标题: 【PS4/Xbox One/PC】Call of Duty:Infinity Warfare [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-2-12 06:30 PM
标题: 【PS4/Xbox One/PC】Call of Duty:Infinity Warfare
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-3 06:47 PM 编辑


Infinity Ward 开发新作《使命召唤:无尽战争》曝光 初次跨出地球战场挺进太阳系

  Activision 今(3)日凌晨宣布,将会于 11 月 4 日于 PlayStation 4 / Xbox One / PC 三平台推出《使命召唤》系列最新作品《使命召唤:无尽战争(Call of Duty:Infinite Warfare)》,并且首度公开`了游戏宣传影片,可确认本作将带来系列有史以来初次跨出地球战场,前进浩瀚太阳系中展开科幻战争。

  新加坡索尼互动娱乐(SIES)也一同宣布,《使命召唤:无尽战争》将于 11 月 4 日在马来西亚推出 PlayStation 4 繁体中文版和简体中文版。 同时也会带来典藏版,其中将包含以高画质重制推出的《使命召唤 4:现代战争 重制版(Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Remastered)》 ,以高画质分辨率来呈现享誉盛名的《使命召唤 4:现代战争》完整战役关卡,以及 10 张多人游戏地图。 《使命召唤:无尽战争》 以及 《使命召唤:无尽战争》 典藏版都将包含《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版(Modern Warfare Remastered)》,将可于 PlayStation 4、PlayStation Move 控制器上使用。

  《使命召唤:无尽战争》将由 Activision Blizzard(Nasdaq:ATVI)的全资子公司发行,而且将由 Infinity Ward 领军开发。 Activision Publishing CEO Eric Hirshberg 表示:「今年我们很荣幸能为各位 Call of Duty 的玩家带来全新高度的游戏体验。 」「《使命召唤:无尽战争》是由打造初代 Call of Duty 以及 Modern Warfare 的工作室所推出的新作,本作的大胆程度和全新眼界,将让玩家体验一场超乎想象的史诗级规模冒险。 而受到广大玩家热爱的《使命召唤 4:现代战争》也将在新世代的游戏平台中以《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered)》的姿态重生。 我们全心投入这次重制的作业,并带来了原始版本无法比拟的全新画面水平以及视觉拟真度。 这将会是 Call of Duty 玩家们最棒的一年。 」

  Infinity Ward 工作室的领导者 Dave Stohl 表示:「《使命召唤:无尽战争》 将让 Call of Duty 粉丝们享受系列作中未曾体验过的领域。 」「在一方面来说,本作品为人津津乐道的地方是拥有划时代的勇气,勇于尝试,而且具备深刻的战争故事。 而在另一方面,它的未来设定将会让玩家体验到史诗级规模的旅程,并为游戏粉丝们提供游戏性方面的惊奇革新与全新体验。 本作将会使用壮丽的新设定来呈现一场大规模、老派的全面战争。 这将会是相当有趣的体验。 」

  《使命召唤:无尽战争》 以深刻丰富的叙事口吻将剧情置于游戏的前线与核心。 Infinite Ward 以扩展命令以及责任层级的方式,开创游戏的全新局面。 在压倒性的逆境之下,玩家将扮演舰长的角色,率领众官兵对抗无情的敌人。 这些战场老兵将踏入超乎寻常的环境中,在考验训练成果的过程中,显露出他们的真实性格。 为了达到胜利的目标,他们必须在各种抉择时刻中作出一个又一个艰难的决定。 游戏会将从未看过的绚丽环境、新型武器,以及新式的玩家能力带入 Call of Duty 游戏中。 在战役模式的游戏过程中,除了小量的加载时间外,玩家不会非常有突兀的停顿感(例如从陆上战斗切换到高速太空战斗机);战役模式也是让粉丝们喜爱本系列作的重要招牌特质。

  对于在线游戏体验,《使命召唤:无尽战争》 将会以未来型态的战争,对这个分秒必争的世界对带来最大的冲击。 Call of Duty 的多人模式移动系统也有所演化,将着重于前线的交战状态。 另外,《使命召唤:无尽战争》将带来独特的多人合作殭尸模式,让玩家们在全新故事、独特游戏方式与机制中享受疯狂的冒险。 更多关于多人游戏以及全新殭尸模式的体验,将会在日后发表。

  而本系列中呼声最高的作品《使命召唤 4:现代战争》,也将在万众期盼下于本世代的主机平台推出重制版本。 由 Infinity Ward 监制,Raven Software 开发的 《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》* 将让玩家体验新世代的动作游戏。 游戏中各种令人惊心动魄的时刻,让此游戏成为备受赞誉的作品。

  《使命召唤:现代战争 重制版》 将使用本世代明亮鲜艳的视觉技术,佐以全面强化的材质分辨率与细节、高动态范围的光线、VFX 粒子打光与阴影效果、全新制作的动作与声音、慑人的音效等等。 粉丝们将能重新体验完整而且具备代表性的剧情战役,并和 Price 上尉、Gaz 以及 Soap 在世界各地一起执行原版游戏中的任务,例如「All Ghillied Up」、「Charlie Don’t Surf」以及「Crew Expendable」。 玩家也能体验到 Call of Duty 重新定义过的多人在线模式,其中包含连杀奖励、经验值,顶尖状态等等,并重新推出 10 张最受粉丝青睐的经典多人对战地图,例如「Crash」、「Backlot」以及「Crossfire」。

  Raven Software 工作室的领导人 Brian Raffel 表示:「原始版本的 Modern Warfare 将电玩游戏的水平提升至另一个层次,所有的玩家将会永远记得这个最优秀的作品。 我们很荣幸能为 Call of Duty 的粉丝们开发这款游戏的重制版,我们投注了全部的心力在这款游戏上。 」

  此外,也将同步推出《使命召唤:无尽战争》的 PlayStation 4 一般版(实体版、数字版),建议售价马币 MYR 229。 另外,新加坡索尼互动娱乐也表示,即日起于全台 PlayStation 特约经销商预购 PlayStation 4 游戏《使命召唤:无尽战争》实体版(包含:一般版、典藏版、专家典藏版),即可获得限量预购赠品「《使命召唤:无尽战争》双面海报」及「特制T恤」。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-2 06:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-3 06:34 PM 编辑

《使命召唤13》即将正式公布 IW开发2016年假期发售



  动视表示IW的新《使命召唤》将是“革新性”,具体细节尚未公布。2013年IW开发的《使命召唤10:幽灵》是《使命召唤》系列首次登陆“新主机”PS4和Xbox One的一代,但游戏反响并不好。


《使命召唤》新作由索尼展示 动视不出席今年E3

  动视Activition 确认今年的E3 2016上将展出由Infinity Ward负责开发的《使命召唤》新作。另外,动视官方博客表示由于动视将不出席E3 2016,因此届时将与索尼合作展示本次新作的最新情报,并非常期待与玩家分享新作的更多细节内容。同时,由动视主持的《使命召唤》锦标赛第一赛季将在今年秋冬天拉开帷幕。


https://blog.activision.com/comm ... -of-duty-year-round
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-30 07:11 AM
Rumor: Call of Duty 2016 to be set in the very far future, to feature space combat

This year's Call of Duty is set in space - report

The next Call of Duty will feature a radical departure for the series - it's set in space.

2016's Call of Duty will offer space combat between warring sci-fi groups in the far flung future.

Previous entries in the series such as Advanced Warfare and Black Ops 3 have strayed into the near-future, but this year's Call of Duty will be firmly placed in sci-fi territory.

First details of the game appeared online over the weekend, from serial industry source Shinobi. The information tallies with reports Eurogamer has independently heard.

The game is being developed by Infinity Ward and is not a direct sequel of its previous Call of Duty effort, Ghosts, which received a mixed response.

Activision declined to comment when contacted for this story.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-27 07:02 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-28 06:56 AM 编辑

The next Call of Duty is called... Infinite Warfare

  昨晚有玩家发现在美服PS商店中赫然出现了一款名为《使命召唤:无限战争(Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare)》的游戏,这应该就是今年2016年即将推出的《使命召唤》系列新作的标题了。

  按照Activision在每年五月前后公布《使命召唤》系列新作的惯例,我们应该很快就能与这款作品正式见面。按照该系列三年一轮回的开发周期,今年的《使命召唤》系列新作应该由Infinity Ward工作室领衔开发,该工作室曾经创造了《现代战争(Modern Warfare)》三部曲的辉煌,也为我们在《使命召唤:幽灵(Ghost)》中留下了些许遗憾。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-4-29 07:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-29 07:13 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare marketing image leaked, Modern Warfare Remastered includes campaign & 10 MP maps



  虽然目前还无法确定该海报的真实性,但从目前各方的情报来看,《使命召唤:无限战争》和《使命召唤4:现代战争 高清重制版》应该确实是存在的。目前Activision对此事没有进行任何正式的回应。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-2 06:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-3 07:32 AM 编辑

Official Call of Duty®: Infinite Warfare Reveal Trailer

  《使命召唤13:无限战争》将于2016年11月4日发售,登陆PC,PS4和Xbox One。遗产版将附赠《使命召唤4:现代战争》的高清重置版以及该作的10张多人模式地图。《使命召唤13:无限战争》回归系列本源,描述大规模战争场面,CG描绘的代入感强烈的军事行动场景占据本作的主要内容。准备好迎接与SDF的一场恶战,为了保卫我们的生命而战斗吧。


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Redefines the Franchise With classic War Story in a Bold, New Setting

Call of Duty is returning to its roots for a classic, epic battle of two armies unlike anything seen before in the record-setting series. Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will launch worldwide Friday, November 4, immersing players in a war story that, for the first time in franchise history, extends beyond the reaches of Earth into the vast expanse of our solar system. Published by Activision and led by Infinity Ward, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare will also be available as the Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition, which includes the return of the full campaign and 10 multiplayer maps from the famed Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare, released in high-definition brilliance as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered*.

Infinite Warfare and the Infinite Warfare Legacy Edition, featuring Modern Warfare Remastered, will be available for PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One, and PC.

“This year, we’re both honouring the heritage of Call of Duty while taking players to incredible new heights," said Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing. “Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is a bold, new vision from the studio that created the original Call of Duty and Modern Warfare, and an adventure on an insanely epic scale that only Call of Duty could deliver. And Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is one of the most beloved games of all-time, reborn for a new generation. We have lovingly remastered it with a whole new level of graphical fidelity and realism that wasn’t possible when the original was released. It’s going to be a great year for Call of Duty players.”

“With Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, we are taking Call of Duty to places fans have never experienced in the series,” said Dave Stohl, Studio Head of Infinity Ward. “On one hand, this game is the kind of gritty, boots on the ground, visceral war story that Call of Duty is known for. On the other, its future setting takes players on a journey of epic scale and proportions, providing incredible gameplay innovations and new experiences for our fans. This is a grand scale, old-school, all-out war in an epic new-school setting. And it’s going to be a hell of a lot of fun.”

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare puts storytelling front and center in a rich, immersive narrative. Infinity Ward breaks new ground by exploring the weight of leadership and its responsibilities. In a desperate time of overwhelming adversity, the player, as Captain of their own warship, must take command against a relentless enemy. Experienced soldiers are thrust into extraordinary circumstances that will test their training and reveal their true character as they learn to lead and to make the hard decisions necessary to achieve victory. The game also introduces stunning, never before seen environments, new weaponry and inventive player abilities to Call of Duty. The entire campaign – from boots-on-ground combat to piloting high speed space-fighters – occurs as a near seamless experience with few visible loading times, and delivers the hallmark, blockbuster franchise moments that fans love.

One of the most critically acclaimed titles in the series, inspired by overwhelming community interest, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare is being remastered for current generation consoles. Executive produced by Infinity Ward and developed by Raven, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered* puts players into a modern-day action-thriller filled with the heart-stopping moments that made it one of the most critically-acclaimed games of all-time.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered boasts vibrant current generation visuals, with fully improved texture resolution and detail, high-dynamic range lighting, lit and shadowing VFX particles, revamped animation and audio, stunning sound and much more. Fans will relive the full, iconic campaign as they’re transported around the globe with Capt. Price, Gaz and Soap across all the missions from the original game, including “All Ghillied Up,” “Charlie Don’t Surf,” and “Crew Expendable.” Players will also experience the online multiplayer mode that redefined Call of Duty by introducing killstreaks, XP, Prestige and more, and battle head-to-head in 10 fan-favorite maps from the original multiplayer mode, including classics such as “Crash,” “Backlot” and “Crossfire.”

“The original Modern Warfare raised the bar on video games and forever will be remembered as one of the best. It’s an honour to be developing the remaster and we are committed to faithfully remastering this classic for Call of Duty fans,” stated Brian Raffel, studio head of Raven Software.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is included with the following editions of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare:

• Legacy Edition and Digital Legacy Edition – Includes both Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered ($79.99)

• Digital Deluxe Edition – Includes Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered and Season Pass ($99.99)

• Legacy Pro Edition – Includes Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, Season Pass, collectible Steelbook, official game soundtrack and additional digital items ($119.99)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-3 06:55 AM
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered Screenshots

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-3 07:36 AM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-5 07:17 PM
《使命召唤 无限战争》战役模式不支持多人联机


  《使命召唤:无限战争》将游戏的背景放到了未来,在本作中,玩家将体验到紧张刺激的太空战。Infinite Ward工作室成员称,希望本作能够为玩家带来非凡的游戏体验。

  同时,僵尸模式也首次正式加入由Infinity Ward工作室制作的《使命召唤》系列作品之中,正如此前报道的一样,本作的僵尸模式也将采用全新的故事背景并引入独特的游戏玩法。Activision负责人表示,他们将在E3期间公布本作的更多详情。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-6 06:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-5-6 06:31 PM 编辑

CoD: Infinite Warfare's debut trailer gets savaged on YouTube, Activision responds


  动视老板Eric Hirshberg说到:“首先,你不能否认这些玩家的热情,我们对于粉丝们有这么强烈的观点,把《使命召唤》系列“占为己有”的看法很开心。这种产生这么大能量的事情在整个星球上都屈指可数,《使命召唤》便是其一,我认为这是一件好事情。”

  “其次,我们知道许多玩家对于本作“脱离地球”的设定不太感冒,因此我们才决定复刻《使命召唤:现代战争》三部曲,让喜欢写实军事的玩家也能尽兴。”动视老板Eric Hirshberg补充道。



  不知道各位玩家在听了动视老板Eric Hirshberg的话,会有什么想法,玩家是希望《使命召唤》系列回归本质,还是走向外太空,变成一款科幻游戏呢?


Activision CEO Eric Hirshberg response during an earnings call today

First of all, you gotta love the passion of gamers. This is an industry like no other and a fan base like no other. We love that our fans treat this franchise like their own and have such strong points of view about it. There just aren't many entertainment franchises on earth that can generate the kind of passion that Call of Duty can... and that's a good thing.

Secondly, of course, we know there are people in our community who are nostalgic for the boots on the ground-style gameplay; that's why we made Modern Warfare Remastered. But we also have millions of people in our community who want to have new innovative experiences in the game each year and Infinite Warfare is going to deliver that.

The good news is this year we found a way to deliver both in one package while keeping our community together. While of course we see the passionate opinions on line, we also look at other measurements and the fact is — while it's very early — pre-orders are off to a very strong start. Views of the reveal trailer ... are up and, in fact, the number of likes per view on the Infinite Warfare trailer are the highest we've ever seen.

We've seen this in the franchise before. The reveal trailer for Black Ops 2, which took the franchise into the future for the first time, had the most dislikes of any reveal trailer we had ever made at that time. And that went on to become our most successful game ever.

Right now, the franchise has never been stronger. We have more people playing Black Ops 3, a game that takes place in the future, with boost jumps and fictitious weapons, than any game in our history.

What we know for sure is that if we always just did what worked in the past and never took any creative risks, we wouldn't have a franchise. The day to worry is the day we stop trying new things.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-20 07:38 AM
《使命召唤13》最新情报 将会有开放式的格斗场面





作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-11 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-11 04:15 PM 编辑

Jon Snow is Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's villain


Kit Harington Takes Villainous Turn in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Activision Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, announced today that Kit Harington will be featured in the upcoming Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, scheduled for release November 4th. The role marks a dramatic shift for the popular actor, as he portrays the face of the enemy in the new Call of Duty game in development by Infinity Ward.

“Kit is an amazing talent, and the consummate pro,” said Taylor Kurosaki, narrative director, Infinity Ward. “Our story is about an epic showdown of opposing forces, and Kit immersed himself into the role and truly became the embodiment of the enemy, the Settlement Defense Front. We can’t wait for fans to see Kit play an entirely different kind of character.”

To lend additional support to the production, Activision and Infinity Ward worked closely with director Guy Ritchie, who is familiar with the Call of Duty franchise, having helmed the acclaimed live-action trailer “Surprise” for Call of Duty: Black Ops II.

“Guy Ritchie is a friend of the franchise, so it was great to have him back to work with us, assisting in bringing Kit Harington’s character to life in Infinite Warfare,” added Dave Stohl, studio head, Infinity Ward. “It meant a lot to us to develop the role into everything it could be. We’re excited about the performance Kit delivered and can’t wait to get it out to the public. We’re committed to delivering a compelling story with rich character depth, and this was a special opportunity to add to our fantastic cast.”

“Gathering this level of talent together for this role speaks to our studio partner’s drive to deliver a powerful narrative in Call of Duty,” said Tim Ellis, chief marketing officer, Activision. “We challenge ourselves to constantly be fresh and expansive in creating gripping, immersive experiences that are exciting to play for our fans every year.”

Last year’s Call of Duty: Black Ops III had the biggest entertainment opening weekend of 2015, and was the #1 console game globally for the calendar year. For the seventh consecutive year, Call of Duty was the #1 video game franchise in North America.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-14 07:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-20 08:00 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 'Ship Assault' Gameplay Trailer
【E3 16】《使命召唤:无尽战争》释出实机游玩影片 《使命召唤:现代战争》推出重制版

  《使命召唤:无尽战争》(Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare)于稍早在 PlayStation E3 展前发表会释出游戏实机游玩影片,游戏预定 11 月 4 日;同时宣推出《使命召唤:现代战争》重制版。

  在《使命召唤:无尽战争》宣传影片中,展示玩家如何在太空中对战场面。 官方表示,预购《使命召唤:无尽战争》PS4 玩家还将可体验《使命召唤:现代战争》重(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered )制版。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-15 07:18 AM
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered 'Crew Expendable' Gameplay


Activision has released a seven-minute gameplay video of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, a playthrough of the “Crew Expendable” mission.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is included with the Legacy and Digital Deluxe Editions of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, which is due out worldwide on November 4. PlayStation 4 users will be able to play its campaign 30 days before Xbox One and PC owners.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-7-22 07:43 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-7-22 06:30 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 'Black Sky' Gameplay Walkthrough

  Activision 预定于 2016 年 11 月 4 日推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版人气军事 FPS 系列最新作《使命召唤:无尽战争》(Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare),日前公布游戏实玩影片,超过 10 分钟的影片中收录了任务「Black Sky」实玩场景及游戏序章剧情。

  本作描述忧心因地球资源枯竭及人口增加导致文明衰退的各国政府,设立了以开拓其他行星及小行星为目标的太空开发特别组织United Nations Space Alliance(UNSA),而在太阳系殖民地化的同时,也组成守护各国权益的军事同盟Solar Associated Treaty Organization(SATO),准备迎向一个全新时代。 但在 UNSA 太空开发先遣部队的士兵们却告分裂,并另组Settlement Defense Front(SDF)军团,宣告从地球独立,并与地球联合政府展开对战。 影片即描述在 UNSA 本部日内瓦例行的阅兵仪式中突然遭到 SDF 攻击的过程,本作单人模式中的主角为隶属于 UNSA 的 Nick Reyes 队长,他将与僚机飞行员 Salter 中尉,恩师 Raines 上将,以及搭档机器人 ETH.3n 共同行动与奋勇抗敌,壮烈的激战场景令人屏息。

The “Terminal” multiplayer map from Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 will be re-imagined in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare‘s new environments, Activision announced at Comic-Con in San Diego. Users who pre-order any edition of the game will receive the Terminal bonus map, which is now a shuttle port on the Moon and accommodates for Infinite Warfare‘s new gameplay “while playing true to the original.”

Activision also debuted two new videos of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare: a tour of the UNSA Retribution Flight Deck and a walkthrough of the “Black Sky” stage from the single-player campaign. Players take on the role of Lieutenant Reyes, a Tier 1 Special Operations pilot in the UNSA promoted to captain following a massive sneak attack on Earth. The campaign footage is from the opening sequence of the game and picks up shortly after the attack has begun. As Reyes, you must take the reigns and lead your squad through the destruction to push back against the enemy.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is due out for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC worldwide on November 4.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-5 06:09 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-17 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-17 07:35 PM 编辑

New Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Co-Op Mode Premieres ‘Zombies in Spaceland’

  动视Activition 和Infinity Ward 最近公布了《使命召唤:无尽战争》的生存模式“僵尸空间(Zombies in Spaceland)”的预告视频。动视还表示将会在今天透露更多关于这款联机模式的信息。


  《使命召唤:无尽战争》将在今年11月4日登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。


Zombies dudes and dudettes rejoice. Activision and Infinity Ward today unveiled ‘Zombies in Spaceland,’ the undead survival co-op mode launching on November 4 with Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Immersing players in an all-new 1980s setting with a most excellent soundtrack from the era, Zombies in Spaceland transports fans into an original, action-packed storyline where they’ll fight as one of four classic ‘80s characters, and battle the living dead in a space-themed amusement park full of deadly zombies, fun attractions and much more.

“Call of Duty and zombies in particular has such an incredible history with passionate fans, which inspired us to take all the co-op action that has made the series so great and fuse it with one of our favorite decades in pop culture: the ’80s,” said Brian Bright, Project Director at Infinity Ward. “Zombies in Spaceland is an all-new zombies experience where day-glow meets fright nights. It’s accessible for new players, but also has a deep layer of progression, brimming with easter eggs and various game features that will be a blast for hardcore zombies fans. We can’t wait for fans to go hands-on this fall.”

Zombies in Spaceland tells the story of four aspiring actors who come upon a mysterious movie theater for an audition. They’ve been invited by director Willard Wyler, portrayed with voice and likeness by Paul Reubens (Pee-wee’s Big Holiday, Gotham), who was once the shining star of the horror genre. Unbeknownst to the actors, they will be transformed into characters and transported straight into Wyler’s film to fight against waves of zombies in a space-themed amusement park set in the ‘80s.

Fans play as one of four ‘80s archetypes: the jock, the nerd, the valley girl and the rapper. The characters are voiced by a seasoned cast of comedic actors, including Seth Green (Robot Chicken, Austin Powers), Ike Barinholtz (Neighbors, Suicide Squad), Jay Pharoah (Saturday Night Live, Ride Along) and Sasheer Zamata (Saturday Night Live, Inside Amy Schumer). Additionally, players will encounter an enigmatic DJ in the theme park, portrayed with voice and likeness by David Hasselhoff (Knight Rider, Baywatch), who will be an invaluable resource as they try to get out of this horror movie alive.

Fans can learn more about Zombies in Spaceland by tuning in tomorrow, August 17 at 9:00am Pacific on Twitch at twitch.tv/callofduty, on YouTube atyoutube.com/callofduty and on Facebook at facebook.com/callofduty for a special reveal stream hosted by actor Jay Pharoah as he speaks with the game developers in more detail.

Fans who pre-order any edition of the game will receive the totally rad “Zombies in Spaceland Pack" which consists of bonus in-game digital items, including a unique zombies weapon camo, zombies weapon reticle, animated zombies calling card and Fate & Fortune card pack. They’ll also receive the reimagined, fan-favorite Terminal bonus multiplayer map.

At Call of Duty XP, the biggest Call of Duty fan event in history, fans will be able to play Zombies in Spaceland and engage in a special zombies laser tag experience. Call of Duty XP is just two and a half weeks away, taking place September 2 - 4 in Los Angeles.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is scheduled for worldwide release on November 4th on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-3 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-4 10:22 AM 编辑




  《使命召唤:无限战争》将于11月4日登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC。






  《使命召唤:无限战争》将于11月4日登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC。





  《使命召唤:现代战争》将于11月4日发售,登陆PS4,Xbox One和PC。



  动视今天在《使命召唤》XP活动开场中宣布,购买PS4版《使命召唤:无限战争》的玩家将免费获得一个PSVR扩展内容,“豺狗突袭”(Jakal Assault)。

  “史上第一段《使命召唤》PSVR内容将亮相于今年的《使命召唤:无限战争》,以免费扩展内容“豺狗突袭”(Jakal Assalt)的形式提供给PS4玩家。玩家将用驾驶舱视角控制单人战斗机“豺狗”,所有参加《使命召唤》XP活动的玩家都可以在现场试玩这段VR内容。”

《使命召唤》执行副总裁兼总经理Rob Kostich在媒体公告中表示:


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-3 03:53 PM
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer reveal trailer, PS4 beta begins October 14



Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer Beta Starts October 14, First on PlayStation 4

Call of Duty XP is now open. The sold-out Call of Duty fan celebration kicked-off this morning with a global briefing featuring the world premiere of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer trailer, followed by the announcement that Activision will release a Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer beta starting October 14th, first on PlayStation 4. Fans who pre-order the game on PlayStation 4 will get first access to the Beta, further details to be announced shortly. Activision also shared that all 16 of the original multiplayer maps will be coming to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, the previously announced 10 maps at launch, and the additional six from the hit original will be made available in December at no additional cost.

Activision also revealed that Jackal Assault, the first-ever Call of Duty PlayStation VR experience, will be offered later this year to Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare players on PS4 as a free, added bonus. Jackal Assault immerses fans in the cockpit and puts them in control of a Jackal, the personal fighter jet in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare. Fans attending Call of Duty XP will get the chance to play Jackal Assault on-site at the event.

"There's a ton of excitement here at Call of Duty XP. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience for Call of Duty fans to celebrate and enjoy everything this franchise has to offer," said Rob Kostich, EVP and GM, Call of Duty, Activision. "We're continuing the momentum from XP next month as fans around the world will be able to join us online to play in the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare multiplayer beta, which will give fans a chance to play multiplayer early and will help us to further polish the MP experience as we head into launch."

The epic fan-celebration started with the global briefing, which featured the world premiere of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's highly-anticipated multiplayer mode, as well as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered and new content for Call of Duty: Black Ops III. The presentation was streamed live in HD on twitch.tv/callofduty, youtube.com/callofduty, callofduty.com> and MLG.tv/callofdutyxp and will be available on VOD later this weekend.

Added Kostich, "The Jackal Assault is a cool, fun extension that's inspired by Infinite Warfare. We're excited to not only share this experience with Call of Duty XP fans this weekend, but give it for free to all Infinite Warfare PS4 players later this year."

Call of Duty XP represents the biggest celebration of the largest console gaming franchise in the world; and is hosted by Activision Publishing, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard. The event takes place at The Forum in Inglewood, Calif., today through September 4.

Inside, the arena is filled with fans eager to cheer on their favorite teams in the Call of Duty World League Championship, presented by PlayStation 4, as teams attempt to survive four days of intense competition playing Black Ops III, and vie for their share of the $2 million prize pool, the biggest prize purse in Call of Duty history.

For fans who can't attend Call of Duty XP in person, select events from the celebration, as well as the Call of Duty World League Championship, Presented by PlayStation 4, will be livestreamed in HD on Twitch at twitch.tv/callofduty, on YouTube at youtube.com/callofduty, and callofduty.com>. CWL fans can also watch all the esports action on MLG.TV and in-game (Black Ops III PS4™) through the Live Event Viewer.

Call of Duty XP precedes the year's most anticipated entertainment launch on November 4th when Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, along with Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, release worldwide on the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and PC.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is available in the Digital Deluxe and Legacy Editions of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare.

Beta starts October 14, 2016 on PS4 system; other platforms TBA. Actual platform availability and launch date(s) subject to change. Beta not available on PC. See callofduty.com/beta for more details. Minimum Beta duration is 3 days. Limited time only, while beta codes last, at participating retailers. Internet connection required.

At launch, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered will contain only 10 MP maps from the original Call of Duty: Modern Warfare game. All 16 original MP maps will be made available by 12/31/2016. Modern Warfare Remastered is a full game download. Internet connection required. For more information, please visit callofduty.com/MWR_FAQ.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-16 07:08 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-16 06:31 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Story Trailer with Kit Harington and Conor McGregor
《使命召唤:无尽战争》前进太空新疆界 体验更丰富的单人故事剧情

  在本次 TGS 中,索尼互动娱乐(SIE)特别安排 Activision 旗下 Infinity Ward 开发的第一人称射击游戏《使命召唤:无尽战争》(PS4 / Xbox One / PC)叙事总监泰勒‧黑崎(Yallor Kurosaki)介绍这次剧情模式与多人游玩的内容特色。

  《使命召唤:无尽战争》以未来的太阳系为舞台。 故事叙述担忧资源枯竭与人口爆炸造成文明衰退的各国政府,成立「联合国太空联盟(UNSA)」,积极展开对太阳系其他星球的殖民,同时设立军事同盟「太阳系联合公约组织(SATO)」来确保各国的权益。 但是部分担任太空拓荒先锋的士兵却组成「殖民地守卫战线(SDF)」,谋求从地球政权独立而发起一连串军事行动。


  从项目一开始就参与制作的泰勒表示,这次《使命召唤:无尽战争》的单人剧情模式部分下了非常大的心血制作,他身为主导故事剧情内容的叙事总监,可以向大家保证绝对能有精彩的体验。 这次游戏采用全新的故事背景,并保留《使命召唤》的传统元素,将之延伸到更广大的世界。

  泰勒接着提到,以往《使命召唤》系列的玩法就是前进战场、寻找掩护与敌人对抗。 而这次《使命召唤:无尽战争》因为舞台延伸到无重力的太空,因此在战斗部分从原本的平面延伸到立体空间,整个战术的运用上变得更为灵活多变。 此外,游戏中还加入了全新的多功能载具-「胡狼(Jackal)」,让玩法更为丰富。 玩家将扮演 UNSA 特殊战斗飞行侦查部队(SCAR)上尉尼克‧雷耶斯(Nick Reyes),是名能同时纵横地面与空中战场的英雄角色。 其所搭乘的胡狼战斗机则是在全新玩法中融入熟悉的既有操作,像是上升下降对应到蹲下跳跃等按钮,让玩家能直觉上手。

  随着游戏故事的推进,尼克将从一介小队队长成长为能指挥整个作战团队的领导,一开始他只是名上尉队长,随着战功累积晋升为太空战舰的舰长,当成为舰长之后,就能自由指挥船舰前往不同的战场执行任务。 在故事中,尼克所要面对的最大敌人,就是 SDF 的指挥官-前海军少将萨伦‧寇区(Salen Kotch),将由《权力游戏》中饰演「琼恩·雪诺」的英国演员基特·哈灵顿饰演。


  此外,官方日前还发表将加入「胡狼突击(Jackal Assault」的 PS VR 专用模式,让玩家透过 PS VR 的虚拟现实视野来游玩胡狼战斗机的空战。 而关于 PS4 Pro 的支持部分,泰勒表示,虽然目前还无法具体公布支持详情,不过制作团队会全力发挥 PS4 Pro 的效能来提升游戏表现。


Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Story Trailer

Today, Activision and Infinity Ward released a brand new story trailer gives fans a glimpse into the narrative featured in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare’s rich story campaign. The game returns to the roots of the series for a classic war story that, for the first time in franchise history, extends beyond the reaches of Earth into the vast expanse of our solar system.

The trailer also features the first in-game footage of actor Kit Harington, who plays Admiral Salen Kotch of the Settlement Defense Front, and UFC fighter Conor McGregor, who plays Captain Bradley Fillion of the Settlement Defense Front.

Additionally, fans can pre-order the game to get access to the Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Multiplayer Beta that begins October 14, first on PlayStation 4.

For more information, fans can check out: callofduty.com, youtube.com/callofduty or follow @CallofDuty and @InfinityWard on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare is scheduled for release November 4th on PlayStation 4 system, Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft, and PC.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-30 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-9-30 06:45 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered Campaign Launch Trailer
《Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered》公布发表影片

  Activision 预定于 2016 年 11 月 4 日推出的 PC/PS4/Xbox One 版人气军事 FPS 系列最新作《Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare》,日前公布限定版等同捆的《Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered》发表影片。

  2007 年发行的《Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare》为一向以二战为背景的《Call of Duty》系列首款以现代战争为主题的作品,透过支持 PlayStation 3 及 Xbox 360 的游戏引擎「IW 3.0」高画质表现以及完成度颇高的多人同玩模式获得玩家极高评价,至今仍是一款创下实销 1 亿 7,500 万套记录的指针性 FPS 游戏。

  使用新游戏引擎的重制版《Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered》除了以最新图像重现对象、材质、人物及地形等的精美画质之外,也将忠实再现「Crew Expendable」、「Shock and Awe」以及「Mile High Club」等经典战役。 另外,游戏还收录了 10 款原作中人气颇高的多人同玩地图,加上预定于 12 月在原作登场的 6 种免费 DLC,让玩家能重温这款巨作的迷人魅力。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-4 06:42 PM

  前不久动视曾宣布预定PS4版《使命召唤:无限战争》的玩家可提前30天也就是10 月 5 日进入《使命召唤:现代战争》(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered)高清重制版的单人战役模式。动视公布了《使命召唤:现代战争》高清重制版的游戏容量。


  《使命召唤:现代战争》高清重制版将带有单人战役与10 张多人地图,在今年12月时会以免费DLC 的方式提供其余6 张地图。《使命召唤:现代战争》高清重制版将于11 月 4 日正式发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-11 07:27 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-12 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-10-12 07:09 PM 编辑

《使命召唤:无尽战争》公布六种 Combat Rig 情报

  即将于10 月 15 日在PS4 平台开启多人模式测试的《使命召唤:无尽战争》今天又公布了一则新的预告片,带来了游戏中Combat Rig的详细情报,重点介绍了6 种Combat Rig 各自不同的战术特性与武器配置,玩家可以根据自己游戏风格自行选择。

  《使命召唤:无尽战争》并在将在本月进行两轮多人模式测试,首轮仅面向预购了PS4 版游戏的玩家,时间从10 月 15 日凌晨 1 点至 10 月18 日凌晨1点;第二轮测试面向PS4 与 Xbox One 两个平台,时间从10 月 22 日凌晨1 点至10 月 25 日凌晨1点。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-14 07:08 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-20 07:13 AM
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Will Star F1 Champion Lewis Hamilton


World Champion Race Car Driver Lewis Hamilton Joins the Cast of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare

Three Time World Champion race car driver Lewis Hamilton joins the ranks of Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare with a cameo appearance in Activision’s upcoming release this autumn. Reigning World Champion, Lewis Hamilton, plays the role of an engineer aboard the Retribution, one of the United Nations Space Alliance’s (UNSA) last remaining warships, following a devastating attack on their fleet in the game’s opening moments.

“I’ve been a Call of Duty fan for long time, so it’s an absolute honour to be part of this game and the franchise” said Lewis Hamilton. “The experience of being put into the game – from the facial scanning process to working with the team on the performance capture stage and just being able to meet the developers at the studio to get a glimpse at all the hard work that goes into the game – this has been an incredible experience.”

“Everyone at Infinity Ward was excited to work with Lewis since we’re all huge fans of his,” said Infinity Ward Narrative Director Taylor Kurosaki. “He came to Call of Duty with the same approach he takes to the racetrack, determined to nail his performance – which he absolutely did!”

For the latest intel, check out: callofduty.com, youtube.com/callofduty or follow @CallofDuty and @InfinityWard on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-20 07:26 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-26 07:06 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-10-26 06:09 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare Live Action Trailer ft. Michael Phelps and Danny McBride
《使命召唤 无限战争》真人预告

  今天《使命召唤:无限战争》(Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare)官方公布出了一段真人预告片,由彼得·博格执导,迈克尔·菲尔普斯和喜剧电视剧《体育老师笑传》中的丹尼·麦克布耐德客串演出,让我们一起来看看这段真人预告吧。

  现在预订《使命召唤:无限战争》的玩家还将享受到经典地图“航站楼”的福利内容。据悉,《使命召唤:无限战争》将于11 月 4 日正式发售,登陆PS4、Xbox One以及PC平台。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-28 07:33 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-31 06:03 PM



  本作将于 11 月 4 日在PC、PS4、XBOX ONE 三大平台正式发售。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-7 07:12 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-9 07:50 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-9 06:49 PM 编辑

《Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered》12 月更新详情


  “生死沙城”、“废弃仓库”、“审判广场”、“灰色城市”、“雷雨货轮”以及“导弹基地”共6张地图将于12月13日随着假日主题更新包加入到游戏中来,此外游戏还将新增枪神模式(Gun Game)与强点模式(Hardpoint)。


  《使命召唤:现代战争重制版》确认将添加PS4 Pro支持补丁,届时玩家们将能感受到更真实的动态4K游戏画面。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-14 06:52 PM
《使命召唤4:现代战争重制版》最新更新上线 首次加入女性角色

  动视旗下今年和最新的《使命召唤13:无限战争》捆绑发售的《使命召唤4:现代战争重制版(Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered)》在近日迎来了游戏的最新免费更新。此次更新将为游戏加入六张新的多人对战地图,其中包括原版游戏中的“Bloc”、“Countdown”、“Pipeline”、“Showdown”、“Strike”以及“Wet Work”。

  另外据官方的介绍,游戏中一张以雪地城市地图“Winter Crash map”也将在12月20号登陆主机和PC平台。在游戏的模式方面,此次更新也将为游戏引进“Gun Game”和“Hardpoint”两种模式。同时新的节日主题武器皮肤以及装饰物品也将在此次更新中上线。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-21 07:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-21 07:05 PM 编辑

《使命召唤:无限战争》首款地图 Sabatage DLC公布

  今日《使命召唤:无限战争(Call Of Duty: Infinite Warfare)》公布了首款地图包 DLC。使命召唤的地图包DLC 按照惯例会包含4 张多人模式地图以及一张合作模式地图。购买本作的季票可以获得包含Sabotage在内的4 个地图包DLC。Sabotage 将于2017 年 1 月 31 日登陆PS4平台限时独占30 天。PS4 用户可以于1 月 17 日预购 Sabotage DLC,届时购买了这个地图包或季票的玩家还可以免费下载一个PS4 主题。


  Noir 是一张昏暗、肮脏的城市地图,灵感来自于布鲁克林的夜晚。这张经典的三线式地图背景是一个反乌托邦的未来,地图的四周有许多小餐馆、公园,而中间则是残忍的市中心战区。

  Neon 是一张为市区作战设计的虚拟训练地图,汽车等地图元素会凭空出现在这个数字化战斗区域中,而被干掉的敌人会分解成为上百个像素。地图中间线路的视野很适合寻求远距离交火的玩家,同时地图周边区域会出现快节奏的近距离交战。

  Renaissance 地图位于意大利的北部,玩家要在威尼斯的运河旁、在古典建筑周围狭窄的街道中相互对抗。

  Dominion 是现代战争2经典地图Afghan的重制版,地图来到了火星上,地图中间坠毁的飞机等等令人怀念的地标与游戏方式依然还在,地图设计进行了一些改动以适应新的移动系统。


  红树林狂野派对(Rave in the Redwoods)是令人激动的《使命召唤:无限战争》僵尸新章节,以死亡为主题的故事依旧,而这次玩家来到了20世纪90年代。谜一般的邪恶导演Willard Wyler回来了,这次他把主演困在了另一部诡异的恐怖电影中。上一个故事里四个可操纵的人物这回会扮演新的角色,僵尸们跳着锐舞,占领了这个被遗弃了的湖边夏令营,让地面上充满了高科技舞曲的幻视,而主角们则会在对抗新类型僵尸的同时逐渐了解导演Wyler邪恶的计划。红树林狂野派对会带给玩家一个令人紧张而又兴奋的、充满了恐怖与惊奇的体验,当然这次依然会有特别多的彩蛋等待着玩家。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-1-12 07:29 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-1-25 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-26 07:47 AM 编辑

Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare 'Rave in the Redwoods' Trailer & Intro Video



Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare - Rave in the Redwoods Trailer

After escaping the terrifying Zombies in Spaceland, our heroes are transported to an abandoned campground... the perfect site for Willard Wyler’s next horror masterpiece. Set in the ‘90s, the four actors find themselves in brand new roles, along with some fresh new threads.

Together, they’ll team up to take on endless hordes of raver zombies and the mysterious Slasher, who’s on the prowl to add more “trophies” to his collection. With the help of some brutal new weapons and even director Kevin Smith (!), our heroes just might be able to put an end to the madness in the Redwoods.

Rave in the Redwoods arrives first on PlayStation 4 on 31st January 2017 in the Sabotage DLC pack.

Get four DLC packs for one great price with the Season Pass.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-1-31 08:10 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-1 07:38 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-16 07:27 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-22 07:19 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-29 07:40 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-30 07:24 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-5 07:26 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-5 07:29 AM 编辑


  动视今天发布消息即将在 4 月 18 日为《使命召唤13:无限战争》加入全新的丧尸模式玩法,命名为 Shaolin Shuffle(少林舞步)。

  这一次 Shaolin Shuffle 延续了之前丧失模式怀旧的设定,继之前上世纪 80 及 90 年代的时间设定之后,本次的 Shaolin Shuffle 将我们的四位主角穿越到了 70 年代。

  《使命召唤:无限战争》全新的 Shaolin Shuffle 将于4月18日率先登陆索尼PS4平台,其他版本将会跟进。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-12 07:38 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-24 07:24 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-24 04:20 PM 编辑

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered standalone launches for PS4 on June 27, Xbox One and PC later

  《使命召唤:现代战争重制版》是购买《使命召唤:无尽战争》时可获得的游戏,而在此前就也有过关于《使命召唤:现代战争重制版》的单卖版传言,本次动视终于正式公布本作的单卖版将于2017年6月27日发售PS4版、6月29日发售Xbox One版与PC版。



Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, which was originally only included with the Legacy Edition or higher of 2016’s Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, will launch physically and digitally for PlayStation 4 on June 27 for $39.99, followed by Xbox One and PC at a later date, Activision announced.

The standalone release does not include the “Variety Map Pack” add-on.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Activision:

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered features fully improved texture resolution and detail, revamped animation, remastered audio, and much more. Fans will relive the full, iconic story campaign as they’re transported around the globe with Capt. Price, Gaz and Soap across all the missions from the original game, including “All Ghillied Up,” “Charlie Don’t Surf,” and “Crew Expendable.” Players will also experience the online multiplayer mode that redefined Call of Duty by introducing killstreaks, XP, Prestige and more, and battle head-to-head in the fan-favorite maps from the original multiplayer mode, including classics such as “Crash,” “Backlot” and “Crossfire.”

(Editor’s Note: This article originally wrongly stated the Xbox One and PC versions would launch on June 29. This error originated from a screen capture we took from the video, which made it look like the game would release June 29, but first on PlayStation 4 on June 27. We apologize for the mistake.)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-28 02:05 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-7 07:54 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-6 04:12 PM

《使命召唤:无限战争》新DLC预告 在外星打僵尸好刺激

  《使命召唤:无限战争》的开发商 Infinity Ward 和发行商 Activision 公布了游戏的最后一个DLC的相关细节。

  首先新DLC“惩罚(Retribution)”将包含四张全新的多人地图,“大屠杀(Carnage)”是一个后启示录城市街道;“海拔(Altitude)”是一个位于宇宙边缘的未来购物中心;“22号仓库(Depot 22)”是一个中等大小的酒吧;而“中心地带(Heartland)”则是使用了《使命召唤:幽灵》中的地图Warhawk。

  除此之外,新的DLC还将包括一个全新的僵尸地图,名为“未来怪兽(The Beast from Beyond)”,玩家将会看到Poindexter、AJ、Andre和Sally出现在一个冰封星球上被遗弃的军事基地中与不死生物激战。

  《使命召唤:无限战争》的新DLC将于 2017 年 9 月 12 日发布,首先登陆PS4平台。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-8 07:12 AM

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