标题: 【Xbox One】Scalebound [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-12 07:33 AM
标题: 【Xbox One】Scalebound


The next great adventure from critically-acclaimed developer PlatinumGames and renowned Game Director Hideki Kamiya, Scalebound transports you to a distant, hostile world. You'll come face to face with fearsome creatures, including a formidable dragon—and the bond you forge with this awesome predator will prove crucial to the survival of both worlds.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-9-23 05:55 PM
【TGS 14】白金工作室全新Xbox One 独占《龙鳞化身》回归对“巨兽” 的憧憬和兴奋感

  微软于2014 东京电玩展期间,邀请到来自白金工作室的知名游戏制作人「神谷英树」以及「稻叶敦志」接受媒体联合访问,来揭开Xbox One 的全新独占动作游戏《龙鳞化身(暂译,Scalebound)》的一部分神秘面纱。
  《龙鳞化身》是在今(2014)年的美国E3 电玩展展前微软发表会上所惊喜发表的全新游戏。在首支宣传影片中可以看到游戏中将登场形状和类型都各异的各种巨型怪兽,玩家所扮演的主角将要和身为伙伴的飞龙搭档战斗,来打倒敌对的巨大魔兽。
  在访谈中,神谷英树首先简单解说《龙鳞化身》的游戏设计理念,就是希望能带来在壮阔的场景中展现大魄力的动作场景,并且和巨大的怪兽打斗来营造夸张的画面表现和游戏性,来为玩家带来前所未有的乐趣。大略的设计概念都已经在E3 展的发表影片中体现,玩家不妨点选影片确认。
  制作人也特别提到,在和微软的合作上也令他们获益良多。白金工作室身为日本的开发商,和来自美国的发行商微软合作,在工作上的习惯、流程甚至逻辑上都大不相同。像是虽然就结论来说,游戏开发的目标终点都相同,不过他们本来自己的习惯是会先设立一个最大的目标,之中不断重复开发→ 破坏→ 开发,一直到整体抵达满意的水准为止。但是西方的方法是会先设定数个小规模的目标,再进行开发→ 破坏→ 开发。这样的方法和东方的作法大不相同,也让每个小细节有更多时间去讨论,而不是先把大东西做完,是很好的学习经验。
  而关于游戏设定上面,媒体提问到本作有无收录“女性主角”?神谷英树表示游戏在一开始的构想,很快的直觉性就想到「青年」和「龙」的组合,他们也认为这个设定和游戏相当契合,可以完美的传达《龙鳞化身》的游戏性。他们认为“青年” 比较可以传达这款游戏想表达的概念。
  而且《龙鳞化身》和白金工作室以前推出的动作游戏如《魔兵惊天录》、《潜龙谍影崛起:再复仇》和《极度混乱》强调速度感和玩家的反射神经玩法不同;希望可以为玩家带来那种童年时看到大怪兽感到“心跳不已” 的兴奋感,让玩家感受“巨龙” 的魅力,单纯享受奇幻世界的乐趣。所以本作在入手门槛上比较低,在战斗画面上也强调对于龙的呈现。
  另外,现场也问到了关于“多人游玩” 以及“开发状况” 等问题,不过神谷英树也表示目前关于这些详细都还无法透露。此外关于本作目前为Xbox One 独占,是否对应该主机硬体的独特效能或特别玩法?制作人也表示了目前这些都尚在研究中,现在的阶段还没有可以透露的消息。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-5 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-8-5 07:02 PM 编辑

【GC 15】《龙鳞化身》首度曝光实机游玩示范 人龙一体对抗邪恶势力

  PlatinumGames 制作人神谷英树,在今日举办的 Xbox Gamescom 发表会上,首度曝光旗下开发的 Xbox One 独占发行动作角色扮演游戏《龙鳞化身(Scalebound)》的实机游玩示范。

  在这段由神谷英树亲自操作的示范中,展示了本作首度公开的战斗系统。 游戏中玩家将操作能驾驭强大飞龙的主角,一人一龙连手对抗敌对势力。 主角可以使用刀剑与弓箭等远近距离的武器来克敌,飞龙则是能以灼热的火焰与巨大的躯体扫荡敌人。 当面对威力巨大的巨兽时,主角可以运用来自飞龙的力量变身为更强大的型态,牵制巨兽的行动,让飞龙以威力强大的烈焰摧毁巨兽。


  《龙鳞化身》预定 2016 年末节庆档期推出。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-6 07:42 AM
Scalebound Launches Holiday 2016, First Gameplay

Fight as One with Your Dragon in Scalebound

Ready for the next great adventure from critically acclaimed developer PlatinumGames (the studio behind Bayonetta and Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance) and renowned game director Hideki Kamiya? Well, you’re in luck: We’ve partnered up with them to launch an exciting new exclusive experience: Scalebound.

In Scalebound, you will experience the journey of a young loner named Drew, who is pulled into the strange, beautiful, and dangerous world of Draconis – where he is bonded to a fearsome and noble dragon, Thuban, the last of his kind. These two lone-wolf heroes, thrown together by fate, must learn to fight as one to defeat the powerful enemies that threaten Draconis, Earth, and a vast universe of parallel worlds.

You’ll explore the beautiful and dangerous world of Draconis, as you and your dragon companion work to defeat legions of enemy soldiers and epic scale beasts. Scalebound’s accessible-yet-deep (and very stylish and over-the-top!) gameplay gives you the power to fluidly chain attacks with your dragon to, creating devastating combos to unleash upon your foes.

You can even customize your winged pal: Choose your favorite dragon shape (winged serpent, four legged tank, and more), and then evolve your companion’s unique abilities and attacks, as well as its appearance.

It’s going to be one epic ride when Scalebound debuts on Xbox One in 2016!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-8-16 07:29 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-1-5 07:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-5 06:20 PM 编辑

Scalebound delayed to 2017
白金工作室透露 Xbox One 独占全新动作游戏《龙鳞化身》将延期至 2017 年上市

  根据白金工作室官方部落格的发言,同公司开发的 Xbox One《龙鳞化身(Scalebound)》将延期至 2017 年发售。

  《龙鳞化身》是一款于 Xbox One 独占推出的全新动作游戏,在 2014 年的美国 E3 电玩展首度曝光。 游戏中将登场形状和类型都各异的各种巨型怪兽,玩家所扮演的主角将要和身为伙伴的飞龙搭档战斗,在壮阔的场景中打倒敌对的巨大魔兽。

  白金工作室同时在部落格表示《龙鳞化身》将是他们至今以来最大规模的游戏,他们将打造融合壮大美丽的幻想世界、自由的探险、崭新的多人游玩模式和充满动作性的战斗。 而对于要呈现上述内容的游戏完成度,他们需要更多的时间来满足这个充满野心的企划,所以决定将延期至 2017 年上市。 目前开发状况渐入佳境,白金工作室也认为这款游戏为他们带来很多的新刺激和体验。 未来他们将会持续释出本作的情报,有兴趣的玩家不妨持续追踪《龙鳞化身》的动向。

An Update from the Scalebound Team

We hope you had a great New Year’s!

As we enter into 2016, we want to provide you with an update on Scalebound, the upcoming Xbox One-exclusive action-RPG that lets you fight alongside a fearsome dragon named Thuban.

Development on the game is going well and we’re really happy with how it’s coming together. Scalebound is one of the biggest games PlatinumGames has ever created: an epic adventure filled with exploration and fantasy gameplay, inventive multiplayer, and action-packed battles on an unbelievable scale – all set in a beautiful and evolving world. It’s the game our team has always dreamed of making.

In order to deliver on our ambitious vision and ensure that Scalebound lives up to expectations, we will be launching the game in 2017. This will give us the time needed to bring to life all the innovative features and thrilling gameplay experiences that we have planned.

We know you’re excited to see more and thank you for your patience. Scalebound is a truly special project that’s been several years in the making, and we are very proud and inspired by all the work our team has done so far.

We will be sharing more about our vision for Scalebound later this year and can’t wait to give you a closer look at the world of Draconis and the incredible creatures and experiences we’re building.

Thank you again for your support and enthusiasm!

- Hideki Kamiya, JP Kellams, Atsushi Inaba, and the Scalebound Team

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-14 06:32 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-6-15 07:32 AM 编辑

Scalebound Coming to PC, Multiplayer Trailer
【E3 16】狩猎新作《龙鳞化身 Scalebound》2017 年推出 现场展示多人游玩模式

  由白金工作室开发的全新游戏《龙鳞化身 Scalebound》在微软举办的 E3 展前发表会中发表了最新的宣传影片,制作人神谷英树也亲自登台上阵。

  现场展示了 4 人协力的多人游玩模式,玩家所操纵的角色除了使用弓箭来狙击之外,还可以骑上巨大飞龙攻击,或是从飞龙身上跳下来针对敌方怪兽的特定部位破坏等等。 主角戴上耳机一边听音乐一边作战的姿态也令人印象深刻。

  《龙鳞化身 Scalebound》预计 2017 年发售,对应 Xbox 系统(Xbox One/Windows 10),购买一次即可跨平台游玩。





In Scalebound, the next great adventure from critically-acclaimed developer PlatinumGames and renowned Game Director Hideki Kamiya, you will experience the journey of a young loner, Drew, who is pulled into the strange, beautiful and dangerous world of Draconis. There Drew is bonded to a fearsome and noble dragon, Thuban, the last of his kind. These two lone-wolf heroes thrown together by fate must learn to fight as one to defeat the powerful enemies that threaten Draconis, Earth and a vast universe of parallel worlds.


• Epic Battles on an Unbelievable Scale: Master accessible but deep “stylish action” gameplay using a variety of weapons, battle strategies and skills. Fluidly chain attacks with your dragon to unleash devastating combos against colossal enemies in amazing boss battles.

• Play Your Way: Cutting-edge Co-op Multiplayer: Adventure on your own or join friends to explore the world of Draconis, complete custom quests and battle massive creatures together, alongside your dragons.* Dynamically-generated quests create new objectives based on play style and user activity.

• Explore a Beautiful, Evolving World: Forge your own adventure as you traverse across the vast world of Draconis, brought to life through a distinct, vibrant art style and stunning visuals at 1080p resolution on Xbox One and up to 4K on Windows 10. Defeat enemies to help the world flourish and gain access to unique items.

• Customize your Hero and Dragon: Choose the armor and weapons that best match your play style. Select your favorite dragon (winged serpent, four legged tank – and more) and then evolve your companion’s unique abilities and attacks as well as its appearance. In co-op, you can customize your dragon and play style to create unique combat strategies with other players.

• Shared Progression across Xbox One and Windows 10: “Scalebound” supports cross-save between Xbox One and Windows 10, so you can seamlessly switch between devices and pick up where you left off.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-1-10 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-10 07:39 AM 编辑

Microsoft Studios exclusive "Scalebound" has been canceled
微软独占狩猎新作《龙鳞化身 Scalebound》正式已停止开发制作

  昨晚一直有传言称白金工作室为 Xbox One 独家打造的《龙鳞化身》恐遭遇难产,而不久前微软官方正式确认了这则崩溃的消息:被动作玩家期待的等待的《龙鳞化身》正式已停止开发!


“在经过仔细的考虑后,微软工作室最终决定停止《龙鳞化身》的开发工作,”微软官方不久前确认“然而我们仍然会在今年为大家推出大量的佳作包括《光环战争 2》(Halo Wars 2),《除暴战警 3》(Crackdown 3),《腐烂国度 2》(State of Decay 2),《贼海(Sea of Thieves)》以及其他的优秀作品。”

  《龙鳞化身》最初在 2014 年 E3 大展上亮相,离现在开发已有3 年,当时即凭借超赞的游戏设定和神谷英树的黄金招牌吸引了无数玩家。在这款游戏中玩家将会体验一位孤单的年轻人 Drew 的冒险经历。他被卷入了奇特、美丽而又危险的新世界 Draconis,在这里 Drew 认识了一条强大而高贵的巨龙 Thuban,并和它成为伙伴,Thuban 也是其种族中最后一员。他们必须齐心协力,相互协助才能在这个世界里生存下去。

  值得一提的是,在经历了最初的 Xbox One 独占阶段后,去年 E3 时微软还宣布将推出 PC版《龙鳞化身》。

Rumors Swirl That Scalebound is in Trouble

Scalebound, the much-hyped Platinum-developed action game that was previously scheduled for Xbox One and PC, is in trouble and may be cancelled, according to several sources.

We expect the official announcement shortly. When reached by Kotaku today, Microsoft sent over a brief statement: “We’ll have more to share on ‘Scalebound’ soon.”

From what we hear, Scalebound, an ambitious game directed by iconic Twitter blocker and Bayonetta director Hideki Kamiya, had been in development hell for a long time. Microsoft first announced the game nearly three years ago, during the Xbox press conference at E3 2014. It rose to the top of dozens of “Most Anticipated Games” lists but was delayed several times.

We hadn’t heard or seen anything of Scalebound in recent months, and it was curiously missing from an Xbox Wire post last week that talked about the future of Xbox One. Microsoft has also removed the official Scalebound page from the Xbox website.


Sources: Microsoft and Platinum part ways on Scalebound, development ceased

Development of Xbox One exclusive Scalebound has ceased after more than four years.

Multiple sources have confirmed to Eurogamer that Microsoft and developer Platinum Games have parted ways on the project, and that work concluded before the end of 2016.

Scalebound was last seen in public back at Gamescom 2016 in August. Since then, the relationship between Microsoft and Osaka-based developer Platinum Games dramatically soured.

Work on the game took a serious knock last autumn, Eurogamer sources say, when several senior members of the development team were forced to take a month away from the pressure of the project's heavy workload.

These project members then returned, but Scalebound was now behind schedule. With continuing issues surrounding the game's engine and overdue deadlines, the decision was made that the project could no longer continue.

It's unclear whether Scalebound could still be revived by Platinum, but as we understand it, work on the project as we know it has now concluded. Eurogamer has asked Microsoft for comment.


Update: Scalebound officially cancelled

Microsoft's statement: After careful deliberation, Microsoft Studios has come to the decision to end production for "Scalebound." We're working hard to deliver an amazing lineup of games to our fans this year, including "Halo Wars 2," "Crackdown 3," "State of Decay 2," "Sea of Thieves" and other great experiences. For more information on our 2017 plans, please visit Xbox Wire.

http://www.windowscentral.com/xb ... d-has-been-canceled
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-1-11 06:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-1-11 07:09 PM 编辑


  昨天《龙鳞化身(Scalebound)》取消开发的消息着实让不少人感到意外,今日继微软Xbox 部门负责人 Phil Spencer 之后,游戏制作人神谷英树也在推特上发文首次对此事表态。





Platinum Games' official statement regarding the cancellation of Scalebound

Regarding the Cancellation of Scalebound

We’re sorry to say that on January 9, 2017, Microsoft Studios announced the cancellation of Scalebound. We are very disappointed things ended up this way, especially since we know many of our fans were looking forward to this game as much as we were.

Going forward, we will strive to continue delivering high-quality games to you, starting with NieR: Automata in March, and including products like Granblue Fantasy Project Reink and Lost Order in the future.

We will keep working hard to meet your expectations and we look forward to your continued support!

President and CEO, Kenichi Sato

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 10:38 PM
Xbox负责人解答《龙鳞化身》取消原因 希望再与神谷英树合作


  近日日本媒体公布了一段Xbox部门负责人Phil Spencer的采访,Spencer透露其实对于这款游戏的取消,自己也受到了很深的伤害,同时他也强调对于白金工作室的每一名成员他都非常尊重。



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