标题: 【PC/PS4】Killing Floor 2 [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-10 07:28 AM
标题: 【PC/PS4】Killing Floor 2
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-7 06:20 AM 编辑

Killing Floor 2 Official Announcement, 'Transformation' Teaser Trailer & Screens


Over the Top Zed Killing Action Returns as Tripware Interactive Announces Killing Floor 2 for the PC

Tripwire Interactive is pleased to announce that Killing Floor 2, the follow-up to 2009′s multi-million unit selling Sci-Fi Horror, First Person Shooter game Killing Floor, is currently in development for PC and SteamOS. After months of speculation and rumors around Killing Floor 2, the good folks at Tripwire are thrilled to treatfans to an in-depth first look at the moment to moment combat experience that awaits them in the next phase of the “Horzine Outbreak” at the game’s official website, killingfloor2.com.

“We’ve all had a huge amount of fun over the last 5 years with Killing Floor. The community has done so much with it, we’ve done so much to it, run so many special events – and we’ve learned so much,” said Alan Wilson, Vice President of Tripwire Interactive. “Now we’re taking all of that – and cranking it to 11 for Killing Floor 2. It’s a lot of work, but it will be a blast!”

In Killing Floor 2 players descend into continental Europe where the outbreak caused by Horzine Biotech’s failed experiment has quickly spread and gained unstoppable momentum, essentially paralyzing the European Union— Just one month after the events in the original Killing Floor, the specimen clones are everywhere and civilization is in disarray; communications have failed, governments have collapsed, and military forces have been systematically eradicated. The people of Europe know survival and self-preservation too well and lucky survivors have gone into hiding.

Not all have given up hope though… A group of civilians and mercenaries have banded together to combat the outbreak and established privately funded operation bases across Europe. Upon tracking specimen clone outbreaks, players will descend into zed-laden hot zones and exterminate them.

Key Features

• Visceral Gore - Killing Floor 2 ramps up the gore with a proprietary, high powered persistent blood system bringing new levels of fidelity to the genre. Players will send entrails, severed limbs, and blood flying as they wade through hordes of enemies. But they need to watch out! If caught, enemies will rip them, and their entire party limb from limb

• 6 player co-op or solo play - A multitude of varied playable characters await for players to choose from as they enter the fray in online co-op mode or solo mode for those willing to brave the horrific specimens alone

• Terrifying Zeds - New enemies and fan favorites from the original game are back with expanded and smarter artificial intelligence, dishing out powerful attacks, working as a group to weaken the player’s party and pushing the challenge level and fear factor to new levels

• Unique Blend Of Weaponry - From modern militaristic assault rifles, brutal improvised makeshift weapons, classic historical guns, and off the wall “Mad Scientist” weapons, Killing Floor 2 has a unique blend of killing tools that will satisfy any gamer

• Expanded Perk System - Perks from the original game have been reimagined with more added to the fold. All perks now progress with meaningful talent choices that amplify different play styles,

• Brutal Melee Combat - Killing Floor 2 reinvents melee combat completely. Players now have control over the type of melee attacks they can perform, enabling them to deliver bone-breaking crippling attacks to Zeds

Killing Floor 2 is developed and published by Tripwire Interactive for the PC and SteamOS.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-13 06:47 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-13 07:07 AM 编辑

《杀戮间2 | Killing Floor 2》游戏特色及新图 把怪物脑袋当球踢!

  《杀戮间2》系列开发商Tripwire Interactive今天公布了该系列最新作品《杀戮间2(Killing Floor 2)》的一批全新截图,展示了游戏改进后的高级画质。

  在《杀戮间2》中,玩家们将转战欧洲大陆,由于Horzine Biotech的一次失败实验,生化病毒开始在这片土地上横行,导致了疫病的爆发,使欧洲陷入了一篇地狱般的景象当中。







作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-26 07:46 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-10-10 07:17 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-12-7 06:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-12-8 07:19 AM 编辑

Killing Floor 2 Coming to PS4


Tripwire Interactive bringing Killing Floor 2 to PS4 – The Time is Right!

Hi everyone. Alan Wilson here. I’m the Vice President at Tripwire Interactive. What I enjoy doing for the company is writing, game design and research, but I also get to do all the crap no-one else wants to do. Except right now, when I get to talk about a huge step for us – Killing Floor 2 on PS4.

Tripwire Interactive was formed about 10 years ago and we released the original Killing Floor on PC in 2009. Since then, we’ve released a ton of additional content for free, added in some fun DLC, sold nearly 3 million units of the game and about 10 million units of DLC. In case you’re not familiar with Killing Floor, the game is a fun, dark, sometimes humorous take on a first person survival horror. Its really perfect for a console outing. So, we’ve been asked why we never did console before.

We’ve actually talked to a number of console teams over the last few years. But there always seemed to be reasons not to do it. One of the biggest for us was our independence. There always used to be a push to have us publish through some big publisher. And that wasn’t going to happen – we prefer to make our own decisions about our games. That’s why we’ve been able to have so much fun doing the special events (Twisted Christmas, Summer Sideshow, Halloween Horrors) and free updates.

So, a couple of years ago, when the development of Killing Floor 2 was in its early stages, the PlayStation 4 was announced and we started thinking about it. We were using Unreal Engine 3 because we’d already put a lot of work into engine-level tech for Red Orchestra 2. We had plans for a lot more new tech. We noticed Sony was really going the extra mile and engaging directly with indie developers. That was the big thing that made us look again. Work directly with Sony. All the barriers coming down. We went back to thoughts of KF1, but weren’t convinced we should repeat that process. We decided that the best way to go was to develop KF2 on both platforms in parallel and not look at the console like some after-thought port. The PS4 can do some amazing things and we’ve been discussing all the things that we’d like to do, like regular updates digitally, special events and all the rest. Haven’t figured them all out yet, but we could have a lot of fun. And if we have fun, the players should get even more fun.

Alan Wilson - Vice President, Tripwire Interactive

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-7 06:54 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-1-30 07:36 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-2-20 06:29 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-6-29 06:46 PM
對抗實驗體的血腥場面!《Killing Floor 2》公開宣傳影片

  目前正在 Steam 平台展开抢先体验的射击游戏《Killing Floor 2》公开了 E3 PC Gaming Show 宣传影片,说明未来更新的内容。

  游戏厂商 Tripwire 表示,《Killing Floor 2》将藉由 NVIDIA 的 PhysX Flex 技术呈现更加真实的画面,这种新技术将会带来更加逼真的物理效果,包括肠子、内脏等呈现。


  Tripwire 表示,《Killing Floor 2》在 Steam 平台抢先体验主要是为了搜集玩家的意见,以便能更加优化游戏内容与平衡度,届时在游戏正式上市时带来更佳体验,而基于玩家的回馈意见,游戏在正式上市时也将增加新地图、新怪物、新武器、新游戏类型等内容。

  《Killing Floor 2》故事主要描述玩家进入由于生物实验失败造成灾难的欧洲大陆,在《Killing Floor》一代事件后约一个月,整个文明大乱,通讯失败,军队已经失去力量,懂得生存之道的欧洲民众都已经找地方藏匿起来。 但并不是所有人都放弃了希望,有一群民众与佣兵合力希望打击这些实验失败产生的实验体,而此时正需要玩家的力量。

  游戏结合了肢解与逼真的血液系统,当玩家对抗成群敌人时,将可以体验到血肉横飞的场面,此次敌人将更加聪明、攻击力更加强大,而游戏将提供单人模式与 6 人合作模式。

  《Killing Floor 2》预定 2015 年上市。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2015-9-2 07:00 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-1 07:09 AM
Deep Silver to publish Killing Floor 2 for PS4 at retail

Deep Silver, Tripwire, and Iceberg Sign Global Retail Publishing Deal for Killing Floor 2 on PS4

Deep Silver are pleased to announce their collaboration with Tripwire Interactive and Iceberg Interactive to publish the retail version of Killing Floor 2 globally, for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system. The second instalment of the sci-fi horror first person shooter is scheduled for release in 2016.

Killing Floor 2 places the gamer into continental Europe, about one month after the original Killing Floor trials. Now the outbreak caused by Horzine Biotech’s failed experiment has gained relentless momentum, essentially paralyzing the European Union — with all being methodically obliterated: communications, governments, and military forces alike, it is now up to a group of civilians, who have not yet given up hope to combat the outbreak and establish privately funded operation bases across Europe.

New elements to Killing Floor 2 are an enhanced level of carnage, with the visceral gore ramped up though a proprietary, high powered persistent blood system. As well as terrifying Zeds – novel enemies and fan favorites return with expanded and smarter artificial intelligence. Six player co-op or solo play is available, together with a unique blend of weaponry. An expanded perk system – with perks from the original game having been reimagined, and further brutal melee combat – reinventing the melee combat completely, make for a blood-splattered gaming experience.


• Visceral Gore - Killing Floor 2 ramps up the gore with a proprietary, high powered persistent blood system bringing new levels of fidelity to the genre. Players will send entrails, severed limbs, and blood flying as they wade through hordes of enemies. But they need to watch out! If caught, enemies will rip them, and their entire party limb from limb

• Six player co-op or solo play - A multitude of varied playable characters await for players to choose from as they enter the fray in online co-op mode or solo mode for those willing to brave the horrific specimens alone

• Terrifying Zeds - New enemies and fan favorites from the original game are back with expanded and smarter artificial intelligence, dishing out powerful attacks, working as a group to weaken the player’s party and pushing the challenge level and fear factor to new levels

• Unique Blend Of Weaponry - From modern militaristic assault rifles, brutal improvised makeshift weapons, classic historical guns, and off the wall “Mad Scientist” weapons, Killing Floor 2 has a unique blend of killing tools that will satisfy any gamer

• Expanded Perk System - Perks from the original game have been reimagined with more added to the fold. All perks now progress with meaningful talent choices that amplify different play styles, giving players a progression path that is expansive and full of rewarding milestones

• Brutal Melee Combat - Killing Floor 2 reinvents melee combat completely. Players now have control over the type of melee attacks they can perform, enabling them to deliver bone-breaking crippling attacks to Zeds
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-6-14 07:03 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-8-13 07:22 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-8-13 07:31 AM 编辑

Killing Floor 2 for PS4 and PC Launches on November 18

  Tripwire互动日前公布了发售日合作FPS游戏《杀戮空间2》(Killing Floor 2)将会于 11 月 18 日 2016 年登陆PS4 以及 PC平台。

  《杀戮空间2》故事主要描述玩家进入由于生物实验失败造成灾难的欧洲大陆,在《杀戮空间》一代事件后约一个月,整个文明大乱,通讯失败,军队已经失去力量,懂得生存之道的欧洲民众都已经找地方藏匿起来。 但并不是所有人都放弃了希望,有一群民众与佣兵合力希望打击这些实验失败产生的实验体,而此时正需要玩家的力量。

  游戏结合了肢解与逼真的血液系统,当玩家对抗成群敌人时,将可以体验到血肉横飞的场面,此次敌人将更加聪明、攻击力更加强大,而游戏将提供单人模式与 6 人合作模式。

Killing Floor 2 Sets Sights on November for Launch on PC and PlayStation 4

Tripwire Interactive today announced that its highly successful co-op sci-fi horror FPS game, Killing Floor 2, will be officially launching globally on November 18, 2016 for the PC platform and the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system.

The digital PC base version of Killing Floor 2 will be available to purchase for $29.99 (US)via Steam and other digital outlets as well as the PC Digital Deluxe version for $39.99 (US). In collaboration with Deep Silver and Iceberg Interactive, the deluxe content of Killing Floor 2 will be included in the PC and PlayStation 4 retail and digital versions for $39.99 (US) .

In Killing Floor 2, players descend into continental Europe where the outbreak caused by Horzine Biotech’s failed experiment has quickly spread and gained unstoppable momentum, essentially paralyzing the European Union— Just one month after the events in the original Killing Floor, the specimen clones are everywhere and civilization is in disarray; communications have failed, governments have collapsed, and military forces have been systematically eradicated. The people of Europe know survival and self-preservation too well and lucky survivors have gone into hiding.

Not all have given up hope though... A group of civilians and mercenaries have banded together to combat the outbreak and established privately funded operation bases across Europe. Upon tracking specimen clone outbreaks, players will descend into zed-laden hot zones and exterminate them.

Key Features

• Visceral Gore - Killing Floor 2 ramps up the gore with a proprietary, high powered persistent blood system bringing new levels of fidelity to the genre. Players will send entrails, severed limbs, and blood flying as they wade through hordes of enemies. But they need to watch out! If caught, enemies will rip them, and their entire party limb from limb

• 6 player co-op or solo play - A multitude of varied playable characters await for players to choose from as they enter the fray in online co-op mode or solo mode for those willing to brave the horrific specimens alone

• 12 Player PvP Versus Survival Game Mode - Be the Zed! A 12 player PvP mode where two teams take turns playing Humans vs. Zeds in a pair of short matches. In the first match, one team plays Humans and the other Zeds until the humans all die during a single round or they beat the boss. For the second match the teams switch sides and when the battle is completed both teams receive a score based on their performance and the higher score wins!

• Terrifying Zeds - New enemies and fan favorites from the original game are back with expanded and smarter artificial intelligence, dishing out powerful attacks, working as a group to weaken the player’s party and pushing the challenge level and fear factor to new levels

• Unique Blend Of Weaponry - From modern militaristic assault rifles, brutal improvised makeshift weapons, classic historical guns, and off the wall “Mad Scientist” weapons, Killing Floor 2 has a unique blend of killing tools that will satisfy any gamer

• Expanded Perk System - Perks from the original game have been reimagined with more added to the fold. All perks now progress with meaningful talent choices that amplify different play styles, giving players a progression path that is expansive and full of rewarding milestones

• Brutal Melee Combat - Killing Floor 2 reinvents melee combat completely. Players now have control over the type of melee attacks they can perform, enabling them to deliver bone-breaking crippling attacks to Zeds

Killing Floor 2 is developed by Tripwire Interactive and will be published for retail by Iceberg Interactive for the PC platform and Deep Silver for the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system. The game will be available globally on November 18, 2016 for the PC platform and for the PlayStation 4 platform.

Stay up-to-date with the latest Killing Floor 2 news and information at killingfloor2.com.
作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-10-18 07:17 AM
Killing Floor 2 First PS4 Pro Footage


Deadly Zed Sightins Occur in Brand New PlayStation 4 Proo Footage Uncovered for Killing Floor 2

Tripwire Interactive is pleased to release brand new assets for its upcoming successful co-op sci-fi horror FPS game, Killing Floor 2. Announced on-stage at the Sony PlayStation Meeting in New York City last month, Killing Floor 2 will be available at launch on the newly announced PlayStation 4 Pro computer entertainment system, in addition to the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and PC platforms. Today’s announcement sees the debut of the first ever footage and images from Killing Floor 2, enhanced for the PlayStation 4 Pro platform.

The PlayStation 4 Pro version of Killing Floor 2 features the following enhancements:

• 1800p checkboard rendering on 4K TV (3200x1800) optimized for 4K TVs

• Effectively supersampling and increased fps on HDTV

• Using additional memory to increased texture resolution to "Ultra Textures"

Killing Floor 2 is developed by Tripwire Interactive and will be published by Deep Silver and Iceberg Interactive for the PlayStation 4 Pro, PlayStation 4, and PC. The game will be available globally on November 18, 2016.

Stay up-to-date with the latest Killing Floor 2 news and information at killingfloor2.com.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-4 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-11-4 07:04 PM 编辑

Killing Floor 2 for PS4 open beta begins November 4, PS4 Pro support detailed
PS4 版《杀戮空间 2》将开启 Open Beta 测试

  今天开发商 Tripwire Interactive 宣布PS4 版《杀戮空间 2》Beta 公测将于太平洋时间 11 月 4 日上午10 点(亚洲时间 11 月 5 日凌晨 1 点)正式开启,持续两天。官方还公布了一段游戏实机演示视频。此次B测包含内容如下:
2款多人模式 “生存(Survival)”与“反生存(Versus Survival)”
3张地图 “燃烧的巴黎”、“生命实验室”、“撤离点(Evac Point)”

  值得一提的是,Tripwire Interactive 还表示这款游戏在 PS4 Pro 上的表现十分不错。《杀戮空间 2》将于11月18日正式发行,届时将登陆 PS4 和 PC 平台。

An open beta for the PlayStation 4 version of Killing Floor 2 will begin tomorrow, November 4 at 10:00 a.m. PT / 1:00 p.m. PT and run through Sunday, November 6, developer Tripwire Interactive announced.

The open beta will include the following:

2 Multiplayer Modes — Survival and Versus Survival
3 Maps — Burning Paris, Biotics Lab, Evac Point
1 Offline Training Mission
9 Perk Classes
14 Characters
Additionally, Tripwire has detailed the game’s PlayStation 4 Pro enhancements.

First on the point of resolution for players that have a 4K TV and a PS4 Pro. Killing Floor 2 runs at a higher 1800p resolution that is then upscaled to 4K 2160p resolution, unlocking the gaming potential of your 4K screen. The extra resolution increases overall environment, weapon, and character detail beyond what is perceivable on a 1080p display.

Environment details such as foliage and distant level meshes have a new level of definition. Enemies (Zeds) in the world seen at medium to long distances have many more pixels defining them, making it just a bit easier to get that head shot. Killing Floor 2’s over-the-top gore system has never looked better with persistent blood reflecting the world and characters in high resolution.

The extra memory on PS4 Pro allows us to activate our ultra textures that have higher resolution over the standard PS4. The ultra textures add extra surface detail to everything in the game including first-person weapons, arms, zeds, and the levels themselves.

These high-res textures will be used whether the player is playing on a 4K TV or a standard 1080p display. In addition to the ultra textures, the extra memory allowed us to increase our dynamic shadow resolution. Killing Floor 2’s custom deferred renderer uses a number of shadowing techniques including dynamic shadows. When these dynamic shadows are used they will be crisper and higher resolution on PS4 Pro then the standard PS4. When playing on a 1080p TV, Killing Floor 2 is effectively super sampled, resulting in much higher quality and smoother anti-aliasing.

All of this is achieved without compromising on performance. Killing Floor 2 runs at an increased frame rate when using a PS4 Pro on a 1080p display. Whether you have a 4K or 1080p TV, Killing Floor 2 is going to look amazing on a PS4 Pro.

Killing Floor 2 is due out for PlayStation 4 and PC worldwide on November 18.


作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-19 07:33 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-3-22 07:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-3-22 06:44 PM 编辑

《杀戮空间2》公布大型免费更新(The Descent) 本周末开启免费试玩

  《杀戮空间2(Killing Floor 2)》作为一款主打玩家合作对战生化丧尸(Zed)的游戏,作品在去年正式发售后,也在近期迎来了一部大型免费更新——The Descent。


  游戏的The Descent相关主要更新内容如下:


  · 喷火式左轮手枪(Spitfire Revolver(s))
  · Stoner 63A轻机枪


  · The Decent
  · Nuked(由社区玩家创作)




作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-6-13 06:25 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-6-28 03:59 PM 编辑


Killing Floor 2 推出《夏日雜耍秀》改版,新增地圖、武器、季節性獎勵、及多項變動。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-11 10:40 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-12 10:29 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-26 11:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2017-7-26 06:59 PM 编辑

Killing Floor 2 coming to Xbox One on August 29
《杀戮空间2》正宣布登陆XB1 发售日和独占内容公布

  开发商 Tripwire Interactive 今日宣布,合作僵尸射击游戏《杀戮空间2》将于 8 月 29 日登陆 Xbox One 平台,此外本作将是 Xbox One X 首发游戏(11月7日)。两个版本的零售版价格一样都是40美元。

  8 月发售的《杀戮空间2》Xbox One 版将有独占内容,比如冰冻发射器 Freezethrower。使用该武器,玩家喷发液氮冻结敌人,一旦敌人被冰冻后,攻击变成碎片。这是 Survivalist Perk 独占武器,有 8 种自定义皮肤。

  该武器内容还将在晚些时候登陆 PC 和 PS4 平台。另外一个独占内容是荒地护甲皮肤,Xbox平台独占,共有五种不同的风格。

  Xbox One 版《杀戮空间2》发售时还将收录之前发售的所有内容包,包括 The Tropical Bash,The Descent,The Summer Sideshow(Tragic Kingdom地图和每周的Outbreak游戏模式)。另外还有两个武器:HZ12 霰弹枪和 Centerfire Lever Action 突击步枪。

  《杀戮空间2》Xbox One X 版支持4K分辨率,性能表现更好,有高分辨率贴图和阴影地图以及强化shadow-fade-out距离。本作还支持Xbox直播平台Mixer。目前 Xbox One 版还未开启预售,已在 PC,PS4和PS4 Pro 平台推出。

Killing Floor 2 is coming to Xbox One on August 29, developer Tripwire Interactive announced in collaboration with Deep Silver and Iceberg Interactive. It will include all previously released content packs (including “The Tropical Bash,” “The Descent,” and elements of “The Summer Slideshow”) and cost $39.99. It will also support Xbox One X with 4K resolution, increased performance, high resolution textures and shadow maps, and increased shadow-fade-out distance.

Here’s an overview of the game, via Tripwire Interactive:


In Killing Floor 2, players descend into continental Europe after it has been overrun by horrific, murderous clones called Zeds that were created by rogue elements of the Horzine Corporation. The Zed outbreak caused by Horzine’s failed experiments has quickly spread with unstoppable momentum, paralyzing the European Union. Only a month ago, the first Zed outbreak from the original Killing Floor ripped through London; now the Zeds are everywhere. Civilization is in disarray, communication networks have failed, governments have collapsed, and military forces have been systematically eradicated. The people of Europe are now focused on self-preservation, the lucky few who survived having gone into hiding.

But not all have given up hope; a motley group of civilians, soldiers, and mercenaries have banded together to fight the Zed outbreaks from bases across Europe. When an outbreak is detected, the players are sent into Zed-laden hot zones to exterminate all threats using whatever means necessary. Welcome to the Killing Floor.

Xbox One Timed-Exclusive Content

Killing Floor 2 will also include new *exclusive content that will be available in the Xbox One and Xbox One X versions that will allow players to spray zeds with liquid nitrogen and shatter them to pieces with the Freezethrower weapon for the Survival Perk. There will be 8 weapon skins available to customize your Xbox One and Xbox One X exclusive Freezethrower. Killing Floor 2 players on Xbox One and Xbox One X will also have exclusive access to the Wasteland Armor cosmetic uniform, with 5 different skin styles. The Xbox One X version will also be enhanced with 4K support, increased performance, high resolution textures and shadow maps and increased shadow-fade-out distance. Tripwire is also pleased to confirm that Killing Floor 2 will also include customized support for Mixer – Microsoft’s next gen streaming service that offers viewers real-time influence and participation in live game streams.

Key Features

Xbox One *Exclusive Content and Mixer support – Spray zeds with liquid nitrogen and shatter them to pieces with the Freezethrower, an Xbox One exclusive weapon for the Survivalist Perk. The Freezethrower comes with eight weapon skins to customize your weapon’s appearance. Also, you can sport the Wasteland Armor uniform, an Xbox One exclusive cosmetic outfit, with five different styles. Killing Floor 2 includes all previously released content packs including The Tropical Bash and The Descent and elements of The Summer Sideshow including the Tragic Kingdom map, Weekly Outbreak Game Mode and 2 new weapons (HZ12 Shotgun & Centerfire Lever Action Rifle).

Survival Game Mode: Play Solo or Co-op with Up to 6 Players— In this game mode, up to six players team up against hordes of murderous AI controlled Zeds, ranging from the lowly clot to the massive fleshpound, through multiple waves of fire, blood, and gunfire. Each Zed killed earns players Dosh, which can be spent on weapon upgrades, ammo, and armor to keep the Zeds from ripping your guts out. Players who survive will face the boss behind the Zed outbreak and hopefully end it… or die trying.

Versus Survival Game Mode: Play PvP with Up to 12 Players – Be the Zed! In this game mode, two teams of up to six players take turns, one team playing humans and the other a mixture of specially modified Zeds backed up by AI controlled Zeds. Each match lasts until the human team is defeated or it defeats the boss, at which point the two teams switch sides and the battle continues. After each team has a turn playing both humans and Zeds, they both receive a score based on their performance and the higher score wins!

Visceral Gore – Killing Floor 2 ramps up the gore with a proprietary, high-powered, persistent blood and gore system bringing new levels of fidelity and brutality. Players will send entrails, severed limbs, and blood flying as they wade through hordes of enemies.

Terrifying Zeds – Ranging from the lowly clot to the might of the cybernetically enhanced Patriarch, players will have to deal with a vast array of Zeds trying to kill them using advanced and deadly artificial intelligence. The Zed hordes unleash devastating, coordinated attacks to slaughter the players, pushing the challenge level and fear factor to new levels
Unique Blend of Weaponry – From modern assault rifles and brutal improvised weapons to historical guns and off the wall “Mad Scientist” weapons, Killing Floor 2 has a unique blend of slaughter tools that will satisfy any gamer.

Expanded Perk System – Players can select from ten different perks, each with its own skills, powers, and weapons, in addition to choosing from among a variety of playable characters with different appearances and personalities. All perks progress with meaningful talent choices that amplify different play styles, giving players a progression path that is expansive and full of rewarding milestones.

Brutal Melee Combat – Armed with everything from knives to exploding sledgehammers, Killing Floor 2 lets you get up close and personal with your Zed killing. In addition to different weapon options, players have control over the type of melee attacks they can perform. This enables players to deliver bone-breaking overhand strikes, unleash head-popping side slashes, or parry the claws of berserk Zeds.

*Timed Exclusive: First exclusively available for the Xbox versions with content to follow on other platforms at a later date TBD

Killing Floor 2 first launched for PlayStation 4 and PC on November 18, 2016.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-7-26 10:45 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-2 10:19 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-17 11:26 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-8-30 07:36 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-10-17 10:22 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-11-15 07:21 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-10 08:37 PM
Killing Floor: Incursion coming to PlayStation VR in 2018


TripWire Games is bringing Killing Floor: Incursion, it’s Killing Floor virtual reality game first launched for PC virtual reality headsets via Steam in November, to PlayStation VR in 2018, the developer announced.

Here is an overview of the game, via the PlayStstion Blog:

The first thing to know about Killing Floor: Incursion is that it was created from the ground up for virtual reality. We believe the best VR games are made specifically with the VR platform in mind, so we set out to create something that was unique and truly played to VR’s strengths. Scale and heights can be incredibly powerful tools to elicit emotion from a player in VR and Incursion uses both to great effect. The player may find themselves standing in front of something gigantic, or standing on a high ledge. These dramatic moments can only be experienced in VR and are exciting and memorable.

Next players should know that Incursion is a very tactile game – the player uses both hands to physically manipulate items in the world, to swing axes and knives, and to duel wield weapons like the star of your own action movie. The gunplay was designed from the ground up to be the most immersive and rewarding shooting experience players have ever experienced in VR. Features such as a procedural recoil animation system allowed us to model all the power and nuance of firearms while keep the action fluid without breaking the sense of presence a player only gets in VR.

Killing Floor: Incursion includes a full story based campaign with four to six hours of gameplay. The campaign takes the player through diverse environments fighting through a cast of mutated creatures that range from shambling zombie-like monsters to massive biomechanical abominations. Keeping the player company on this journey is NODE, a helpful robot companion that not only shares transmissions from the outside world, but also can be ordered by the player to hunt out ammo, health and more.

A large part of the fun of Incursion is being able to bring a friend to fight alongside you in co-op. As we were developing Incursion one of the surprising things we discovered was just how connected you feel to the other person you are playing with in VR. So much more than in a standard shooter, in VR you truly feel like you are standing next to the other player. You can hear their voice, but also you see every nuance of their movement. Players can literally point at things with their hands, and toss each other weapons (or detached monster parts…). This is great because the story-based campaign and the new Holdout game mode can both be played solo or in co-op.

Holdout is an endless game mode where the goal is to survive as long as you can against an ongoing onslaught of enemies. As the match progresses more powerful weapons appear, but more powerful mutated creatures appear as well. Leaderboards show the world if you have survived the longest. As a special bonus for PlayStation VR players, the game will include an all new Holdout mode level to battle the zed hordes in!

作者: kirassss    时间: 2017-12-13 07:37 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-3-28 04:27 PM
多人合作FPS《杀戮空间2》"无尽突袭"更新公布 大量新内容上线

  在Steam上备受玩家好评的多人合作“打丧尸”题材FPS游戏《杀戮空间2(Killing Floor 2)》在昨晚公布了游戏最新上线的免费更新内容。在此次名为“无限突击(Infinite Onslaught)”更新中,游戏开发商Tripwire也是诚意十足,为游戏引进了两张新地图、一种新的游戏模式、三把新武器、一位新英雄等大量内容。




适用于抵抗模式(Holdout)的Power Core地图。


对Firebug和SWAT两位英雄适用的Mac 10冲锋枪;


对Gunslinger适用的AF 2011-A1手枪。


  最后,在此次更新中官方还对游戏的内存使用进行了优化;平衡了游戏中部分英雄的技能和武器以及修复了游戏中的BUG等问题,具体大家可以在游戏的Steam官方公告中看到。http://steamcommunity.com/games/ ... 1653258341520465363
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-4-7 11:13 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2018-4-9 06:07 PM 编辑

Killing Floor: Incursion for PlayStation VR launches May 1
《杀戮空间:入侵 VR》将于5月登陆PSVR 将包含所有DLC内容

      《杀戮空间》开发商Tripwire Interactive宣布,旗下作品《杀戮空间:入侵 VR》预计2018年5月登陆PSVR平台,游戏售价29.99美元。

      根据官方所示,此次PSVR版本将包含一个名为“The Crucible”的新地图,该地图将为玩家带来全新的防守体验,此外PSVR版本将包含此前PC所发布的所有DLC内容,包括难度、武器和排行榜等内容。


Killing Floor: Incursion will launch for PlayStation VR via the PlayStation Store worldwide on May 1 for $29.99, developer Tripwire Interactive announced.

The PlayStation VR version will included a timed exclusive Holdout Mode map called “The Crucible,” which sees players defending locations against hordes of enemies. The PlayStation VR version will also include all of the post-launch content updates released for the PC version, including the Hardcore difficulty mode, Katana weapon, leaderboards, and more.

Here is an overview of the game, via Tripwire Interactive:

A brand-new, standalone title based on the critically acclaimed Killing Floor franchise, Killing Floor: Incursion charges players with taking on the role of an elite Horzine Security Forces soldier. Team up with allies to fend off the horrific Zed hordes with a wide array of guns, blades, and more. Players may freely explore environments, scavenging for weapons and ammo while searching for the best locations to hold the line against the monster onslaught. Battle in diverse areas from creepy farmhouses to high-tech facilities. Complete Horzine Security Forces missions and unlock the secrets of the Zeds’ mysterious origins.

Currently available for HTC VIVE and Oculus Rift, Killing Floor: Incursion takes the action horror genre to the next level on PlayStation VR with a fully-realized, made-for-VR, story-driven adventure. Play alone or with a friend in co-op mode, explore diverse environments from creepy farmhouses to high-tech facilities – and fight to survive against the horrific Zed hordes with a variety of weapons, including pistols, shotguns, axes, and even the occasional leftover limb.

作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-6-12 08:19 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-9-19 06:22 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2018-10-2 10:10 PM

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