标题: 【PS4/3DS/NS】ドラゴンクエスト11 过ぎ去りし时を求めて [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-28 06:05 PM
标题: 【PS4/3DS/NS】ドラゴンクエスト11 过ぎ去りし时を求めて
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-19 06:26 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作《勇者斗恶龙 11》正式发表 确定跨 PS4 / N3DS 平台推出

  SQUARE ENIX 今(28)日下午 5:00 在日本举办的「勇者斗恶龙新作发表会」上,由系列之父堀井雄二正式宣布尔日本国民 RPG《勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト11 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》将在 PS4 / N3DS 上推出。


  《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》是系列首度跨平台推出、首度登上 PS4 的本传作品。


  追记:系列制作人齐藤阳介于发表会尾声宣布,《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》与《勇者斗恶龙 10 Online》后续都会在任天堂尚未正式发表详情的下一代新主机「NX」上推出


游戏名称:勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光
游戏原名:ドラゴンクエスト11 过ぎ去りし时を求めて
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo 3DS / Nintendo Switch
Press Cenference:http://www.jp.square-enix.com/co ... 0d056951e0aac0.html

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-29 07:30 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-13 06:59 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-13 07:07 AM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》公布游戏画面 活用 PS4 / N3DS 双平台特性呈现

  SQUARE ENIX 今(13)日公布了开发中的《勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作 PS4 / N3DS《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト11 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》的游戏画面。

《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》是日本家喻户晓、被称为 “国民 RPG” 的《勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作,亦是系列首款跨平台推出的作品,将活用 PS4 与 N3DS 两平台的特性来呈现。

  PS4 版将采用 Epic Games 研发、广受全球各大游戏开发团队采用的先进游戏引擎「Unreal Engine 4」制作,以高分辨率高精细度的全 3D 绘图画面生动逼真地呈现广大美丽的冒险世界。

PS4 版逼真呈现广大美丽的世界,以及四处徘徊的怪物



系列不可或缺的战斗,PS4 版将展现魄力十足的战斗场面

  N3DS 版则是活用双屏幕特性,在序章部分将同时在上画面呈现时下主流的 3D 多边形画面、在下画面呈现令老玩家怀念的 2D 点阵画面,并让上下两画面连动。 序章过后则是可以让玩家自由选择要以 3D 多边形画面或 2D 点阵画面呈现,包含地图与战斗都可以依照自己喜好随时切换。

序章的地图画面,3D 的上画面会与 2D 的下画面连动同步

序章的据点画面,3D 的上画面会与 2D 的下画面连动同步


战斗画面,可以自由选择 3D 或 2D 呈现

序章的事件画面,3D 的上画面会与 2D 的下画面连动同步


游戏名称:勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光
游戏原名:ドラゴンクエスト11 过ぎ去りし时を求めて
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo 3DS / NX(预定)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-13 06:23 PM

Dragon Quest XI aiming for release before May 27, 2017 in Japan

Square Enix shared little information about Dragon Quest XI during its Dragon Quest 30th Anniversary Project Presentation today.

Series creator Yuji Horii said the story is nearly finished and the beginning part of the game is playable. But because of the game’s volume, it will still take some time. Horii said he is hoping to release Dragon Quest XI in the series’ 30th anniversary year, which series unification producer Ryutaro Ichimura defined as between May 27, 2016 and May 27, 2017.

Dragon Quest XI is in development for PlayStation 4 and 3DS.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-30 07:10 PM
《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》将会出展 JUMP FESTA

  Square Enix 社今天开设了准备于12 月 17、18 日举办的活动JUMP FESTA 2017的特设关联网站,从网站里我们得知在 JUMP FESTA 活动中《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》将会以舞台秀的形式出展。另外活动中还将会有《王国之心2.8 HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue》、《勇者斗恶龙 10 Online》等知名作品出展。http://www.jp.square-enix.com/jf17/

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-12 06:48 PM



  PS4 版由Orca工作室辅助研发(虚幻4引擎),3DS 版由Toylogic工作室辅助研发,Switch 版暂未提及开发工作室。游戏的剧本已经完成,在今年8 月已经让剧本和地图加入游戏。三个平台的游戏剧情是完全相同的。本作延续了DQ一直以来的传统,采用回合制战斗,可以将城镇里的木桶或罐子打碎,本作可以进行跳跃了。

  非常值得注意的是3DS 版在3D 游戏的模式下是明雷遇敌,而2D 游戏的模式是踩地雷。两种模式是可以来回切换的。(这里所说的“3D与2D”指的是建模,即3DS画风和SFC画风,不是指的裸眼3D这个层面的。)

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-17 07:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-17 07:41 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙XI 追寻逝去的时光》2017年PS4/N3DS双平台即将同步推出,最新OP&登场伙伴画面抢先看

  随着「Jump Festa 2017」活动自今明两天正式在日本东京千叶幕张展览馆展开,Square Enix 公司也在现场举办最新舞台活动,并正式发表玩家们期待已久,预定会在 PS4/N3DS 等主机平台上推出的官方旗下人气 RPG《DQ 勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作 11 代《勇者斗恶龙XI》(Dragon Quest XI/ドラゴンクエストXI)的最新情报要给玩家们知道!

  在今天的活动中,官方特地邀请游戏总监「堀井雄二」与制作人「齐藤阳介」、监督导演「内川毅」等开发团队到场,除了释出 PS4/N3DS 两个版本的最新游戏内实机画面让玩家们能够抢先确认欣赏之外,同时也公布游戏的最新 OP 开头宣传影片,还有新伙伴「Kamyu」(カミュ)的最新画面。 据官方表示,在这次游戏中,将会以一个名为「罗德杰达西亚」(ロトゼタシア)的大陆做为舞台,而且在影片中也将会有主角与例如像是弹着竖琴的少女、女格斗家等伙伴共同挑战强敌的最新演出画面,让玩家们能抢先感受体验所带来的丰富冒险探索乐趣体验。

  除了释出多段影片让玩家们抢先确认欣赏之外,另外这次官方也释出主角的最新设定情报要给玩家们确认。 据官方表示,本作主角为一名性格温和,在村民们守护下健全长大的少年,随着主角 16 岁生日的到来,他的全新冒险也就此正式揭开序幕,并为玩家们带来一场前所未有的壮阔冒险之旅! 至官方所释出的这名新角色「卡缪」(Kamyu/カミュ),则是主角最初的伙伴角色,身为盗贼的他,在游戏中将会有怎样的表现,玩家们不妨就先拭目以待吧!

  另外官方也宣布,本作目前预定将于 2017 年正式推出,游戏中将会把许多之前系列玩家们所熟悉的怀念要素再度收录登场(例如像是「Slot 吃角子老虎机」与「扑克」等赌场要素,或是系列玩家们最喜欢的「性感动作(ぱふぱふ)」也都会有新的诠释),同时 N3DS 版将会对应擦身而联机功能(例如像是之前九代的「藏宝图(宝の地図)」等联机要素本作 N3DS 版本也会收录),至于确定时间与游戏内容等信息有兴趣的玩家们不妨就先拭目以待吧。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-22 11:23 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-23 07:11 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙XI 追寻逝去的时光》最新杂志扫图 主角手腕现神秘印记

  在最新一期的《周刊Jump》上有两页关于《勇者斗恶龙XI 追寻逝去的时光》的内容,透露了一些关于主角、游戏世界观和战斗的情报。

  在杂志扫图上有许多PS4和3DS两个版本游戏截图的比较。还能在图上看到战斗系统和系列熟悉的怪物。主角在16 岁时参加了他的成人礼,他的左手腕上有一块闪光的印记,或许是拯救世界化身的标志。一位全新角色也一同曝光,Ema(上图左下角的女孩)是主角的一个发小,她与主角一起攀登“Divine Rock”寻找真相,而在开场动画中她与主角告别并独自离开村庄。

  此次冒险的舞台名为“洛特泽塔西亚”,伟大的生命之树悬浮在世界中心,据说勇敢坚韧的英雄可以与生命之树进行灵魂交流。另外值得一提的是战斗场景,《勇者斗恶龙XI 追寻逝去的时光》保持原汁原味,仍将使用回合制战斗系统,3DS 版的DQ11 将可通过手动来自由切换3D画面和2D游戏画面。

  《勇者斗恶龙XI 追寻逝去的时光》将于2017年发售,登陆PS4和3DS。此前任天堂已经确认游戏会登陆Switch,但是尚未有更多消息公布。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-27 06:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-28 06:26 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 11》公开主角、伙伴「卡穆」以及故事舞台「罗德杰特席亚」详细介绍

  SQUARE ENIX 公布了预定 2017 年内发售的 PS4 / 3DS《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》的最新情报。

  这次公开的内容,曝光了关于「主角」和伙伴「卡穆(カミュ)」,以及将会成为冒险舞台的游戏世界「罗德杰特席亚(ロトゼタシア)」等详情。 虽和日前在「JUMP FESTA 2017」舞台活动上公开的内容有些许重复,但这次公开了更详尽的细节介绍,有兴趣的玩家不妨确认。

  首先是有关于身为本作冒险舞台的游戏世界「罗德杰特席亚」。 游戏监督内川毅在活动当中已经表示,将会是一个绝对不逊于过去系列作的广阔世界,而在这个世界据说是由「传说中所有生命根源的神木『生命大树(命の大树)』」所创造出来的世界。 浮在世界中心的生命大树,和勇者有非常密不可分的关系,大树的灵魂似乎和勇者心灵相通。



  另外主角故乡伊希村(イシの村),则是位在生命大树飘浮的大陆南端,一座巨大的岩山附近,位于当地溪谷地区的一角。 在伊希村中,年满 16 岁就会被视为成年,而每年迎接成年的村民,都要依照习俗攀上被村民视为寄宿大地精灵的「神之岩」,在巨岩上面向精灵祈祷。

  生活在伊希村当中的主角,和从小一起长大的青梅竹马少女 - 埃玛(エマ),即将要一块迎接成人仪式。 而他在仪式当中,得知自己其实是勇者转世,肩负伟大的使命。 于是主角为了探寻勇者的本质,以及自己身负的使命,踏上了冒险旅程。











  「卡穆」则是主角在旅程当中遇见的青年盗贼。 为人重情重义,在成为伙伴之后,会是主角非常可靠的队友。 从公开的数据和游戏图片来看,还可以看到像是「勇者的奇迹」以及「预言」等,许多令人在意的关键词,看起来这个角色,似乎也带有熟知「某些事物」的神秘的要素存在。

  而在游戏当中会加入队伍成为伙伴的角色,当然不会只有卡穆一个人。 不过有关于其他角色的情报,预定会在日后陆续公开,可密切注意后续报导。

  另外在舞台活动上,齐藤阳介制作人也表示,开发团队的目标是能在系列作 30 周年期间发售。 因为系列首部作品《勇者斗恶龙》,是在 1986 年 5 月 27 日于 Family Computer(红白机)发售,所以照这样计算下来,系列作 30 周年期间将会在 2017 年 5 月 26 日结束。 如果真的能照目标进行,那玩家只要再等待最多半年,就可以玩到《勇者斗恶龙 11》了。

  还有在 2015 年 7 月举办的《勇者斗恶龙》新作发表会上,除了公开《勇者斗恶龙 11》将会在 PS4 和 3DS 主机上发售之外,也正在「研究」登上「NX」(当时的开发代码,也就是 Nintendo Switch)推出。

  虽然目前《勇者斗恶龙 11》官方网站上,记载的对应主机只有 PS4 和 3DS,但是在任天堂官方网站「焦点新闻(トピックス)」于 12 月 19 日公开的报导当中,有明文记载游戏预定会在 Nintendo Switch 主机上推出(只是并没有明言 Nintendo Switch 版的发售时间)。 虽然因为 SQUARE ENIX 尚未正式发表,所以可能还会有些许变量,但是 Nintendo Switch 版《勇者斗恶龙 11》未来的动向,也是十分值得注意。

《勇者斗恶龙》本传最新作 将在 PlayStation 4 与 Nintendo 3DS 上登场


  《勇者斗恶龙》系列本传最新作《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》。 已经决定将会在 PlayStation 4 和 Nintendo 3DS,这两个不同的平台上发售。 不管是在放眼望去尽是一片美景的 PlayStation 4 版游戏,还是画面让人感到温馨怀念的 Nintendo 3DS 版游戏,两者体验到的故事相同。 玩家可以选择自己喜欢的平台来进行游戏。



在 PlayStation 4 版游戏中,那广大而且美丽的地图上,有花草树木、正在流动的瀑布,
连怪兽们也表现得十分生动。 连城镇当中的居民,都能感觉到他们自己的日常生活。



Nintendo 3DS 版游戏在冒险初期,可以同时看到以立体表现的「3D 模式」,
以及使用位图来描绘的「2D 模式」两种不同画面。


  《勇者斗恶龙》系列作自诞生以来,在这 30 年历史当中可以说是不断在进化。 而在进行游戏时,可以感受到系列作历史,并且同时享受到「最新的《勇者斗恶龙》」和「令人怀念的《勇者斗恶龙》」,也是本作的魅力之一。 一定可以在本作当中找到自己喜欢的《勇者斗恶龙》。


PlayStation 4 版,以极富魄力的


Nintendo 3DS 版,魔物


在 Nintendo 3DS 版,还可

这就是《勇者斗恶龙 11》的主角


  在伊希村过着平稳生活的青年。 在主角年满 16 岁,要执行成人仪式时,得知令人惊讶的事实。 原来自己是使说中过去曾经拯救世界的「勇者」转世,身负伟大的使命......!

  勇者是什么,勇者的使命又是什么。 为了亲眼见证自己的命运,于是主角离开故乡,踏进广大的世界。

本作主角。 在伊希村村民的守望之下,平安无事成长到成人。
而在主角迎接 16 岁生日的这一天,本作的冒险就要拉开序幕。

和主角同一天出生,感情非常好的青梅竹马少女 - 埃玛。
一起迎接 16 岁成人的两人,将要一起执行成人仪式。




  「我一直相信着,勇者的奇迹......。 」

  在旅程中和主角相遇的蓝发盗贼。 虽然其言行举止有些粗野,但是为人重情重义,而且富有同情心。 加入队上后以旅行达人的队友身份,在背后支撑初入世面的主角,引导其向前迈进。





  本作的冒险世界,罗德杰特席亚。 是一个由所有生命根源的神木,「生命大树」所创造出来的广大世界。 在这个世界当中会有怎样的冒险在等待玩家呢,令人非常期待。


  飘浮在世界中心的大树。 据说勇者和大树之间有密不可分的关系,可以和大树的灵魂心灵相通。




  主角踏上旅程之地--伊希村是一个位于溪谷地带一角的小村落。 崇拜大地精灵的村民们,在这里过着平稳的生活。 虽然商店等设施并不多,但是盛行畜牧,村里常常可以看到马匹经过。 年满 16 岁,接迎成人的村民,必须要攀上被村民视为寄宿大地精灵的「神之岩」,在巨岩上面向精灵祈祷,是村子长年相传的习俗。



瀑布化为小河流经村内。 是个绿意盎然,有丰富大自然的村子。




发出淡淡光芒的树根。 这到底是...?
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-29 07:23 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-12-30 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-12-30 06:18 PM 编辑


  由日本 Square Enix 公司预定于 2017 年在 PS4/N3DS 等主机平台上推出的这款人气 RPG《DQ 勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作 11 代《勇者斗恶龙XI》(Dragon Quest XI/ドラゴンクエストXI),如今又有主角搭乘飞龙与战斗等最新画面影像释出要给玩家们确认欣赏啰!

  由官方即将于 2017 年在 PS4/N3DS 等主机平台上推出的这款系列最新作,游戏将会以一个全新幻想世界「罗德杰达西亚」(ロトゼタシア)大陆做为舞台,玩家们将扮演从小在「石之村」(イシの村)长大的 16 岁稳重少年,并在这片新大陆上以勇者身分与各式各样的伙伴相遇一起冒险,挑战各式各样的强敌关卡! 而本作与之前系列最大不同之处,就在于这次将会同时推出 PS4/N3DS 两个版本,其中 PS4 版将对应 Unreal Engine 4 引擎开发,让玩家们使用真实头身比例的 3DCG 渲染画风角色来进行冒险挑战,制作人「冈本北斗」更夸言,PS4 版将会穷极主机规则最大极限来进行开发,带给玩家们前所未有的视觉动作体验;至于在 N3DS 版方面,则将活用 N3DS 的上下屏幕,让玩家们在上屏幕可以使用类似之前九代那样的三头身角色在这片 3D 舞台世界进行冒险,而下画面则将会采用类似到之前六代为止那样的 2D 点阵绘风,日玩家们可以透过上下两个画面的 3D/2D 连动来选择自己喜欢的画面进行游戏体验。

  至于在这次官方所释出的这段最新影片,为日本 NHK《DQ》特别节目小组潜入开发团队所拍摄取得的影像,里面除了将会收录主角最新的战斗画面演出之外,另外还有主角骑乘龙的最新画面,有兴趣的玩家们也可以趁现在赶快先来确认看看,体验本作更加进化的骑龙飞行演出!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-1-3 06:22 PM
Square Enix 监制解释为何《勇者斗恶龙》在西方不如《Final Fantasy》系列受欢迎

  《Final Fantasy》与《勇者斗恶龙》都是 Square Enix 旗下经典系列,在日本国内这两个系列都受到许多玩家的喜爱,两者几乎处于同等地位,然而在西方情况就大不一样了,《勇者斗恶龙》远不如《Final Fantasy》受欢迎。这到底是为什么呢?近日Square Enix 监制 Yu Miyake 在接受外媒 EDGE 的采访时就解释了其原因。

  他表示大家得出的结论是“历史时机问题”,当 Famicom 出现时,几乎每个人都在玩《勇者斗恶龙》,而进入PS时代之后大家在玩的游戏都变成了《Final Fantasy VII》,所以这两个群体的情怀本源也完全不同,日本玩家们对《勇者斗恶龙》的情怀更深,而对于西方国家的玩家们来说情怀则是《Final Fantasy》


  Yu Miyake 口中的“我们”应该是指的 Enix 公司,Square 与 Enix 在 2003 年合并为了Square Enix,所以《Final Fantasy》与《勇者斗恶龙》也成为同一公司旗下作品。而在合并之前,Enix 一直比较注重的是日本国内市场,对海外的本地化及宣传几乎很少。合并之后Square Enix 也对《勇者斗恶龙 8》下了很大功夫,就如何吸引日本海外玩家等问题进行了探讨。

  “例如我们推出了不同国家的游戏配音,在游戏菜单设计上也进行了认真思考,仍不想舍弃《勇者斗恶龙》中的核心元素。但游戏最后的海外销量并不理想与《Final Fantasy》完全不可比。”

  Yu Miyake 还表示虽然《勇者斗恶龙》游戏内容十分成熟但许多西方玩家认为它的画风还是稍显幼稚。不过 Square Enix 此前在西方对《勇者斗恶龙建造大师》和《勇者斗恶龙群雄》进行过大量宣传,目的就是为《勇者斗恶龙 11》的软着陆做准备。

  《勇者斗恶龙 11》将于今年登陆PS4、3DS以及Switch平台,敬请期待。

3DS 与 PS4 版《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》音乐安排将有不同

  此前《勇者斗恶龙 11》制作人曾表示游戏开发已达巅峰阶段,这表明这款经典系列新作离我们越来越近了。而最近日本知名作曲家椙山浩一也就游戏中的插曲向玩家们透露了新情报。根据椙山浩一先生透露,在PS4与3DS这两款不同的游戏机上的音乐是一样的,不过两版本将会有不同的音乐安排,意思应该就是音乐顺序会有所不同。但椙山浩一先生并没有透露Switch 版本是否有自身的安排还是会采纳PS4 版或3DS 版的音乐顺序。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-6 06:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-7 06:48 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 11》公布故事与角色新信息 勇者沦为恶魔之子惨遭追杀?!

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定 2017 年推出的 PS4 / N3DS(※)角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》,官方网站日前更新,公布包括故事与角色介绍等新信息,以及 PS4 版与 N3DS 版的多张新游戏画面,供玩家参考。

※ 任天堂与 SQUARE ENIX 方面已确认会推出 Nintendo Switch 版,但官方网站尚未标注

  《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》是日本家喻户晓的国民 RPG《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念最新作,首度针对不同平台同步制作,将在 PS4 与 N3DS 上分别提供高画质 3D、Q 版 3D 与点阵 2D 共 3 种不同风格的画面。 此外亦预定在 Nintendo Switch 上推出,但详情未明。

  游戏以被称为「罗德杰特席亚(ロトゼタシア)」的世界为舞台,这个世界的中央漂浮着一切生命源头的神木「生命之大树(命の大树)」。 玩家将扮演偏远乡村「伊希村(イシの村)」出身的主角,在 16 岁迎接成人仪式时,得知自己出生时就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的重大使命,为了了解勇者的意义与使命、亲眼确认自己的命运,于是离开故乡踏上前往广大世界的旅程。

  在本次新公布的故事介绍中,背负着勇者宿命的主角依照母亲指示,前往大陆第一大国「迪尔卡达尔(デルカダール)」会见迪尔卡达尔王,从迪尔卡达尔王口中得知勇者的真谛。 不过当国王说完之后,王国士兵却认定主角是「恶魔之子」而兵刃相向,主角于是被迫踏上逃亡之旅...

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-9 06:07 PM
Dragon Quest XI introduces new character Sylvia, two new monsters, camping system

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-13 06:33 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-16 06:42 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 11》公布角色与冒险舞台新画面 踏上奇幻的勇者冒险旅程

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定 2017 年推出的 PS4 / N3DS(NS 版详情未明)角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》,官方网站日前更新伙伴角色与冒险舞台介绍等新信息,以及 PS4 版与 N3DS 版的多张新游戏画面,供玩家参考。

  《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的重大使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-21 07:01 PM
《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》发售日发表会4月11日举行

  《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》是 Square Enix 公司预计于2017 年内推出的PS4 和 3DS平台游戏,而此前官方也确认将会推出 NS 版。日前官方确认将于时间 2017 年 4 月 11 日 13 点中午举行本作的发售日发表会,官方将在此次发表会中公开本作的发售日。

  本次的发表会将通过 Youtube 和 niconico 进行直播,而除了游戏发售日之外,官方也将公开本作的各种各样新情报,请玩家们继续关注。


Square Enix will announce the release date for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time during a Release Date Presentation on April 11 at 14:00 JST, the company announced. You’ll be able to watch it on YouTube and Niconico.

The event promises various other new information in addition to the release date. It will be hosted by Joy and feature actress Tsubasa Honda as a guest.

Dragon Quest XI will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan in 2017. A Switch version is also in development.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-23 12:49 PM
《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》新要素以及游戏系统等相关情报公开

  今天《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》是 Square Enix 公司预计于2017 年内推出的PS4 和 3DS平台游戏,今天本周Fami通杂志公开最新情报第 3 弹。本次介绍的是主人公的伙伴角色“希尔比亚”和游戏内的城市、场景、迷宫等。




  场景里闪闪发光的场所是可以得到道具的记号。可以敲碎岩石得到矿石或是摇树木得到果实。在场景里乘坐上“马”后,可以比更快速移动。PS4 版本能够在冲刺中如果撞到别的怪物可以将怪物击飞。被主人公骑着的马撞飞的是本作初次登场的怪物“莫克基”,棉毛覆盖的脸是该怪物的特征。手上的武器是大针,不管什么东西都能刺破。


  另外官方决定在 2017 年 4 月 11 日下午14:00(大马时间下午13:00)举行发表会,公开本作的发售日。发表会会在youtube live和niconico上进行直播,有兴趣的朋友可以在发表会当天前去观看。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-23 06:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-23 07:21 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》新角色公布 美女武斗家登场

  今天《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》预计将于 2017 年内登陆PS4和3DS平台,官方预计将于2017 年 4 月 11 举行本作的发售日发表会,届时将公开本作的发售日和新情报。日前本作的杂志图新情报已经出炉,为大家带来了两位新角色的情报。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-27 07:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-28 07:39 AM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI details battle types, encounters, spells and abilities, more
《勇者斗恶龙 11》气质女武斗家「玛尔堤娜」登场 双重战斗形式信息公布

转载 - 巴哈姆特

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定 2017 年推出的 PS4 / N3DS(NS 版详情未明)角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》,官方网站日前更新伙伴角色与战斗系统介绍等新信息,以及 PS4 版与 N3DS 版的多张新游戏画面,供玩家参考。

  《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的重大使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。

Square Enix has updated the Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time official website with new information and screenshots introducing the game’s battle system, as well as official artwork of new characters Martina and Row.

■ Two Ways to Battle

PlayStation 4 Version

In the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest XI, you can enjoy two battle types: “Free Movement Battle,” where ou can freely move the character and viewpoint, and “Auto Camera Battle,” for battles full of presence.

PS4 版战斗系统

  PS4 版游戏的战斗系统将提供两种战斗形式让玩家选择,分别为可以自由操作角色与视点移动的「自由移动战斗」,以及能呈现更具临场感之战斗演出的「自动运镜战斗」。


玩家可以操作角色自由移动—Free Movement Battles Freely move your character.

可以切到敌人背后进行偷袭 Sneak up behind enemies.


更具临场感的演出 —Auto Camera Battles Scenes full of presence.

战斗的攻防也更具魄力 Offense and defense are also of major importance

■ Battles with Monsters

  游戏采用图标遇敌设计,当玩家接触到在原野或迷宫徘徊的怪物后就会展开战斗。 透过选择「攻击」或「咒文」等指令来打倒敌人。 打倒敌人后可以取得经验值来提升等级、强化能力。

Battles begin when you come into contact with a monster roaming on the field or in a dungeon. Use commands such as “Attack” and “Spell” to defeat them. When you defeat monsters, you will level up and your party will become stronger.

选择熟悉的「攻击」或「咒文」来打倒敌人 —Use commands like “Attack” and “Spell” in battle.

从后方袭击敌人就能进入优势战斗 —Go into battle with an advantage by landing a preemptive strike.

晚上的原野连怪物也会睡觉 —At night time, monsters may even be sleeping in the field.

■ Spells and Abilities

Not only can you use direct attacks with weapons like swords, you can also use familiar spells and abilities in battle. Fight making the best of each character’s individuality.


贝基拉玛(ベギラマ)“火墙”魔法 —“Sizzle”

隼斩(はやぶさ斩り)“猎鹰斩” —“Falcon Slash”

3DS Version
N3DS 版战斗系统

  N3DS 版游戏的战斗系统则是提供了另外两种战斗形式让玩家选择,分别为生动呈现怪物动态的「3D 模式」,以及以点阵绘图来呈现的怀旧风格「2D 模式」。

In the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI, you can enjoy two battle types: “3D Mode,” where you can enjoy battles with lively moving monsters on the field, and “2D Mode,” where you can battle in classic pixel graphics.

生动呈现怪物动态的「3D 模式」—-3D Mode:Battle with lively moving monsters on the field.

以点阵绘图来呈现的怀旧风格「2D 模式」 —2D Mode Battle with classic pixel graphics

You’ll encounter monsters as you roam around the field. Use commands such as “Attack” and “Spell” to defeat them. When you defeat monsters, you will level up and your party will become stronger.

  3D 模式下同样是采用图标遇敌设计,可以先发制敌进入优势战斗。当你漫步在地图中时,你将会遭遇怪物。使用诸如“攻击”、“魔法”等指令来击败它们。当你击败怪物以后,你就能升级,而你的队伍也会变强。

3D模式:敌人一旦发现主角就会袭击而来 —3D Mode: A monster will attack when it notices the protagonist.

3D模式:发现蘑菇幻化的怪物,施展先发制敌吧—3D Mode: Come across monsters disguised as mushrooms. Try to land a preemptive strike.

  2D 模式则是最传统的随机数遇敌设计,在原野或迷宫中行走的时候会突然进入战斗。

2D模式:在原野或迷宫中走着走着就会突然进入战斗—2D Mode: Battles will suddenly begin as you walk.



虎爪击(タイガークロー)“虎爪” —“Tiger Claw”

■ New Monsters


A monster that looks like a plant growing from the ground that one day appeared. It is said that those who hear its war cry stop moving.




A monster that looks like a small ogre. It is always surging with anger and quarrelsome.





■ More Battle Elements to Come

There are even more surprising new elements to battles to come. Stay tuned for more information in the future.

■ New Characters



  “我将会和你一起去保护每一个人……这是我的战斗!”“With you, I’ll protect everyone… That is my fight!”


  “我一直在等待着你们所有人的到来。”“I’ve been waiting for you all to arrive.”

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-11 02:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-11 06:26 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI for PS4, 3DS launches July 29 in Japan
《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》PS4 / N3DS 版确定 7 月 29 日推出

  SQUARE ENIX 于今(11)日中午举办的《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》发售日发表会中宣布,PS4 版与 N3DS 版《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》确定将于 7 月 29 日推出。

  《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的重大使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。




游戏名称:勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光
游戏原名:ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo 3DS
     Nintendo Switch(详情未定)
发售日期:2017 年 7 月 29 日(PS4 / N3DS 版)
建议售价:PS4 版 8980 日圆,N3DS 版 5980 日圆(未税)
     勇者斗恶龙 11 双重包 勇者之剑 BOX 14960 日圆(未税)
游玩人数:1 人
年龄分级:CERO A(适合所有年龄)

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan, Square Enix announced. The PlayStation 4 version will cost 8,980 yen and the 3DS version will cost 5,980 yen.

Early purchases will include the “Vest of Happiness,” a vest that increases the experience points earned after battle, and the “Upstart Vest,” which increases the amount of gold earned after battle.

A “Dragon Quest XI Double Pack Hero’s Sword Box” including both the PlayStation 4 and 3DS versions will be sold exclusively at the Square Enix e-Store and Lawson HMV Stores for 14,960 yen.

Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia and Nintendo each also plan to announce Dragon Quest XI hardware bundles.

Square Enix will host hands-on events, dubbed the “Dragon Quest XI Countdown Carnival,” throughout Japan in the weeks leading up to release. The events will be held on the following dates:

May 27 and 28 – Abeno Q’s Mall (Osaka)
June 10 and 11 – Solaria Plaza (Hakata)
June 17 and 18 – Mozo Wonder City (Nagoya)
July 8 and 9 – Sapporo Factory (Sapporo)
July 16 and 17 – Futako Tamagawa Rise (Tokyo)

Square Enix also confirmed that Dragon Quest XI‘s story will take about 50 hours to clear. With side elements included, the game should last more than 100 hours. Additionally, the previously teased “Spell of Restoration” will be usable in Dragon Quest XI. You can create a Spell of Restoration that lines up with your progress, but it doesn’t reproduce everything. The character’s name is not reproduced, but the general state of things based on the progress of the created Spell of Restoration is reproduced. The Spell of Restoration can be used interchangeably between the PlayStation 4 and 3DS versions.




《勇者斗恶龙 11 寻觅逝去的时光》决定制作 PS4 繁体中文版

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET)与香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)今(11)日宣布,SQUARE ENIX 今天在日本举办的《勇者斗恶龙 11 寻觅逝去的时光》发售日发表会中发布的 PS4《勇者斗恶龙 11 寻觅逝去的时光》,决定将制作繁体中文版在亚洲发售。


  「勇者斗恶龙」系列第 11 款正传最新作品,是回归系列原点,描绘「勇者」之冒险的故事。

  这第 11 场冒险,同时也是兼具「怀念感」与「新鲜感」的系列作「全新原点」──《勇者斗恶龙 11》即将于此隆重登场。


身为主角的你,迎接了 16 岁生日到来。



※ 所有画面皆为日文版的开发中画面。

  其次,亚洲地区也会与日本同步,于 2017 年 7 月 29 日(星期六)同时发售日文版。 凡是购买日文实体版的首批生产版本,或是于 2017 年 8 月 28 日(星期一)前购买下载版的玩家皆可抢先获得以下道具。 ※ 首批生产版本数量有限。


美妙的背心,使战斗后 获得的经验值增加


金光闪闪的背心,使战斗 后获得的金币增加

  此外,PlayStation 4 主机搭配实体版的主机同捆组亦已决定发售,玩家可待日后的进一步消息发布。 繁体中文版则预定将在今年冬天推出,请期待今后更多的消息公布。


角色设计:鸟山 明
音乐:すぎやまこういち(KOICHI SUGIYAMA)

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-11 10:51 PM
HORI 发表 PS4 版「勇者斗恶龙史莱姆控制器」 手握圆滚滚史莱姆畅游系列最新作

  日本游戏周边制造商 HORI 今(11)日宣布,将于 7 月 29 日随 PS4 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》同步推出兼容于 PS4 DUALSHOCK 4 的特制造型无线控制器「勇者斗恶龙史莱姆控制器 for PlayStation 4」,价格 9980 日圆(未税)。


勇者斗恶龙史莱姆控制器 for PlayStation 4

  这款控制器采用《勇者斗恶龙》系列经典吉祥物「史莱姆」的造型,兼容于 PS4 标准配备的 DS4 无线控制器,游戏杆、按钮与触碰版设置在史莱姆的底部。 不过并未配备 DS4 的光条、耳机麦克风连接端子、动态感测与扬声器。 附有摆设用的台座,不使用时可以当成史莱姆模型摆饰。



  HORI 于 2004 年底曾随 PS2《勇者斗恶龙 8 天空与海洋与大地与受诅咒的公主》推出过兼容 PS2 DS2 控制器的史莱姆造型控制器(相关报导),后续又推出了金属史莱姆版(相关报导)。 时隔十余年再次推出的 PS4 版,承袭当年的设计概念,配合 PS4 的新规格加以无线化,让玩家能以最熟悉的造型来游玩同样睽违十余年再次回归 PlayStation 平台的《勇者斗恶龙》系列本传。



商品名称:勇者斗恶龙史莱姆控制器 for PlayStation 4
发售日期:2017 年 7 月 29 日
价  格:9980 日圆(未税)
JAN 代码:4961818027794
型  号:PS4-088
对应机种:PlayStation 4
尺  寸: 约 145(W)× 约 145(D)× 约 124(H)mm
重  量:约 280g
电  源:充电电池
附属配件:充电用 micro USB 连接线(2m),専用台座
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-17 07:27 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-3 06:36 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI details key figures of Delcadar
《勇者斗恶龙 11》公开迪尔卡达尔王国三位重要人物介绍

  SQUARE ENIX 在 2017 年 4 月 27 日,公开了预定在 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》(PS4/3DS)最新情报。

Square Enix has updated the Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time official Japanese website with screenshots and details on the key figures of Delcadar, the biggest country in the continent, including its king and military leaders.


  治理王国的迪尔卡达尔王,身怀王者该有的睿智以及超脱凡者的剑技,是位文武双全的人物。 拥有宽容之心,面对搅乱秩序的人严谨对待,这位王者具备所有王者该有的素质,也因此受人民爱戴并尊称「非凡的帝王」。

  侍奉如此优秀国王的将军葛雷格(グレイグ),同是一名身经百战,至今仍号称不败的武勇之人,王国之中身怀数一数二的剑术,也对国王抱持强烈的忠诚。 只要是为了国王,就算以自身当肉盾也在所不辞。

  而与葛雷格并肩同被尊称「双头之鹫」,便是同样受到民众尊敬的军师. 霍梅罗斯(ホメロス)。 能以少数军力突破魔物大军,留下不少辉煌战绩的他,其智略当然不在话下,就连他天生的美貌同样引人注目。

  如之前报导所述,本作的主角被叫做「恶魔之子」,有着被追缉的命运。 即使是被赞颂为贤君的国王,以及两位被当作英雄尊敬的骑士,也同样对主角展开追杀。 主角的命运和王国众人的疑虑等,也是在本作故事里令人在意的部分。



大陆首屈一指的繁盛大国,迪尔卡达尔王国。 治理该国的国王被赞誉为贤君,侍奉国王的两位骑士也同样受人民爱戴,智勇双全的他们更被比拟为国家的纹章「双头之鹫」,被当成英雄一样受人尊敬。


Get the information below.

The Rare Emperor – King of Delcadar

The king that rules over Delcadar. Not only is he praised as the wisest king in Lotozetasia, he is also a master swordsman, and is regarded as rare in that he has all the qualities of a king. Although he is a generous man, when order is disturbed, he is strict and austere in addressing it.

PS4、3DS 共通

非凡的帝王 迪尔卡达尔王
治理迪尔卡达尔的国王。 在罗德杰特席亚当中,被誉为最贤明的王者之外,也是一名剑术高手,具备了一切王者该有的素质,而受人尊称为非凡的帝王。 既是拥有宽容之心的人,对于搅乱秩序的人事物则以严肃面对。

作为一位聪慧的人物而广为人知的迪尔卡达尔王,对于勇者的事情也相当清楚。 (3DS 画面)

能与强国迪尔卡达尔相称,国王本身也是一位剑术高手。 (PS4 画面)

人民给予国王的赞颂毫不吝啬,也有人将他比喻为世界之王。 (3DS 画面)

以一当千的将军 葛雷格
迪尔卡达尔文武双全的将军。 剑术的实力在王国中数一数二,至今更是讨伐魔物不下数百次,并号称不败。 身怀强烈的忠诚心,只要是为了君王,就算以肉身当盾也在所不辞。

The Great General – Greig

The brave general of Delcadar. There is none in the kingdom that rivals him in swordsmanship, and despite facing against monsters hundreds of the times in the past, even now he is undefeated. He has strong loyalty and is willing to risk his life as a shield as long as it is for the sake of his lord.

葛雷格率领的精锐部队勇猛果敢,追击敌人。 (PS4 画面)

对君王的忠心之强烈,将王的命令摆在第一顺位。 (3DS 画面)

身为一国的英雄,备受尊敬。 (3DS 画面)

在某个城镇,为了赞颂葛雷格的勇猛威武,而打造的雕像。 (PS4 画面)

冷静敏锐的军师 霍梅罗斯
通晓古今东西的战术,迪尔卡达尔的军师。 仅以少数兵力突破魔物大军重围等,留下不少战绩。 为了能确实打下胜仗,因应战况实行战略,霍梅罗斯兼具清楚明理的判断能力与迅速的决断。

The Cold-Blooded Strategist – Homer

The strategist of Delcadar skilled in the art of war no matter the time and place. He has secured many achievements, such as destroying a large army of monsters with only a skeleton force. He is a character with accurate judgment and quick decisiveness who will execute a strategy based on the situation in order to secure victory.

下达精巧的指挥率领部队,更精准截断敌人后路。 (PS4 画面)

在战场上也能驱使强大魔力,是货真价实的强者。 (3DS 画面)

他的名声不光是跟军师有关,就连他天生的美貌也引人注意。 (PS4 画面)

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-20 07:08 PM
Dragon Quest XI introduces new Skill Panel system
《勇者斗恶龙 11 寻觅逝去的时光》角色成长系统技能面板介绍

  SQUARE ENIX 预定于 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的PS4 和 3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 11 寻觅逝去的时光》杂志图公开新情报。本作中有着新成长系统“技能面板”,可以按照自己喜好培育角色,面板从中央的开始点亮,通过消费技能点数点亮相邻的面板习得技能,面板的形状每个伙伴均不相同。这次介绍了角色部分可以习得的技能。

主人公 千兆风暴(ギガスラッシュ):如雷霆般的剑刃攻击敌人,非常符合勇者的奥义。
维罗妮卡 魔力觉醒:咒文威力提升。
卡缪 偷窃:从魔物那里偷取道具。
赛妮亚 炎之旋律:炎之力量守护自己。
马尔缇娜 真空踢:对敌人发动强力踢技。
希尔比亚 魅惑之笛:用笛子的音乐魅惑敌人。
罗 审美的顿悟:令咒文效果提升。

  本作还会推出Nintendo Switch 版,但还未知发售日期。PS4 繁体中文版也确定于今年冬季发售。

The latest issue of Weekly Jump reveals a new “Skill Panel” system for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.

The Skill Panel is a new system by which the characters of Dragon Quest XI can grow. The Skill Panel is lined up with unique skills for each character. By using “Skill Points,” which are acquired through methods such as leveling up, and unlocking panels, you can learn new skills. You’ll start from the middle of the Skill Panel and can use skill points to learn skills while unlocking adjacent panels. There are also “?” panels that will be unlocked by opening surrounding panels. The shape of the Skill Panel is different for each character.

Here’s an example of some of the unique skills you can learn using the Skill Panel:

Protagonist: “Giga Slash” – Mow down the enemy using a lightning blade in a skill exclusive to a hero.
Camus: “Steal” – Get items from monsters.
Veronica: “Magical Awakening” – Increases the power of spells.
Senya: “Melody of Fire” – Puts on a flame of protection.
Silvia: “Flute of Fascination” – Charms monsters with the sound of a flute.
Martina: “Vacuum Kick” – Hits the enemy with a powerful kick.
Row: “Aesthetic Enlightenment” – Attains enlightenment and increases spell effects.
Another new system will be introduced in the issue of Weekly Jump that follows this one.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-24 06:07 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-5 06:30 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI》公布新成长系统「技能嵌板」概要 依照自己喜好培育角色成长

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定 7 月 29 日推出的 PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》,日前公布了新成长系统「技能嵌板(スキルパネル)」的概要,供玩家参考。

  「技能嵌板」是本代导入的新成长系统,由六角格的嵌板所构成,每个角色都有自己的嵌板。 嵌板上每个格子都安置有该角色能学习的「技能」。 包括角色特有的技能与武器相关的技能等。

  最初会从中央的嵌板开始,逐步向相邻的嵌板延伸出去。 可以使用升级时取得的「技能点数」来解锁嵌板的技能。 其中包括以「? 」显示、隐藏有未知技能的「秘密嵌板」,必须将该嵌板周围的嵌板都解锁之后才会开放解锁。

最初会从中央的嵌板开始(PS4 版画面)

最初会从中央的嵌板开始(N3DS 版画面)

可以透过「技能点数」来解锁嵌板(PS4 版画面)

可以透过「技能点数」来解锁嵌板(N3DS 版画面)

学习武器相关的技能(PS4 版画面)

学习武器相关的技能(N3DS 版画面)

以「? 」显示、隐藏有未知技能的「秘密嵌板」(PS4 版画面)

  每个角色的技能嵌板型态各异,反应了角色的特性。 玩家可以自由运用技能点数来发展角色的能力,不论是各方面平均发展,或是专门朝一个方向强化特定类型的技能,都是可行的方向。

玩家可以自由决定技能嵌板的发展方向(PS4 版画面)

不同角色的技能嵌板形状相差很大(N3DS 版画面)

朝各方面平均发展,可以施展各式各样不同类型的技能(N3DS 版画面)

专心朝一个方向发展,就可以更快学到强力的技能(PS4 版画面)

《勇者斗恶龙 XI》经典「复活咒文」功能重出江湖 可在不同平台版本间转移纪录

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定 7 月 29 日推出的 PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》,官方网站于日前更新,透露将提供经典的「复活咒文」功能,让玩家可以透过古早的抄写复活咒文(俗称抄密码)方式来保存自己的游戏纪录,并在不同平台版本间转移纪录。

「复活咒文」输入接口(PS4 版)

  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的重大使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。

  在《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生之初,因为当时的任天堂红白机(FC)的卡匣还没有记录功能,因此是将当下的游玩进度数据转换成一系列平假名代码,让玩家手动抄写下来,下次游玩时再重新输入以取回进度。 当时将此一纪录代码称作「复活咒文」。 后来从《勇者斗恶龙 3》开始在卡匣中导入电池记忆系统,此后游戏纪录可以直接储存在卡匣中,复活咒文就此走入历史、不再使用。

  在时隔 29 年后,最新作《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》如今又宣布将重新导入这个让系列老玩家又爱又恨的系统(抄错一个字纪录就整个作废)。 主要是为了因应不同主机版本之间的纪录转移,让 PS4 版玩家与 N3DS 版玩家可以透过此一原始的纪录保存方式,在不同厂商推出的主机平台之间转移游玩进度。 玩家只要到游戏中的教会找神职人员,就可以取得当下的复活咒文。

到教会找神职人员,取得当下的复活咒文(PS4 版)

「复活咒文」输入接口(N3DS 版)

到教会找神职人员,取得当下的复活咒文(N3DS 版)

  此外,游戏中还准备了给系列老玩家的惊喜,那就是如果输入当年 1、2 代留下来的复活咒文来开始新游戏,就会获得额外的金钱与道具。 如果当年的小抄还留着,不妨可以拿出来试试看。

输入当年 1、2 代留下来的复活咒文来开始新游戏,就会获得额外的金钱与道具(PS4 版)

输入当年 1、2 代留下来的复活咒文来开始新游戏,就会获得额外的金钱与道具(N3DS 版)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-4-28 06:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-4-29 07:14 AM 编辑

New 2DS XL Dragon Quest Liquid Metal Slime Edition announced for Japan
「NEW Nintendo 2DS LL 迷路金属史莱姆版」公开

转载 - 巴哈姆特

  与『勇者斗恶龙XI 寻觅逝去的时光』一同发售的迷路金属史莱姆样式造型的 NEW Nintendo 2DS LL 将与『勇者斗恶龙XI 寻觅逝去的时光』游戏同捆,以「NEW Nintendo 2DS LL 迷路金属史莱姆版」限量贩卖!

发售日: 2017 年 7 月 29 日
价格: 22480 日圆(未税)


  首先是正面。 从远方观看应该可以看到迷路金属史莱姆所反射的光芒吧? 这个表面其实是作了镜面处理。 而黑色与银色的对比更显现出迷路金属史莱姆的存在。近距离观看,能够看到皮革质感的黑色部分上采用了仿花押字风格的设计。 这个部分其实连背面都有作出设计。

  背面部分,可以看到由迷路金属史莱姆、史莱姆、多拉奇以及小徽章等等标志所组成的花押字,每种造型都是『勇者斗恶龙』玩家最熟悉的标志。 而且仔细找甚至可以至找到『勇者斗恶龙XI』的纹章喔!

  接着是侧面的照片。 「迷路金属史莱姆版」最大的特征就是展示出了迷路金属史莱姆的立体感。 而且用手指就可以感受到它的曲线,简直就像迷路金属史莱姆直接站在 NEW Nintendo 2DS LL 一样,相当的可爱。

  最后,也别忘记主机内侧的小特点。 那就是位于主机左下方的迷路金属史莱姆的图案。 仔细看的话还会发现迷路金属史莱姆正在微笑喔!

  看完整台主机后感觉如何呢? 相信大家应该都能了解到这是一台除了有只很想凸显自己存在的迷路金属史莱姆外,就连细节部分都能让 DQ 粉感到惊喜的游戏主机。

  最后,「NEW Nintendo 2DS LL 迷路金属史莱姆版」已经在 4 月 28 日展开预购! 喜欢这台主机的玩家赶紧预购吧!

Nintendo hasannounced a “New Nintendo 2DS XL Dragon Quest Liquid Metal Slime Edition” due out alongside Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time in Japan on July 29.

The New 2DS XL Dragon Quest Liquid Metal Slime Edition will cost 22,480 yen (plus tax) and include:

Dragon Quest Liquid Metal Slime-themed New Nintendo 2DS XL hardware
Physical copy of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time for 3DS with download code for early purchase bonuses “Vest of Happiness” and “Upstart Vest”
Liquid Metal Slime 3DS theme download code

PlayStation 4 Dragon Quest Loto Edition announced for Japan
PS4《勇者斗恶龙 XI》同捆主机「勇者斗恶龙 罗德款」7 月 29 日限量发售

  索尼互动娱乐日本亚洲(SIEJA)宣布,将在日本限量推出「PlayStation 4 勇者斗恶龙 罗德款( PlayStation 4 ドラゴンクエスト ロト エディション)」主机,售价 39980 日圆,于 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售,并且从明(29)日起在日本开始接受预约。

  「PlayStation 4 勇者斗恶龙 罗德款」是以 PlayStation 4 主机(CUH-2000 / 1TB)为基底特别设计,并搭配 PS4 游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》同捆贩卖。 PS4 主机本体和 DUALSHOCK 4 手把配色采用经典的「罗德蓝」,并在正面印上镶金的罗德纹章,侧面也放上可爱的史莱姆作点缀。

  并且附赠了可以设置在 PS4 主机之上,漆上独特金色的「流浪金属史莱姆(はぐれメタル)」 USB 孔罩公仔。 另外,还一并收录以特殊宝箱外盒来收纳的特别主题下载码。

  最后,配合商品的公开,官方也释出了「PlayStation 4 勇者斗恶龙 罗德款」的介绍影像。 内容融合了《勇者斗恶龙》中的罗德传说,带来传说中第 4 件罗德装备的逗趣故事。 有兴趣的玩家不妨点选影片观赏。

Sony Interactive Entertainment Japan Asia has announced a “PlayStation 4 Dragon Quest Loto Edition” due out alongside Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time in Japan on July 29.

The PlayStation 4 Dragon Quest Loto Edition will cost 39,980 yen (plus tax) and include:

Dragon Quest-themed PlayStation 4 hardware with one terabyte hard-drive
Dragon Quest-themed DualShock 4 wireless controller
Physical copy of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time for PlayStation 4 with download code for early purchase bonuses “Vest of Happiness” and “Upstart Vest”
“Liquid Metal Slime” gold USB cover figure
PlayStation 4 original theme download code
Cables and printed matter



▲洛特主题 背景音乐为《勇者斗恶龙3》的“在阿雷弗加尔德”
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-2 06:26 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-2 06:38 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI introduces Zone and Link systems
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》新战斗系统 连携同伴大逆转

  Square Enix 开发制作的 PS4 和 3DS 平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》公开新战斗系统“气场和连携”,当处于危机状态下主人公将会被蓝光包裹进入气场模式,气场不仅可以暂时提升战斗力,战斗菜单中还会追加“连携”指令,选择连携后会与同伴一起使出超强力组合技。(图源微博-爆裂道)


The latest issue of Weekly Jump has details on two new systems in Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time—“Zone” and “Link.”

In battle, entering Zone surrounds your characters in a blue light and temporarily enhances their abilities. However, entering Zone also enables characters to use super powerful Link techniques where they attack together.

Here’s a brief overview of both systems:

Here are a few examples of Link techniques:

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-8 06:38 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-11 06:48 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-11 06:57 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI introduces monster mount system
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》打倒怪物能乘坐其突破难关

  Square Enix 开发制作的 PS4 和 3DS 平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》公开本周JUMP杂志情报,在本作中可以乘坐各种打倒的怪物来突破难关,例如可以乘坐飞龙飞至步行无法到达的地方,或是利用骷髅骑士爬上悬崖和迷宫墙壁,非常便利。(图源微博-爆裂道)

  在《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》初登场的新怪兽中就有可以乘坐的家伙存在,这次就介绍了两只:



  PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》是由 SQUARE ENIX 制作将于 7 月 29 日发售,此外 Nintendo Switch 平台确认但还未知发售日。繁体中文版也同时确认。

The latest issue of Weekly Jump has first details on Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time‘s monster mount system.

When you defeat a monster in battle, there will be times that you can mount it. By mounting a monster, you can go places that you couldn’t go before. During the game, you’ll borrow the power of various monsters in order to overcome terrain-based obstacles.

Weekly Jump has a look at the following:

Dragon Rider – If you mount a Dragon Rider, you can travel to places you couldn’t reach by walking.

Skull Rider – If you mount monsters like the Skull Rider, you can climb up cliffs and dungeon walls only scalable by six-legged creatures.

Two new monsters are also introduced:

Pearl Mobile – A mysterious machine made of a beautiful, pearl-like metal. Its body releases numbing gas. You can ride inside these machines and use them to leap to higher ground.
Bee Rider – The elites of the Ocobolt world ride supergiant bees. They attack with a needle and lance. You can ride these bees and use them to cross over lakes.
Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-15 06:15 PM
Dragon Quest XI details monster mount system

Square Enix has updated the Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time official Japanese website with screenshots and details on the game’s monster mount system.

Get the information below.

■ Monster Ride

By borrowing the unique powers of monsters, the protagonist can reach places normally limited by his own power, including climbing walls and flying in the sky. By riding monsters, you can overcome these obstacles!

—By riding a monster, you can even climb up steep cliffs that would normally block your path!

—Ride a monster to fly in places that you cannot pass through on foot!

Let’s Ride a Monster

Among the game’s monsters, there are those that you can ride. Defeat it in battle and hop aboard.

—If you challenge a monster and defeat it in battle…

—You will be able to ride the monster you defeat!

■ New Monsters are also Ridable

Bee Rider

An elite in the Ocovolt world that rides a giant bee. The skillfully combine the needle of the bee and their own lance to attack their enemies.

—Hop aboard the Bee Rider to get to the other side of the lake!

Pearl Mobile

A machine made of an unknown metal that has the radiance of a pearl. It shoots out a dangerous gas that numbs the body when it showers over it.

—Jump inside the Pearl Mobile to leap to high places!

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-15 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-15 06:36 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》打倒怪物能乘坐其突破难关

  Square Enix 开发制作的 PS4 和 3DS 平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》公开双版本多截图展示骑乘怪物。官网更新,公开上周JUMP杂志中介绍的新要素“骑乘怪物”,仅凭借主人公的力量无法到达的场所,借用怪兽们的力量就可以翻越墙壁,飞翔于空中。


  在《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》初登场的新怪兽中就有可以乘坐的家伙存在,这次就介绍了两只:



  PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》是由 SQUARE ENIX 制作将于 7 月 29 日发售,此外 Nintendo Switch 平台确认但还未知发售日。繁体中文版也同时确认。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-16 11:06 PM
《勇者斗恶龙 XI》公布怪物坐骑系统 运用怪物之力突破险阻

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定 7 月 29 日推出的 PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》,近日在官方网站公布了怪物坐骑(モンスター乗り物)的概要,供玩家参考。

  「怪物坐骑」是可以骑乘怪物,藉以突破主角依靠自身之力所无法跨越的地形障碍、顺利前进的一套系统。 当玩家遇到无法爬上的山壁,或者是无法越过的深谷时,可以在附近寻找特定的怪物并将之击败与驯服,之后就能骑乘该怪物,依靠怪物的攀岩、飞行等行动能力来越过障碍。


运用怪物的力量攀上峭壁(PS4 版画面)

运用怪物的力量攀上墙壁或飞越深谷(N3DS 版 3D 模式画面)

运用怪物的力量攀过峭壁或飞越深谷(N3DS 版 2D 模式画面)


打败骑乘飞龙的「飞龙骑士」,就可以取得坐骑飞龙(PS4 版画面)

打败骑乘骷髅的「骷髅骑士」,就可以取得坐骑骷髅(N3DS 版 3D 模式画面)

打败骑乘巨大蜜蜂的「蜜蜂骑士」,就可以骑乘巨大蜜蜂越过大湖(PS4 版画面)

打败骑乘巨大蜜蜂的「蜜蜂骑士」,就可以骑乘巨大蜜蜂越过大湖(N3DS 版 3D 模式画面)

搭乘「机动珍珠球」可以跳上高台(PS4 版画面)

搭乘「机动珍珠球」可以跳上高台(N3DS 版 3D 模式画面)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-18 10:07 PM
《勇者斗恶龙 11 追寻逝去的时光》杂志新图 神奇锻冶系统公布

  最新一期周刊少年Jump公布了《勇者斗恶龙11:寻觅逝去的时光》(ドラゴンクエスト11 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)中的锻造系统。获得配方之后,通过锻造系统可以获得更好的装备。同时还可以对装备进行强化。


  本作不再使用在《勇者斗恶龙8/9》中的炼金系统,取而代之的神奇锻冶和《勇者斗恶龙 X》里的锻造系统十分相似。不过看书学配方、寻找素材等准备工作是差不多的。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-19 06:41 PM
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》和进入「心境」状态的伙伴们连手使出强大连携技

  SQUARE ENIX 预定在 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》(PS4 / 3DS)公开新消息。 本篇报导,将介绍本作战斗中的新要素「心境(ゾーン)」与「连手(れんけい)」相关消息。


PS4 版 / 3DS 版共通


PS4 版

  所谓的「心境」便是指当人在战斗处于「集中力极高的状态」,战斗能力就会暂时提高的一种情况。 在前几篇的报导里,刊载的游戏截图画面有出现过。 据说受到敌人的攻击,就可以藉此进入「心境」状态。 但是要发动心境究竟是要达到某些条件自动进入呢? 还是自己能随意到达心境状态? 方法至今仍是不明。


3DS 版


3DS 版


3DS 版


PS4 版




PS4 版


3DS 版

  当我方进入心境状态的人数成为复数时,就可以联合伙伴的力量,使用强大连携技的「连手」指令。 「连手」会根据队伍内的伙伴组合、进入心境的人数(最多四人)、以及各自学习的咒文与特技,而使出不同的连携技。



PS4 版


3DS 版


PS4 版


3DS 版

  接下来的报导,会先刊载本作出现的一部份连携技截图画面。 能看到从两人、三人,到伙伴全员一同使出连携技的连手画面。


PS4 版,主角与席尔比亚的连携技「爆炎斩(爆炎斩り)」



PS4 版,卡穆与主角的连携技「游隼之舞(はやぶさのまい)」





3DS 版,玛尔堤娜与罗的连携技「魔斗演舞」





PS4 版,主角与席尔比亚以及罗的连手技「蔷薇飓风(ローズハリケーン)」




3DS 版,队伍全员的连携技「巨万炸裂(ギガバースト)」
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-22 02:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-22 06:37 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI》多图更新 神奇锻冶系统介绍

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定 7 月 29 日推出的 PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》,近日在官方网站公布了神奇锻冶系统的最新图片,详细介绍了神奇锻冶系统的过程与重铸宝珠的效果。

  《勇者斗恶龙11:寻觅逝去的时光》将于2017年7月29日登陆PS4/3DS平台,并将在冬季发售中文版。Nintendo Switch版将于2017年7月29日之后公布相关信息。



步骤1 获得配方与素材



步骤2 在营地挑战神奇锻冶



步骤3 收工




作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-25 04:15 PM
Dragon Quest XI introduces horse racing and casino features
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》赌场与赛马介绍

  今日的周刊少年 JUMP 公布了《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的最新情报,本次介绍的将是系列经典的赌场要素。本作将于 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售,平台PS4/3DS。PS4 版将在冬季推出中文版,Nintendo Switch 版将于 7 月 29 日之后公布新消息。





The latest issue of Weekly Jump introduces the new horse racing and returning casino features of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.

Here’s an overview of each feature:

Horse Racing

Competitive racing using horses that is popular in certain countries. If you win a race, you will get items as well. Drive ahead of your formidable rivals, and aim for the goal at the top. On the course, there may also be jump stands and places with bad footing. But aim for victory, beat your record, and challenge the races time and time again!


Exchange G (gold) for coins and take on various games. You can exchange the coins you earn for wonderful prizes. Games pictured include the slot machine, poker, and roulette.

The magazine also has a brief section for quests and small medals. By completing quests, you can resolve peoples’ problems and even take on formidable enemies. By collecting small medals, you can receive rewards.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-28 07:09 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-5-28 07:23 AM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI Gameplay, 'In Those Days, We Were Heroes' Trailer
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》真人PV“那个时候我们曾经是勇者”宣传片 & 新要素限制Play公布

  官方在昨天的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的直播节目中,首次公布了最新的真人PV。在这一段的特别宣传影像“那个时候我们曾经是勇者”,再现了从系列第一作《勇者斗恶龙》发售起,也就是1986年5月27日到现在游玩《勇者斗恶龙》的玩家各种经历,发售日时排长队买游戏,为了赶紧玩到放学后箭步冲回家,裹着被子熬夜打游戏等,让人实感这30年的历史,看后很感动,就算是勇者掉掉眼泪也是可以的。


FAQ 向崛井雄二提问:

A:在开发《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》前曾去过马丘比丘,大概有将其反映到游戏的地图氛围中。

问题2:在“《勇者斗恶龙》 LIFE”网站中看到的白色生物究竟是什么?




Square Enix revealed 25 minutes of new gameplay footage of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time alongside new information and a nostalgic, live-action trailer during a “Countdown Carnival” live stream from Osaka today.

The following new details were shared:

■ Samadhi, the Desert Town

A desert town called Samadhi was revealed.

■ Q&A

01. In making the 30th anniversary title and 11th numbered title, was there anything that you were inspired by?

Before the development of Dragon Quest XI, the staff went to Machu Picchu, so you may see its atmosphere reflected in the map.

02. What is that white monster on the Dragon Quest Life website?

These monsters are called “incarnations of time.” You’ll frequently encounter them in various locations throughout the game world. Horii couldn’t say too much, as it would be a spoiler.

03. We’ve seen Ishi Village and Delcadar Kingdom, but what other villages and towns exist in the world of Dragon Quest XI?

There are about 20 bases, including villages, towns, and castles. A Japanese-stlye, Jipang-esque “fire town” was shown, pictured below. A major event will happen here.

■ Restricted Play System

Dragon Quest XI will have a “Restricted Play” system, allowing you to play the game with certain restrictions. A screenshot was shown where shopping was restricted. Even when you talk to the owner of the shop while playing with shopping restrictions, you won’t be able to see what he is selling.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-28 07:30 AM
Dragon Quest X launches August 17 for PS4, September 21 for Switch in Japan
PS4 和 Switch 版本《勇者斗恶龙 X》发售日公布

  官方在昨天的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的直播节目中,正式公开了PS4版本和Switch版本的《勇者斗恶龙 X》发售日。两版本均为收录了《勇者斗恶龙 X》 1~3版本的“ALL IN ONE”版。其中PS4版确认将于8月17日发售,售价4800日元。Switch版本发售日为9月21日,售价同样为4800日元。

  月卡费用方面,PS4版本为1500日元,可创建 5 个角色。Switch版本为 1000 至 1500 日元,可创建 3 到 5 个角色。

Dragon Quest X will launch for PlayStation 4 on August 17 and Switch on September 21 in Japan, Square Enix announced.

Each version of the game will be priced at 4,800 yen and ship as the “All In One Package” edition, which includes the Versions 1, Version 2, and Version 3 updates of the massively multiplayer online RPG.

As for the monthly fee, on PlayStation 4 it will cost 1,500 yen a month for five characters, and on Switch, between 1,000 and 1,500 yen a month for three to five characters

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-29 02:44 PM
Dragon Quest XI details horse racing, casino, quests, and Small Medals

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about the game’s horse racing and casino elements, quests, and “Small Medal” collection.

Get the details below.

■ Places to Stop By

There are a number of places to stop by in Dragon Quest XI, including the series’ familiar casino, as well as completely new locations.

Horse Racing

Horse racing is popular sport in some countries. Compete against famous knights to determine the best horse rider. If you win, you will receive a prize.

—Get the better of your rivals and be the first to reach the goal to win!

—There are quagmires and pumpkins in addition to jump stands.

—Overcome various obstacles!

—Aim for the win and to update your record!


At the casino, you can exchange the coins you have on hand to enjoy various games such as the slots and roulette. You can exchange the coins you earn for wonderful prizes. You may even be able to acquire valuable items.

—Slots: Spend coins to spin the reel, and if the pattern lines up, you’ll win a heaping of coins!

—Poker: A five-card card game. You can even double up by betting the coins you win!

—Roulette: On which number and color will the ball stop? Take on this single-point-concentrated game where you’ll either win big or lose big!


There are many people with troubles in the world. It is the duty of the hero to help such people. If you solve their problems well, you’ll receive a reward as a thank-you.

—In the middle of resolving a problem, you may end up in a fight against a strong enemy!

—A 3DS screenshot of a quest being cleared.

Small Medals

All over the world, you can sometimes find “Small Medals.” It is said that there is someone somewhere in the world who will give you wonderful rewards in exchange for them. Collect these medals to get rewards.

—In a certain place, there is someone who will ask you collect medals.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-5-29 02:47 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-9 07:42 AM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-1 05:58 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-1 06:29 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI introduces Veronica and Senya’s spells and weapon skills, Homura Village
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》法师姐妹维罗妮卡与瑟妮娅背景故事介绍

  本周的周刊少年 JUMP 中更新了将于 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的最新情报,本次介绍的是在游戏中登场的姐妹:维罗妮卡与瑟妮娅的背景故事。








The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information about Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time party characters Veronica and Senya, as well as the Homura Village first teased last Saturday.

Here are the details:


Veronica hates being treated like a child. She can equip two-handed staffs and whips as weapons. Despite her small size, she is a tomboy who won’t flinch in a fight no matter her opponent. She can unleash beyond-powerful attack spells that prove her use as the party’s attacker.

Spells she can use include:

“Kafrizzle” – A powerful spell where a pillar of overly-hot flames attack the enemy.
“Gilaglade” – Heat up and clear away the enemy with the earth-shaking flame that is this powerful attack spell.
Her weapon skills include:

“Berserk Magic Circle” – A special skill using the two-handed staff that strengthens spells.
“Extreme Dragon Strike” – A special skill using the whip that consecutively strikes the enemy.

Senya is a healer who can cure her allies. She can equip spears and sticks. She has a kind heart and gentle personality. In contrast to Veronica, her language is awfully polite. Her easygoing and gentle personality may even make Veronica impatient at times.

Spells she can use include:

“Kerplunk” – A spell that heals all party members at the expense of herself.
“Kaswooshle” – An attack spell, which Senya can also use.
“Holy Light” – No description provided.
Her weapon skills include:

“Flash Strike” – A special skill using the stick and spear.
Homura Village (Fire Village)

A village at the foot of Hinonogi Volcano characterized by Japanese-style buildings. It thrives in smithing and has a famous steam bath house. There is a shrine in the back of the village where a the shrine maiden who governs over the village lives.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-5 02:56 PM
Dragon Quest XI details Veronica and Senya, Homura Village

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about characters Veronica and Senya, and the Homura Village.

Get the details below.

■ Characters


A genius girl who uses powerful attack spells. A tomboy who knows no fear, she won’t flinch in a fight no matter whether her opponent is an adult or a monster. Despite her appearance, she is mature and very much hates being treated like a child.

—A fearless genius who uses powerful attack spells!

Veronica contributes to battles as an attacker equipped with various attack spells. Weapons she can equip include two-handed staffs and whips. In addition to being able to increase the power of specialty spells with two-handed staffs, she also specializes in unleashing strong blows to groups of enemies with a whip.

—Veronica Spell: “Kafrizz”

—Two-Handed Staff Weapon Special Skill: “Berserk Magic Circle””

—Whip Weapon Special Skill: “Extreme Dragon Strike”


A healer that supports the party with recovery spells. She has a kind-hearted and gentle personality, but can also be somewhat unreliable and always makes her travel companion Veronica impatient.

—An easygoing healer that supports the party with recovery spells!

Senya specializes in recovery spells and is responsible for healing the party. Weapons she can equip include sticks and spears. Senya can contribute to battles in a variety of ways. For example, equip a stick to further enhance her ability to protect her allies, or wield a spear to take on the role of an attacker.

—Senya Spell: “Multiheal”

—Spear Weapon Special Skill: “Flash Strike”

—Senya Spell: “Kaswoosh”

—Stick Weapon Special Skill: “Holy Light”

■ World

Homura Village

A village blessed by a volcano.

A village lined with Japanese-style buildings at the foot of Hinonogi Volcano. People live sturdily under the leadership of a shrine maiden. Blessed by the volcano, the village thrives in iron manufacture and smithing, and also has a steam bath house.

—Lined with Japanese-style buildings, smoke rises in Homura village from the blacksmith workshops. The shrine where the shrine maiden lives stands in the back of the village.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-5 02:59 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-19 07:15 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》介绍「维若妮卡」与「赛妮雅」的能力

  SQUARE ENIX 预定在 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》其 PS4 版/3DS 版释出第十一篇消息。

  本次介绍的,是旅行伙伴「维若妮卡」与「赛妮雅」。 这两位角色在之前的报导中,只有稍微介绍「不知恐惧为何物的天才少女」以及「悠闲的治愈手」这样,还有就是只知道赛妮雅能使用回复咒文而已。

  但是在本篇报导中,不光是两人的人物模块,连在战斗中能装备的武器与特技等也将揭晓。 还有,与两位女性密切相关的地点「焰炎乡里(ホムラの里)」情报也会刊登,希望各位读者能阅读到报导最后。

  维若妮卡会使用攻击咒文。 从至今为止公开过的报导中,相信有不少人已经从游戏截图等图片发现,她可以使用「贝基拉冈(ベギラゴン)」与「美拉索马(メラゾーマ)」等强力的攻击咒文。

  能装备的武器则是两手杖与鞭子。 两手杖可以提高咒文的威力,鞭子则是可以对复数敌方给予激烈的打击。





  就算维若妮卡面前的敌人是大人也好、魔物也罢,这位不知恐惧为何物的野丫头。 外表看起来虽然矮,但个性却很成熟,也有讨厌被当成小孩子对待的一面。

  赛妮雅装备手杖的话,既可以使用辅助咒文提高我方防御,也可以使用回复咒文治疗伤势。 不过,她还可以挥舞长枪或使用真空系(バギ系)咒文攻击敌人,是位兼具辅助与攻击的角色。





  从以下的游戏截图来看,或多或少能察觉到赛妮雅是位心地善良,且个性自然不做作的少女,但也因此让人有些放心不下。 这也常常让跟她一起行动的维若妮卡担心不已。

  位在「火野野城火山(ヒノノギ火山)」东边山脚的焰炎乡里,是一处饶富火山恩惠,受巫女治理的土地。 就是在第一篇报导中刊登的地图里,右下方的那块大陆。

  制铁与锻造产业非常兴盛,和风建筑并列的街道也是此处的特色。 虽然没有公开画面,但听说也有一间蒸气澡堂。

  不过,维若妮卡与赛妮雅,两人跟焰炎乡里究竟有着什么样的纠葛? 虽然还没有公开,希望在发售之后,玩家能透过游戏亲眼看见真相。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-8 03:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-8 06:40 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI introduces Silvia’s spells and special skills, Samadhi Kingdom
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》有点给的伙伴希尔比亚介绍

  SQUARE ENIX 预定于 7 月 29 日发售的PS4 / 3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》又在本周 JUMP杂志上公开新情报,这次介绍了另外一位伙伴“希尔比亚”的详情,是个很厉害的人,虽然叫主人公还是“XX酱”,感觉给给的。




  本作还会推出 Nintendo Switch 版,PS4 繁体中文版也确定发售。

The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information about Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time party character Silvia, as well as the Samadhi Kingdom teased last month.

Silvia is a traveling entertainer who lives a freewheeling life and has the wonderful dream of “making people around the world smile through his own performance.” He is always cheerful and positive, and is the top mood maker among the party. He has magnificent poses and seems to get instinctively entranced. He can participate in battle through attacks, support, and recovery, and can equip one-handed swords, whips, and daggers.

Spells he can use includes:

“Oomph” – Raises an ally’s attack power. A spell useful in boss battles and such.
His special skills include:

“Hustle Dance” – An lively dance that restores HP to all members of the party.
“Miracle Sword” – A one-handed sword skill that can recover HP while dealing damage.
“Whip of Love” – A whip skill that deals great damage to multiple enemies.
“Viper Fang” – A dagger skill that targets a single enemy and occasionally induces poison.

The Samadhi Kingdom is a country of knights surrounded by the desert. It is a historic kingdom that reigns over the desert and values its chivalry. It is rumored that the young prince is himself an outstanding knight. Horse races are also carried out here. A screenshot shows a circus tent in what is described as a castle town where people bustle about.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-10 04:21 PM
Dragon Quest XI gameplay shows beginning of the game on 3DS, Delcadar Kingdom on PS4
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》双版本新试玩影像公开

  在今日进行的直播活动中,Square Enix 官方公开了《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的PS4和3DS双版本的试玩影像。本作将于 7 月 29 日正式发售,对应平台为 PS4 和 3DS,繁体中文版也将确认。





Square Enix shared 26 minutes of new gameplay footage from Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time during its latest “Dragon Quest XI Countdown Carnival” hands-on event in Fukuoka today.

The 3DS footage shows the start of the game in both 3D and 2D play styles. The PlayStation 4 footage shows the player strolling through the Delcadar Kingdom while taking on a pair of quests.

Square Enix also revealed the second possible restriction for the game’s recently announced “Restricted Play” mode, which allows you to play the game with certain features disabled. The first restriction was shopping. The second possible restriction is being unable to run away from battle.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-12 02:44 PM
Dragon Quest XI details Silvia, Samadhi Kingdom

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about character Silvia and location Samadhi Kingdom.

Get the details below.

■ Characters


A traveling entertainer who lives a freewheeling life. He is always cheerful and positive, and is the mood maker of the party. He uses various weapons and skills that utilize the acrobatics he cultivated as a traveling entertainer. His dream is to make people around the world smile through his own performances.

In battle, Silvia utilizes his versatility as a traveling entertainer. Weapons he can equip include one-handed swords, daggers, and whips, allowing him to change how he fights depending on the situation. He can learn many spells and special skills that support his allies in various situations, making him as both an attacker and supporter.

—Whip Weapon Special Skill: “Whip of Love”

—Dagger Weapon Special Skill: “Viper Fang”

—Silvia Spell: “Oomph”

—One-Handed Sword Weapon Special Skill: “Miracle Sword”

—Acrobatic Special Skill: “Killer Juggling”

—Feminine Special Skill: “Hustle Dance”

■ World

Samadhi Kingdom, the Country of Knights

A kingdom that reigns over the desert. It is known as a historic country that values its chivalry, where many knights push themselves in training day in and day out in the castle. Above all, it is common gossip that this country’s young prince is an exceptional knight. In the town around the castle, there is a circus performance, horse races, and many people hustling and bustling about.

—Inside the castle, which is built like a temple, many knights push themselves in training, and in the town around the castle, a large crowd can be seen around the circus tent.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-12 02:46 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-23 07:21 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》公布自由奔放的旅行艺人希尔维亚背景设定及能力

  SQUARE ENIX 于近(22)日公布了《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》(PlayStation 4 / Nintendo 3DS)里登场角色之一-希尔维亚(シルビア)的背景设定及能力。

  希尔维亚是名旅行艺人,梦想要带给世界上所有人笑容而周游列国。 活用身为旅行艺人所培养出的杂技能力,能自在使用单手剑、短剑,以及鞭子等各式各样的武器。 而呪文及特技部分,则有众多能在各种局面下辅助我方的技能。 而言行举止方面,也是名带动玩家冒险气氛的开心果。

  此外,在这次的报导中,也公布了位在冒险舞台罗德杰特席亚(ロトゼタシア)之中的莎玛蒂王国(サマディー王国),而希尔维亚似乎也与该地的冒险有着密切关联。 莎玛蒂王国是个重视骑士道,历史悠久的大国,城下町似乎也有马戏团在此演出,以及举行运用马匹竞速的比赛等活动。 或许玩家能在此享受到,本作新娱乐要素的「赛马」。

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》

《勇者斗恶龙》系列本传最新作《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》。 这次将介绍希尔维亚的人物形象与战斗时的特征及得意技。 应该能让玩家见识到他独树一格的个性及多才多艺的一面。 也将介绍与希尔维亚有着密切关连的冒险世界!





「让世界上所有人充满笑容可是我的使命呢! 」

自由奔放的旅行艺人。 时常抱持着开朗乐观的想法,更是旅行时的开心果。
活用作为旅行艺人培养出的杂技,运用多样化的武器及技巧。 梦想用自己的表演带给世界上的人们笑容。

希尔维亚正如其旅行艺人的身分相当多才多艺。 能够装备单手剑、短剑、鞭子等武器,并能因应局面柔软地改变战法。 也拥有众多能在各种局面下辅助我方的呪文及特技,不论是在攻击面还是辅助面都能大显身手。









主角一行人在广大的罗德杰特席亚里旅行着。 现在将为玩家们介绍在这冒险世界里的另一个全新地区。 在此地的冒险似乎也与希尔维亚有着密切关联......。


支配着沙漠地带的王国。 是个重视骑士道、历史悠久声名远播的大国,城里有众多骑士日以继夜勤于训练。 尤其该国年轻王子更是位众人称赞的出色骑士。 在城下町里也有马戏团演出,以及举行运用马匹竞速的比赛,人潮络绎不绝。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-15 06:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-15 06:59 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI for PS4 introduces ‘Bowgun Adventure’ feature
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》PS4版本独特要素及魅力介绍

  SQUARE ENIX 预定于7月29日发售的PS4 / 3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》本周JUMP杂志继续公开新情报,这次主要介绍了PS4版的魅力,在广阔的世界中骑马驰骋、在幻想风的洞窟中探索、攀爬屋顶拾取隐藏道具、极具临场感的战斗、剧情的代入感也非比寻常。



The latest issue of Weekly Jump reveals a new “Bowgun Adventure” feature for the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.

There are specific targets all over the world that you can shoot with a bowgun. And there will be rewards for doing so. It seems that the bowgun adventure begins through an invitation from an NPC in a certain town.

Other than that, the magazine reveals a new “Magic Slot” casino game, which is a bonus game that starts if you get all sevens on the slots.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-19 06:14 PM
Dragon Quest XI goes gold; gameplay shows smithing, skill panel, horse racing, and casino

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time has gone gold, series creator Yuji Horii confirmed at today’s Dragon Quest XI “Countdown Carnival” hands-on event in Nagoya. That means development on the game is complete and it is ready for mass production.

New gameplay footage was also shown, demonstrating the “Mysterious Smithing” and the “Skill Panel” systems using the 3DS version, and “Horse Racing” and “Casino” features using the PlayStation 4 version.

Finally, Squaer Enix revealed the third possible restriction for the game’s “Restricted Play” mode, which allows you to play the game with certain features disable. The first two announced restrictions are being unable to shop and being unable to run away from battle. The third possible restriction is being unable to equip armor.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-19 06:19 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-19 06:30 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI teases 3DS StreetPass feature, introduces eight new monsters

The latest issue of Weekly Jump teases the 3DS-exclusive StreetPass feature in Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time, as well as introduces eight new monsters.

While the latest issue of Weekly Jump gave us a look at the PlayStation 4-exclusive “Bowgun Adventure” and “Magic Slot” casino game features of Dragon Quest XI, V-Jump teases the game’s 3DS-exclusive StreetPass feature. StreetPass involves mysterious creatures known as “Incarnations of Time.” It seems that players can visit a village where the Yocchi tribe of these creatures live. There is also a screenshot showing a number of different colored Yocchi fighting with different weapons. As for what will happen by passing other players, what sorts of facilities exist in Yocchi Village, and the Yocchi’s actual purpose, we’ll hear more about that in the June 26 issue of Weekly Jump.

The eight new monsters are pictured in the second and third rows of the left page pictured above. They include:

Slot Machine – A man who wanted to win at the slots, turned into a slot monster.

Drum Goat – A chubby monster and master of the drum. It plays the drum and summons monsters.

Fairy Bat – A bat that takes advantage of its cute appearance to attack its enemies with charm.

Ghost Parasol – Attacks humans who pick it up mistaking it as an umbrella with its sharp claw.

Ebi Metal – A monster whose thick, hard shell protects it like metal, which an ordinary sword stands no chance against.

Drago Bishop – A leader of the dragon world, whose wealth of knowledge makes it a skilled teacher.

Megaton Keil – A monster who makes various poses to show off its muscles.

She-Golem – A golem made of coral, said to have been made as a destructive weapon long ago.

Dragon Quest XI details PS4-exclusive features

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about the game’s PlayStation 4-exclusive features.

Get the details below.

■ A Beautifully Expressed, Dramatic Adventure

Fields that spread as far as the eye can see, significant story scenes, dungeons of variosu environments, diverse townscapes… everything is vividly expressed and promotes the gratification of the adventure.

The setting of this adventure is Lotozetasia, a world that spreads as far as the eye can see.

—Your horse will be of the utmost convenience in traveling this expansive world.

—You can even blow back monsters!

Facial expressions and actions are fully depicted.

—Push your way through spider webs…

—Crawl through holes…

—And freely make use of various actions.

The world of this adventure is beautifully depicted.

—Intricate townscapes.

—Giant statues that reach the clouds.

—Magical caves.

—A casino to earn quick money.

—Fiery lava.

—Beautiful, shining springs.

A diverse ecoystem of monsters.

—Monsters will form herds…

—Make suspicious prayers…

—And… can even be found gathered for class?

■ Two Battle Styles

Free Movement Battles

Freely move the character and viewpoint.

—Freely move your character.

—Sneak up behind enemies!

Auto Camera Battles

Battles full of presence.

—Scenes full of presence.

—Offense and defees are also of major importance!

■ Exploration Elements

Explore every nook and corner of the world. Take on the “Bowgun Adventure.”

—A character in a certain town will invite you to join in on the Bowgun Adventure.

—You can shoot at the targets you find that are scattered all over the world with your bowgun.

—Targets can be found in various locations. Be sure to look around everywhere.

■ Magic Slots

The Magic Slot will let players enjoy gorgeous scenes and mysterious events.

—Go on a great adventuer with Rocket, a slime, and fight monsters and get items.

—Monsters you defeat can even get up and become your allies!?

—If you get all 7s, a bonus game will start.

—At the end of the bonus game, you’ll battle against a powerful boss.

—The Magic Slots are full of mysteries.

—You can of course enjoy casino games such as the traditional slots and poker, as well.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-19 06:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-29 07:06 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》公开 PS4 版独特游戏要素以及多张新游戏图片

  SQUARE ENIX 公开预定在 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》(PS4 / 3DS)最新情报。

  在本篇报导当中,将会统整介绍包含过去已经公开情报在内的 PlayStation 4 版游戏特有要素。 内容有「十字弓冒险(ボウガンアドベンチャー)」和「魔术吃角子老虎(マジックスロット)」等等,只有在 PS4 版游戏中才能够玩到的独特游戏内容,有兴趣的玩家千万不要错过。

※ 报导内游戏图片皆为 PS4 版图片。

  PS4 版游戏最大的特征,当然就是美丽的高分辨率游戏画面,相信已经在考虑要购买游戏的玩家应该都很清楚。 玩家在游戏中可以一路跳到屋顶上,趴下钻进洞穴里,以及挥手拨开蜘蛛网,主角一行人所有动作都非常仔细刻划。



  在 PS4 版游戏当中,可以享受到名为「十字弓冒险」的游戏内容。 所谓「十字弓冒险」,是在世界各地寻找被藏在各种地方的「标靶」,并且使用十字弓射下来的内容。 从游戏图片上就可以发现,有些标靶会设置在普通进行游戏时,应该不会去注意到的地方。


  正如先前报导过的情报一样,在《勇者斗恶龙 11》当中,准备了「赛马(ウマレース)」和「赌场(カジノ)」等要素,让玩家在冒险空档享受。



  在赌场里面可以玩到扑克、吃角子老虎以及轮盘(ルーレット)等不同的游戏,以下就要和大家介绍只有 PS4 版才可以玩到的游戏「魔术吃角子老虎」。


  在转轴上方可以看到名为「史莱林(スラりん)」的史莱姆(スライム),展开有时与其他怪兽作战,有时可能会找到道具的「大冒险」。 打倒的怪兽还会加入成为伙伴,在演出效果上非常有看头。

  另外如果转出「777」的话,就会进入可以赚取大量金币的「奖励游戏(ボーナスゲーム)」。 在奖励游戏最后还会与头目作战,只要获得胜利,就可以再一次进入奖励游戏。



  PS4 版游戏采用所谓图标遇敌式系统,所以在非战斗状态下,还是可以观察到怪兽们的行动。 像是倒吊在树枝上的小恶魔(ドラキー),或者是在草原上休息的杀人豹(キラーパンサー),仔细观察这些在战斗当中不会表现出来的行动,其实也可以增加冒险的乐趣呢。


  《勇者斗恶龙 XI》的世界非常广大,所以在旅行时懂不懂得活用载具,就是一个重要关键。 只要骑上马背,就算是遥远路途也能轻松踏破。

  在 PS4 版当中,只要在骑乘状态下冲撞敌人,就可以把怪兽直接撞飞哦。


  如同过去报导介绍的一样,在 PS4 版战斗时,可以选择「自由移动战斗(フリー移动バトル)」和「自动运镜战斗(オートカメラバトル)」,两种不同的形式来作战。


  而自由移动战斗则是可以让玩家,在战斗当中自己调整位置和视角。 可以绕到敌人背后,从自己喜欢的角度来作战。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-21 10:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-22 06:23 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI Nintendo Direct details 3DS-exclusive features
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》举办任天堂直播 统整 3DS 版本特色

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,预定在 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエスト XI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》今(21)日在任天堂官方频道举办了介绍 3DS 版本的直播节目「勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光 Direct 2017.6.21(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて Direct 2017.6.21)」,统整了 3DS 版的游戏特色。

  3DS 版将会活用该掌机的双屏幕特性,在序章部分将会同时在上画面呈现时下主流的 3D 多边形画面、在下画面呈现令老玩家怀念的 2D 点阵画面,上下两画面的事件场景也会连动。 《勇斗》生父堀井雄二表示,玩家将可以在游戏中一次体验到《勇者斗恶龙》30 年来的画面演进。

  序章过后则是可以让玩家自由选择要以 3D 多边形画面或 2D 点阵画面呈现,包含地图与战斗都可以依照自己喜好,在教会和野营处随时切换。

  3D 模式的特征是会以指针式方式遇敌,除了带来角色背后视点的战斗画面之外,在 3DS 主机下画面会显示地图,在冒险途中还可以跳跃。

  2D 模式则是追求重现最古早经典的《勇者斗恶龙》乐趣,以点阵风格的画面来进行。 在地图上以随机遇敌的方式进入战斗,对战中也以第一人称视点来节奏明快的打倒怪兽。

  另外,《勇者斗恶龙 XI》也加入了露营据点,一行人可以在野营处纪录,也可以在此切换 2D 和 3D 两种模式。

  3DS 版本的另一个特色就是擦身而过通信机能,藉由和路人的擦身通信,玩家会遇见新加入的「耀奇族(ヨッチ族)」,我们可以带领耀奇族挑战特别的迷宫,选择适合的成员以自动或手动的方式挑战一路上遭遇的怪物,打倒守关的 BOSS。

  通过之后可以获得通关密语,输入后可以开启支线任务,回到历代《勇者斗恶龙》的世界,和经典的人物互动解决他们的疑难杂症。 玩家也可以看到历代 DQ 的经典场景。

Nintendo hosted a Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time-themed Nintendo Direct today, revealing a host of details specific to the 3DS version of the game. Among those details, it was revealed that players will be able to take on various quests in which they travel to the worlds of past Dragon Quest games.

Here are all the new details:

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.






作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-26 06:31 PM
Dragon Quest XI details 3DS-exclusive features

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about the game’s 3DS-exclusive features.

Get the details below.

■ With 3D Mode and 2D Mode, You Get Two Experiences in One Game

In the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI, you can experience two visual styles in one game. In “3D Mode,” characters move vividly in a three-dimensional world, and in “2D Mode,” the game is depicted in nostalgic pixel graphics. Experience Dragon Quest XI in your favorite visual mode.

At the start of your adventure, 3D Mode is depicted on the upper screen, and 2D Mode is depicted on the lower screen.

When the two modes are displayed at the same time, conversations and such are displayed on the upper screen when using the slide pad, and on the lower screen when using the d-pad.

As you progress on your adventure, you will choose which one of the two modes to you want to continue playing with. After that, you can visit the church to switch between modes.

■ Two Battle Styles

3D Mode

—Battle with lively moving monsters on the field.

—You can get surrounded by enemies, too.

—Monsters will attack if they notice the protagonist running by.

—During battle, the party’s status and actions are displayed on the bottom screen.

2D Mode

—Battle with classic pixel graphics.

—Various expressions decorate the battle.

—You will encounter monsters randomly while walking.

—During battle, the party’s status and actions are displayed on the bottom screen.

■ Memories of Your Journey

As you progress on your adventure, you will be able to see the “Memories of Your Journey” at certain places. In the 3DS version, you can look back on important scenes in the story that you have already seen in your favorite visual mode, allowing you to also see how that scene played out in the style you are not playing in.

■ Labyrinth Beyond Time

In the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI, there is a village where a special tribe among the Incarnations of Time known as the “Yocchi” live, and where you can make use of the system’s StreetPass feature. You can also discover a dungeon that only the Yocchi can enter called the “Labyrinth Beyond Time,” where you can send in the Yocchi you gathered through StreetPass to explore. Exploring the Labyrinth Beyond Time may open the door to even more surprising amusements.

—Incarnations of Time are mysterious creatures that appear in Lotozetasia.

—The Yocchi seek help from the protagonist.

—The protagonist is guided to a mysterious place called “Yocchi Village.”

—Gather Yocchi through Streetpass and take on the Labryinth Beyond Time. You can even get items from treasure chests.

—In the depths of the labyrinth are boss battles against Gate Keepers. These are formidable foes that cannot be taken down by ordinary means. Use spells to defeat them. Then explore even further.

■ The Yocchi’s Important Mission

The Yocchi have an important mission, and want the protagonist to help them carry it out. In order to help the Yocchi, it seems that it is necessary to find “Adventure Log Passwords” in the Labyrinth Beyond Time. What kind of adventure awaits the player?

—A mysterious place called “The Altar.” Jorocchi, the Yocchi elder, tells the player of the Adventure Logs on each altar engraved with the achievements of legendary heroes from different worlds.

—A dirty Adventure Log sits upon the altar. As Jorocchi tells the player, the Adventure Logs were recently destroyed and blacked out.

—In order to enter the worlds of each Adventure Log, it is necessary to find Adventure Log Passwords in the Labyrinth Beyond Time.

—Is this Galenholm from Dragon Quest I?

—And Erinn’s inn from Dragon Quest IX?

Unravel the mysteries of these worlds yourself!

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-29 06:10 PM
Dragon Quest XI introduces Martina and Row’s spells and special skills, town of Grotta
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》新情报 马尔缇娜与罗详情

  SQUARE ENIX 预定于 7 月 29 日发售的 PS4 / 3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》本周 JUMP 杂志图继续公开新情报,这次介绍了队伍成员女性格斗家马尔缇娜与谜之老人罗详情。




The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information about Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time party members Martina and Row, as well as a new town called Grotta.

Martina is a beautiful fighter with an ambiguous elegance drifting about her. She doesn’t seem to be just an ordinary person. She seems to have the intention to travel the world.

Skills she can use include:

“Sexy Beam” – A seductive skill in which Martina strikes a sexy pose and monsters fall in love with her beautiful face.
“Miracle Moon” – A melee skill.
“Witch Nail” – A claw claw skill.
“Hell Spark” – A spear skill in which hell thunder strikes down on the enemy.
Row has the appearance of a traveler, but is a man shrouded in mystery who can use advanced magic and martial arts.

Spells that he can use include:

“Kazing” – A spell that revives a fallen ally.
Skills that he can use include:

“Baptism of Zero” – An enlightenment skill that eliminates good effects on the enemy.
“Revival Staff” – A two-handed staff skill that revives an ally.
“Liger Slash” – A claw skill in which Row hits the enemy with strong, continuous attacks—both spells and direct attacks.
Grotta is a flourishing town in the northern part of Lotozetasia, and where masked fighters participate in a “Masked Fighters Tournament.” There is arena here, as well as a statue of General Greig, who won the tournament once.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-29 07:19 PM
《勇者斗恶龙 XI》「PlayStation 4 罗德版」主机 7 月 29 日起在台限量发售

  台湾索尼互动娱乐(SIET) 今(29)日宣布,PlayStation 4(CUH-2000 系列 / 1TB)特别设计款式和 PS4 专用游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》蓝光光盘版(日文版)同捆的限量商品「PlayStation 4 勇者斗恶龙 罗德版」将在 2017 年 7 月 29 日(星期六)发售,建议零售价为新台币 11,980 元。

  此外,PS4 游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》(繁体中文版)也预计于今年冬季后发售,届时也将限量推出繁体中文版游戏与特殊主机同捆的「PlayStation 4 勇者斗恶龙 罗德版」。




  本商品是基于「传说中罗德的 PS4」之概念,为 PS4 与 DUALSHOCK 4 无线控制器施加「罗德蓝」配色及「罗德的纹章」造型设计的特别款式。 同时,亦将随附特别施加了黄金配色的「流浪金属史莱姆」USB 防尘盖玩偶供玩家装设至 PS4 上。 不仅如此,还将附赠搭配《勇者斗恶龙 Ⅲ》音乐「在阿雷夫加尔德」的原创主题 ※ 3,一并收纳于可进一步衬托出《勇者斗恶龙》世界观的特制宝箱造型收藏盒中。





  同捆的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》(日文版),是《勇者斗恶龙》系列第 11 款正传最新作品。 这款作品将回归系列原点,描绘「勇者」的冒险故事。

  本作透过 PS4,描绘出既美丽又辽阔的罗德赛塔西亚世界,栖息在原野上的怪物甚至生动到彷佛可感受其气息一般。 这第 11 场冒险,同时也是兼具「怀念感」与「新鲜感」的系列作「全新原点」──《勇者斗恶龙 XI》。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-3 02:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-18 06:51 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI details Martina and Row, town of Grotta
Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about character Martina and Row, and the town of Grotta.

Get the details below.

■ Characters


A female fighter who travels the world with Row in order to carry out a certain objective. Her strong legs boast of unrivaled destructive power. With her elegant beauty and commanding demeanor, she seems to be more than just an ordinary fighter…

A female fighter with elegant beauty and strong legs!

Martina has trained her body and specializes at going in head-first in battle. She can attack using a spear or claws, and plays the role of an attacker using her specialty kick techniques. Her beautiful looks are also a reliable power in battle, and she can use special skills that water down monsters.

—Spear Special Skill: “Hell Spark”

—Seductive Special Skill: “Sexy Beam”

—Claw Special Skill: “Witch Nail”

—Seductive Special Skill: “Sexy Beam”


An old man of many mysteries. His appearance of having a staff and carrying large luggage is like that of any traveler, but he can used advanced spells and boasts of extraordinary martial arts skills. Just who is this old man with such unfathomable hidden ability?

A mysterious old man with unfathomable ability!

Row is equipped with high power that allows him to play the role of both an attacker and a healer. He specializes in recovery spells that both heal and revive allies, as well as attack spells that deal a great amount of damage to enemies. He can fight using a two-handed staff or claws, and can handle his role in battle by changing weapons based on the situation.

—Row’s Spell: “Kazing”

—Claws Special Skill: “Liger Crash”

—Row’s Spell: “Kacrack”

—Row’s Spell: “Kazam”

—Enlightenment Special Skill: “Baptism of Zero”

—Two-Handed Staff Special Skill: “Revival Staff”

■ World

Town of Grotta

A flourishing town in the northern part of the continent. A “Masked Fighters Tournament,” in which masked fighters fight in pairs, is held here. During tournament season, the town is bustling with fighters that gathered to test their strength and tourists who have come to see the Fighters Tournament.

—There is an arena in Grotta, in which the Fighters Tournament is held. In a building connected to the arena, a statue that gives praise to Delcadar’s General Greig has been erected.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-5 10:15 PM
Dragon Quest X PS4 version and All In One Package introduction trailers

Square Enix has released a new trailer for the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest X, and another for the “All In One Package” edition of the game including Versions 1, 2, and 3 of the MMORPG.

Dragon Quest X is due out for PlayStation 4 on August 17 in Japan, followed by Switch on September 21. It is currently available for PC, Wii U, and mobile devices.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-6 07:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-6 07:58 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI introduces the protagonist and Camus’ spells and special skills
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》杂志新图 主角与卡缪新技能公布

  将于 2017 年 7 月 29 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》在周刊少年JUMP上公布了最新的信息,介绍了本作的主角与最初的同伴卡缪的可使用特技以及咒文。
















The latest issue of Weekly Jump has new information about the protagonist of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time, as well as party member Camus.

The protagonist can use spells and special skills unique to a hero. He can equip both a one-handed sword and two-handed sword.

Skills that he can use include:

“Sword Dance” – A sword god skill in which the protagonist attacks the enemy many times over as if he’s dancing.
“All-Out Slash” – A two-handed sword skill in which the protagonist hits the enemy with a blow from his sword that has all of his power put into it.
“Zone Hit” – A hero skill that guarantees the protagonist will enter the powered up Zone state.
“Dragon Slash” – A two-handed sword skill in which the protagonist unleashes a strong blow to enemies of the dragon family.
Spells that he can use include:

“Kaclang” – Turns one ally into iron and makes them invulnerable to damage.
Camus can use daggers, two-handed swords, and boomerangs, allowing him to adjust how he fights based on the situation.

Skills that he can use include:

“Clone” – A divine skill that triples Camus’ effect by creating two duplicates.
“Sword Guard” – A two-handed sword skill that allows Camus to easily guarding from an enemy’s attack with his weapon.
“Assassin Attack” – A dagger skill in which Camus thrusts at the enemy’s vitals for an instant death.
“Starburst Throw” – A boomerang skill in which blades of light rain down to attack every enemy.

Spells that he can use include:

“Jibariina” – Spreads out a magic circle that damages enemies when they perform actions.
The magazine also reveals that by progressing through the story, you will be able redo your Skill Panel at the church. You will be able to distribute multiple points at once or do a reset.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-10 06:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-20 07:52 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI details the protagonist and Camus, more on the Skill Panel, general FAQ
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》主人公与搭档卡缪战斗特征

  SQUARE ENIX 预定于 7 月 29 日发售的 PS4 / 3DS 平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》官网更新,公开最新情报,介绍主人公与好搭档卡缪的战斗特征详情。




  可靠的搭档 卡缪







  Q:是否对应PS4 PRO?

  Q:可以用PSV Remote Play吗?

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new information and screenshots about the protagonist and party member Camus, more on the Skill Panel, and a general FAQ..

Get the details below.

■ Characters


A young man who lives in the peaceful Ishi Village. The protagonist, faced with a coming-of-age ceremony in turning age 16, learns an astonishing truth. He is the reincarnation of the “hero” who once saved the world, who carries the burden of a major mission. What is the hero? What is his mission? In order to confirm his fate with his own eyes, the protagonist leaves his hometown and steps forward into the vast world.

The protagonist is equipped with top-class power!

The protagonist can equip one-handed and two-handed swords, and mainly attacks using various sword techniques. The leader of the party, he uses spells and special skills unique to a hero, including “Zone Hit,” which guarantees he enters the Zone state.

—The Protagonist’s Spell: “Kaclang”

—The Protagonist’s Two-Handed Sword Skill: “All-Out Slash”

—The Protagonist’s Sword God Special Skill: “Sword Dance”


Dragon Quest XI

—The Protagonist’s Two-Handed Sword Special Skill: “Dragon Slash”

—The Protagonist’s Hero Special Skill: “Zone Hit”

—The Protagonist’s Sword God Special Skill: “Giga Slash”


A reliable partner. He is a blue-haired thief that the protagonist encounters on his journey. Although there is a rude side to his behavior and speech, he possesses a strong sense of duty and a warm heart. As a partner used to the ways of the world, he supports and guides the novice protagonist.

Freely use weapons to adapt to the current battle situation!

Camus makes full use of the dexterity only a thief can have. He can equip three types of weapons, including daggers, one-handed swords, and boomerangs, and can adapt to the situation to unleash single blows that deal great damage or take down multiple enemies all at once.

—Camus’ Divine Special Skill: “Clone”

—Camus’ Dagger Special Skill: “Assassin Attack”

—Camus’ Spell: “Jibariina”

—Camus’ Two-Handed Sword Special Skill: “Sword Guard”

—Camus’ Boomerang Special Skill: “Starburst Throw”

■ System

Skill Panel

Learn various skills and grow!

The protagonist and company each have “skills” that match the types of weapons they can equip and their personality (thief, entertainer, etc.). Outside of those that teach new special skills and spells, there are also skill that offer various effects.

—Improve your ability by learning skills.

—The skill panel also has special effects such as being able to equip dual swords.

—By performing a skill reset at the church, you can redo your skill points.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-10 06:43 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-10 06:49 PM 编辑


◆ Game-Related

Is there any story differences between the PlayStation 4 and 3DS versions of Dragon Quest XI?

There are no story differences between the PlayStation 4 and 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI.

Do I have to play previous Dragon Quest titles to enjoy Dragon Quest XI?

Since this is a completely new game, even users who have never played a previous Dragon Quest game can enjoy Dragon Quest XI.

Do I need an Internet connection to play Dragon Quest XI?

Since there is not an online gameplay element, you do not need an Internet connection to enjoy Dragon Quest XI. (However, an Internet connection is required to redeem the early purchase bonus items.)

Can I create several different save datas?

You can create up to nine save datas. The PlayStation 4 version has an auto-save feature, allowing you to start your adventure from the most recent auto-save. The 3DS version has a suspended save feature, allowing you to suspend your adventure at places other than the church.

◆ Character-Related

Can I change the protagonist’s name?

You can freely set the protagonist’s name when creating the Adventure Log (save data). (You cannot change the protagonist’s name during your adventure.)

Can I change the protagonist’s appearance?

There is not a character creation feature that allows you to change the protagonist’s hairdo and face, but some equipment will change the character’s outfit.

Are the characters voiced?

The characters are not voiced.

◆ PlayStation 4 Hardware-Related

Does Dragon Quest XI support PlayStation 4 Pro?

Dragon Quest XI supports PlayStation 4 Pro. You can enjoy the game in 4K resolution, excluding some movies.

Does Dragon Quest XI support PS Vita remote play?

Dragon Quest XI supports PS Vita remote play.

Does Dragon Quest XI support PlayStation 4 Share functionality?

Dragon Quest XI supports screenshot and streaming Share functionality through the use of the Share button the DualShock 4 controller, excluding some movies. (Share Play is only available at the beginning of the story.) Guidelines are available here:

Please clearly display the copyright owner on anything you publish or stream. For example:

When using the PlayStation 4 version’s Share functionality, the copyright owner will be displayed automatically.

When streaming scenes largely related to the game’s story, please add a “spoiler” notice as not to take away the experience from those who have yet to play the game.

Live streaming, recording, or screenshots of anything that is blocked from being captured using the PlayStation 4 version’s Share functionality is prohibited.

Please do not reuse published content. For example, please do not redistribute published content in a different medium such as a summary book, regardless of whether it is paid or free.

Please do not publish to websites in which a charge is necessary to view content. (With the exception of Niconico’s Premium Service.)

Please do not perform acts that slander specific players.

No matter the reason, if requested by Square Enix, please immediately stop posting images or video. Additionally, Square Enix may delete videos and broadcasts that it deems are inappropriate.

Square Enix makes no guarantees regarding the publication of images and videos on the Internet, including not infringing on the rights of third parties. Also, Square Enix will not compensate for disputes with third parties, including other players, for any damages caused as a result of using an image or video.

◆ 3DS Hardware-Related

Does Dragon Quest XI support stereoscopic 3D?

Dragon Quest XI does not support stereoscopic 3D.

◆ Other

Is it OK to host Dragon Quest XI videos on streaming websites?

Please review the guidelines (also above).

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-12 10:31 PM
Dragon Quest XI scan teases story scenes

The latest issue of Weekly Jump teases various story scenes in Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.

Here’s a translation of each section:

Allies’ Pasts and Secrets (Upper Left)

What are your allies’ pasts? What is the resolve that they hold dear to their hearts?

The People Who Hold the Keys to the Truth (Upper Right)

Just who are the various people and beautiful women in this still unseen world?

Who are they? (Middle Right)

This is…! Who are they? It is all still wrapped in mystery!

The Great Tree of Life (Bottom)

The Great Tree of Life! What will become of Lotozetasia? The protagonist and company’s adventure will finally lead to the great truth of the world!

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-13 07:18 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-17 06:18 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-17 07:35 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI prologue video; free PS4 and 3DS themes launch July 18 in Japan
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》序盘剧情影像 免费主题配信

  SQUARE ENIX 预定于 7 月 29 日发售的PS4/3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》放出序盘剧情影像,本作继承《勇者斗恶龙》系列传统,依旧没有角色语音。

  此外官方还公布将于明天 7 月 18 日配信PS4、3DS用免费主题,并于 7 月 29 日~ 9 月 1




Square Enix has released the prologue video from Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time.

The upcoming RPG, which a return to origin for the series, depicts the story of the protagonist, the reincarnation of the “hero” who once saved the world, and who carries the burden of a major mission.

Square Enix also announced that it will release free PlayStation 4 and 3DS themes on July 18 in Japan via the PlayStation Store and Nintendo eShop, respectively. Here’s a preview of each:

3DS Theme

PlayStation 4 Theme

The company also announced that it will host a countdown live stream for Dragon Quest XI on July 28 at 23:00 JST, an hour before the game officially launches in Japan.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.


群星齐聚国民 RPG! 《勇者斗恶龙 XI》公布唐泽寿明、藤原龙也等明星演出广告影片

  SQUARE ENIX 制作,即将于 7 月 29 日推出的 PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》,配合上市宣传档期公布了一系列由日本知名演艺人员演出的广告影片。

  先前《勇者斗恶龙 XI》曾邀请演过《勇者义彦》的知名演员山田孝之拍摄了以「妄想」以及「回忆」为主题的网站特别宣传影片,如今则是又找上搞笑双人组小菜俱乐部(おかずクラブ),演员藤原龙也、本田翼、唐泽寿明,歌舞伎演员中村勘九郎、中村七之助等人演出电视广告。













  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》PS4 中文版预定 2017 年冬季推出。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-17 06:36 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-26 05:03 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI story scene screenshots

Square Enix has updated the official website for Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time with new screenshots showcasing story-related scenes.

The screenshots include some new text. Though nothing about it reveals anything new:

The “Hero” Being Pursued and His Allies

The hero and his allies go on an adventurous journey to unravel the mystery of the legend concerning the hero.

In order to unravel that mystery, they will head for the “Great Tree of Life” together.

New Encounters Await in an Unseen World

The protagonist and company’s journey will go beyond the ocean, and as far as to the bottom of the ocean and into the sky. Various people await them there to encounter.

Before Long, Their Adventure Will Lead to the Great “Truth” of the World

Why was the hero called a demon child? On your adventure seeking an answer to this question, you will arrive at a certain truth.

Once again. The “Time of the Hero” begins.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-18 11:30 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-26 05:03 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》公布故事概要介绍 揭晓掌握故事关键的「勇者的时光」

  SQUARE ENIX 制作的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》(PS4 / N3DS)即将于 7 月 29 日发售! 本篇报导赶在发售之前,随着公布出来的游戏截图介绍本作故事的一部份。





  但是,当主角到达大陆第一大国「迪尔卡达尔(デルカダール)」谒见以贤君闻名的国王时,居然听说了「勇者是恶魔之子」等这样荒唐的言论。 紧接着主角以及伙伴们,眨眼间就成了迪尔卡达尔王国的通缉犯。

PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图


PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

PS4 版 / N3DS 版共同游戏截图


PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

PS4 版 / N3DS 版共同游戏截图

PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

  勇者为什么会被称为恶魔之子? 寻求答案的主角一行人的旅程,最终将会与「世界的大真相」链接,而「勇者的时光(勇者の时)」也再次启动,显现于眼前。

PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

PS4 版游戏截图

N3DS 版游戏截图

PS4 版 / N3DS 版共同游戏截图

  本篇报导的介绍内容就到此为止了。 非常在意故事后续的人,不妨入手这款作品体验看看吧!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-20 07:55 PM




作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-26 11:10 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-26 04:18 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI staff discuss lack of voice acting, Dragon Quest III PS4 technical test, more

  SQUARE ENIX 即将于 7 月 29 日发售的PS4/3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙11 寻觅逝去的时光》本周FAMI通访谈中提到,本作在开发 PS4 版时,曾用虚幻引擎4构筑过《勇者斗恶龙3》的亚利亚汉大陆,虽然只是为了测试而制作的,并非完全还原,但多亏了这个虚幻引擎4版的《勇者斗恶龙3》,很好的向制作团队传达了《勇者斗恶龙》这个系列作品的特色。


The latest issue of Weekly Famitsu has an interview with Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time producer Yosuke Saito, game designer Yuji Horii, and director Takeshi Uchikawa, who share various new details about the game.

Get the tidbits below.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-26 05:06 PM
《神偷奶爸 3》与《勇者斗恶龙 XI》展开跨界合作 小小兵 + 史莱姆逗趣现身

  由 Illumination Entertainment 与环球影业合作推出的 3D 动画电影《神偷奶爸 3》,21 日起在日本地区上映后,获得超过 60 万观众支持。 为了替电影宣传造势,官方宣布将与 SQUARE ENIX 即将推出的 PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》展开合作企划。

  这次的合作企划中,会在美国音乐制作人菲瑞·威廉斯(Pharrell Williams)替《神偷奶爸 3》演唱的片尾曲「Yellow Light」的日本版 MV 中,加入《勇者斗恶龙》系列熟悉的吉祥物「史莱姆(スライム)」。 影片中史莱姆会以 8bit 的点阵造型出现在菲瑞闯荡的 8bit 电玩风格关卡中。


  此外,在 SQUARE ENIX《勇者斗恶龙》系列官方网站展开的史莱姆绘画创作投稿活动「大家的史莱姆」网站上,亦出现了《神偷奶爸》小小兵与史莱姆合体的「小小兵史莱姆」,相当逗趣。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-27 06:27 PM
Dragon Quest XI introduces reincarnated monsters

The latest issue of Weekly Jump introduces a new type of monster that appears in Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time called “reincarnated monsters.”

Reincarnated monsters are monsters who have lived long and whose appearance has changed. They are a rare encounter, and thus may also drop rare items. Reincarnated monsters pictured in the magazine include the violent panda, golden cone, heart knight, and cactus gold. There are also quests that task players with defeating reincarnated monsters.

The teaser text for the next issue of Weekly Jump’s Dragon Quest section at the bottom of the page teases “the super latest information on a certain title.” Perhaps next week we will finally get a release date for Itadaki Street: Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy 30th Anniversary?

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-28 06:12 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-28 07:00 PM 编辑

Four minutes of Dragon Quest XI for PS4 gameplay on PS Vita via Remote Play
《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》新宣传片展示PSV遥控功能游玩

  Square Enix 即将于明天 7 月 29 日正式发售的 PS4 和 3DS平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》官方公开了一段用 PSV Remote Play PS4 版《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》 的视频,看起来丝般顺滑,这样就能体验用掌机打高清画质游戏的感觉,连后面的赌场小游戏也玩,加上本作不需要太强操作,用PSV玩非常合适。PSV的正确使用方法,各位自己去视频看看吧。



  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》将于 7 月 29 日登陆 PS4 与 3DS 平台,Switch 版的发售日尚未公布。繁体中文版也确认今冬发售。

The Japanese PlayStation Blog has posted a four-minute gameplay video of the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time being played on PS Vita through the system’s Remote Play functionality.

Remote Play of PlayStation 4 titles is also possible through other devices, including PC and Mac computers, PlayStation TV, and Xperia smartphones and tablets.

Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time will launch for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-28 11:09 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-29 03:47 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age Coming West in 2018


Dragon Quest XI coming to the West in 2018

Fans of great stories, captivating art and alluring music are certain to rejoice with today’s announcement from Square Enix that Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age will be coming to the West next year.

The highly anticipated latest entry to the beloved Dragon Quest video game franchise follows the adventure of a hero who must solve the mystery of his fate with the aid of a charming cast of supporting characters. Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age will offer a world of adventure, exploration and instances of heroism— all brought to life by the character art of famed manga artist Akira Toriyama and the memorable music of composer Koichi Sugiyama.

In an accompanying video, Dragon Quest creator Yuji Horii introduces an overview of the game and offers an update on the game’s localization process.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-2 06:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-2 06:42 PM 编辑

“Dragon Quest (Free Version)” PS4 trophies surface

  《勇者斗恶龙》系列粉丝玩家和新闻情报员不久前已知道,《勇者斗恶龙》初代的奖杯悄然上线,很多玩家都在猜测这是 Square Enix 要复刻初代上 PS4 平台的节奏,然而其实《勇者斗恶龙》初代已经悄然上线了?!以下内容涉及轻微剧透,请谨慎阅读哦。

  《勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》刚刚于上周六(7月29日)发售,早在发售前的制作人采访中官方就曾经神神秘秘的透露给玩家一个细节,那就是《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》在通关后会有意想不到的好东西,制作人还表示会祈祷“宝物”被发现的那一天。原来这个通关“宝物”竟然就是《勇者斗恶龙》初代,而且不光是 PS4 平台,3DS平台也有哦!

  玩家只要通关《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的真结局,ED 之后的演出中会出现“复活咒文”,然后只需要在商店中输入“咒文”就可以免费下载初代了!Square Enix 这个隐藏的小彩蛋不仅卖了情怀,还给了玩家无限的惊喜,真可谓是一箭双雕。


PlayStation 4 trophies for a “Dragon Quest (Free Version)” have shown up on Exophase.

The appearance of the trophies follow the release of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age for PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan on July 29.

The original Dragon Quest first launched for Famicom in Japan on May 27, 1986. It has since been ported to MSX, Super Famicom, Game Boy Color, mobile phones, Wii, and iOS and Android.

It has been revealed that the original Dragon Quest is a bonus for users who clear Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age.

To obtain the original Dragon Quest on either PlayStation 4 or 3DS, the player simply needs to enter the “Spell of Restoration” that appears in the credits after the true ending. Doing so will enable the player to download the original Dragon Quest.

Dragon Quest XI first two-day sales top two million in Japan
《勇者斗恶龙 XI》上市头 2 天卖出 208 万套 日本 PS4 主机销售突破 500 万台大关

  日本游戏综合信息媒体 FAMITSU 报导,2017 年 7 月 29 日在日本上市的 PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》,上市头 2 天的推估贩卖套数达 208 万 806 套。

  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 游戏中玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。

  由于《勇者斗恶龙》系列正传在日本上市时经常造成排队抢购热潮,因此并没有依照一般游戏的惯例安排在周四上市,一律都安排在假日上市。 虽然近年来游戏流通渠道多元化,已经不像往年那样出现全国性的排队人潮,不过这次《勇者斗恶龙 XI》还是照惯例安排在 7 月 29 日周六上市,因此周销售统计数据只计算到上市头 2 天。 话虽如此,但仍缔造超过 200 万套的销售佳绩。

  根据 FAMITSU 统计,《勇者斗恶龙 XI》首周(头 2 天)的推估贩卖套数达 208 万 806 套,其中 N3DS 版占 113 万 468 套,PS4 版占 95 万 338 套。 该统计是透过实体通路取样数据推估,包含套装版、下载卡与主机同捆版,但不包含数字下载版。 考虑到 N3DS 与 PS4 主机普及台数的差异,这次 PS4 版逼近百万套的表现可说是相当突出,成为目前日本最畅销的 PS4 游戏。

  受惠于《勇者斗恶龙 XI》的上市,当周(7 月 24 日~7 月 30 日) PS4 与 N3DS 主机的销售台数都有大幅成长,N3DS 周销售台数达 12 万 6790 台,是前一周的 4.4 倍,PS4 周销售台数达 9 万 3954 台,是前一周的 3.4 倍。 此外,日本地区 PS4 主机的累计销售台数亦随着这波销售热潮正式突破 500 万台大关,来到 500 万 6579 台,总计花费 3 年 5 个月的时间达成此一里程碑。


FAMITSU 近 2 个月的 PS4 与 N3DS 主机周销售统计图

  《勇者斗恶龙 XI》PS4 中文版预定 2017 年冬季推出,PlayStation 台湾官方频道日前亦释出中文版开场动画影片,预告将于 8 月 17 日公开中文版的新情报,有兴趣的玩家不妨多多留意。


游戏名称:勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光
游戏原名:ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo 3DS
     Nintendo Switch(详情未定)
发售日期:2017 年 7 月 29 日(PS4 / N3DS 日文版)
     2017 年冬季(PS4 中文版)
     NS 版未定
建议售价:PS4 版 8980 日圆,N3DS 版 5980 日圆(未税)
     勇者斗恶龙 XI 双重包 勇者之剑 BOX 14960 日圆(未税)
     PS4 繁体中文版未定
语言版本:繁体中文(PS4 版) / 日文
代理经销:台湾索尼互动娱乐(PS4 版)
     香港索尼互动娱乐(PS4 版)

First two-day sales for Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age topped over two million across PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan, Famitsu numbers reveal.

According to Famitsu, the 3DS version of Dragon Quest XI sold 1,130,468 copies, while the PlayStation 4 version sold 950,338 copies. Collectively, Dragon Quest XI sold a total of 2,080,806 copies. These sales only account for July 29 and 30.

It should be noted that these numbers include sales for the standalone game in addition to the “Dragon Quest XI Double Pack Hero’s Sword Box,” “New Nintendo 2DS LL Dragon Quest Liquid Metal Slime Edition,” and “PlayStation 4 Dragon Quest Loto Edition.” Digital sales are not included.

Hardware-wise, the release of Dragon Quest XI moved a total of 126,790 units in the 3DS family (up from 28,831 last week) and 93,954 units in the PlayStation 4 family (up from 27,530 last week).

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age launched for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on July 29 in Japan. A Switch version is also planned, but has yet to be shown or dated. Dragon Quest XI is due out for release in North America and Europe in 2018. Platforms for the west have yet to be announced.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-2 07:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-8 07:15 PM 编辑

《勇者斗恶龙 XI》日本累计出货销售套数突破 300 万套 中韩英文版年底起陆续登场

  SQUARE ENIX 于 8 月 7 日宣布,2017 年 7 月 29 日在日本地区推出的《勇者斗恶龙》系列最新作 PS4 / N3DS 角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光(ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて)》,日本国内的套装版出货套数与下载版贩卖套数累计已经突破 300 万套。

  目前官方并未公布个别平台的销售数字,根据上周 FAMITSU 与 Media Create 周销售统计,PS4 版与 N3DS 版上市首两日的套装版(含下载卡)销售套数约为 95 万与 113~115 万。

  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 游戏中玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。

  游戏首度跨 PS4 与 N3DS 双平台推出,并针对两平台分别制作了高画质 3D、Q 版 3D 与点阵 2D 共 3 种画面呈现模式,兼具怀旧与新潮来打造系列新的起始点,满足不同族群玩家的喜好。

  除了日本国内之外,《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》后续预定于 2017 年冬季在亚洲地区陆续推出繁体中文版与韩文版,2018 年在欧美地区推出英文版,让世界各地的玩家都能玩到。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-5 06:37 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-6 10:50 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-7 06:10 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest I, II, and II coming to PS4 and 3DS in August in Japan
《勇者斗恶龙》前三部作品将登陆 3DS 和 PS4平台

  在 Square Enix 官方举办的“勇者斗恶龙夏日祭2017”直播节目中,官方宣布《勇者斗恶龙1、2、3》三部作品将在 8 月登陆PS4 以及 3DS 平台。


《勇者斗恶龙2 恶灵的众神》

《勇者斗恶龙3 传说的开始》

  《勇者斗恶龙》是由堀井雄二及其工作室 Armor Project 开发的全球畅销电子角色扮演游戏系列。系列在日本由史克威尔艾尼克斯(原艾尼克斯)发行,而在日本以外多由任天堂发行。系列第一作发行于1986年;到2017年,系列除了11部本传作品外,还有诸多衍生游戏,系列引入很多游戏元素,并对RPG的开发产生重大影响。


Square Enix will release Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest II digitally for PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan on August 10 for 600 yen and 850 yen, respectively, followed by Dragon Quest III in late August for 1,500 yen, the company announced at Dragon Quest Summer Festival 2017 in Tokyo today.

If you own Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age, you can get the original Dragon Quest free of charge right now by simply clearing the game and entering a specific “Spell of Restoration.”

Dragon Quest X early demo for Dragon Quest XI PS4 owners launches August 10 in Japan
勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光

Users who enter a specific “Spell of Restoration” in the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age will be able to download an early demo of the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest X, Square Enix announced at Dragon Quest Festival 2017 in Tokyo today.

The Spell of Restoration users need to enter is:


The early demo will allow users to play the beginning of the story of Dragon Quest X: Rise of the Five Tribes Online (Version 1). It will be playable from August 10 at 12:00 JST until August 16 at 23:59 JST. The download itself is available now. A Square Enix account will be required to play.

The PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest X will launch in Japan on August 17.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-8 03:37 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-8 04:53 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest X anime short Episode 1: ‘The Feeling of a Name’

Dragon Quest X, the first online game in the Dragon Quest series, celebrates its fifth anniversary this year. And in commemoration, Square Enix asked players to submit “‘miraculous’ stories” that have occurred in the game to turn into short animations. Today, Square Enix released the first episode in that series, titled “The Feeling of a Name.”

“The Feeling of a Name” opens as a young girl watches her parents enjoy the in-game fireworks celebration for Dragon Quest X‘s fourth anniversary on August 2, 2016. She quietly points out to her father that it looks like everyone has gathered to celebrate Yukina’s birthday. Yukina is the name of her mother’s character, but in a flashback we learn that she was named after their elder daughter, Yukina, who passed away. A year goes by, and we see the father at a cafe, chatting in Dragon Quest X on his laptop, where it is suggested he proposes to his online friends the idea his daughter mentioned a year prior, unbeknownst to his wife. Finally, on August 2, 2017, the family is gathered once again to watch the in-game fireworks celebration for the game’s fifth anniversary. It is then that everyone viewing the fireworks start to wish Yukina a happy 15th birthday, bringing tears to the surprised mother’s eyes. Had she been alive, Yukina would have turned 15 years old that day.

Dragon Quest X is available now for Wii U and PC in Japan, and will launch for PlayStation 4 on August 17, followed by Switch on September 21.


《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》访谈 回归原点的30周年纪念作

  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》发售以来至 8 月 7 日实体版已经在日本国内销量突破了 300 万,日前 FAMI 通杂志又为本作给出了满分 40 分的好评,可谓是《勇者斗恶龙》系列集 30 年精华为一身的高水准作品,日本东洋经济也就《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》的开发细节采访了 Square Enix 的三宅有执行顾问,以下是采访摘要。


  例如 2004 年的《勇者斗恶龙 8》因为登陆 PS2 平台的原因,画面表现力提升,使用3D制作冒险舞台。2009 年的 NDS 平台游戏《勇者斗恶龙 9》则主推便携要素,宣传与朋友同乐的核心概念。而 2012 年的《勇者斗恶龙10》则加入了在线要素,变成一个与全球玩家即时共斗的线上游戏。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-8 04:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-11 06:28 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest I, II, and III for 3DS first screenshots; Dragon Quest I for PS4 gameplay
《勇者斗恶龙》罗德三部曲登陆 PS4 与 N3DS 平台 重温国民 RPG 原点故事

  SQUARE ENIX 于 8 月 10 日在 PlayStation 4 与 Nintendo 3DS 释出了日本家喻户晓的国民 RPG《勇者斗恶龙》系列最初三部作的前两部《勇者斗恶龙》、《勇者斗恶龙 2 恶灵的诸神》的数字重制版,并预定于 8 月底释出第三部《勇者斗恶龙 3 接着迈向传说》的数字重制版。




  这三款被称为「罗德三部曲」的《勇者斗恶龙》系列前三代,故事主轴都是围绕着勇者罗德的传说来展开,分别于 1986 年、1987 年、1988 年陆续在日本任天堂红白机上推出,奠定了该系列成为日本社会现象之「国民 RPG」的基础。 故事的时间轴则是以 3→1→2 的顺序展开,阐述罗德传说的诞生与延续,并与日前甫发售的最新作《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》相呼应。

《勇者斗恶龙》:8 月 10 日推出,价格 650 日圆 / 新台币 175 元
《勇者斗恶龙 2 恶灵的诸神》:8 月 10 日推出,价格 850 日圆 / 新台币 248 元
《勇者斗恶龙 3 接着迈向传说》:8 月底推出,价格 1050 日圆 / 新台币价格未定

  目前台湾 / 香港 PlayStation Store 已经释出前两部的 PS4 日文版。 此外,购买《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》日文版的玩家,则是可以在本篇破关后免费取得《勇者斗恶龙》下载版。

A Nintendo of Japan news story has revealed the first screenshots from the recently announced 3DS versions of Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line, and Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation.

The screenshots are available at the gallery:

Dragon Quest – Five screenshots
Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line – Five screenshots
Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation – Five screenshots

Additionally, NeoGAF user Kanann has provided first gameplay footage from the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest.


As previously announced, Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest II will launch digitally for both PlayStation 4 and 3DS on August 10 in Japan for 600 yen and 850 yen, respectively. Dragon Quest XI owners can get Dragon Quest for free by clearing the game and entering a specific “Spell of Restoration.” Dragon Quest III will launch for both platforms in late August in Japan for 1,500 yen.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-9 06:15 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-12 01:46 PM
Dragon Quest III for PS4, 3DS launches August 24 in Japan
《勇者斗恶龙 3 接着迈向传说》PS4 和 3DS 版将于 8 月 24 日上架

  Square Enix 日前公布之前发表将于 8 月末配信的PS4 和 3DS版《勇者斗恶龙 3 接着迈向传说》决定将于 8 月 24 日上架各平台商店,售价1500日元(含税),而《勇者斗恶龙 1》与《勇者斗恶龙 2 恶灵的诸神》均已经开始配信,想要回顾经典的玩家可以尝试一下。

  《勇者斗恶龙 3 接着迈向传说》是由 Chunsoft 开发,ENIX发行的角色扮演游戏,勇者斗恶龙系列的第三作,最早于1988年在日本FC游戏机平台发售,随后又于1992年在北美以“Dragon Warrior III”为题发售。游戏后来在1996年和2000年重制到超级任天堂和Game Boy Color平台。本作为洛特三部曲的的最后一作,而在剧情时间线上则是首章,游戏讲述了勇者斗恶龙的勇者将世界从恶魔手里拯救出来的冒险故事。在游戏中玩家将与不同职业的人组建称一个团队,在世界各处旅行,访问各个城镇与地点,并到达大魔王巴拉摩斯的老巢。

Dragon Quest III: The Seeds of Salvation will launch digitally for PlayStation 4 and 3DS on August 24 in Japan for 1,500 yen, Square Enix announced.

The PlayStation 4 and 3DS release of the third game in the “Loto Legend Trilogy” of Dragon Quest games follows the release of the original Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest II: Luminaries of the Legendary Line, which launched in Japan on August 10.

Square Enix has launched an official website for the re-releases, featuring screenshots from each game.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-17 02:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-8-17 04:42 PM 编辑

《DQ》x《FF》大富翁游戏《骰动人生好运道 DQ & FF》确定同步中文化登场
转载 - 巴哈姆特

  SQUARE ENIX 旗下老牌大富翁游戏《いただきストリート ※》系列最新作品《いただきストリート ドラゴンクエスト&ファイナルファンタジー 30th ANNIVERSARY》(PS4 / PS Vita),制作人白石琢磨今(17)日特别来台举办媒体说明会,会中正式公布游戏将同步于 10 月 19 日在台湾与香港推出繁体中文版,并正式定名为《 骰动人生好运道 DQ & FF 30 周年纪念》。


※ 英文名《Fortune Street》,中文旧译《人生街道》

  《骰动人生好运道 DQ & FF 30 周年纪念》是 1991 年问世至今已 26 年的老牌大富翁游戏《骰动人生好运道》系列最新作,由《勇者斗恶龙》系列之父堀井雄二担任游戏设计,以家喻户晓的经典桌上游戏《大富翁》玩法为基础,融入各种崭新要素,并加入来自《勇者斗恶龙》与《Final Fnatasy》两大人气 RPG 的角色,最多可让 4 名玩家展开一秒几十万上下的豪华资产争夺战。

  本次的《骰动人生好运道 DQ & FF 30 周年纪念》是系列问世 26 年来首款中文化作品,同时确定了官方中文名称,透过完全中文话的内容,让男女老幼广大玩家族群也能同享游戏乐趣。 游戏并预定于本周五在华山 1914 文创园区登场的 PlayStation 游戏娱乐嘉年华中开放中文版试玩。



游戏名称:骰动人生好运道 DQ & FF 30 周年纪念
游戏原名:いただきストリート ドラゴンクエスト&ファイナルファンタジー 30th ANNIVERSARY     
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / PlayStation Vita
发售日期:2017 年 10 月 19 日
建议售价:PS4 日文版 7800 日圆,PS Vita 日文版 5980 日圆(未税)
     PS4 / PS Vita 繁体中文版未定
代理经销:台湾索尼互动娱乐(PS4 版)
     香港索尼互动娱乐(PS4 版)

《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》PS4 繁体中文版发售日正式公布!
转载 - 巴哈姆特

  SQUARE ENIX《勇者斗恶龙》系列制作人三宅有、《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》总监内川毅与制作人冈本北斗,今(17)日特别来台举办 PS4《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》媒体说明会,正式公布 PS4《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》繁体中文版将于 11 月 11 日上市。



  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 游戏中玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。

  游戏首度采同步跨平台方式制作推出,提供高画质 3D、Q 版 3D 与点阵 2D 共 3 种呈现方式来满足新旧世代玩家的喜好。 此外还是系列本传单机新作中首款同期中文化登场的作品,如今则是进一步确认中文版将于 11 月 11 日上市,让更多华语圈玩家能充分了解游戏精心编写的故事。 游戏并预定于本周五在华山 1914 文创园区登场的 PlayStation 游戏娱乐嘉年华中开放中文版试玩。

  此外,游戏特制的 PS4 罗德版主机亦将配合中文版在亚洲地区推出。




游戏名称:勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光
游戏原名:ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて
对应平台:PlayStation 4 / Nintendo 3DS
     Nintendo Switch(详情未定)
发售日期:2017 年 7 月 29 日(PS4 / N3DS 日文版)
     2017 年 11 月 11 日(PS4 中文版)
     NS 版未定
语言版本:繁体中文(PS4 版) / 日文
代理经销:台湾索尼互动娱乐(PS4 版)
     香港索尼互动娱乐(PS4 版)
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-9-22 06:17 PM
《勇者斗恶龙 XI》举办繁体中文版记者会「复活咒文」将可跨日 / 中文版使用
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/4/152884.html

  SQUARE ENIX 发行,将在 11 月 11 日推出繁体中文版的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》,在 2017 TGS 邀请到开发总监内川毅,以及制作人冈本北斗举办媒体说明会,发表关于中文版的新消息,和接受媒体访问。


  在新情报的部分,现场由两位开发者介绍了《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》繁体中文版将会带来「冒险新手套组」的产品代码作为早鸟购入特典,玩家可在游戏中取得战斗后获得经验值增加的美妙背心「幸福背心」、 战斗后获得金币增加的金光闪闪背心「暴发户背心」以及恢复套组(药草 ×3、解毒草 ×3、魔法小瓶 ×3)。 另外,实体版预购特典将会赠送限量「勇者斗恶龙 XI 颈带」一条,在 PlayStation Store 预购下载版还可获得「技能种子」10 个。





制作人也特别强调「技能种子」在游戏中是很稀有的道具! 可以让主角或伙伴提早提升技能等级

  现场制作人也特别揭露,其实日文版的「复活咒文」,可以直接在繁体中文版里面使用。 所以已经游玩了日文版的玩家,可以透过「复活咒文」在繁体中文版中继续游玩。 但因为结构性的限制,输入复活咒文必须使用日文。 制作人也说,其实欧美版根本把复活咒文的要素砍掉了,但在亚洲很多玩家通日文,为了确保这些玩家的权益,刻意保留复活咒文的要素。 制作人也另外挂上保证,「剧情故事将和日文版完全相同,保留原汁原味。 」





  此外,关于会推出完全版并收录新队伍角色的传闻,制作人也趁此机会辟谣「那只是纯粹问券! 造成混乱很不好意思。 」单纯是因为他好奇玩家究竟喜欢怎么样的角色,为了今后开发其他作品参考之用的。


  现场媒体也问到了「日文版《勇者斗恶龙 XI》上市之后好评不断,被誉为是睽违已久很有 DQ 味道的王道 RPG 游戏。 」关于这点,制作人响应「老实说,觉得很开心」。 他们在开发过程中,有不断地和原作的堀井雄二老师讨论,确立《勇者斗恶龙 XI》会是一款依循 DQ 传统以「故事情节」为精髓的游戏,开发过程中也不断探讨「什么是 DQ 的原点? 」很高兴最后可以获得日本玩家的认同,接下来的繁体中文版也希望亚洲玩家也会喜欢。

  但近年来游戏市场转移,「勇者斗恶龙世代」的老玩家很多已经成家立业,渐渐远离游戏,甚至完全不认识 DQ 的年轻人也大有人在,现场媒体也问到「如何抓住年轻人的目光」? 制作人响应「我们也很苦恼到底该怎么做」。 一方面他们希望在这个智能型手机成为主流的年代,让游戏回到客厅的电视「全家同乐」。 究竟该怎么做呢? 答案就是透过这款《勇者斗恶龙 XI》,让老一辈玩家可以传承这个感动的游戏体验给下一代的年轻人。

  《勇者斗恶龙 XI》同时也是一款强调「回归系列新原点」的作品,一面带来崭新画面的同时,但又保留了过去的经典元素,反而很适合年轻的玩家们第一次去尝试,进而对以前的 DQ 游戏产生兴趣。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-6 02:49 PM
Dragon Quest X PS4 demo now available in Japan

https://store.playstation.com/#! ... 00-DQXTRIAL00000000

A demo for the PlayStation 4 version of Dragon Quest X Online is now available via the Japanese PlayStation Store.

The demo will let users play through the entire story of Dragon Quest X Version 1. Save data from the demo can be carried over to the full version of Dragon Quest X, should you decide to purchase it.

Dragon Quest X Online is available for PlayStation 4, Switch, Wii U, and PC in Japan.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-9 05:14 PM
Dragon Quest XI for Switch is developed in Unreal Engine 4

  在Epic Games Japan于10月8日举办的虚幻引擎祭2017上,角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙11 寻觅逝去的时光》的制作人堀井雄二表示Switch版的《勇者斗恶龙11》正在使用虚幻4引擎开发,由于PS4版是使用4.13版引擎而4.15版引擎才开始加入对Switch的支持所以会比较费时间。


The Switch version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is developed using Unreal Engine 4, series creator Yuji Horii said at Epic Games Japan’s Unreal Fest East 2017 at Pacifico Yokohama Conference Center today.

Several Twitter users who attended the event reported Horii as confirming the Switch version is developed in Unreal Engine 4, suggesting that it is a port of the PlayStation 4 version rather than the 3DS version. Horii questioned whether he could talk about the Switch version being developed in Unreal Engine 4, to which Square Enix programmer Mitsuru Kamiyama replied, “you already said it!” It should be noted that Unreal Engine 4 did not officially support Switch until version 4.15, while Dragon Quest XI was originally developed in version 4.13.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age launched for PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan on July 29. A western release is planned for 2018, but platforms have yet to be announced.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-10 03:51 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-11 07:33 AM
《勇者斗恶龙》罗德三部曲 PS4 数字重制版确定 11 月下旬起陆续中文化登场
转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/9/155119.html

  香港索尼互动娱乐(SIEH)于 10 日晚间在九龙荔枝角举办「PS4《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》发售前夜祭」活动,邀请《勇者斗恶龙》之父堀井雄二,《勇者斗恶龙 XI》制作人冈本北斗及总监内川毅亲自出席, 分享内容特色与制作心得。 现场堀井雄二并宣布《勇者斗恶龙》系列开端的「罗德三部曲」PS4 数字重制版将自 11 月 24 日起陆续在香港与台湾推出繁体中文版。



  堀井雄二同时透露,玩家在全破《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》繁体中文版后,片尾动画将出现一段复活咒文,只要输入这段神奇的复活咒文,就可以免费获得初代《勇者斗恶龙》。


全破《勇者斗恶龙 XI》中文版后将出现一段复活咒文,只要输入这段咒文,就可以免费获得《勇者斗恶龙》

  这三款被称为「罗德三部曲」的《勇者斗恶龙》系列前三代,故事主轴都是围绕着勇者罗德的传说来展开,分别于 1986 年、1987 年、1988 年陆续在任天堂红白机上推出,奠定了该系列成为日本社会现象之「国民 RPG」的基础。 故事的时间轴是以 3→1→2 的顺序展开,阐述罗德传说的诞生与延续,并与 11 日即将推出中文版的最新作《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》相呼应。

  活动中制作团队更即场以特效抽奖影像选出 8 位幸运儿,率先试玩 11 月 11 日发售的《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》繁体中文版,并赠送每人一条「勇者斗恶龙 颈绳」作为纪念。


活动中除了制作团队的分享环节外,同时亦为粉丝准备了 VIP 试玩等丰富的活动内容

  现场还开放展示众多系列游戏珍贵展品的《勇者斗恶龙》摄影区及主题咖啡馆,每位到场粉丝均可享用到精美的《勇者斗恶龙》主题餐点及可爱度爆灯的史莱姆饮品。 压轴更有抽奖环节,送出制作团队远从日本带来的《勇者斗恶龙》精品,包括史莱姆特别版围裙、史莱姆巨型靠垫、多拉奇布偶及堀井雄二亲笔签名、极具收藏价值的 PS4 Pro 一部,将整个活动气氛推至高峰。





  活动后,堀井雄二、冈本北斗与内川毅更亲自送上 3 人的亲笔签名纪念卡、「勇者斗恶龙 XI 特别版活页夹」以及「史莱姆特别版购物袋」,每位与会的粉丝都玩得十分尽兴,满载而归。


游戏制作团队与到场超过 100 名粉丝合照


制作团队更亲自送上亲笔签名纪念卡、「勇者斗恶龙 XI 特别版活页夹」及「史莱姆特别版购物袋」给参加者

关于《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》

  《勇者斗恶龙》系列第 11 款正传最新作品,是回归系列原点,描绘「勇者」之冒险的故事。 这第 11 场冒险,同时也是系列作的「全新原点」──《勇者斗恶龙 XI》即将于此隆重登场!
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-29 02:29 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-3-29 07:19 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI Launches for PS4 & PC on September 4 in North America and Europe
《勇者斗恶龙11》9 月 4 日登陆 PC 平台

  Square Enix 宣布,欧美版角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙11 寻觅逝去的时光》将在 2018 年 9 月 4 日登陆 PS4 和 Steam 平台。欧美版《勇者斗恶龙11》将会追加以下内容:

  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 游戏中玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。

  在介绍《勇者斗恶龙11》相关版本的时候,Square Enix 透露 3DS 的《勇者斗恶龙11》将不会登陆欧美地区。而对于玩家们非常关心的 Switch 版,官方在声明中表示“我们依旧在努力开发 Switch 版游戏,但由于技术上的原因,开发工作比预想中的要花费更多的时间,所以距离游戏推出还要有很长的时间。”

  另据 Square Enix 的相关 PR 负责人向 IGN 透露,Switch 版《勇者斗恶龙11》将不会在2018年年内发售。

  《勇者斗恶龙11 寻觅逝去的时光》最早于去年 7 月 29 日登陆 PS4 和 3DS 平台,并在 11 月 11 日推出了 PS4 的官方中文版,Switch 版早已公布,但 Square Enix 并没有公布相关游戏截图及开发情况。



Dragon Quest Arrives in the West September 4

One of the most revered role-playing game franchises of all time returns to the West with Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age coming to the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Steam on September 4.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age tells a captivating tale of a hunted hero and is the long-awaited role-playing game from series creator Yuji Horii, character designer Akira Toriyama, and series composer Koichi Sugiyama. As the eleventh mainline entry in the critically acclaimed series, Dragon Quest XI is a completely standalone experience that features entirely new characters, a beautifully detailed world, finely tuned turn-based combat, and an immersive story that will appeal to longtime fans and franchise newcomers alike. After its release in Japan, Dragon Quest XI won multiple gaming awards and received critical praise, including PlayStation’s Platinum Prize and a perfect 40/40 score from Famitsu (Japanese publication).

In addition to delivering over 100 hours of content, the Western release of Dragon Quest XI will also feature several upgrades and enhancements that were not included in the Japanese release, including:

• English Voiceover

• Draconian Quest, a hard mode that offers additional challenges for more experienced players.

• Overhauled Menus & user interface, with graphical enhancements and more intuitive navigation.

• Camera Mode, allowing players to take in views of the beautiful landscape, character renders and ferocious monsters in detail.

• A New Dash Function and many other system enhancements such as improved character and camera movement

Beginning today, adventurers who pre-order from the PlayStation Store can treat themselves to the exclusive “The Legend Reborn” Theme as an instant reward, along with in-game DLC items when the game launches. Check out the following link for more details: sqex.to/DQ11PSN

Full details on a Square Enix Store exclusive edition for the PlayStatio 4 system will be revealed soon. For more information, please visit the game’s official website.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-6 02:19 PM
美版《勇者斗恶龙11》语言跟随系统走 或将包含中文
转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/946166.jhtml

  欧美版《勇者斗恶龙11 追忆逝去之时》将在2018年9月4日登陆 PS4 和 Steam 平台,追加了英文配音。



此外,(PS4版《勇者斗恶龙11》的)语言是跟随 PS4 本体语言来切换的。



为有经验的玩家提供额外挑战的困难模式 Draconian Quest
修正过的的 UI 和菜单,图形得到增强,导航更直观
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-9 04:49 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-9 05:09 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI for Switch delay due to outdated Unreal Engine 4
《勇者斗恶龙11 追忆逝去之时》Nintendo Switch 版因引擎兼容问题延迟推出

转载 - A9VG(http://www.a9vg.com/news/201804/5923618199.html

  上个月 SQEX 官方宣布《勇者斗恶龙11》欧美英文版将于 9 月 4 日登录 PS4 与 Steam 平台,他们还表示本作的 Switch 版将会“晚得多”,且 3DS 版不会在欧美推出。那么SQEX 做出这样的决定到底是为何呢?外媒有机会问问 SQEX 相关决定的理由了。

  Game Informer 在 PAX East展 会上和《勇者斗恶龙11》的制作人冈本北斗聊了聊,他解释到:“当我们使用虚幻4引擎开发《勇者斗恶龙11》的时候,我们同样也想要开发Switch版本。但不幸的是,尽管任天堂和Epic在共同开发这个引擎,但一开始引擎并不兼容,当修订版的虚幻4引擎兼容Switch的时候,我们已经开始制定我们的发售计划了。”


  至于为何Square Enix在欧美地区不发售3DS版的本作,他说:“当我们开始讨论《勇者斗恶龙11》在西方国家推出时,我们希望能给西方观众们一个全新的开始。我们能够为欧美本地化做出很多改进和改变。因此我们认为最好的方式就是将游戏的 PS4 和 Steam 版作为主要版本。”

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age producer Hokuto Okamoto discussed more about the troubled Switch version of the RPG during an interview with GameSpot at PAX East 2018 in Boston.

“It’s true that the Nintendo Switch version is under development at this moment in time,” Okamoto told GameSpot. “Specifically with regards to the development, this game was developed on the Unreal Engine, but the version for Unreal Engine needs to be updated, I suppose, in order to support Switch. In that sense, the development is still expected to take a very long time. It’s still a long ways out.”

Hokuto made clear that the Switch version will definitely be released in the west, and that the while the team considered holding back the PlayStation 4 version to launch simultaneously with the Switch version, it ultimately decided against it.

“Of course, we did consider releasing the PlayStation 4 and Switch version around the same time if that was even a possibility, but right now the outlook for the Switch version is still unclear at this moment in time,” Okamoto said. “The Japan team, they wanted to release Dragon Quest a XI and bring it overseas as soon as possible for our fans overseas, which is why they proceeded with the PlayStation 4 [and] Steam version this time.”

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of Elusive Age will launch for PlayStation 4 and PC on September 4 in North America and Europe.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-5-1 07:22 AM
Dragon Quest XI PS4 pre-order bonuses announced for North America

Users who pre-order Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Exclusive Age for PlayStation 4 through select retailers in North America will receive various physical and digital items, Square Enix announced.

The bonuses are as follows:

GameStop (United States) / EB Games (Canada)

Eight exclusive collectible two-inch buttons featuring the main cast and the mysterious spirits of lost time
Exclusive in-game DLC pack including:
The “Elevating Vest” – A snazzy waistcoat that awards the wearer with extra experience every time they win a battle
Three “Seeds of Skill” – A nifty nut that confers an extra skill point upon anyone who eats it (consumed upon use)


Exclusive in-game DLC pack including:
“Arriviste’s Vest” – A glitzy gold waistcoat that awards the wearer with extra money every time a battle is won
Three “Seeds of Skill” – A nifty nut that confers an extra skill point upon anyone who eats it (consumed upon use)

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Exclusive Age is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam in North America and Europe on September 4.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-12 06:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-12 06:37 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI ‘Edition of Light’ and ‘Edition of Lost Time’ special editions announced


Square Enix announced the “Edition of Light” and “Edition of Lost Time” special editions for Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age during its E3 2018 showcase.

Here is an overview the special editions, via Square Enix:

Edition of Light ($59.99)

The physical Day One “Edition of Light” is available to pre-order now from retailers nationwide for the PlayStation 4 system, and comes with a reversible cover featuring artwork from Akira Toriyama. Additionally, players who pre-order from the online PlayStation Store can treat themselves to the exclusive “The Legend Reborn” Theme as an instant reward along with in-game DLC items when the game launches. Fans who pre-purchase from STEAM® will receive an exclusive PC Wallpaper Set and in-game DLC items.

Edition of Lost Time ($149.99, Square Enix Store-exclusive)

• The “Edition of Light” version of the game for PlayStation 4
Including Supplicant, an accessory with the power to restore magic points, Healer, an accessory with the power to restore hit points, and 3 Seeds of Skill, a consumable item which confer a players extra skill points.
• Companion Compendium – a 128-page hardback art book featuring concept art and famed artist Akira Toriyama’s early designs
• Symphonic Suite – a 2-disc set featuring orchestrated versions of in-game music
• The Map of Erdrea – a 20”x15” cloth map
• A Collectible Steelbook Case
• Bonus Digital Content – including Pep Pop, a drink that immediately peps up all active allies, and 15 more Seeds of Skill, which confer players extra skill points.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC on September 4 in North America and Europe.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-20 02:31 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-20 06:47 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI for Switch has “many things” that need to be worked out before release
推出 Switch 版《勇者斗恶龙11 追忆逝去之时》前 我们还有很多事情要做

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/951351.jhtml

  《勇者斗恶龙11 追忆逝去之时》在 2015 年公布之初,就宣布除了登陆 PS4 和 3DS 之外,还有计划登陆Switch,当时这台机器的代号还是“NX”。

  不过因为种种原因,本作的 Switch 版尚未发售。外媒 Polygon 近期就对 Switch 版《勇者斗恶龙11 追忆逝去之时》的进度向制作人冈本北斗提出了疑问,得到的回答是“我们正在做,我不能说更多了”。

当我们第一次公布《勇者斗恶龙11》时,Switch 还没发售,而且开发者套件也没有完成。

  虽然当时游戏的硬件规格尚无定论,我们还是觉得“我们能做到,我们能把这游戏做到 Switch 上”。

  结合此前采访中 Square Enix 透露的“虚幻引擎新旧”问题,似乎开发软件是限制 Switch 版《勇者斗恶龙11》开发进度的一个因素。

  在被反复提问之后,冈本北斗依然表示自己不便透露本作登陆 Switch 的日期,不过他强调,在登陆 Switch 之前,团队需要完成“照顾所有方面的事情”。

  目前《勇者斗恶龙11》已登陆 PS4 平台,游戏本体包含官方中文字幕。

The Switch version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age still has “many things” that need to be worked out, producer Hokuto Okamoto told Polygon at E3 2018.

“We’re making it,” Okamoto said regarding the Switch version. “We’re still making it. I can’t say anything more.”

Okamoto continued, “When we first announced [Dragon Quest XI], the Switch hadn’t come out yet, and the development kit also wasn’t finalized. The hardware specs weren’t out yet, but we were like, ‘We can manage this. We can put this out on the Switch.’”

Okamoto would not say how long “taking care of all those many things” that need adjustments before the Switch version is released would take.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC in North America and Europe on September 4.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-26 04:55 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-6-26 06:54 PM 编辑

Square Enix “can’t say anything” about additional content in Dragon Quest XI for Switch
为了补偿玩家久等 Switch《勇者斗恶龙11》可能会有新要素

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/951588.jhtml

  近期 Square Enix 召开了股东大会,并透露了一些关于《勇者斗恶龙11》的情报,其中包括 Switch 版《勇者斗恶龙11》将会有 PS4 版没有的新要素,这是为了补偿久等本作 Switch 版的玩家。具体详情会在合适的时候公布。

  按照此前的惯例,晚发售的《勇者斗恶龙》版本确实都会加入一些新要素,比如原本是敌对势力的人加入队伍,或是人气 NPC 成为同伴。具体可以参考《勇者斗恶龙4》的毕沙罗,《勇者斗恶龙8》的莫里等。

  早在此前的问卷调查中,Square Enix 就曾经调查过玩家最想要哪个同伴的意向,或许这次后发售的 Switch 版中就会体现出来。

  Switch 版《勇者斗恶龙11》几乎是和 PS4 版同时公布的,但现在 PS4 版已经发售快一年了,前者却迟迟没有动静,让很多玩家颇为担心。此前制作人冈本北斗在一次活动上透露是因为引擎问题,而 Switch 版更是传闻将会延期至2019年。

During the Square Enix Holdings 38th General Meeting of Stockholders last week, the company answered various questions regarding Dragon Quest XI for Switch, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and the potential of future Dragon Quest remakes.

Here are the quotes, via Suzukin Online:

Question: Regarding the additional elements in the Switch ports of Dragon Quest Builders and Dragon Quest Heroes I & II, are there plans to add those to the PlayStation 4 versions as downloadable content? Also, will the Nintendo Switch version of Dragon Quest XI have additional elements?

Yuu Miyake: “It’s the first time we were porting both Dragon Quest Builders and Dragon Quest Heroes I & II just as they are. Up until now, the content [of our ports] has changed a fair amount. PlayStation 4 and Switch have a quite different customer base, and a bit of time has passed, so we have to make up the difference one way or another. Giving this back to the PlayStation 4 version would be difficult. I can’t say anything about Dragon Quest XI. (Laughs.) There are promotional plans in the works from here on out so we’ll be releasing more information when the time comes.”

Question: Regarding Final Fantasy VII Remake, it’s been three years since it was announced at E3 2015. About what percentage has development progressed?

Shinji Hashimoto: “I can’t say a single word about that. As it has been reported, we took a second look at the development structure and continued from there. It’s certainly hitting its milestones accordingly.”

Yosuke Matsuda: “There is a lot being said about it, but it’s progressing as it should so please don’t fret. Things are coming along well.”

Question: Outside of Final Fantasy VII Remake, is there also a possibility for HD remakes of Dragon Quest and Dragon Quest II? The series just celebrated 30 years, so I’d like to ask about that.

Yuu Miyake: “We’d love to do it. Creating Dragon Quest XI as a full HD game has proved rather challenging. Where would it be best to focus our resources? There was talk about doing a remake of Dragon Quest III about four or five years ago, but when push comes to shove, wouldn’t it be better to make Dragon Quest XII instead? (Laughs.) There are other series and new titles lined up, so I think it would depend on the timing. At the moment we don’t have any plans for it, but there is room for discussion.”

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-3 10:14 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-4 11:16 AM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI 'The Loyal Companions' Trailer


New Trailer Spotlights Eclectic Cast in Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

The diverse lineup of characters in Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is on display with today’s new trailer.

Designed by famed comic book artist Akira Toriyama, each character has a unique personality and deep background story. From the reliable partner-in-crime Erik to the fearless young mage Veronica, along with the laid-back healer Serena, entertainer extraordinaire Sylvando, noble martial artist Jade, and mysterious old man Rab—together, they join the hero on a grand adventure through the world of Erdrea.

About Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age will release in North America for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Steam on September 4, 2018. The highly anticipated latest entry to the beloved Dragon Quest video game franchise follows the adventure of a hero who must solve the mystery of his fate with the aid of a charming cast of supporting characters. The game is a completely standalone experience that features entirely new characters, a beautifully detailed world, finely tuned strategic combat, and an immersive story to amaze longtime fans and franchise newcomers alike.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-8 10:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-8 11:24 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest VIII Costume Available at Launch for All Dragon Quest XI Players
《勇者斗恶龙 11》英文版将免费赠送《勇者斗恶龙 8》服装

  Square Enix 宣布,欧美英文版版角色扮演游戏《勇者斗恶龙11 寻觅逝去的时光》将在 2018 年 9 月 4 日登陆 PS4 和 Steam 平台。并公布了将免费为所有购买了欧美版本作的玩家提供一套《勇者斗恶龙 8》的服装,在游戏开始后即可在背包中发现这套服装。

  《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 游戏中玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。


~Draconian Quest: 这是为有经验的玩家提供的困难模式,将带来额外的挑战

  《勇者斗恶龙11 寻觅逝去的时光》最早于去年 7 月 29 日登陆 PS4 和 3DS 平台,并在 11 月 11 日推出了 PS4 的官方中文版,Switch 版发售日暂时未知。


Dragon Quest VIII Costume Available at Launch for All Dragon Quest XI Players

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age scheduled for release on September 4, Square Enix announced that the Trodain Bandana and Trodain Togs from Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King will be available in all Dragon Quest XI players’ inventories at launch.

The special costume can be equipped to boost defensive stats in the early portion of the game. Players will also receive a recipe book, “Trodain’s Top Trends,” which details how to improve the stats of the special costume in the later stages of the game.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age will release for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Steam on September 4, 2018.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-9 05:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-8-9 06:14 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI for Switch “progressing smoothly,” announcement possibly set for TGS 2018
堀井雄二 Switch《勇者斗恶龙11 寻觅逝去的时光》新消息即将公布

转载 - Vgtime(http://www.vgtime.com/topic/956580.jhtml

  《勇者斗恶龙》系列制作人堀井雄二在昨日 8 月 8 日晚间 niconico 生放送节目中提到了 Switch《勇者斗恶龙11》的最新进展。

  堀井雄二表示 Switch《勇者斗恶龙11》现在的开发非常顺利,可能在东京电玩展前后就会公布关于游戏的最新消息。官方曾经透露为了补偿玩家久等,会为 Switch《勇者斗恶龙11》制作全新的要素。或许在东京电玩展前后 Square Enix 将召开发布会公布这些要素的详情。

  《勇者斗恶龙 11 寻觅逝去的时光》是《勇者斗恶龙》系列诞生 30 周年纪念作,以由「生命之大树」孕育万物的「罗德杰特席亚」世界为舞台。 游戏中玩家将扮演偏远乡村出身的主角,自出生以来就被赋予成为「勇者」拯救世界的使命,于 16 岁成人仪式时踏上前往广大世界的旅程。

  《勇者斗恶龙11 寻觅逝去的时光》最早于去年 7 月 29 日登陆 PS4 和 3DS 平台,并在 11 月 11 日推出了 PS4 的官方中文版,Switch 版发售日暂时未知。

Dragon Quest series creator Yuji Horii brought up the Switch version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age during the “Everyone Get Excited! Live Stream from the Dragon Quest XI Concert Backstage” Niconico live stream at “Family Classic Concert: World of Dragon Quest” today.

Regarding the Nintendo Switch version, Horii said, “I can’t really speak about it, but it is progressing smoothly.”

Horii also remarked, “I have a feeling we’ll have a variety of announcements around TGS, but just how much will we say…” hinting that there will be an announcement regarding the Switch version of Dragon Quest XI around Tokyo Game Show 2018, which runs from September 20 to 23.

Furthermore, Dragon Quest XI director Takeshi Uchikawa said, “I have a feeling we will be able to announce something soon,” further adding to the likelihood of the Switch version surfacing.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is available now for PlayStation 4 and 3DS in Japan, and will launch for PlayStation 4 and PC via Steam in North America and Europe on September 4.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-8-28 10:35 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-4 10:00 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-23 06:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-9-23 07:08 PM 编辑

Dragon Quest XI for Switch titled Dragon Quest XI S
《勇者斗恶龙 XI》Nintendo Switch 版正式发表 可能追加语音演出?

转载 - 巴哈姆特(https://gnn.gamer.com.tw/2/168662.html

  SQUARE ENIX 今(23)日在 2018 东京电玩展的舞台活动上,正式宣布了《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光》Nintendo Switch 版的上市计划,名称将改为《勇者斗恶龙 XI 寻觅逝去的时光 S (ドラゴンクエストXI 过ぎ去りし时を求めて S)》,但上市日期等信息末前尚未公布。

  《勇者斗恶龙》系列综合总监堀井雄二在活动中,对于 Nintendo Switch 版名称中新加的的《S》代表的意思有诸多解释,包括「因为是 “S” witch」、「特别(Special)」、「会说话」、「声优」等,透露了 Ninte ndo Switch 版可能会追加语音演出的讯息,不过并没有具体确认。

  今年 8 月在欧美推出的 PS4 / PC 英文版就已经有追加英文语音演出。

  此外,这次的活动中也没有公布 NS 版的上市日期,只透露可能还要再等一下。


The Switch version of Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age will be titled Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age S, Square Enix announced during its Dragon Quest Paradise News Station event at Tokyo Game Show 2018.

According to Dragon Quest series creator Yuji Horii, among the meanings of the “S” in the title are “Switch,” “Special,” “Shaberu” (Speaking), and “Seiyuu” (Voice Actor).

While a release date was not announced, Horii said that it will still take a bit of time before the Switch version is released.

Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age is available now for PlayStation 4 and PC. In Japan, a 3DS version is also available. The western release of Dragon Quest XI added new features, such as voice acting and dashing, which were not in the original Japanese release.

However, in response to Horii saying “Shaberu,” Dragon Quest XI producer Hokuto Okamoto added, “Even though shaberu (speaking) will be taking priority… I think there are some players who would prefer Dragon Quest without voices, and we’re keeping that in mind. Horii will be able to say more about that at some point…”
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-30 07:56 AM

  SQUARE ENIX最近发布了一段由《勇者斗恶龙11》制作人冈本北斗及导演内川毅讲解游戏的视频,在这段视频当中,玩家可以了解到为什么3DS版《勇者斗恶龙11》没有推出美版以及Switch版的开发进度。



  《勇者斗恶龙11》是SQUARE ENIX最早宣布推出Switch版的游戏之一。然而该游戏因为使用了较低版本的虚幻4引擎开发,加上Switch在硬件性能上较弱等原因,不但没能与其他版本同步发售,而且至今没有公开游戏相关的截图和视频。在今年的TGS游戏展上,SQUARE ENIX宣布Switch版改名为《勇者斗恶龙11S》,意为Switch、特别、会说话。

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