I would like to appeal against my notice of parking offence. On the 8th of december 2004, I received a notice of parking offence at Bedok North (code: B25 as stated in the notice) at 10:10pm. The parking offence number is G18181818U.
I understand that some parking areas state that after 10 pm or 10.30pm, the entire parking area in that specific location would turn into night parking band or free parking if the next day is considered a public holiday. I arrived at that particular parking, at 10pm and thinking that since it has crossed the 10pm time zone, the entire zone would become free parking, since the next day, 9th of April is a Good Friday, a public holiday, and it would deem not necessary to display a parking coupon.
The compound, which offers at $500, will sure bring a long way to me and I would kindly request that you may consider a review of my case. Your understanding would be greatly appreciated. Please feel free to contact me at 9191919 if you need further clarifications.
Yours Sincerely,
Ruud Van Nistelrooy
24, Orchard Drive
S�pore 260024
IC: S7612234H
Vehicle No: SFZ 10 D