标题: 【PS4】Bloodborne [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-12 08:47 PM
标题: 【PS4】Bloodborne
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-7 06:03 AM 编辑

Sony and From Software Announce Bloodborne for PS4
From Software新作《血源》将登陆PS4平台


Bloodborne Coming Exclusively to PS4 in 2015

Hello, PlayStation fans. This is Masaaki Yamagiwa from Japan Studio.

I am here to talk about a new Action RPG, Bloodborne, which will launch early 2015 exclusively for the PlayStation 4 console. Bloodborne is a new collaboration for us, being developed by FromSoftware and produced by SCE Japan Studio. This game will transport players to a dark and terror-filled gothic world, a world full of deranged beings and nightmarish creatures.

Bloodborne takes place in an ancient, forgotten city called Yharnam, known for an old medical remedy. Over the years, many hopeless and afflicted people have made long pilgrimages to Yharnam in search of help. As the main character, you are one of these travelers. However, you find that Yharnam is also cursed with a horrible endemic illness. You must navigate the perilous streets of this city, fighting off nightmarish creatures, malformed beasts and deranged mobs stricken with this horrific illness. Face your fears as you discover the secrets and mysteries of this dark and horrific world where danger, death and madness lurk around every corner.

In Bloodborne, the combat is based on intense life-threatening battles. One of the ways we are bringing that sense of danger to life is by keeping the deep strategic elements from Demon’s Souls, while also transitioning from the passive and block-and-attack style of Demon’s Souls to a quicker, more offensive and active combat style with close-range weapons and guns.

From the beautiful and melancholic architecture to the debris lining the street, Bloodborne will deliver an extremely rich and detailed world, all thanks to the power of the PlayStation 4 system. In addition, the PS4 system has allowed us to have an expanded draw distance, so we can show more of the world at any one time. New lighting effects allow us to add more atmosphere and tension to the game, making the horrifyingly detailed beasts and giant boss enemies you’ll be facing even more frightening.

I hope to be able to share more about our online features later this year, but I can say that we are developing new kinds of online experiences that allow users to share their adventures. We also look forward to giving fans new ways of playing and sharing thanks via the PS4 system’s Share capabilities.

Special message from Director Hidetaka Miyazaki

“Creating Bloodborne as a completely new game on the new PlayStation 4 hardware has allowed us to really push the envelope in myriad ways. That being said, in more ways than one, it also very much retains our distinct, signature style. As has been at the core of our development philosophy since Demon’s Souls, we make true games for people who love games. Please watch for more to come on Bloodborne, and thank you very much for your support.”

PSBlog - http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... n-2015-new-details/

  在E3 2014索尼展前发布会上,首次公开了From Software所制作的PS4平台新作《血源(Bloodborne)》宣传片,非常黑暗的氛围及像是废墟一般的场所,手持武器的人在战斗着,游戏预定于2015年推出,进一步详情等待官方公布。


  在E3 2014索尼展前发布会上所公布的,SCE WWS日本工作室与From Software所开发的PS4平台新作动作RPG《血源(Bloodborne)》,游戏预定于2015年春发售,价格未定。媒体也采访到了From Software的取缔役社长宫崎英高,简述了游戏的概要。







作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-14 06:03 PM

  在北京时间6月10日9点举办的E3 2014索尼展前发布会上所公布的,SCE WWS日本工作室与From Software所开发的PS4平台新作动作RPG《血源(Bloodborne)》,游戏预定于2015年春发售,价格未定。本周FAMI通杂志也特别介绍了这款新作,并采访了游戏监督的宫崎英高。


  古都亚南(Yanam): 遥远东方远离人聚集地的山间古都,这条街上被很久以前就开始流传的奇妙风土病“兽之病”所侵蚀着,因此称作“被诅咒之街”。





作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-13 07:47 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-18 07:43 AM 编辑


在今(13)日稍早于德国举办的Gamescon 索尼发表会中,PS4 独占动作角色扮演游戏原创新作《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》率先公开了一段全新游戏影片揭开序幕,然而尽管除了影片之外官方并未公开其他游戏情报,但玩家还是得以从影片中一窥游戏样貌。


PS4 独占动作角色扮演游戏原创新作《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》预定2015 年初推出,售价59.99 美元,欲知更多消息请密切注意后续报导。


开发商介绍《血源》新情报 探讨全新战斗系统

  《血源(Bloodborne)》是由SCE与From Software合作开发的一款PS4平台独占动作RPG游戏,在科隆游戏展2014中官方带来了本作的新情报,下面就为大家来介绍一番。

  本次的新情报是由SCE日本工作室的Masaaki Yamagiwa通过PS官方博客公布的,而他重点介绍了游戏的战斗细节。他表示本次透露的情报主要由三个主题:恐惧、探索未知、紧张的生死战斗、全新独特的在线体验。









作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-14 07:10 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-18 06:27 PM 编辑

《血源诅咒》试玩版彻底解析!战斗充满 “死斗感” 的魅力

索尼电脑娱乐(SCE)与FromSoftware 开发中的PlayStation 4 动作RPG《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》因为是由《恶魔灵魂》与《黑暗灵魂》制作人「宫崎英高」担任总监的关系,有许多玩家都非常期待本作情报,在Gamescon 2014 中也有展示试玩版给玩家游玩。
不过在这试玩版因为只要死亡就会回到游戏标题的关系,所以玩不到最后就结束试玩了。这样的话没办法仔细确认本作内容!所以这次特别拜托索尼电脑娱乐让我们也能够同样的试玩版。尽管是一场苦战,但也玩到BOSS 战了,在此就来说明本作的战斗气氛跟游戏系统等资讯。

这次游玩的试玩版跟Gamescon 2014 所展出的一样。所以「死亡会回到游戏标题」这点也是一样的。就算开放BOSS 前的捷径也没什么用,玩到有点想哭


这次玩家操作角色可选择Standard 跟Heavy 2 种类的武器,这些武器都有着不同的差异。
Standard 可以使用的是可变形短斧跟柴刀的「Saw」,以及散弹枪类型的枪「Blunderbuss」。另一方面的Heavy 是柄较短的单手斧跟柄较长的双手斧「Axe」,也装备着可以攻击较远敌人的「Pistol」。

例如使用Saw 时,可以用短斧快速的解决袭击过来的敌人,之后再变形为铊来一次解决剩下的敌人,只要能活用各型态武器的话就能够来对应了。而武器的变形在攻击中也是可以进行的,例如用短斧攻击2 次,然后再变形为柴刀来进行第3 次攻击,所以在变形中也不会中断攻击。
不过,Axe 的双手斧状态中是不能使用枪的,玩家似乎也要注意像这样的限制。
另外一个让战斗变得简单的原因就是「Regain(夺回)」了。这是一个在受到敌人攻击时,只要在一定时间内反击的话就能恢复体力的系统。这系统的恢复量可说非常的大,在最佳时机反击的话…虽然不能100% 恢复,但也有90% 程度的恢复量。所以举例来说,在暗处受到偷袭的话,马上反击回去就能轻松恢复体力了,所以不太需要担心。

接下来,在一边确认基本系统一边慢慢前进后,就来到了有只巨大野兽被火烤的广场。在那里聚集了大约有15 名的居民,如果一起袭击过来的话一定会是一场苦战。在此利用了途中捡到的石头丢过去,慢慢的引过来解决掉,或者使用火炎瓶来一次减少敌人数量也是可以的,不过在这边就算不打倒他们也是可以的,所以稍微绕个远路,以最小限度来回避战斗是比较好的方法。

或许大家会认为,既然可以从正面进行反击,那只要抓好时机不就可以轻松取敌了吗?实际上笔者也是这样想的,不过在之后所遭遇到的狼人,就让笔者完全不会这样想了。狼人会在狭窄的道路上出现2 只,而且攻击力非常高。因为路上的居民不强,而且笔者也还有90% 的体力,所以就没有警戒而进行战斗了,结果居然即死!
因为道路狭窄所以不好闪避,也因为是2 只的关系也无法反击。在此将旁边的NPC(应该跟主角一样是猎人)卷入战斗,希望它可以帮忙解决一只,不过对手实在是太强,结果还是被杀掉了。如果要打倒像这样的敌人,就必须本作独特的「积极性战斗」。

而最恐怖的就是本次试玩版的鹿型BOSS 怪。巨大僵尸的脸变成像是鹿一样的外观,既恐怖又敏捷,而且非常强。眼前这鹿巨人非常暴躁的进行攻击,而笔者已经陷入「完全不知道该怎么应战」的感觉了。虽然想要用枪来反击,但不知道什么攻击是有效的,也因为鹿巨人的攻击非常激烈,靠近的话也只会想到死亡而已。

于是便再次向BOSS 挑战(还被途中的狼人宰了2 次),在此笔者注意到了,对,就是要使用Regain。受到敌人攻击而使用恢复道具的话,在恢复行动结束后马上又会受到接下来的攻击,会陷入体力不够用的窘境。但是使用Regain 让攻击与恢复两立,好好生存下来的话,就可以一边给予敌人损伤一边离开恢复体力。所以Regain 并不是一个让玩家可以轻松攻略关卡的系统,而是一个向BOSS 拼命攻击,然后抓住生存机会的手段。
另外,虽然刚刚没有提到详细,但其实在途中所捡到的道具里是有BOSS 弱点的东西,使用这项道具让BOSS 倒地就可以给予致命一击。多亏了弱点跟Regain ,成功的打赢BOSS 了,心里面终于有松了一口气的感觉,原来如此,这就是本作的概念“死斗感”。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-20 07:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-20 06:28 PM 编辑

《血源》公开试玩影像 FAMI杂志将有新情报

  《血源(Bloodborne)》是由SCE与From Software合作开发的一款PS4平台独占动作RPG游戏,在科隆游戏展2014中官方带来了本作的新情报及试玩,日前官方再次公开了一段以科隆版DEMO为基础编辑的6分半时长试玩影像,展示游戏战斗。另外本周FAMI通杂志还将带来本作的最新情报,包括游戏系统、可变性武器、兽以及战斗舞台等更详细介绍,想要了解本作重要关键词的人不要错过。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-21 07:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-22 07:38 AM 编辑


  《血源(Bloodborne)》是由SCE与From Software合作开发的一款PS4平台独占动作RPG游戏,预定于2015年春发售,价格未定。本周FAMI通杂志公开了待望的新情报。































  狩人 加斯科因


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-1 05:51 PM
《血源 | Bloodborne》公开发售日2015年2月5日 最新预告片



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-17 07:44 AM
Email invitations for Bloodborne Alpha are going out

Email: You have been selected to join the exclusive Bloodborne Alpha Test!

Dear xxx,

Your skill and dedication have been recognized, you have been selected for a chance to join the exclusive Bloodborne Alpha Test!

Please note that completing this enrolment form does not guarantee a place on this Alpha Test.

Invitations are at Sony Computer Entertainment Europe's (SCEE's) discretion. Unless you are successful, we will not contact you regarding this Alpha Test. By completing this form you agree to the Public Beta Trial Agreement. Enrolment ends Tuesday 23rd September 11:59AM BST.

If you are successful we will email you with information on how to accessess PSN Beta. On PSN Beta you will be able to access Alpha Test information (including your voucher code). Keep an eye out for the official invitation e-mail so that you know when the action has commenced!

Thanks & good luck! - The PlayStation Beta Team.

Update: Those without an email can try with this link: psnbeta.eu.playstation.com/Bloodborne

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-18 09:25 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-20 05:13 PM 编辑

Bloodborne Coming West on February 6, TGS Trailer & Collector's Edition
【TGS 14】《血源詛咒》公開最新遊玩特報宣傳影片

  Sony Computer Entertainment旗下大作《血源诅咒》在今日的「TGS 14」上发表了最新的游玩特报!

        《血源诅咒》预计在2015 年2 月5 日发售,繁体中文版目前这在策画进行中!


        《血源诅咒》是曾经手《恶魔灵魂》与《黑暗灵魂》的FromSoftware 制作人宫崎英高操刀的黑暗奇幻动作角色扮演游戏,以19 世纪维多利亚时代虚构的古都「雅南(Yharnam)」为舞台,玩家将扮演为了求医而来到雅南的外国人,在这个兽性肆虐的都市中独自面对“野兽” 的威胁。


Bloodborne Coming 2/6/2015 to PS4, Collector’s Edition Detailed

This past E3, PlayStation unveiled Bloodborne, the product of a close collaboration between famed Japanese developer FromSoftware and Sony Computer Entertainment’s own Japan Studio. At gamescom in Cologne, we revealed the first public gameplay with a hands-on demo and 6-minute gameplay video (catch it here if you missed it).

Everyone involved with Bloodborne has been overwhelmed by the public response to the project, but the question we’ve received most of all, actually, is “when?”

Today, we’re happy to announce that fans will be able to experience Bloodborne’s unique blend of gothic horror, terrifying enemy designs, fast-paced offensive combat (complete with brutal transforming weapons), RPG character customization and progression, and unique online features on Friday, February 6th, 2015, exclusively on PS4.

We’re also happy to reveal the Collector’s Edition for Bloodborne, also available on February 6th, 2015, which will include a special Steelbook collector’s case, an exclusive premium art book featuring stunning concept art from the game, as well as the complete soundtrack featuring all of the haunting music from the game’s score. The Collector’s Edition will be available for $79.99 at participating retailers, and will only be available in limited quantities, so pre-order before it’s too late.

To help celebrate this announcement, watch the brand new trailer for the game above that showcases all new content, including chilling environments, gruesome enemies, devastating transforming weapons, and even a sneak peek at some of Bloodborne’s online functionality including cooperative and asynchronous play.

Now, for those of you who pre-order the game, either at your favorite participating retailer or through our digital PlayStation Store, we’ve got an exciting pre-order DLC for you. In Bloodborne, hunters have special companions called Messengers that have creeped up out of the nightmare world and facilitate some of the asynchronous online gameplay features. If you pre-order Bloodborne, you will be treated to an exclusive alternate skin for your Messengers.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-22 06:34 PM
《血源 | Bloodborne 》阿尔法测试详细公布 PS Plus会员限定

  预计于2015年2月5日在日本,2月6日在欧美发售的PS4独占游戏《血源》,官网公布为了验证服务器负荷及联网游玩,将实施“阿尔法测试”,试玩内容为“东京电玩展2014”中试玩出展的地图,并可与其他玩家协力联机作战,详细可点击http://www.jp.playstation.com/op ... /09/alpha-test.html 查看。



  对象:拥有PS4的PS Plus会员




作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-12 06:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-13 07:23 AM 编辑

《血源 | Bloodborne》官方宣布发售日延期至2015年3月26日


《血源诅咒》将延期至 2015 年 3 月 26 日推出

  日本亚洲索尼计算机娱乐(SCEJA)宣布,由 SCE Japan Studio 与 FromSoftware 合作开发,原定 2015 年 2 月 5 日推出的 PS4 动作角色扮演游戏《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》,因为「为了争取更多时间来进行最后的调整」,因此决定将发售日延后至 2015 年 3 月 26 日,延期约 7 周。

  《血源诅咒》由一手打造《恶魔灵魂》与《黑暗灵魂》等黑暗奇幻人气作品的 FromSoftware 制作人兼现任社长宫崎英高担纲制作,以 19 世纪维多利亚时代虚构的古都「雅南」为舞台,玩家将扮演为了求医而来到雅南的外国人,在这个兽性肆虐的都市中独自面对 “野兽” 的威胁。


Bloodborne delayed to March 2015

Bloodborne Update: Now Launching March 24th

Dear community,

It is with regret that I must inform you that Bloodborne will be slightly delayed.

While development continues unabated, we would like our team to deliver the best possible final experience. We were gratified by the feedback and data we received from those who participated in our limited Alpha test. The extra production time will also allow us to better integrate these learnings.

Bloodborne is now set to launch in North America exclusively on PS4 on March 24th, 2015.

Please look forward to some exciting Bloodborne news in early December. Thank you very much for your continued support.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-20 07:10 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-21 06:54 AM
《血源 | Bloodborne》杂志公开新情报 狩人新武器舞台详情











  另外亚南地下还有一座拥有数层的广大遗迹,该遗迹的详细预定会在12月6日、7日于美国拉斯维加举办的PlayStation Experience上公开。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-11-21 07:24 AM
Bloodborne ~ New Hunter and Weapon Revealed



New Bloodborne Weapon and Hunter Emerge

Hello, PlayStation fans. I am excited to be able to share some brand new details for Bloodborne, our PS4-exclusive collaboration between Sony Japan Studio and From Software. We’ll have much more to share in a few weeks, but in the meantime here’s a sneak peek at some of the beautiful and nightmarish stages, enemies and weapons you’ll get to see in the game, straight from the dark and twisted imaginations of the masterful team at From Software.

We revealed a number of new areas of the game back at Tokyo Game Show, including the forbidden forest and an old, abandoned part of Yharnam. You may also remember the Hemwick graveyard we we first revealed at Gamescom, located on the outskirts of Yharnam.

Despite the warm coloured sky and beautiful clouds, this graveyard is home to some very twisted residents, like the deformed gravekeeper hags with their horrifying shrieks and long reach attacks. When you make your way through the depths of the Hemwick graveyard, you’ll come upon an old manor inhabited by a powerful eyeball-collecting old witch, among other things. You may want to bring a fellow player or two along when you’re ready to meet her face to face.

Also at TGS, we already revealed Gascoigne, a stylishly dressed priest who also wields a giant axe and does double duty as a Hunter in Yharnam, as well as a mysterious hunter with twin blades and a cape of bird feathers. Now I would like to introduce Gyula, an old veteran hunter who is said to possess amazing skill. No one has seen him in many years, since he ventured into the old part of Yharnam, deserted and burned to the ground after the plague of the beast took its toll there long ago. You just may run into Gyula when you venture into the old part of the city.

Another place you’ll travel to in your quest to find the truth in Bloodborne is the Cainhurst castle. Seemingly abandoned and frozen over, the noble family that once lived here disappeared without a trace. Its grand stature is visible from afar even through the thick fog of the lake, but getting here won’t be easy. What happened to the family that ruled this castle for many generations? What secrets, and what dangers, await you here?

Moving away from a fantasy medieval setting into a slightly more modern gothic and fearful setting has allowed the team at FromSoftware to bring a whole new vision to life on the PS4, not only in terms of stage design and the kinds of enemies you’ll face, but also the kinds of weapons you’ll have at your disposal to deal with these nightmarish creatures.

From shotguns, transforming saw blades, and axes, to nimble twin blades and even a steel sword that becomes the hilt of a massive block hammer, there’s a wide selection to find and choose from. Each weapon offers players a unique play style and strategy to leverage Bloodborne’s more pro-active combat style, light/heavy and short/long range combo system, and Regain System for earning back health during intense combat.

Here’s one more weapon you’ll be able to wield: the transforming cane. In its standard form, it’s a melee weapon for short range attacks. Like many of the other weapons in Bloodborne, however, this weapon can also transform into a deadly heavy or long range weapon as well, making it a devastating bladed whip.

Last but not least, I have one more exclusive screenshot to share that’s a teaser for things to come. Deep under the city of Yharnam lies an expansive network of multi-levelled ruins, seemingly much older than Yharnam itself and crafted by something other than human hands. What’s more, these ruins appear differently to each hunter brave enough to enter. We’re all very excited to talk more about what that means in just a few weeks.

What’s more, these ruins appear differently to each hunter brave enough to enter. We’re all very excited to talk more what that means at PlayStation Experience on December 6th and 7th. We hope you can join us for a live presentation at the keynote as well as our in-depth panel presentation at the show in just a few weeks.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-6 12:20 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-12 07:35 AM
Bloodborne European Collector’s & Nightmare Editions Revealed

Bloodborne collector’s editions and pre-order extras revealed

Following the reveal of the unique Chalice Dungeon feature and new multiplayer details at last week’s PSX event, I’m excited to reveal two new editions of Bloodborne along with exclusive pre-order offers.

Bloodborne Collector’s Edition (Eur 79.99 RRP)

The Bloodborne Collector’s Edition includes:

• Bloodborne PS4 game
• SteelBook case
• Premium art book with exclusive concept art
• Digital soundtrack of the game

Bloodborne Nightmare Edition (Eur 119.99 RRP)

The Bloodborne Nightmare Edition includes the following items housed within a unique Book Tin:

• Bloodborne PS4 game
• SteelBook case
• Premium art book with exclusive concept art
• Digital soundtrack of the game
• Bloodborne gothic notebook
• Quill & red ink set
• “Top Hat” Messenger skin
• Bell trinket

We have also have some cool pre-order bonuses too, available from selected retailers, exclusively for PlayStation 4:

‘Fedora’ Messenger Skin

Messengers deliver unique messages left by fellow journeymen to aid you on your quest, or fool you into making a fatal mistake. This Messenger is wearing a Fedora Hat and appears to you and other users when you leave a message in-game.

‘Bandages’ Messenger Skin

Messengers deliver unique messages left by fellow journeymen to aid you on your quest, or fool you into making a fatal mistake. This Messenger is wearing Bandages over their heads and appears to you and other users when you leave a message in-game.

Bloodborne ‘Saw Cleaver’ SteelBook

The Bloodborne SteelBook features unique artwork by From Software on the inside and out, and is exclusively available as a pre-order incentive.

Bloodborne, the Collector’s Edition and Nightmare Edition are all available to pre-order at your local participating retailer.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-18 07:22 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-18 08:29 PM

New Details on Bloodborne Chalice Dungeons

Hello, PlayStation fans! We had a great time in Las Vegas earlier this month, attending the Game Awards to debut our brand new Bloodborne gameplay trailer, and presenting a brand new game feature, Chalice Dungeons, on-stage at the PlayStation Experience keynote in front of the many fans in the audience — and so many more watching online.

The new Chalice Dungeon feature takes players into the depths of ancient underground ruins located beneath the city of Yharnam. By using holy chalices, players can enter these dungeons and explore the vast structures and multiple levels. However, every time a portal is opened up, the structure of the dungeon itself changes. These dungeons are filled with traps, nightmarish creatures, and of course rewards for brave and skilled hunters to claim whether they complete them on their own, or with the help of other hunters online.

Chalice Dungeons add a ton of additional content and replay value to the depth and richness of the full game itself, and can even be uploaded for other people to try out. Share your dungeons with your friends, or go online to find new Chalice Dungeons to explore. Even after you master the game, discovering all of the secrets it has to offer, there will be new challenges awaiting you.

I’m excited to be able to share some brand new details and screenshots of some of the dark and dangerous locations, as well as some of the gruesome inhabitants of these vast subterranean ruins. Hunters brave enough to make their way into the ruins will have to navigate through places like dreadful oily swamps and intricate, gothic, grand halls. But beware, not everything is as it seems. Whoever, or whatever, created these ruins did not want visitors; deadly traps, like these giant guillotine blades caked in blood of hunters past, could be anywhere.

Among the foul beasts and other creatures you’ll come across in the dungeons are the protectors and the protector ritual masters. Born in the depths of the dungeons and having never seen the light of day, these pale-skinned masters of the deep roam the halls, protecting the secrets held within. Despite their sunken, pitch-black eyes, be sure they will find you. Be especially mindful of the ritual masters, who perform a dark and ancient ceremony that few have lived to talk about.

If you caught our Chalice Dungeon live demo during the PlayStation Experience keynote a few weeks ago, you’ll recognize this final enemy, the ancient guard dog. With a rock-hard petrified exterior and clad in a dense cloak of flames, these ancient guard dogs are said to be the oldest creatures found in the ruins.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-25 07:22 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-19 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-1-19 07:18 AM 编辑


The Order: 1886 has gone gold, Pre-order trailer shows new footage


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-29 07:21 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-31 07:32 AM
Bloodborne European PS4 Bundle Confirmed, Chalice Dungeon Video


Why you might be playing Bloodborne for a long, long time

If you’ve played one of FromSoftware’s brilliant, brutal Souls games, you’ll know that they can [粗俗词语过滤-#0003] you in for months at a time. I’ll sheepishly admit to having lost a couple of hundred hours to the series myself. Depending on your perspective then, you’ll be happy to hear that the studio’s forthcoming PS4 debut, Bloodborne, will offer just as much value, with the main adventure comparable in scope to any of the Souls games.

However, factor in the Chalice Dungeons feature – as revealed last month – and Bloodborne is promising to take up residency in your console for much longer than its predecessors.

A quick recap for the uninitiated. As you play through Bloodborne you’ll obtain various items that you can use to perform rituals in the game’s central hub area. These rituals serve to open up a Chalice Dungeon.

These dungeons are ruinous areas underneath the town of Yharnham that differ depending on the combination of items you use in your ritual. No two players will ‘spawn’ identical dungeons, though you can invite other players to fight with you and help clear out the instance that you’ve created.

The size – and difficulty – of each dungeon will vary, as will the enemies and boss fights you encounter. Once you’ve defeated the Chalice Dungeon boss you can save and replay the dungeon, or perform a new ritual to bring forth a brand new challenge that’s unique to your game. Like I said, Bloodborne is going to be with you for a good long while!

Want to find out a little more about what to expect from the Chalice Dungeons? Check out the video above to see some gameplay footage and hear from Producer Masaaki Yamagiwa. Beyond that, stay glued to PlayStation Blog for lots more on Bloodborne in the run up to its 25th March launch.

And one final thing: for those of you that don’t yet have a PS4 and are looking forward to Bloodborne – we’ve got you covered! Hitting stores across Europe from launch day, the Bloodborne PS4 bundle includes the following:

• Bloodborne

• Black PS4 console

• Black Dualshock 4

Check your local retailers for the chance to pre-order now.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-31 04:46 PM
【TpGS 15】《血源诅咒》制作人示范「圣杯迷宫」内容 中文版 3 月同步推出
完整报导可以看看巴哈姆特 - http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/7/110277.html

  由索尼计算机娱乐(SCE)Japan Studio 与 FromSoftware 合作开发的 PS4 动作角色扮演游戏《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》,30 日在台北国际电玩展 PlayStation 摊位举办了舞台活动,邀请 SCE Japan Studio 制作人山际真晃登台介绍游戏特色,同时宣布将于 3 月同步推出中文版。


  《血源诅咒》由一手打造《恶魔灵魂》与《黑暗灵魂》等黑暗奇幻人气作品的 FromSoftware 制作人兼现任社长宫崎英高领军制作,以 19 世纪维多利亚时代虚构的古都「雅南」为舞台,玩家将扮演为了求医而来到雅南的外国冒险者,在这个兽性肆虐的都市中独自面对 “野兽” 的威胁。


  山际真晃首先介绍《血源诅咒》的 3 大概念。首先是「探索未知的领域」,游戏中不只是探索地图,包括世界观与故事剧情都要靠玩家一一探索。接着是《灵魂》系列玩家熟悉的「死斗感」,面对敌人时,不分体型大小都必须认真面对彻底征服,否则即使是最稀松平常的敌人,都能在一次偷袭之下夺走自己的性命,而且不能采取保守退缩的行动,必须灵活运用可改变型态的武器与火器主动迎敌。最后则是「独特的在线功能,提供让玩家能共享探索自由的社群。



  现场请到 2 名来自日本的高手玩家进行联机示范,2 名玩家分别选择了黑色与白色装束的猎人来挑战圣杯迷宫,各自的画面则是分别显示在 LED 大屏幕的左右。一开始玩家就遭遇到被封印而无法开启的门,因此只能另寻出路。途中除了阻挡去路的敌人之外,还会遭遇到像是滚石或是陷坑之类的陷阱。中途还进入满是易燃石油的油沼,面对体型庞大的敌人威胁,因为石油的关系,所以使用火器会引发大火,必须小心应对以免引火自焚。


  最后 2 人终于找到解开封印的机关,开启封印之门挑战圣杯迷宫的头目,是只名为「旧主的看门狗」的巨大犬型怪物,全身被浓厚的火焰所包围,相当难缠。由于时间的关系,因此现场的示范并没有完成挑战头目的战斗就先行结束了。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-12 07:10 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-14 07:40 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-20 06:27 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-28 07:33 AM
Bloodborne’s Darkbeast boss introduced


Bloodborne: New Boss Revealed

Just like in Demon’s Souls, Bloodborne will feature many boss enemies of all shapes and sizes, and there will be a variety of ways to defeat them. So I think you will find that the gameplay in Bloodborne is rich and diverse.

I am happy to introduce a new boss character called “Darkbeast.” This electric beast emerges from giant skeletal remains. With lightning coursing through its body, it bombards the player with its erratic and off-speed movements. You can check out this beast in action in the video just released as part of IGN First.


A malformed beast enveloped in blue lightning.

With a long body made of only bones, and a wrinkle-covered skull, people say this beast must be very old, very ancient.

Or perhaps, it is a descendent of the city of the plague of beasts.

This marks the last post covering content from IGN First’s month-long coverage of Bloodborne, but we have more in store for you before the game launches on March 24, so please stay tuned.

Yasuhiro Kitao - PR Manager, SCEJA

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-3 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-3 07:05 PM 编辑

《血源诅咒》全新广告影片释出 炫酷战斗画面让人热血沸腾


  PS4《血源诅咒》将于 3 月 24 日正式发售。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-7 07:24 AM
Bloodborne’s online features fully detailed

Bloodborne’s online features fully detailed

Sony Computer Entertainment Japan has updated the official Bloodborne japanese website with details on the game’s network features.


Up to three players can group up together online, with the objective being to defeat the boss in the area (guest players receive a word upon success).

A game is started when the host player uses the “Hunter Calling Bell” item to call other hunters. Likewise, the guest players use the “Resonant Bell” item to join another person’s game. Once connected, the host and guests play together in the host’s game instance.

A session will end if either the hosts or the guests die, or if a “Separating Shot” is used to retreat back to one’s own game. Matchmaking is done automatically, but passwords can be set to ensure the right players group together as needed. Passwords can be up to eight characters and are only used for co-op play.


Player-versus-Player, or PvP, matches are one-on-one bouts that take place in pre-determined areas. The player being invaded is the host, while the aggressor is the guest.

A match is started when the guest uses the “Ominous Resonant Bell” item to invade a user’s game. The host has either started a co-op session or used an Ominous Resonant Bell as well to trigger the appearance of a Bell Chiming Woman. The guest proceeds to invade the host’s game instance, where the two duke it out.

The rules are simple. The host can be invaded when they’re in areas with the Bell Chiming Women, who normally appear either as part of c-op play or when an Ominous Resonant Bell is used (though there are occasionally areas where she’s just present in general from the start), an guest can return back to their own game once they’ve defeated the host (or have been defeated by the host). Killing the host will grant them a reward.

A session will also end if the host enters a boss room, or if a Separating Shot is used to return the guest player to his own game.

Asynchronous Multiplayer

Blooborne also has asynchronous online element. Players can leave hints and messages for other players in other game worlds. Graves are erected where players have fallen in the game world, and touching them replays how they died. And players can see phantom images of other players running around in the same areas for a limited amount of time. So it’s essentially Demon’s Souls and Dark Souls in this area.

Chalice Dungeon

Chalice Dungeons are split into two types: normal and randomly generated. Both can be played offline and online, but random ones require connecting to the internet once in order to connect to a server and download data. Players’ Chalice Dungeons can be publicly accessible and shared online.


An update will go live on release day, which will include online optimizations, enhanced game performance and usability, and a few other things.

PlayStation Plus

Sony clarifies that PlayStation Plus is required for co-op and player-versus-player, but not required for downloading updates and getting the necessary data to generate a Chalice Dungeon.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-11 06:16 PM
Bloodborne screenshots introduce online features

Underneath Yharnam there is a vast underground ruins spread wide and deep across multiple floors. Horrifying and ancient, it appears to have been created by something not quite human. It’s at once both a graveyard, and a place of slumber.

What’s more, these ruins change their appearance for each visitor.

The seal to these underground ruins can be broken by conducting a special ritual using a holy chalice. Every time the ritual is performed, the dungeon’s structure changes.

This is what the Chalice Dungeon feature is all about; delivering a constant stream of content to explore and conquer alone or with fellow Hunters, and the freedom to share these dungeons with friends and the world.

Dungeon Features

• Traps - Both a grave and a place of slumber, these dungeons are not a place where visitors are welcomed. Those who venture here quickly find this out thanks to the many fatal traps hidden throughout the tunnels and halls, such as these guillotine blades covered in the blood of unsuspecting Hunters.

• Architectural Variety - The sheer size and adaptibility of the Chalice Dungeons are what makes them so alluring to hunters – that and the promise of treasure and newfound challenge. Not limited to simple rooms or hallways, Dungeons can contain murky swamps, narrow rocky corridors, or even grand, ornate halls teeming with rich detail.

• Create and Download New Challenges - The Chalice Dungeon feature includes both standard dungeons as well as procedurally-generated dungeons. Both types of dungeons can be played offline or online with other players, but generating new dungeons requires connecting the game online once to download required data. You can also publish your Chalice Dungeons online to share with other players, and download dungeons created by other Bloodborne players.

Dungeon Threats

• Protectors - Some say these ruins are the tombs of inhuman creatures, and some say they are more a place of slumber. Protectors roam the depths, keeping guard over the quiet. Born in the depths and living off of blood and rotting flesh, they are cold and damp, with bluish-white skin that has never been touched by sunlight, and devolved eyes that are pitch black and sunk deep into their sockets.

• Ritual Masters - Whether the ruins are tombs or a mere resting place for something dark and foul, or both, one thing is true: Someone or something lies asleep here. The Protectors also worship what lies beneath, and among the Protectors are a special class of ritual masters that carry out horrific and detestable ritual rites.

• Ancient Guard Dog - This gigantic guard dog watches over the underground ruins. Covered in a petrified body hard as stone, clad in a rich cloud of flames, and left directly by the inhuman inhabitants slumbering in the ruins, these special guards are said to be enveloped in these dense flames in order to better carry out their duties through the ages.

Cooperative Play

Bloodborne‘s sense of reward and accomplishment upon overcoming difficult challenges is central to what makes it so unique, but that doesn’t mean hunters have to go it alone. Up to 3 hunters are allowed to join forces online to tackle challenges that may be too great for a solo player. The player initiating the cooperative session is the “host” and players who respond to that are the “guests.”

• Cooperative Play rules - The goal of cooperative play is to join forces and work together to defeat enemies, and ultimately the boss enemy in that level.

• Initiating cooperative play

• Cooperative Play Completion - Once players successfully defeat the boss enemy in the area they are joined to, the guests receive a bonus reward and are returned to their own game.

• Cooperative Play Incompletion - If the host or guest(s) die, or a guest uses the Silencing Blank item, the guest(s) are returned to their own world/game, and do not receive the bonus reward.

• Password - Multiplayer matchmaking for cooperative play is automatic and random. However by setting a password for your session, other players can enter the same password and be joined to your game. Passwords can be up to 8 letters long.

Versus PvP Play

Hunters don’t always have to work together. Versus PvP allows players to face off against one another in combat, using their various weapons and accrued skill to best each other by invading another player’s game. In the below outline, the player that gets invaded is the “Host” and the invader is the “guest.” Also note that in certain areas within the game, there can be up to two invaders within a host’s game.

Versus Play Rules - When a host is in an area where a “bell-ringer woman” is present, Versus PvP invasions are possible.

• Initiating Versus play

• Versus Play Completion - If the guest is able to defeat the host, s/he will receive a reward and be returned to his/her game/world.

• Versus Play Incompletion - If the guest dies, or the host makes it to the boss fight area, or if the guest chooses to use the Silencing Blank item, the guest is returned to his/her own game without receiving a reward for completing the versus play session.

Asynchronous Gameplay Features

• Notes - Using the Notebook item, you can leave hints, messages, and gestures for players to discover within their own game via the Messenger creatures that appear on the ground. You can also interact with Messengers you find to read notes left by others, and can votie them as Fine (helpful) or Foul (misleading). Just because another hunter has left advice behind, that doesn’t mean they’re being truthful; ambushes and pitfalls abound in Yharnam, even from other players, so beware.

• Specter - Players will leave behind a tombstone when they die that appears in other players’ games. If you touch one of these tombstones within your game, you can view a sort of replay of their final moments, and hopefully get a hint as to how they met their end so you can avoid the same fate.

• Player Ghosts - You may see player ghosts – white phantoms of other players currently playing the game in the same area as you – which may give you hints as to how to proceed.

Game Updates

As of launch day, March 24 (Tuesday) at midnight, there will be an online update to the game that provides for a better gameplay experience. The main contents of the update are as follows:

PlayStation Plus Requirements

Certain online elements require a PlayStation Plus subscription in order to enjoy:

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-12 06:21 PM


  ● 本次试玩不包括圣杯地牢或者是多人游戏,同时在40小时内也没打通游戏

  ● 本作将会是制作人宫崎英高对于那些系列粉丝一直以来表示“这游戏和我们之前玩儿的别无二致”的有力回击

  ● 商人将出售手提灯笼

  ● 游戏中的城市雅南大部分时间都是黑夜,只有玩家在击败一个主要BOSS后才能得到短暂的光明

  ● 游戏中找到的第一个盾牌上写道:盾牌在让你变得被动之前都会让你感觉良好

  ● 游戏中的部分敌人会使用法术

  ● 已经确认血质属性会影响弹药伤害

  ● 武器的变形攻击和后续招数能给你接近敌人的机会,而在此前的魂系列游戏中敌人会因为被连招的前几下攻击打的后退。并表示在《血源诅咒》中的体力管理较之以前的作品更有变化性。

  ● 血石碎片等效于榍石,冷血等效于携带灵魂,最常用的道具是血瓶(可以用来回血)以及快银弹药

  ● 超出道具栏总量的道具会被自动送到储藏箱,如果你死了的话会自动从储藏箱回满道具

  ● 初始属性是由玩家一开始选择的武器类型决定的

  ● 敌人之掉落升级素材以及道具

  ● 只有很少的宝箱,几乎所有的宝箱里面都有非常好的东西

  ● 玩家可以从游戏世界中找到服装,或者每打败一个BOSS商人处的服装总类都会扩展

  ● 在40小时内只找到了6个左右的武器和6个左右的枪械

  ● 血晶可以用来改变武器的属性,例如增加物理攻击伤害、增加毒伤等,游戏中的所有武器都可以用血晶来进行自定义

  ● 尽管没打通游戏但是对比以往作品来说似乎不太吸引人来进行多周目游戏(并不包括圣杯地牢及多人模式的内容)

  ● 你可以最多保留五个圣杯地牢设定

  ● 灯笼检查点并不会像《黑暗之魂 2》那么多

  ● “分离开的区域在最后会组成一个令人信服的世界”,将“世界枢纽”的设定取消能够让游戏的世界变得更加简单明了且有着紧密的内部联系

  ● 在魂系列游戏中你可能会因为死亡而感到恐惧,但是在《血源诅咒》中你还会因为“不知道什么敌人会来杀死你”而感到恐惧。游戏中需要时刻注意视角的变换,因为在后期作者时刻因为看不到的威胁而不断地调整者视角。虽然后来不怕死了,但是却会恐惧前进,所以从这点上来说随机生成的圣杯地牢可重复游戏性还是有保证的

  ● 火炬在前期或许会非常有用

  ● 游戏有一个不允许公开讨论的新游戏机制

  ● “如果你认为From Software这次在《血源诅咒》里会对玩家们手下留情的话,制作人宫崎英高会告诉你事实是残酷的。如果你觉得目前为止次时代主机上的作品都是些重制或是不够“次时代”之名的游戏的话,那么本作将会让你体验到什么才是真的次时代。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-12 08:37 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-14 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-14 04:10 PM 编辑

《血源诅咒》发售宣传片 众多新场景及PVP模式展示





作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-17 06:51 PM

  《血源诅咒》是由From Software所制作的PS4独占新作,本作将于2015年3月26日登陆日本,3月24日登陆北美,3月25日登陆欧洲,而亚洲版发售日则为3月24日。之前官方曾公布将放送由演员金子统昭出演的游戏试玩节目,日前放出了第一弹“死斗NO.1 讨伐圣职者之兽 前篇”,下面来欣赏一下。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-18 06:15 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-18 06:44 PM 编辑


  《血源诅咒》是由From Software所制作的PS4独占新作,本作将于2015年3月26日登陆日本,3月24日登陆北美,3月25日登陆欧洲,而亚洲版发售日则为3月24日。之前官方曾公布将放送由演员金子统昭出演的游戏试玩节目,继昨天第一弹“死斗NO.1 讨伐圣职者之兽 前篇”(传送门)后,官方再次放出了后篇部分,面对BOSS“圣职者之兽”金子陷入了大苦战,最后能否打倒它呢?


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-19 07:40 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-19 06:17 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-20 07:31 AM
Bloodborne extended cut of the TV commercial, customisation features detailed


Bloodborne: Customize Your Weapons

Hello, PlayStation fans! We’re just a few days away from the launch of Bloodborne, and the team at Japan Studio and From Software couldn’t be more excited about the fans finally getting to experience this game for yourselves. To tide you over these last few days, I’m here to share some brand new information about some of the game’s customization and leveling, as well as the 90-second extended cut of our TV commercial.

If you caught our preview of the first 18 minutes of the game during the IGN First coverage in February, you know that the main hub that players will use as their home base is the Hunter’s Dream. Find lanterns spread throughout Yharnam to return to the Hunter’s Dream at any time.

In the Hunter’s Dream, you’ll be able to purchase items, level up your character by speaking to the Doll, repair and upgrade your weapons (more on that below), and get useful advice from Gehrman, the old man in the wheelchair.

The main currency in Bloodborne is called Blood Echoes, which you can earn by hunting beasts and more. Use Blood Echoes to purchase items from the shop in the Hunter’s Dream, or even repair and strengthen your weapons. In your adventures, you’ll soon come across special items called Blood Gems, which can be attached to weapons in order to increase their attack power and even add special characteristics to your weapons.

In the Hunter’s Dream, you can also interact with the Memory Altar in order to memorize special Caryll Runes to upgrade your character. Some runes may allow you to carry more items in your inventory, or boost the amount of Blood Echoes you receive from each beast you hunt down, allowing you to customize your hunter however you see fit.

I don’t want to give away any more information so as to not spoil any major surprises for you. But I do have one cool piece news for those of you who have an official PlayStation Gold, Silver or Pulse Elite headset: on March 24, open your Headset Companion App to download a custom Bloodborne Audio Mode that’s been tuned specifically to bring the unique world of Yharnam to life.

The hunt begins March 24th. See you soon.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-24 06:16 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-25 07:29 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-25 06:34 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-3-26 06:42 PM 编辑


  《血源》是由From Software所制作的PS4独占新作,港版已经正式推出,而日版则将于2015年3月26日发售。由演员金子统昭出演的游戏试玩节目,日前公开了第五弹“攻略圣杯地牢 前篇”,从开始部分就被毫不留情的陷阱折磨,而之后还有强敌“巨人的死体”等待,结果如何呢?



作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-3-27 06:10 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-5-21 05:59 PM
Shuhei Yoshida confirms a Bloodborne expansion is coming

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-15 07:01 PM
【TGS 15】《血源诅咒》最新数据片「The Old Hunters」11 月 24 日开放下载

  在日本亚洲索尼计算机娱乐(SCEJA)今(15)日下午举办针对日本地区的媒体发表会中,宣布由 SCE Japan Studio 与 FromSoftware 合作开发的 PS4 作品《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》最新数据片《血源诅咒:The Old Hunters》将于 2015 年 11 月 24 日开放下载,售价为 2000 日圆不含税。


  另外,包含游戏本篇与 DLC 的「Bloodborne The Old Hunters Edition」同捆包也将在 12 月 3 日发售。 实体版价格为 5900 日圆不含税,下载版为 4900 日圆不含税;初回限定版将附赠特制 BOX、游戏初期导览手册以及迷你原声带。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-16 06:34 AM
Bloodborne 'The Old Hunters' Expansion Announced


Bloodborne Expansion The Old Hunters Out November 24th

Hello, Bloodborne fans. Thanks to the tremendous support from all of you, the passionate Bloodborne community, we are very proud to announce that Bloodborne has now sold through more than 2 million units worldwide.

It is on the heels of this milestone that we can confirm that the highly anticipated expansion for Bloodborne is almost upon us. The wait is almost over, and a new nightmare is almost here…

Starting November 24th, download the Bloodborne DLC expansion The Old Hunters for $19.99 and experience the nightmare of the hunters who once guarded Byrgenwerth’s darkest secrets.

Set in a nightmare world where hunters from the past are trapped forever, explore brand new stages full of dangers, rewards, and deadly beasts to overcome. You’ll find multiple new outfits and weapons to add to your arsenal as well as additional magic to wield and add more variety to your combat strategy.

With new story details, learn the tale of hunters who once made Yharnam their hunting grounds, meet new NPCs, and discover another side of the history and world of Bloodborne. Here’s a brief glimpse of just some of what lies in store for you when The Old Hunters launches on November 24th, including Simon’s Bowblade weapon, and new boss enemy Ludwig.

Stay tuned for more about Bloodborne and The Old Hunters expansion here on PlayStation.Blog.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-10-14 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-14 06:16 PM 编辑

Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition launches on November 25
《血源诅咒 年度版》英文版将于十一月二十五号发售

  欧洲的PlayStation blog,在今日公布了关于《血源诅咒 年度版》的消息,年度版包含了本篇与DLC「The Old Hunters」,目前售价尚未公布,但目前看来应该是与美版和日版的「Bloodborne The Old Hunters Edition」是一样的内容物。

Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition launches on 25th November

Hi everyone. Today we’re happy to announce that Bloodborne Game of the Year Edition launches on PlayStation 4 from 25th November 2015. If you haven’t yet mustered the courage to venture into Yharnam’s dank, treacherous streets, this is the perfect opportunity to get involved, packaging together From Software’s critically acclaimed action RPG and the incoming DLC story expansion, The Old Hunters.

As detailed last month, The Old Hunters challenges players to explore entirely new environments, including a monolithic clock tower, filled with Bloodborne’s traditional blend of risk, reward and frightening boss encounters.

In addition to new environments, you’ll also gain access to new outfits and weapons to bolster your beast-battling arsenal, including a fearsome new ranged weapon called Simon’s Bowblade. On top of this, The Old Hunters also offers players the ability to go native and transform into terrifying beasts.

Look out for more news on The Old Hunters as launch approaches, and check out the announcement trailer.

Fred Dutton - SCEE Blog Manager

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-5 07:24 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-6 07:23 AM
Bloodborne patch adds The League, new screenshots from The Old Hunters

Bloodborne: Patch Details, New Screenshots from The Old Hunters

Hello, Bloodborne fans. The brand new nightmare, The Old Hunters expansion (which requires the full game), will be unleashed on November 24th. It brings with it a host of new content and improvements, but it’s not the only exciting news for Bloodborne. An upcoming patch will offer all players exciting new features in the original game, including The League, additional co-op NPC hunters, and more.

The League is a band of Hunters who have taken an oath and are bound by a single purpose. By aligning yourself to The League, led by a mysterious figure in a constable’s garb and bucket helmet, you can assist other players online in the game and compete in The League’s online rankings leaderboard.

In addition to The League, players will also be able to use The League cane and summon co-op NPCs within the game, perfect for tackling challenging areas and bosses.

To whet your appetite for the upcoming expansion, here is a sneak preview of one of the many brand new weapons available as part of The Old Hunters. Behold the Holy Moonlight Sword. Do you have what it takes to wield its mysterious power?

Don’t forget you can pre-order The Old Hunters here before November 24th to get a bonus PS4 Theme. Or if you haven’t played Bloodborne yet, get the game plus pre-order the DLC for just $49.99 right here.

As a special treat for all you hardcore Bloodborne players who have already earned your Platinum Trophy, or are close to unlocking it: in the very near future we will be sending out voucher codes for an exclusive PS4 theme to Platinum Trophy holders. There’s no other way to get your hands on this theme other than to master the game.

Stay tuned to PlayStation.Blog for additional information about the patch and The Old Hunters expansion DLC.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-16 07:01 PM
《血源诅咒:The Old Hunters》人偶日语配音试听
完整消息 - https://www.jp.playstation.com/b ... btoh_ps_tw_20151116

  《血源诅咒:The Old Hunters》不久前公布了日语声优出演阵容,而游戏的制作人山际真晃则为大家带来一段人偶的声音试听,并公布人偶将由早見沙織来演绎,而助言者ゲールマン则会由秋元羊介来配音。试听 - https://twitter.com/giwamasa/sta ... ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw


作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-17 06:35 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-17 06:37 PM 编辑

PS4 独占动作 RPG《血源诅咒》扩充包「远古猎人」11 月 24 日释出 完全版游戏隔日发售

  台湾索尼计算机娱乐(SCET)今(17)日宣布,全球销售超过 200 万套的 PS4 独占动作 RPG 游戏《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》的 DLC 扩充包《血源诅咒:远古猎人(Bloodborne The Old Hunters)》将于 11 月 24 日在 PlayStation Store 贩卖。


  未来也将推出收录完整版游戏以及《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 扩充包的《血源诅咒:远古猎人 Edition》的光盘版和数字下载版,提供尚未拥有《血源诅咒》游戏的玩家购买的选择。

  故事舞台发生在来自过去的古老猎人们被永远囚禁的梦魇世界,探索充满了危险、报酬和众多待玩家前来克服的致命野兽的全新舞台。 玩家亦可寻获多种新服装和武器,并增添至猎人的武器库中,同时还有新魔法可使用,并为战斗的战略增加更多种变化。


《血源诅咒:远古猎人 Edition》

  另外,官方也释出了《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 的常见问题,供玩家参考关于远古猎人 DLC 的更多细节:

Q:《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 里面有哪种内容?
A: 远古猎人 DLC 讲述的是受困在恶梦世界里头的古老猎人们的故事。 里头收录了全新的游戏区域、武器、秘密仪式、道具和服装。

Q: 没有原本的《血源诅咒》游戏也可以游玩《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC吗?
A: 不行,必须要拥有原本的《血源诅咒》完整版游戏才能游玩此内容。

Q:安装了此 DLC 的玩家可以和未安装的玩家在联机模式进行互动吗?
A:目前所有玩家都可以在原本的游戏中所收录的各区域联机进行互动。 然而只有安装了此 DLC 的玩家才能在本次 DLC 新追加的区域进行互动。

Q: 如何才能游玩到《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 的内容?
A:在《血源诅咒》游戏里游玩到一定程度之后,就可以在猎人的梦魇里使用「噬血猎人之眼」。 取得此道具后就可以前往这次 DLC 新追加的区域。

A:可以。 另外,在玩家重新游玩并到达一定程度后,就能取得「噬血猎人之眼」,前往这次 DLC 新追加的区域。

Q:《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 有追加新的奖杯吗?
A: 有,将会有一些新奖杯。

Q: 不游玩《血源诅咒:远古猎人》DLC 就无法完成整个故事吗?
A: 不,不游玩此新 DLC,还是可以知道故事结局。

游戏名称:血源诅咒:远古猎人 Edition
平台:PlayStation 4
发售日:2015 年 11 月 25 日
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-19 07:32 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-21 07:27 AM
Bloodborne update 1.07 available today, 'The Old Hunters' expansion access detailed

The Old Hunters

The Old Hunters introduces many new horrific environments and enemies, as well as devastating new weapons and abilities.

Brador, seen donning the scalp and horns of a foul beast, is an ancient Hunter and assassin once employed by the Healing Church who sits in a dark cell, waiting for something—or someone—with bell in hand. And while exploring the new nightmare, beware of the Bell Holder. This massive enemy wields the Bell Axe and is one of the most formidable beasts you will face.

New weapons include:

• Bloodletter - A sick and demented weapon wielded by Brador. This weapon assumes its true form after drawing upon the blood of its wielder. In other words, you must plunge it into your own chest in order to unleash its true power.

• Gatling Gun - A portable version of the stationary rapid-fire gun that Djura uses to rain down lead from the tower in Old Yharnam. While it is great for rapid-fire attacks, it is also cumbersome and goes through Quicksilver Bullets very quickly.

Players will also discover a new rune called The Beast’s Embrace. After many failed experiments, this rune was forbidden from use. That did not stop its discovery from becoming the foundation of the Healing Church, however. Those brave, or foolish, enough to unleash the power of this rune take on a ghastly form and enjoy boosted transformation effects, especially when wielding a beast weapon.

Accessing The Old Hunters

Once you have purchased and downloaded The Old Hunters expansion, you’ll need to follow the below steps to access the new content.

1. Defeat the boss of the Cathedral Ward and examine the altar in the back of the room to change the in-game time to night.

2. Go to the Hunter’s Dream and receive the Eye of a Blood-drunk Hunter from a messenger.

3. Go to the Oedon Chapel and leave via the left-hand exit to enter the square.

4. Go to the right-hand end of the square to trigger an event. This event will take you to the new area: the Hunter’s Nightmare.

5. Lighting the lamp in the new area will allow you to travel to and from the area via an Awakening Headstone in the Hunter’s Dream.

Title Update 1.07

Title update 1.07, available today, adds new features and drastically changes the online component of the game.

Update 1.07 also adds the “League” feature and introduces new NPCs into the game’s world. Join the League by meeting with Summon Master Valtr and obtaining the “Impurity” rune. You’ll need to summon him inside the shack to the right of the first lamp in the Forbidden Forest. Once you have memorized the “Impurity” rune, you will be able to access League ranking screens. Upon successfully completing a co-op session, you’ll receive the “Vermin” which you must crush to increase your points and therefore your position on the League leaderboard.

You will also be able to summon NPCs to come to your aid, just like cooperative play, including inside Chalice Dungeons. To do so, first you will need to acquire the “Old Hunter Bell” from the messengers in the Hunter’s Dream area. In some areas you may be able to summon up to two NPC Hunters, or a mix of one NPC Hunter and one other online coop player.

In addition, when there are players near you that have used the Beckoning Bell or Small Resonant Bell and are waiting to join a co-op session, they will appear in your game as an illusion or phantom with a ripple effect at their feet. That assumes they are within the correct level range and would be able to match with you.

Masaaki Yamagiwa - Producer, Sony Computer Entertainment Japan Studio

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-21 11:10 PM



作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-25 07:28 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-11-26 07:44 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-26 07:44 PM 编辑

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-5-9 07:09 AM
EA/DICE Environment Artist Recreates Bloodborne’s Environment in Unreal Engine 4


作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-5 06:21 PM
豆鱼雷推出《血源诅咒》冷艳美女人偶 1/6 塑像 由知名原型师林浩己制作

  日本角色商品厂商豆鱼雷宣布,将与 Gecco 合作,经销由 Gecco 企划、制作、发行的《血源诅咒(Bloodborne)》人偶模型「人偶 1/6 塑像」,预定 9~10 月上市,价格 36800 日圆。


  这款人偶模型的角色「人偶」,是在《血源诅咒》游戏中作为据点的场所「狩人之梦」登场的支持 NPC。 原本只是个女性造型的人偶,当玩家打倒最初的头目、得到启蒙之后就会开始行动。 有着一头灰发、一身素雅的维多利亚风装扮,态度淡然不苟言笑,相当受到玩家族群喜爱。

  本次预定推出的「人偶 1/6 塑像」高约 35 公分,原型是由写实女性造型模型领域顶尖原型师林浩己制作,台座由赤尾慎也制作,上色完成样本由明山胜重制作,集结众多实力派创作者。

商品名称:血源诅咒 / 人偶 1/6 塑像
材质:ABS / PVC
尺寸:1/6 比例(全高约 35cm)
企划、制作、发行:株式会社 Gecco
版权标记:Ⓒ 2017 Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.
http://www.mamegyorai.co.jp/net/ ... il.aspx?item=490176
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-5 07:13 AM

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