标题: 【PS4】Until Dawn [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-13 07:22 AM
标题: 【PS4】Until Dawn
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-16 03:32 PM 编辑

Until Dawn Unveiled for PS4
制作人介绍《黎明之前》 精益求精的恐怖游戏

  本次科隆游戏展展前发布会上我们看到了《黎明之前》的最新预告片,在前线试玩的巴士小编也对这款恐怖游戏赞赏有加,不过如果要详细了解这款游戏的话还要听听制作人怎么说,日前,游戏的制作人Pete Samuel在索尼美国官方博客发表了一篇博文,介绍了游戏的剧情设定、明星阵容和从PS3平台转到PS4的原因,一起来看一下:

Hello from Supermassive Games, and — particularly — the Until Dawn team! It’s been a while since we talked about Until Dawn, but we’re now thrilled to reveal the latest on the game… and it’s now for PS4. So lock your doors, turn off the lights and let’s explore some of the realistically gruesome details…



In Until Dawn you play the parts of all eight friends as they gather at a remote mountain getaway for a night of unexpected terror.

  我们是和著名恐怖作家 Larry Fessenden 和著名恐怖片导演 Graham Reznick一起合作完成的这个故事。故事中,你将挑战黑森林中的恐怖谜题,在试探自己胆量极限的同时还要寻找线索,记住,事情其实并非你所看到的那样!

We wrote the story in collaboration with horror auteurs Larry Fessenden and Graham Reznick (Stake Land, Habit, The Last Winter) who’ve been bringing great independent horror movies to the big and small screen for decades. That story challenges you to unravel the terrifying mysteries of Blackwood Pines. Look out for clues while we test your limits of fear but remember, things aren’t always as they seem!

  无论你选择何种方式游玩,你都会在情感与恐惧的极限飞速穿梭,为了让游戏中的角色更加真实我们请来了好几名超级大咖来扮演游戏中的角色—— 金像奖提名Hayden Panettiere、《博物馆惊魂夜》中的 Rami Malek,还有《神盾局特工》中的Brett Dalton。

Whichever way you choose to play it’s a rollercoaster of emotion and fear and, to support the authenticity of your characters, we’ve been lucky enough to work with an outstanding and talented cast including Hayden Panettiere (Golden Globe-nominee from Heroes and Nashville), Rami Malek (Night at the Museum, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, Need for Speed) and Brett Dalton (Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). Their incredible performances will connect you to your characters on a meaningful emotional level.

At Gamescom two years ago Until Dawn was announced for PS Move, on PlayStation 3. We got some awesome feedback at the time and many of you have managed to maintain your excitement over the two years of silence (thanks for that!). We were also overwhelmed by the amount of you that let us know you wanted to play the game with regular DualShock controls, so we took a step back and considered how to make this change. At around that time we started to learn more about PlayStation 4 and the DualShock 4 and so made the decision to make Until Dawn next gen.

  在两年前的科隆游戏展上,我们公布了《黎明之前》,当时是PS3平台,而且支持PS MOVE,我们之后接到了一些人的反馈并且在PS4发售后研究了它的技能和新手柄,最终我们决定将《黎明之前》做成一款PS4游戏。


We re-designed, re-built and re-wrote the game so now you have a more mature, darker and fundamentally more terrifying experience on PS4.

One of the first changes you’ll notice, apart from how much more beautiful it now looks and sounds, is that we’ve moved from first person to third person perspective. This allows a much more cinematic experience for you, so you feel completely immersed in this beautiful but spine-chilling world.

We’re also using an updated version of the Killzone Shadow Fall engine, leveraging its great visual power together with some amazing, cutting-edge facial animation, lighting and audio techniques to give compelling character performances in our creepy and realistic environments.

We’ll be sharing more about the game over the coming week at Gamescom, and some interesting facts on the making of Until Dawn in the coming months, but in the meantime we hope you’re excited about Until Dawn coming to PS4. We’ll speak again soon…
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-15 06:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-16 03:32 PM 编辑

Until Dawn re-revealed for PlayStation 4

Until Dawn Unveiled for PS4

Hello from Supermassive Games, and - particularly - the Until Dawn team! It’s been a while since we talked about Until Dawn, but we’re now thrilled to reveal the latest on the game… and it’s now for PS4. So lock your doors, turn off the lights and let’s explore some of the realistically gruesome details…

In Until Dawn you play the parts of all eight friends as they gather at a remote mountain getaway for a night of unexpected terror.

We wrote the story in collaboration with horror auteurs Larry Fessenden and Graham Reznick (Stake Land, Habit, The Last Winter) who’ve been bringing great independent horror movies to the big and small screen for decades. That story challenges you to unravel the terrifying mysteries of Blackwood Pines. Look out for clues while we test your limits of fear but remember, things aren’t always as they seem!

Whichever way you choose to play it’s a rollercoaster of emotion and fear and, to support the authenticity of your characters, we’ve been lucky enough to work with an outstanding and talented cast including Hayden Panettiere (Golden Globe-nominee from Heroes and Nashville), Rami Malek (Night at the Museum, The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2, Need for Speed) and Brett Dalton (Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.). Their incredible performances will connect you to your characters on a meaningful emotional level.

At Gamescom two years ago Until Dawn was announced for PS Move, on PlayStation 3. We got some awesome feedback at the time and many of you have managed to maintain your excitement over the two years of silence (thanks for that!). We were also overwhelmed by the amount of you that let us know you wanted to play the game with regular DualShock controls, so we took a step back and considered how to make this change. At around that time we started to learn more about PlayStation 4 and the DualShock 4 and so made the decision to make Until Dawn next gen.

We re-designed, re-built and re-wrote the game so now you have a more mature, darker and fundamentally more terrifying experience on PS4.

One of the first changes you’ll notice, apart from how much more beautiful it now looks and sounds, is that we’ve moved from first person to third person perspective. This allows a much more cinematic experience for you, so you feel completely immersed in this beautiful but spine-chilling world.

We’re also using an updated version of the Killzone Shadow Fall engine, leveraging its great visual power together with some amazing, cutting-edge facial animation, lighting and audio techniques to give compelling character performances in our creepy and realistic environments.

We’ll be sharing more about the game over the coming week at Gamescom, and some interesting facts on the making of Until Dawn in the coming months, but in the meantime we hope you’re excited about Until Dawn coming to PS4.



When eight friends become trapped on a remote mountain getaway gone wrong, things quickly turn sinister and they start to suspect they aren’t alone. Gripped by fear and with tensions in the group running high, you’ll be forced to make snap decisions that could mean life or death for everyone involved. Every choice you make while playing as each of the eight friends – even the seemingly trivial ones – will carve out your own unique story.

With spine-tingling performances from a Hollywood cast including Hayden Panettiere (Heroes, Nashville) brought to life with the power of PlayStation 4 – your actions alone will decide who survives Until Dawn.

Key Features

• Gripping story – Set at an isolated mountain lodge where nothing is as it seems, 8 friends try to stay alive with a killer on the loose. Players define the relationships between the characters through dialogue and experience the night from their unique point of view. Written in collaboration with famed horror writers and directors Larry Fessenden and Graham Reznick, find out who will survive Until Dawn.

• Next gen Horror – Harnessing the power of an evolved Killzone: Shadow Fall engine, this 3rd person interactive horror will shock and horrify players thanks to its realistic graphics and edge of your seat gameplay as they navigate their way through a terrifying night. The DualShock 4 motion sensor functionality will track how still you can be whilst in hiding from Until Dawn’s fearsome terrors and the camera will capture player scares as they happen to share with friends.

• “Butterfly Effect” – Players carve their path to survival with branching story lines which mean that no two stories will be the same. Decisions, big and small, will shape each player’s unique story. Inspired by the chaos theory, the butterfly effect could make trivial split-second decisions ripple into moments of grave peril.

• Life-and-death moral dilemmas - Place yourself in impossible situations where there is no right or wrong answer. Friend or foe, live or die – make these decisions before it’s too late.

• Hollywood talent – With spine-tingling performances from a talented cast of Hollywood actors, including Hayden Panettiere (Heroes, Nashville) and Rami Malek, Until Dawn delivers credible performances that forge an emotional bond with players. This highly-charged emotional investment allows players to fear for a character’s safety and is crucial to enjoying Until Dawn.

消息来源 - 电玩巴士

科隆《黎明之前(Until Dawn)》体验会诠释蝴蝶效应恐怖大作

  德国科隆当地时间8月14日中午12点,索尼SCE欧洲举行了SuperMassive Games工作室的《黎明之前(Until Dawn)》媒体发布会,巴士小编到场并对这场游戏进行了深入了解,下面和大家分享这款恐怖冒险AVG的游戏详情。

  主持这场发布会的是游戏的创意总监Will Byles。开场时,Will要求媒体们忘记之前所有对本作的印象,并重新定义了本作的游戏类型。


















作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-16 12:39 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-25 06:06 PM
【TGS 14】《直到黎明》生死攸关的蝴蝶效应面对上千种选择的恐怖体验

  日本亚洲索尼电脑娱乐(SCEJA)在日前举办的东京电玩展中,特别展示了由Supermassive Games 开发、从PS3 转战PS4 的恐怖冒险游戏《直到黎明(Until Dawn)》的最新内容介绍。

  《直​​到黎明》是款以“青少年恐怖片” 为典型的恐怖冒险游戏,邀请到好莱坞电影编剧与美国电视艺人参与制作。故事叙述8 名青少年在某位朋友神秘死去后周年来到一处偏远的深山,却遭遇到未知的死亡威胁。在电力中断、手机不通的孤立状态下,用尽一切手段苦撑至黎明到来...

  游戏采用《杀戮地带:暗影堕落》的引擎制作,细致刻划由真人演员所诠释的游戏角色,透过独特光照效果营造恐怖气氛。操作部分则活用DUALSHOCK 4 无线控制器的触碰面板与动态感测功能,每个动作每个抉择都会影响后续故事剧情的走向,从而导向“生“ 与“死” 的终极结果。


  游戏与赖瑞‧费斯登(Larry Fessenden)及葛拉汉‧瑞兹尼克(Graham Reznick)合作编剧,请到众多美国电视艺人演出,包括《英雄》的希丹‧彭尼蒂亚(Hayden Panettiere )、《神盾局特工》的布雷特‧达顿(Brett Dalton)与《博物馆惊魂夜》的雷米‧马利克(Rami Malek)等。

  游戏中玩家将面对各式各样的抉择,透过源自同名概念的「蝴蝶效应」系统,导向上百种不同的结局,每个看似无关紧要的抉择,都可能在后续掀起狂涛巨浪。不过每做出一个抉择,路线就会狭窄一些,后续抉择的空间就会变小,直到抵达结局为止。每个抉择都有可能导致任何1 名角色的生与死。角色死亡就代表退出舞台,不再对剧情有所影响。每个角色最后都有可能存活或死亡。

  游戏采用典型的冒险玩法,当玩家操作的角色与环境互动时,会透过DS4 控制器的触碰面板或动态感测来操作,像是拿起物件后的翻转、阅读笔记时的翻页、钥匙插入锁孔后的转动等。



  对于《直到黎明》之所以从最初发表的PlayStation Move 控制器专用PS3 游戏转移到DS4 控制器专用PS4 游戏的理由,制作人平川光雄表示,原本设定成PS Move 控制器专用时,角色的行动部分会受到一些限制(编按:PS Move 控制器没有方向键或摇杆),改成DS4 控制器的限制比较少,而且PS4 的硬体效能较高,能呈现更逼真的画面与演出效果,因此制作团队才决定转换平台。

  平川光雄透露,游玩一轮的时间最少有9 个小时,而且游戏有上百种结局等待玩家挑战。

  《直到黎明》预定 2015 年推出。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-7 06:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-8 07:26 AM 编辑

Until Dawn Teaser Trailer ~ PS4


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-16 07:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-16 06:39 PM 编辑

《直到黎明》公布完整版实机游玩影片 独自面对恐怖杀人魔的威胁

  Supermassive Games 开发,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 2015 年推出的 PS4 恐怖游戏《直到黎明(Until Dawn)》,现公布尔日前在 PlayStation Experience 中展示的实机游玩影片完整版。

  《直到黎明》是款以典型青少年恐怖片为主题的恐怖冒险游戏,邀请到好莱坞电影编剧与美国电视艺人参与制作。故事叙述 8 名青少年在某位朋友神秘死去后周年来到一处偏远的深山,却遭遇到未知的死亡威胁。在电力中断、手机不通的孤立状态下,用尽一切手段苦撑至黎明到来...


  游戏与赖瑞‧费斯登(Larry Fessenden)及葛拉汉‧瑞兹尼克(Graham Reznick)合作编剧,请到众多美国电视艺人演出,包括《英雄》的希丹‧彭尼蒂亚(Hayden Panettiere)、《神盾局特工》的布雷特‧达顿(Brett Dalton)与《博物馆惊魂夜》的雷米‧马利克(Rami Malek)等。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-13 11:29 PM
Until Dawn ‘Valentines Day’ Trailer


Love is in the Air: Watch the New Until Dawn Trailer

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day, and maybe that means you’ll be off on a romantic break. You may want to curl up by a fire with friends or a loved one, but what if your trip turned into more than you bargained for?

As you may know by now, Until Dawn sees a group of eight friends on their annual mountain getaway, which turns into a night of sheer terror. However, before things go awry you’ll get to know the characters and understand the complex relationships in their social circle.

When you start the game you will meet the characters as they couple off around the house (by choice or circumstance) before their holiday turns into an all-out fight for survival. If you’ve watched previous trailers and demos you’re already familiar with Ashley and Chris and their ‘will-they won’t-they’ friendship. One of our favorite things about this dynamic is that their relationship is not pre-defined at the beginning of the game; your choices will decide if the relationship either blossoms or wilts before the night is out. That is, if they survive.

Choice is a central tenet of Until Dawn. Your actions not only determine who lives or dies, but will also directly influence the relationships between the characters (romantic or otherwise). You will even influence how characters react to each other. If you are mean to a friend, they may or may not choose to save you later in the game. The narrative will always continue forward, adapting to your decisions throughout the game – meaning that your game will be noticeably different from anyone else’s.

As with everything in Until Dawn, whether you choose to play cupid or become a heartbreaker is up to you. In the meantime, we hope you enjoy our special Valentine’s themed trailer!

Pete Samuels - Executive Producer, Supermassive Games

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-5-27 07:03 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-27 06:39 PM 编辑

Until Dawn Launches August 26
《直到黎明》公布最新宣传影片与发售日 《康斯坦汀》魔王撒旦演员参与演出

  Supermassive Games 开发,索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)预定 2015 年推出的 PS4 恐怖冒险游戏《直到黎明(Until Dawn)》,现公布最新宣传影片,确认将于 8 月 25 日推出。

  《直到黎明》是款以典型的美国青少年恐怖片为主题的恐怖冒险游戏,邀请好莱坞电影编剧与电视艺人参与制作。 故事叙述 8 名青少年在某位朋友神秘死去后周年来到一处偏远的深山,却遭遇到未知的死亡威胁。 在电力中断、手机不通的孤立状态下,用尽一切手段苦撑至黎明到来...


  游戏请到众多美国知名艺人参与演出,包括《英雄(Heroes)》希丹‧彭尼蒂亚(Hayden Panettiere)、《博物馆惊魂夜(Night at The Museum)》雷米‧马利克(Rami Malek)、《神盾局特工》布雷特‧达顿(Brett Dalton)等,还包括曾在电影《康斯坦汀:驱魔神探(Constantine)》中饰演魔王撒旦的彼得·斯特曼(Peter Stormare)。



Until Dawn Launches on PS4 August 25th

It’s been a while since we’ve updated you all on Until Dawn but I’m pleased to be back on PlayStation.Blog with some thrilling news. Today we are delighted to announce the release date for Until Dawn!

You will be able to determine the fate of eight friends starting on Tuesday, August 25th!

This is a really exciting time for us as we enter the final stages in the run up to release, so you can expect to see plenty more coming from the Until Dawn team over the next few months.

I’m also really thrilled to reveal a new cast member that you’ll be seeing in Until Dawn – Peter Stormare, who you might recognise from Prison Break, The Big Lebowski and (more recently) Arrow! He gave some incredibly powerful performances in the motion capture studio and you can tell from the end result in the game that he had some fun with the character. We couldn’t be happier to have him in the games and I can’t wait for you to see him in full flow.

If you’re itching to get your hands on Until Dawn you can pre-order it from today, so that you’ll be able to play from day one and you’ll unlock a special bonus scene for free! This exclusive scene sees Matt and Emily, a new couple, out on the mountain – but it’s not long until they start to suspect they aren’t alone.

Stay tuned for more info on Until Dawn, but in the meantime watch our new trailer and let us know what you think!

Pete Samuels - Executive Producer, Supermassive Games

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-6 06:41 PM
PlayStation®4 独占交互式恐怖游戏 『UNTIL DAWN™』 (中英文合版) 将于8月25日上市
来源 - https://asia.playstation.com/tw/cht/newsdetail?id=3942

【台湾-2015年7月6日】Sony Computer Entertainment Taiwan(SCET) 今日宣布 PlayStation®4 (PS4™) 独占游戏『UNTIL DAWN™』(中英文合版) 将于2015年8月25日(二)上市,建议售价为新台币NT$1,590。 即日起开始预购,凡预购『UNTIL DAWN™』(中英文合版) 的玩家,即可获得「UNTIL DAWN™ 特制铁盒」,数量有限,预购完即止。


8名好友受困在偏远的山区,情势愈发险恶,他们开始怀疑不是只有他们在山上。 恐惧紧张的局势令人心惊肉跳,你将被迫仓促做出攸关锁有人生死的决定。 你在恐惧中寻找答案时,所做出的每个决定,即使是微不足道,都将导致你个人独特的故事。

包含Hayden Panettiere(曾饰演Heroes的Nashville)在内的好莱坞演员的惊悚演技,将透过PlayStation®4的强大效能逼真重现,你个人的行动将决定Until Dawn各角色的生死。

在Until Dawn™编剧和独立恐怖故事作家Larry Fessenden和Graham Reznick所编撰的不可预知且变化多端的故事中,8位友人一起来到了一处偏僻山区,面临意想不到的恐怖之夜。 在这一夜的历程中,所有人都可能存活,也都可能会死亡,而事情往往不是他们所看到的那样。 在一波三折之中你要持续猜想如何在扮演每个角色的时候平安抵达结局。 你为他们做出的决定将会决定他们在Until Dawn™的生死。

透过创新的选择机制和蝴蝶效应使用接口,玩家们将可清楚地看见自己故事的路径会导致数千种可能。 看似不起眼的选择和重大的道德困境将会挑战你处事的公平性、善恶分别,并且造成重大、无法预知的后果。

活用PlayStation®4的强大效能和Killzone™ Shadowfall的卓越渲染绘图引擎,再加上光影效果、游戏镜头和动画系统的强化,Until Dawn™将好莱坞演员们令人动容的精湛演技,栩栩如生地在令人闻风丧胆的游戏环境中重现。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-7-16 06:46 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-7 06:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-8 04:14 PM 编辑

PS4 版《Until Dawn-悲剧山庄》公布游戏实玩影片

  SCEJA 预定于 2015 年 8 月 27 日推出,实体版售价 6,900 日币,下载版 5,900 日币的 PS4 版独占恐怖游戏《Until Dawn-悲剧山庄》(Until Dawn - 惨剧の山荘 -),日前公布游戏实玩影片。

  本作为一款具有 1980 年代恐怖电影风格的冒险游戏,描述 8 名年轻人为了悼念一年前去世的朋友,相约前往位于 Blackwood Pines 森林深处中的别墅,却在当地遭到杀人魔袭击的故事,玩家可从 8 名角色中任选一名使用,以 DUALSHOCK 4 前方的 LED 灯作为手电筒展开探索,游戏中可能是所操作的人物身亡,也可能是其他角色被杀, 不同登场人物所引发出来的状况也各自不同,在每作一个选择就会对剧情走向有深远影响的「蝴蝶效应系统」(バタフライエフェクトシステム)操作下,游戏登场人物的命运将完全掌控在玩家手中,共有数千种不同独特模式等待玩家亲身经历。



New trailer demonstrates cause and effect in Until Dawn

Something we’ve spoken about a lot with Until Dawn is the Butterfly Effect system and how that affects the story; where your moment to moment decisions can have immediate or long-term impact on the events of the night.

The way we have implemented this system in game means there are thousands of potential branches to every player’s individual story. Some of your decisions might appear to be inconsequential – a conversation choice that makes a character come across as a bit of an ass, for example – but if you’d made a different choice that character might have ended up the hero. Everything you choose can affect how other characters react, potentially with dire consequences. Some choices are more obvious but much more difficult, like choosing which friend will live and which will die.

The thing is, you won’t always know what impact your choices will have until after you’ve made them – it was important to us that players shouldn’t second guess their path through the story of Until Dawn. It’s only after you’ve made a decision that you’ll find out the consequences of that choice, sometimes only hours later.

Our latest trailer shows the potential aftermath of your decisions. Only your choices determine who survives Until Dawn…

Tim Hodges - Product Manager, SCEE


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-18 06:59 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-18 07:05 AM 编辑

Until Dawn 'Choices' Interactive Live-Action Trailer


Until Dawn: New Trailer Lets You Take Control

I’m sure you’ve heard by now, but the choices you make in Until Dawn carry extreme and sometimes deadly consequences. You, the player, take on the role of eight teenagers and make snap decisions that will determine who survives.

As fans of the survival horror genre, we worked with MoFilm on a short series of live action films to illustrate the gravity of the decisions you’ll be forced to make in the game. In each of these films, equal attention was focused on the exact moment the characters are faced with a tough decision, as is on the potential outcomes they must weigh. For better or worse, every action has a different consequence. The two films will explore scenarios inspired by Until Dawn.

Part 1 of 2 in our mini-series is called “Choices,” and what better way to tell this story than by having the film be interactive! Without giving too much away, we set out to create a classic killer scenario that most of us have seen in other films with different outcomes. The main difference with ours is that your decision has a direct impact on the final outcome. Question is, what decisions will you make? And will you survive?

From the “Choices” director, Torben:

“We took our inspiration from the many choices presented in the game and from its cinematic style. We want to give the viewer a feeling of what it’s like being caught up with a killer on the loose — having to make life threatening decisions on the run. Most people can relate to watching a horror and disapprove of the decisions made by the main protagonists. Now you can actually have a say in them — and carry full responsibility if the protagonist gets away or is killed in a brutal way…”

The second film takes on a darker, ominous twist on Robert Frost’s classic poem — “The Road Not Taken.” Head here to watch part two of the Mofilm series, being hosted by our partners at GameStop.

From the “The Road Not Taken” director, Lloyd Choi:

“I’ve always been in love with games that you can’t play alone in the dark. The idea of creating an extended spin-off of the world around Until Dawn definitely excited me, and decided I wanted to try something a little different than the typical game trailer.

“Since Until Dawn is based around the concept of choice (and the tension around it), I immediately thought of Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken”, which I thought would create an interesting tone and backdrop paired with visceral and frightening images. The poem is often misinterpreted, and is really more complex than people think.

“It’s really about how no matter which direction you choose, that’s the choice you make, leading to a life lived regardless of this road or the other road. And in hindsight, that will be the only way you know and you’ll look back on that decision to take this road as meaningful and important.

“But all roads are really the same. It’s not really an empowering poem of choosing your unique destiny that others haven’t taken; it’s meaning is more bleak and bittersweet. And I found that perfect for Until Dawn.”

Hopefully you’ll be at peace with the choices you make in Until Dawn when it launches on August 25th!

For more info on Until Dawn, head over to the official site for more.

Ken Chan - Product Manager, SCEA

http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... s-you-take-control/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-20 07:02 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-20 07:07 AM 编辑

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-20 07:03 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-26 06:54 AM
Until Dawn Out Today, Launch Trailer


Until Dawn Out Today: New Trailer, Custom Audio Mode

Only your choices will determine who survives...

We’re proud to join you today to celebrate the launch of Until Dawn, exclusively on PlayStation 4! The game will be available today in North America, across Europe tomorrow, and in the UK & Ireland on Friday 28th August.

Watch the new launch trailer above, which is currently airing on TV in Europe, to get a sense of the horror that awaits you, as you alone determine the fate of your friends. The decisions you make during your journey – no matter how big or small – could have life or death consequences.

We’ve also been working on a custom audio mode for Until Dawn, tuned specifically for PlayStation headsets, which you can download starting today via the Headset Companion App. So get ready, turn the lights off, turn on your PS4 and see if you can survive... Until Dawn.

Ken Chan - Product Manager, SCEA

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-9 07:11 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-22 07:05 PM
《直到黎明》DLC或正开发 成FPS形式VR游戏?

  据海外媒体Destructoid爆料,索尼正在英国进行《直到黎明》DLC的测试,这一DLC暂名“血潮(Rush of Blood)”。与本篇不同的是,血潮看起来是一款对应PS VR的第一人称射击游戏。

  爆料人提到,“玩家将坐在矿车内移动,在这个过程中确实有一些令人恐怖的部分。这一部分我一共玩了两次,每次都接近20分钟,一次是用手柄玩的,另外一次用的是PS Move。不过我看不到我操纵的角色,整个过程中也没有出现任何人的名字。整个过程由雪中射击开始,然后玩家将移动到一所房子之中,并进行深入探索,此时敌人开始出现,我确信这些敌人都是Wendigo(编注:曾出现在《直到黎明》中的怪物),他们攻击模式同《直到黎明》相同。”目前这一项目的进度以及相关信息均处于未知状态。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-28 07:32 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-1 08:21 AM 编辑

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood Announced for PlayStation VR

  Supermassive Games 在方才举办的 PlayStation 巴黎游戏周媒体发表会中,发表将推出对应 PlayStation VR 虚拟现实的射击游戏《直到黎明:血腥突袭(Unitl Dawn: Rush of Blood)》。

  《直到黎明:血腥突袭》是以日前推出的恐怖冒险游戏《直到黎明》世界观设定为基础的大型电玩风格射击游戏。 游戏中玩家将搭上骇人的疯狂云霄飞车,透过身历其境的虚拟现实,以有别于传统电视屏幕的高度沉浸视点,进入众多熟悉的黑木森林场景,面对迎面而来的恐怖威胁!


游戏原名:Unitl Dawn: Rush of Blood
对应平台:PlayStation 4 PlayStation VR 专用
开发厂商:Supermassive Games
发行厂商:Sony Computer Entertainment


Until Dawn: Rush of Blood Coming to PlayStation VR

Hi there, my name is Simon Harris and I’m an Executive Producer over at Supermassive Games. Today, we’re delighted to unveil Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, developed exclusively for PlayStation VR on PS4.

Until Dawn: Rush of Blood is a descent into madness, taking you on a terrifying rollercoaster ride of thrills and scares in a fast-paced, arcade-style shooter.

We’re incredibly excited to be developing for PlayStation VR as this allows us to bring games to PS4 with a level of immersion and involvement never before experienced by players.

When we first started working on Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, we were still in the middle of development on Until Dawn, but it was clear to us that the world and characters we were creating would be perfect to expand into new experiences. As we established compelling gameplay for VR, we were able to combine that with a journey through many familiar aspects of Blackwood Pines, but from a horrifying new perspective!

Playing Until Dawn: Rush of Blood in VR is incredibly different to playing games of a similar genre in the traditional method of sitting in front of a TV screen, so we’re looking forward to seeing how players react!

Prepare for Until Dawn: Rush of Blood, the (Last?) ride of your life!

Simon Harris - Executive Producer, Supermassive Games

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-3-17 07:35 AM
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood Gameplay Video


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-9-6 07:24 AM
Until Dawn: Rush of Blood 'Bringing Terror to Life in VR' Video ~ PlayStation VR


New video kicks off Until Dawn: Rush of Blood week!

Another week, another PlayStation VR takeover. Following last week’s EVE Valkyrie blow-out, things take a decidedly sinister turn today, as we shine a flickering flashlight on flesh-crawling shoot ’em up Until Dawn: Rush of Blood. As usual, expect a rash of new info, video, screens, gifs and art to land here on PlayStation Blog, Twitter and Facebook over the next five days. You can keep track of everything in one place over at Storify.

To kick things off, we’ve got a brand new video shot at Supermassive Games‘ Guildford HQ, introducing what the Until Dawn VR spin-off is all about, how it’s getting the best out of PlayStation VR, and, most importantly, how it plans to scare your socks off. Look out for some brand new gameplay footage in there too. Enjoy!

Fred Dutton - SCEE Blog Manager


作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-1 04:37 PM
《棉兰之人》只是个开始 一大波恐怖游戏还在路上

  恐怖游戏可能又要迎来一批爆发增长,虽然大多数玩家眼中只有《生化危机2:重制版》,但也有许多玩家通过《直到黎明》认识了Supermassive工作室,而他们即将通过新作《棉兰之人》(Man of Medan)开启一系列恐怖游戏新阵容。

  《棉兰之人》将成为Supermassive工作室的“黑暗图景”(Dark Picktures)宇宙的奠基之作,由万代南梦宫负责发行。前不久Supermassive工作室老板Pete Samuels在接受媒体采访时介绍了他们工作室的未来计划。





  《棉兰之人》预计2019年登陆PS4、Xbox One和PC平台。后续的“黑暗图景”系列续作应该也会登陆这三个平台。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-12 11:21 PM

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