游戏名称:生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 幸运
生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 维纳斯
游戏原名:DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune(PS4)
DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Venus(PS Vita)
对应平台:PlayStation Vita / PlayStation 4
年龄分级:CERO 审查预定
开发厂商:KOEI TECMO Games
发行厂商:KOEI TECMO Games
《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3》「特典版」内容将包含游戏软件以及「服装套组」、「写真集」、「扑克牌」、「3D 鼠标垫」等各种周边合而为一的豪华组合;「最强版」则是包括「特典版」产品所收录的内容物之外,另加上 9 种 B2 尺寸的防水海报,提供给想收集齐全的玩家所设计的限量商品。 两款商品同时推出 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 版本。
如之前提过的《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3》「特典版」内容将包含游戏软件以及「服装套组」、「写真集」、「扑克牌」、「3D 鼠标垫」等各种周边合而为一的豪华组合;「最强版」则是包括「特典版」产品所收录的内容物之外,另加上 9 种 B2 尺寸的防水海报,提供给想收集齐全的玩家所设计的限量商品。 两款商品同时推出 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 版本。
KOEI TECMO Games 预定于 2016 年 2 月 25 日推出的 PlayStation 4/PlayStation Vita 专用游戏,《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3》。 主打使用最先进的人体贴图引擎「柔肤引擎(やわらかエンジン)」,刻画出几近真实的众多女性角色,除了在日本、亚洲地区受到众多玩家瞩目外,其实也吸引了为数不少的欧美地区玩家目光。 然而在日前,官方却承认将不会在欧美地区发售游戏,因此引发众多玩家后续不满反应。
使用柔肤引擎为最大卖点的《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3》
事件起因是一名玩家,在社交网站脸书上,和《生死格斗》系列的官方账号 Dead Or Alive Game,提出游戏是否会在欧美地区推出的疑问,而这也是官方首次给予明确回答,Dead Or Alive Game 虽然没有详细说明,但却指出他们在经过数年之久的考虑后,决定不会在欧美地区推出《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3》。 随后 KOEI TECMO Games 的欧洲区推特官方账号,也再次重申游戏不会在欧洲地区推出,玩家如有需求,可能要自行购买平行输入的日版游戏。
消息立刻在欧美游戏玩家社群中传播开来,也引发许多不同反应,游戏网站 Destructoid 在报导相关新闻时,痛斥 KOEI TECMO Games 弃玩家于不顾,并呼吁玩家多多支持像是 XSEED(Marvelous 的北美发行品牌)或是 ATLUS 等,更重视欧美市场的日系公司。 网站则是指出,KOEI TECMO Games 可能是因为考虑到欧美女性团体反应,才会决定要放弃欧美市场。
Official statement from Koei Tecmo Games regarding Dead or Alive Xtreme 3
The comments recently made by and employee regarding Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 on the official Dead or Alive Facebook page only reflect that individual's opinion and not the opinion or business strategy of Koei Tecmo Games.
We remain focused on delivering the best in fighting entertainment to our fans around the world, while consciously respecting and strategizing to support the different global audiences the Dead or Alive franchise lends itself to.
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 remains in development and is still planned for release in Japan and Asia only.
台湾光荣特库摩公布《生死格斗》系列最新作,PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 专用度假游戏《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3(DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3)》将于 2016 年 3 月 24 日正式发售,本作除了一般版(中英文字幕、日文语音)之外,预定同时发售附有豪华特典的「特典版」与「最强版」。
《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3》特典版为游戏软件以及「服装套组」、「写真集」、「扑克牌」、「3D 鼠标垫」等各种周边合而为一的豪华组合;「最强版」则是包括「特典版」产品所收录的内容物之外,另加上 9 种 B2 尺寸的防水海报,提供给想一次收齐的玩家所设计的限量商品。 两款商品同时推出 PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 版本。
「主人商店」是主人专用的商店,可以购买系列熟悉的梦幻泳装「幸运(Fortune)」(可在 PS4 版购得)与「维纳斯(Venus)」(可在 PS Vita 版购得)等特别的道具。
PS Vita 版「柔肤引擎 Lite」
PS Vita 版搭载的「柔肤引擎 Lite(やわらかエンジンLite)」,是以 PS4 版《生死格斗 5 Last Round》搭载的「柔肤引擎(やわらかエンジン)」物理运算为基础,针对 PS Vita 处理效能加以客制化的版本,将配合 PS Vita 触碰屏幕来提供直觉的操作。 当玩家以手指在触碰屏幕上滑动时,会产生神秘的风,让发丝、衣服甚至是胸部随之飘摇晃动。 另外还提供衣服湿透的表现。
KOEI TECMO Games 制作,预定 3 月 24 日在台推出的 PS4 / PS Vita 度假游戏《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3(DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3)》,现公布 PS Vita 版实机宣传影片,供玩家参考。
先前官方公布的游戏画面、宣传影片与角色写真印象影片等,都是以 PS4 版为主,如今则是公布收录详细 PS Vita 版实机画面的宣传影片,让预定购入 PS Vita 版的玩家参考。 PS Vita 版搭载轻量版的「柔肤引擎 Lite」,配合 PS Vita 触碰屏幕提供直觉的操作。 当玩家以手指在触碰屏幕上滑动时,会产生神秘的风,让发丝、衣服甚至是胸部随之飘摇,另外还提供衣服湿透的表现。
• Kasumi is the only playable character, and every feature is available except for the Casino.
• A “Casino Membership” is required to play in the Casino.
• “Character Rights” for each character are required to play as characters other than Kasumi.
• You can’t give swimsuit presents to girls you don’t own the Character Rights to.
• Basic Free Version-exclusive downloadable content needs to be purchased separately for each platform.
• The bonus swimsuit downloadable content and other swimsuit downloadable content can be shared with the paid version and you can play the paid version using the save data from the Basic Free Version.
Character Rights and Casino Membership Prices
• Character Rights – 1,200 yen (PS4) / 1,100 yen (PS Vita)
• Casino Membership – 2,000 yen (PS4) / 2,000 yen (PS Vita) 作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-5-27 07:35 AM 《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3》新作泳衣第 4 弹「和平」、「大草原」开放下载
光荣特库摩于 2016 年 5 月 26 日起,PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita 专用度假游戏《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3》的新作泳衣第 4 弹「和平」、「大草原」开始开放下载。
Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 PlayStation VR DLC Launches January 24
《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 幸运》VR 专用模式「VR 天堂」日本开放下载
KOEI TECMO Games 于昨(24)日起,开始于日本开放下载 Playstation 4 / Playstation Vita 休闲游戏《生死格斗:沙滩排球 3 幸运(DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme 3 Fortune)》(以下简称《DOAX3》)的 Playstation VR 专用模式「VR 天堂(VR パラダイス)」。
「VR 天堂」是能以 PS VR 来体验《DOAX3》的扩充模式,玩家将扮演南方的度假小岛「札克岛」的代班经理,招待在《生死格斗》系列中登场的女性角色们,并让她们度过愉快的假期。 在 PlayStation Store 里购买「VR 护照(VR パスポート)」便能游玩此模式。
[youtube]Ro5ZpI3YMCk[/youtube]作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-21 12:03 AM First look at Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation
Famitsu has gone up with a new online preview of Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation, DMM Games’ upcoming PC game and the latest entry in the Dead or Alive Xtreme series.
The preview provides a first look at Misaki (above), a new character with a side ponytail. She is voiced by Minami Tsuda.
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation is due out this fall in Japan as a free-to-play title with item-based micro-transactions. It will require the DMM Game Player to play.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-22 07:25 AM Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation first details, screenshots
DMM Games shared first official details and screenshots of Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation, its upcoming PC game playable through its DMM Game Player application, at Tokyo Game Show 2017.
Get the information below.
■ Venus Festival
A festival of goddesses who “compete in strength and beauty” at the everlasting summer paradise known as the “Venus Islands.” The owners of the Venus Islands compete against each other, and the invited girls shine as “Venuses.” One day, as the festival was nearing, a new owner visited one of the islands…
■ New Character
Misaki (voiced by Minami Tsuda)
“I’ll do my best, so please watch me?”
An original character debuting in this game. An exclusive supporter, she always supports the owner. See her off with a smile full of spirit, and who knows what kind of things she may be able to work hard at? She is a modern day girl who will lightheartedly come into contact with the owner like a friend. But there is also a side to her that avoids exposing her skin.
■ Returning Characters
Familiar, cute girls will also appear.
Marie Rose (voiced by Mai Aizawa)
Kasumi (voiced by Houko Kuwashima)
Honoka (voiced by Ai Nonaka)
Hitomi (voiced by Yui Horie)
■ Beach Volleyball
In this game, the girls can compete in a game of beach volleyball. Supporting the girls as owners seems to be the key.
Special scenes may also trigger during matches.
■ Original Swimsuits
Swimsuits original to this game have been added.
Unintentional happenings such as swimsuits getting worn out are well and alive in this game.
More details on Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation will debut during a DMM Games stage event at Tokyo Game Show 2017 on September 13 from 14:00 to 14:45. You’ll be able tow atch it live on YouTube, Niconico, Fresh, and Periscope.
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation is due out for PC in Japan in 2017 as a free-to-play title with item-based micro-transactions.作者: kirassss 时间: 2017-9-22 07:27 AM
Following an update earlier this week, DMM Games released the debut trailer for Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation alongside gameplay details and new screenshots at Tokyo Game Show 2017.
Get the new information below.
■ How to Play
The player, as an owner, will participate in the “Venus Festival” held on the Venus Islands together with the girls, who act as their partners. Go on and make memories with them.
You can compile and check the “memories” of the vacation you make with the girls. All types of memories are being prepared, including episodes with the girls, gravure scenes, bromides, and more. You will be able to see a special side of the girls who you have befriended and earned their trust.
On the Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation home screen, your partner girl will greet you at all times. Not only can you enjoy taking pictures of and interacting with the girls, they’ll also appear on the menus that lead to various screens and functions.
The girls will show off their various swimsuits, but you can also equip them with various accessories on their head, body, and arms. Change up their accessories with your favorite combinations, then enjoy beach volleyball and photographing.
Swimsuits and accessories will also boost the abilities of the girls who wear them. Of course, this can be configured separately from their appearance, so users fixated on appearances can rest easy.
When taking photos of the girls, the mouse cursor can turn into a fan that lets you blow a sneaky wind at them.
You can get swimsuits and accessories through the game’s gacha system. Some gacha will even result in forbidden shower scenes…
■ More Returning Characters
Ayane (voiced by Wakana Yamazaki)
Nyotengu (voiced by Akari Sato)
Kokoro (voiced by Ayako Kawasumi)
Momiji (voiced by Minaguchi)
Helena (voiced by Yuka Koyama)
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation is due out for PC in Japan in 2017 as a free-to-play title with item-based micro-transactions. Pre-registration is available now at the game’s official website
KOEI TECMO Games 旗下 PC 专用渡假游戏《生死格斗:沙滩排球维纳斯假期(DEAD OR ALIVE Xtreme Venus Vacation)》由日本 DMM GAMES 运营的PC端网游平台制作今天为庆祝新年的到来,推出了特别的新年活动,这个活动从今日起持续到 1 月 10 日,还有很多丰富的奖励。
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation adds new character Luna
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation will soon add a new character named Luna, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.
Luna is described as a girl who gives off the impression of someone who says crazy things. She is the second new character to be added following Misaki.
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation is now available for PC via the DMM Game Portal in Japan. 作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-1-29 04:57 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-26 08:00 PM 编辑
DMM Games and Koei Tecmo have released a new trailer for Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation introducing a new character named Tamaki (voiced by Saori Oonishi).
Tamaki is a 22 year-old fashion designer who enjoys bouldering, yoga, and bar hopping, and whose favorite things include macaroons, carbonated water, and alcohol.
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation is now available for PC via the DMM Game Portal in Japan.
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation will add a new character named Fiona as part of its September 27 update, the latest issue of Weekly Famitsu reveals.
Fiona, who is voiced by Kaede Hondo, is described as a soft and fluffy, big-breasted princess.
Dead or Alive Xtreme: Venus Vacation is now available for PC via the DMM Game Portal in Japan.作者: kirassss 时间: 2018-9-27 04:45 PM 本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-28 04:29 PM 编辑