都有)
房屋款式: 双层排屋
房间数量: 4
浴室厕所数量: 4
联络人号码: 011-10938419
备注:  ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓

New Double Storey Superlink
-22 x 80 sf Build Up 2833sf
- Freehold/永久持有
- RM 5xxK
- Booking Fee 1 K
- 4 Bedrooms and 4 Bathrooms
- High Security Fencing & Gated Community
- Cool & Can Decorated Beautifully
- Fully Extend Front And Back
- Walking distance to Shopping Mall
- High appreciation
- Free M O T
- Free Lawyer Fees
- Free Stamp Duty
- Free Loan Lawyer
- Free Loan Stamp Duty
- Free All Legal Fees

WhatsApp/Call for more information
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)

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作者: WIlliam0219    时间: 2016-12-13 06:35 PM
想投资的可以来看看 现在500k左右 以后就不是这个价了 反正看了也不吃亏
不怕一万 只怕万一 万一那么刚好 赚到的就是你
作者: WIlliam0219    时间: 2016-12-15 01:35 PM
WhatsApp/Call for more information
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)
作者: WIlliam0219    时间: 2016-12-16 01:35 AM

WhatsApp/Call for more information
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)
作者: WIlliam0219    时间: 2016-12-19 02:20 PM
WhatsApp/Call for more information
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)

作者: WIlliam0219    时间: 2016-12-24 08:20 PM
WhatsApp/Call for more information
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)
011-10938419 (William)

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