标题: 【新闻部】Activision Blizzard / Respawn Entertainment [打印本页]
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-8 08:58 PM
标题: 【新闻部】Activision Blizzard / Respawn Entertainment
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-29 06:50 PM 编辑
Activision Blizzard, Inc. is the American holding company for Activision and Blizzard Entertainment. Activision Blizzard is the world's second-largest gaming company by revenue after Nintendo
动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)是一家由法国维旺迪集团旗下维旺迪游戏和美国动视合并的美国电子游戏开发和发行商,两者于2007年12月2日宣布合并。是次交易金额为$188亿。合并后的新公司名称由美国动视及维旺迪游戏控股子公司美国加州暴雪娱乐之名组合而成。合并已于2008年7月9日完成,总资金运转约为189亿美元。
Industry 企业:Video games、Interactive entertainment
Founded 成立:2008 (as Activision, Inc.)
Headquarters 总部:Santa Monica, California, USA
Area served 服务:Worldwide 国际
Key people 关键人物:Brian Kelly(Chairman)、Michael J. Griffith(Vice Chairman)、Robert Kotick(President and CEO)
Products Activision 作品:
Crash Bandicoot series
DreamWorks Series
Guitar Hero series
Call of Duty series
Prototype series
Tony Hawk franchise
Spider-Man series
Spyro the Dragon series
Blizzard Entertainment:
Warcraft series
StarCraft series
Diablo series
Studios 工作室
Current 现任
- Activision in Santa Monica, California, founded on October 1, 1979, merged with Vivendi Games on July 9, 2008.
- Activision Publishing Minneapolis in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, founded in 2001, name changed to Activision Minneapolis Publishing from Activison Value after merged into Activision in 2010.
- Beenox in Quebec, Canada, founded in May 2000, acquired on May 25, 2005.
- Blizzard Entertainment in Irvine, California, founded in February 1991 as Silicon & Synapse, acquired in 1998 by Vivendi, merged with Activision on July 9, 2008.
- DemonWare in both Dublin, Republic of Ireland, and Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, founded in 2003, acquired on May 2007.
- FreeStyleGames in Leamington, England, United Kingdom, founded in 2002, acquired September 12, 2008.
- Fun Labs in Romania, founded in 1999.
- High Moon Studios in San Diego, California, founded as Sammy Entertainment in April 2001, acquired by Vivendi Games in January 2006.
- Infinity Ward in Encino, California, founded in 2002, acquired October 2003.
- Neversoft in Los Angeles, California, founded in July 1994, acquired October 1999.
- Radical Entertainment in Vancouver, Canada, founded in 1991, acquired in 2005.
- Raven Software in Madison, Wisconsin, founded in 1990, acquired in 1997.
- Sledgehammer Games in Foster City, California, founded November 17, 2009
- Toys For Bob in Novato, California, founded in 1989, acquired May 3, 2005.
- Treyarch in Santa Monica, California, founded in 1996, acquired 2001.
- Vicarious Visions in Albany, New York, founded in 1990, acquired January 2005.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-11-8 09:04 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-2 06:01 PM 编辑
Infinity Ward won’t rule out a new Call of Duty set in space
Infinity Ward is open to the idea of creating an entire Call of Duty game set in space.
Metro asked executive producer Mark Rubin about the possibility as part of a recent interview. Addressing the possibility, Rubin commented:
Yeah. It makes sense. I wouldn’t count it out. Everything’s on the table. When we start a new game every possibility’s on the table. If we think that it’d be cool to have a battle over Jupiter, sure. Why not?
Later in the interview, while discussing a potential space map as DLC, he said:
“We could do it, but I don’t know… will it be fun? And this is the party pooper version of the answer: you have to measure effort versus payout. Would it be worth that amount of work? Which involves rewriting all the scripts for all the Kill Streaks, potentially creating new art assets for all the Kill Streaks–which would take months–to make one level that’s in space.”
Activision confirms new Call of Duty and Skylanders for 2014
Unsurprisingly, Activision will be returning next year with new entries in its two most-popular franchises.
The next Call of Duty and Skylanders are both scheduled to launch in 2014. Bobby Kotick, CEO of Activision, confirmed the news during the company’s latest financial results earnings call yesterday.
He said:
“Despite short-term uncertainties, as we look forward to 2014, we have a very strong product pipeline. We expect multiple new releases across our major franchises, including the first Diablo III expansion, Reaper of Souls, along with the PS4 version of Diablo III and significant and exciting new content for World of Warcraft.
“We also expect to launch new Call of Duty and Skylanders titles and a major new potential franchise with Bungie’s Destiny.”
在《使命召唤:幽灵》刚刚浮出水面的同时,Sledgehammer Games公司宣布将开始着手制作《使命召唤:现代战争4》!
曾经和IW一起开发《使命召唤:现代战争3》的开发商Sledgehammer Games(大锤)如今没有参与到《使命召唤:幽灵》的开发中来,原来是投入到新作的制作中去了。
根据Sledgehammer Games招聘广告显示,该工作室正在招聘“优秀人才”,说是开发“电子游戏有史以来最成功的FPS系列”。当然,大锤正在开发一个新的《使命召唤》游戏早已不是什么新鲜的事儿了,早在4月份时他们的招聘广告就有过类似的描述。但是放在《使命召唤:幽灵》昭示天下的背景下,因此新《使命召唤》(现代战争4)的的确确是存在的。
《使命召唤》系列如今有三大开发商。现在IW正在开发《使命召唤:幽灵》,一个全新的游戏题材。而Treyarch负责打造《黑色行动》系列,因此剩下的就是Sledgehammer Games了。因为Sledgehammer Games曾经和IW共同开发过《现代战争3》,而根据他们的官方Twitter,他们向IW表示最好的祝福,不过也很清楚地说,他们正在开发下一个游戏。因此开发《现代战争4》也是不足为奇了。
《现代战争4》是一个合乎逻辑的猜测,因为动视也不情愿抛弃“现代战争”这个金字招牌,而最近的一部《现代战争3》也是由Sledgehammer Games打造的。
《使命召唤11》由大锤开发 3A工作室血统纯正
动视日前宣布,《使命召唤11》确定由大锤工作室(Sledgehammer)开发,自此,《使命召唤》系列成为Infinity Ward、Treyarch和Sledgehammer三个工作室共同开发的游戏,也就是说,每个工作室有三年的周期开发新作。
在周四的财政会议上,动视的总裁兼CEO Eric Hirshberg公布了这一消息。
大锤工作室此前曾与Infinity Ward合作开发过2012年面世的《使命召唤8:现代战争3》,游戏上市后的DLC基本都是由大锤工作室和Raven工作室共同制作的。
COD新作以次世代为主 新工作室加入三年一轮
Activision的执行长Eric Hirshberg证实接下来的《COD》新作将优先以次世代平台为对象来开发。这个消息是在Activision宣布今年的《COD》将由Sledgehammer开发之后,紧接着放出的。
这款新作会如何利用次世代平台的优势,目前详情依旧不明,但Activision之所以让Sledgehammer加入Treyarch与Infinity Ward原有的“轮换”,成为三年周期,有一部份就是为了登陆次世代做准备。Hirshberg解释:“在两年周期的情况下,监于我们置入游戏的大量内容,每次要达到目标都像在赛马一样。次世代平台让我们有更大的空间可以运用,而我们希望开发团队有足够的时间革新、循环,带来最有创意的愿景,并尽可能让每款游戏都能精致化。”
Activision期待Sledgehammer的《COD》会与Treyarch、Infinity Ward有所不同。“我们给予每间工作室极大的独立性。如果他们知道怎么做最好,现在就去做吧。”Hirshberg说道。可惜他并未特别说明Sledgehammer的《COD》会是甚么样貌,只补充说:“游戏要玩过才知道它的价值所在。当你看到新作问世时,希望你能看到我所谓的价值。”
昨天,Sledgehammer的创始人之一Glen Schofield在他的GDC演讲中指出,新的《使命召唤》游戏将是他们制作的最有野心,最有创造性的游戏。动视的总裁Robert Kotick之前也曾表示2014年的《使命召唤》“可能是史上最好的《使命召唤》游戏。”
尽管Sledgehammer制作的这款游戏将着重于次世代主机,他们还是将会把游戏移植到上代主机。有传言指出上代主机版本将由High Moon工作室制作。Sledgehammer曾经在2011年一同参与制作了《现代战争3》,从那以后就一直在制作这款新游戏。动视之前曾经宣布Sledgehammer将会制作这款游戏,导致《使命召唤》的开发循环从2年变为3年。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-9 08:40 PM
暴雪正在组建新团队 负责制作全新的神秘项目
作者: kirassss 时间: 2013-12-13 07:13 AM
近日有消息传出称暴雪正在为一个新游戏项目招贤纳士,今天团队总监Mike Booth通过Twitter表示他在暴雪的团队正在寻求一名首席制作人。
据了解,Mike Booth于今年5加入暴雪,在此之前他曾是帮助Valve打造《反恐精英 Counter Strike 》与《求生之路 Left 4 Dead 》的Turtle Rock工作室CEO,并在两个项目中扮演重要角色,对FPS类型游戏有着很深理解。
综合以上信息来看,暴雪正在筹划的新游戏很可能会是一款射击类作品,而目前外界给出的猜测有两种,其一是曾被取消开发的《星际争霸:幽灵 Starcraft: Ghost》,其二则是神秘的《泰坦 Titan》。
对于前者,暴雪高级设计师Matthew Burger在今年4月份的PAX East游戏展上透露,《星际争霸:幽灵》并未被彻底从暴雪的项目清单中抹去,而对于开发工作是否会重启,Matthew Burger给出模糊回答认为“可能吧。”
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-5 07:28 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-12 06:59 PM
High Moon工作室为“高知名度”射击游戏招聘人才
有媒体发现了公司的招聘广告,其中确认该款游戏将登陆PS3和Xbox 360。另外一个招聘广告的目标是具有Radiant引擎经验的人才,这个引擎以为《使命召唤》系列制作多人地图而知名。广告同时还提到该游戏将非常有趣和动感十足。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-3-13 12:36 PM
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft is Now Officially Released
Welcome to the Hearthstone Launch! - us.battle.net/hearthstone
The tables are set and the tavern music is playing — Hearthstone is live for the Americas region!
The Hearthstone beta is complete and we wanted to take a moment to thank all of our participants for their incredibly valuable feedback and support. If you haven’t had the chance to jump into the game, now is the perfect time to check out the fast-paced strategy card game that’s fun for everyone. If you’re new to Hearthstone, getting started is simple: Just visit playhearthstone.com and click on the “Play Free Now” button. Once your download is finished, fire it up and click on the Hearthstone icon. Install Hearthstone, then hit the “Play” button and you’ll be on your way.
As soon as you jump in you’ll challenge iconic Warcraft characters, including the ferocious Hogger, the mischievous Millhouse Manastorm, and the wise Lorewalker Cho. As you progress through these introductory missions, you’ll hone your card-slinging skills in preparation for a climactic battle against Illidan Stormrage! You are not prepared . . . for this much fun!
Once you’ve completed the introductory missions, you’ll have access to all of Hearthstone’s exciting offerings. Practice against the AI and you’ll be on your way toward unlocking all nine of the original World of Warcraft classes: Mage, Priest, Druid, Rogue, Shaman, Hunter, Paladin, Warrior, and Warlock! You can also challenge your friends to a duel, test your might against other players in ranked and casual Play mode matches, or fine-tune your mastery of deck construction for fantastic rewards in the Arena. An endless variety of decks are just waiting for you to build and play!
If you’ve already been playing Hearthstone with us, check out the new stuff we’ve added with the latest patch here!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-2 08:11 AM
日前动视向MCV确认,Blast Furnace,这家位于英国利兹的动视旗下负责开发移动平台游戏的工作室将于月底关门停业。
这项决定是在经过同该工作室47名雇员进行了为其30天的咨询调查之后做出的。“随着我们将注意力放在2014年的发展计划上,我们进行了相应的资源安排,与之前预期的业务需求并不相符。”一位动视发言人在1月时曾向Polygon透露过相关信息。“我们一直在探索针对Blast Furnace工作室所能做出的最好的选择。”
在给MCV的声明中,动视表示在经过各种探索、调查甚至考虑过出售该部门的方案之后,实在没有办法来做出一个计划以防止Blast Furnace关门。虽然最后的咨询调查已有结论,但是动视表示仍然会同在该工作室的负责人协商,尽可能将一些员工调到动视公司的其他部门和相关机构,而不是辞退他们。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-7 07:12 PM
还有新作在筹备 暴雪最新商标名“OVERWATCH”曝光
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-15 06:13 PM
《小龙斯派罗|Skylanders》系列是动视公司旗下的大热游戏系列,历来也是该公司的强力吸金作品,其系列最新作《小龙斯派罗:交换力量|Skylanders SWAP Force》已经于2013年内发售,而现在官方透露该系列的下一部游戏预计将于2014年4月晚些时候正式公布。
《小龙斯派罗|Skylanders》系列自诞生以来已经推出三款作品,而面对同类型游戏《迪士尼无限|Disney Infinity》的挑战,动视将会采取怎样的行动呢?就让我们拭目以待吧。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-16 07:14 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-24 07:08 AM
使命召唤2014将于今秋发布,在上个月进行的GDC大会上一张游戏角色截图公布,游戏由Sledgehammer Games开发。
游戏还没有公布,不过游戏估计将登陆PC,PS4,XBOX ONE,也有说是跨平台的。更多消息只能等待动视Activition 的发布
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-24 07:44 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-24 08:32 PM 编辑
《小龙斯派罗:陷阱别动队 | Skylanders Trap Team》公开将于10月发售
日前动视公司终于公开了《小龙斯派罗》系列最新作《小龙斯派罗:陷阱别动队(Skylanders Trap Team)》,并确认本作将于2014年10月5日登陆北美,10月10日登陆欧洲,其对应平台则为PS3、PS4、XBOX 360、XBOX One、Wii和WiiU平台,而据称还有另一款不同的游戏将登陆3DS平台。
本作将使用全新的外设Traptanium Portal,玩家们利用此外设可以“将游戏内的角色从数码世界拉入现实世界中”。对此,动视在一份新闻稿中表示:“Portal Masters能够寻找并打败那些在Skylands里被通缉的恶棍,通过神奇的陷阱捕捉他们并将他们从游戏中带入玩家的客厅中。”



















作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-29 06:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-1 08:02 AM 编辑
重生工作室(Respawn Entertainment)创始人创建手游工作室欲尝试新想法
日前Infinity Ward和重生工作室的创建者Vince Zampella又建立了一家全新的工作室,而这家名叫Nuclear Division的新工作室则主要开发手机游戏。
根据国外媒体的报道,这位《泰坦天降》和《COD》的创造者已经与Larry Pacey合作创造了新的手游工作室。而在接受国外媒体VentureBeat的采访时,他们两人都表示希望利用这家新公司来尝试某些新想法。
Zampella表示忽略手机是一件非常愚蠢的事情,只不过重生工作室并不适合充当实验的平台,而替代的办法就是建立了Nuclear Division,并且他还会将之后获得的经验带回重生工作室。
Zampella还表示他并不会放弃在重生工作室的工作,而且Nuclear Division在未来还会起到更多的作用。此外两家公司均坐落于洛杉矶的圣费尔南多谷,可以说是邻居。
目前Nuclear Division的员工还不足12人,不过预计以后最高会到达50人。此前Zampella所建立的Infinity Ward和重生工作室都获得了巨大的成功,相信这次的新工作室也能够有所收获。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-4-30 06:56 PM
COD新作代号“铁匠” 或将于2014年5月发布
日前,国外网站mp1st称,动视公司和Sledgehammer Games或将于5月发布COD系列最新作。
COD新作的代号为“铁匠(Blacksmith)”,由Sledgehammer Games工作室开发。上周,“铁匠”首张游戏截图放出,是一张士兵的脸孔,不过目前新作的消息并未得到官方确认。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-2 07:15 AM
Call of Duty 新作预告网站开放 游戏于5月4日公布
此前外媒MP1st曾表示,官方或于5月公开COD系列最新作。而现在动视公司就放出了系列新作的预告网站 http://www.callofduty.com/new-era,从该网站的倒计时数据来看,官方应该会于2014年5月4日正式公开这款系列最新作。目前该预告网站除了显示倒计时外还放出了一张预告截图,不过由于经过了特殊处理目前较难看清楚该图片。根据此前的报道,新作代号为“铁匠(Blacksmith)”,由Sledgehammer Games工作室开发。而现在尚不清楚具体的细节,希望官方能在5月4日为大家带来更多的游戏情报。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-5-4 07:14 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-5-5 07:26 AM 编辑
Neversoft to be absorbed into Infinity Ward
开发商Infinity Ward即将与Neversoft合并
Call of Duty 系列的开发商Infinity Ward是一家非常有实力的工作室,而现在这家游戏工作室似乎将会得到进一步的强化。根据最新的报道,Neversoft将会并入Infinity Ward,介意打造出一家“超级工作室”。
根据国外媒体Giant Bomb的报道,动视的CEO Eric Hirshberg发送的一份备忘录已被泄露,这份备忘录显示Neversoft和Infinity Ward将被合并为一个工作室,并且提到这次合并将会是一个“明智的选择”。

Infinity Ward, Neversoft Merging into Single "Super Studio"
Call of Duty: Ghosts developer Infinity Ward is about to get a serious shakeup. Giant Bomb can report the developer is merging with former Tony Hawk's Pro Skater developer Neversoft, who actually helped Infinity Ward out with the development of its last major shooter.
The news was disclosed through a very recent internal memo penned by Eric Hirshberg, CEO of Activision Publishing, that was obtained by Giant Bomb.
The newly merged studio will still be called Infinity Ward.
"As you know, Neversoft and Infinity Ward teamed up for the development of Call of Duty: Ghosts," wrote Hirshberg. "And through that process, it became clear that the two studios have very complementary skill sets. Between these two excellent studios, it seemed like a single 'super-studio' could emerge."
As a result, however, the Neversoft name will be retired.
"The impact of their 20-year run of hard work and success cannot be overstated," said Hirshberg. "As already mentioned, we are merging these two very talented teams and obviously had to choose a name for the combined studio. Since the Infinity Ward brand is indelibly tied to the Call of Duty franchise, it is the sensible choice. While it will be strange to not see the Neversoft logo on future games, the important things--which are the Neversoft team’s talent, creativity, professionalism and commitment to creative excellence--all remain unchanged as part of this new chapter."
Dave Stohl, currently the executive VP of worldwide studios for Activision, has been assigned to lead this new studio. Stohl has been at Activision for nearly 19 years, and has overseen dramatic changes to Infinity Ward in the past. The current studio head, Steve Ackrich, will remain at Infinity Ward in a leadership role.
There are big changes happening at Neversoft due to the transition, as well. Studio head Joel Jewett and studio director Scott Pease, who have both been at the company for more than 20 years, "have made the difficult decision to retire" from games.
"As a gamer, all I can say is that I hope both Joel and Scott come of 'out of retirement' someday and develop more great Activision games for us all to play," said Hirshberg. "As a colleague of Joel and Scott’s, all I can say is thank you and congratulations on an incredible run."
Jewett and Pease will remain part of Neversoft during the studio's transition, but are expected to leave later this year.
While no new game is mentioned in the memo, it's expected Infinity Ward will continue to develop Call of Duty games. With Sledgehammer Games now part of the development rotation, each of Activision's developers--Infinity Ward, Treyarch, Sledgehammer Games--has more time to make the next iteration. Given the tepid reaction to Call of Duty: Ghosts, this seems like the right call for the studio.
"I am very much looking forward to what the new Infinity Ward will deliver in the near future," said Hirshberg.
Activision did not respond to my request for official comment. Then again, it is Saturday morning.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-6-10 09:48 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-4 07:25 AM
Blizzard's chief creative officer Rob Pardo leaves after 17 years

Message from Rob Pardo
Every ending is a beginning and today marks a new beginning for me.
After 17 years at Blizzard, with long and careful contemplation, I have made a difficult and bittersweet but ultimately exciting decision to pursue the next chapter in my life and career.
Before I even joined Blizzard, I was already a huge fan of the company and its games. In particular, I was extremely passionate about the emerging genre of real-time strategy games. It was a dream come true when I was given the opportunity to work on StarCraft, which at the time was being created by a very small team by today’s standards. It was tremendously fulfilling to get to know everyone on the team personally and to contribute our energies toward a shared goal in such a creative and engaging environment.
Blizzard Entertainment has been simply the best place in the world to be a game designer. The best aspect of designing games at Blizzard is that the entire company is passionate about the gameplay within each and every product. From the executive team to customer service to our global offices, every single person is a player and contributes to making the best possible games. It’s for very good reason that the first credit on every Blizzard game is “Game Design by Blizzard Entertainment.”
I’m really proud of the contributions I was able to make to Blizzard’s accomplishments. From building lasting games, to supporting the growth of eSports, to extending the Warcraft world into a feature film, and of course to being able to celebrate our shared passions with the Blizzard community online and at BlizzCon.
The Blizzard community is ultimately the reason why we come to work every day and pour our souls into every world and experience we create. Blizzard’s players are the most passionate in the world and your commitment and dedication are truly awesome to behold. Creating entertainment for you has been an incredible opportunity, and I know that you will continue to grow and become even stronger as a community over the years to come. It has been so meaningful on a personal level to help create joy for all of you.
I’m looking forward to new challenges in my career, but I will always cherish the time I spent with you all and the amazing and collaborative teams at Blizzard. It was both satisfying and humbling, and it made me a better developer and a better person. I look forward to playing Blizzard games as a player for many years to come. Most important, now I have plenty of time to learn how to build a competitive Hearthstone deck.
As to what I will be doing next, I don’t have an answer for you yet . . . but I will “when it’s ready.” My priorities are to enjoy the summer with my family, play plenty of games, and think about what’s next. The game industry is such an exciting place right now with PC gaming thriving, the new consoles, mobile games, and virtual reality becoming an actual reality. It’s like having an empty quest log and going into a new zone for the first time.
In the past, I haven’t been the most avid Twitter user, but I’ll strive to do better and keep you updated there - @Rob_Pardo. Please stay in touch!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-11 06:41 PM
Last day of Neversoft as its own studio

We don't need no water. #ALWAYSHARD @neversoft

This is what Joel gave all of @neversoft on their last day of the studio today. (Yoinked Mike's pic from FB)
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-7-16 10:07 PM
Manuel Noriega Sues Video Game Maker for Using Him in a Game
In a lawsuit that beggars belief, former Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega on Tuesday sued Activision Entertainment for the "blatant misuse, unlawful exploitation and misappropriation for economic gain" of his image in the video game, "Call of Duty: Black Ops II."
Noriega, the military dictator of Panama from 1983 to 1989, was ousted by a U.S. invasion that concluded, more or less, by the U.S. Army blasting rock music at high volume into the Vatican Embassy, where Noriega had sought refuge.
Noriega finally surrendered - whether from the assaults of hard or soft rock we shall never know - and was flown to the United States, where he was convicted in 1992 of drug dealing, racketeering and money laundering.
After his federal sentence ended in 2007, Noriega was extradited to France, where he had been convicted in absentia of murder and money laundering. After being released on conditions in France, he was re-extradited to Panama in 2011, to serve 20 years there. He is still in prison there.
In his lawsuit in Superior Court, Noriega claims: "In an effort to increase the popularity and revenue generated by Black Ops II, defendants used, without authorization or consent, the image and likeness of plaintiff in Black Ops II.
"Defendants' use of plaintiff's image and likeness caused damage to plaintiff. Plaintiff was portrayed as an antagonist and portrayed as the culprit of numerous fictional heinous crimes, creating the false impression that defendants are authorized to use plaintiff's image and likeness. This caused plaintiffs to receive profits they would not have otherwise received."
Noriega claims the video game portrays him "as a kidnapper, murderer and enemy of the state. An objective of one portion of 'Black Ops II' is solely to capture plaintiff."
The 13-page lawsuit continues: "Defendants' video game, 'Black Ops II,' features several nonfiction characters, including plaintiff, for one purpose: to heighten realism in its video game, 'Black Ops II.' This translates directly into heightened sales for defendants.
"Defendants deliberately and systematically misappropriated plaintiff's likeness to increase revenues and royalties, at the expense of plaintiff and without the consent of plaintiff."
Noriega, who is represented by Thomas Girardi with Girardi & Keese, seeks damages for unjust enrichment, unfair business practices, and violation of common-law publicity rights.
Noriega, who was on the CIA payroll for years, was known in Panama as "pineapple face," for his pockmarked visage. He was deposed by U.S. invasion in 1989, under the Reagan administration, while the "final offensive" against the U.S.-supported regime in El Salvador reached its peak.
Critics accused the Reagan administration of ignoring Noriega's crimes for years, including murder and drug dealing, because he assisted the United States' wars against insurrections in El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala.
Noriega seek punitive damages for "lost profits" and other charges.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-8-8 07:26 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-11 07:11 PM
《FIFA 15》新宣传片 教你进球后如何忘情庆祝
EA Sports于2014年9月9日和10日期间开放《FIFA 15》试玩DEMO的下载,为了庆祝DEMO开放下载,EA也放出了一段和庆祝有关的视频。
《FIFA 15》确定于2014年9月23日发售,登陆PS4、PS3、XBOX ONE、XBOX360和PC平台。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-9-24 07:31 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-9-25 05:58 PM 编辑
Blizzard has cancelled the Project Titan MMO
Blizzard 终止历时七年研发的神秘线上游戏专案《泰坦》
Blizzard 历时七年研发的神秘专案《泰坦(Titan)》于昨日晚间正式被官方证实已终止开发,对于这款Blizzard 投入大量资源进行的线上游戏专案,玩家往后将难以一窥这款作品的神秘面纱。
根据国外知名电玩媒体IGN 与Polygon 昨晚发布的新闻,Blizzard 共同创办人兼执行长Mike Morhaime 在最近的一个访谈中正式确认了《泰坦》取消的消息。
Mike Morhaime 指出,由于公司一直以来都没有正式对外宣布《泰坦》这项计画,因此针对这部份谈论太多是有些尴尬的。此外Morhaime 也表示:「我们创造了脍炙人口的线上游戏《魔兽世界》,而这些经验让Blizzard 对于如何开发一款线上游戏感到非常有信心!因此就如同玩家所想像的,我们着手展开了一项相当具有野心的计画,但最终并非尽如人意。」
Morhaime 强调,Blizzard 发现团队并没有从《泰坦》这个开发专案中获得乐趣与继续努力下去的热情,因此在经过一段时间的思考与沈淀后,做出终止《泰坦》专案的困难决定。
事实上,在去年8 月时,Mike Morhaime 才对外表示《泰坦》将不会采取月费制的营运方式,而在时隔一年多后《泰坦》竟正式被取消。不过若翻开以往Blizzard 的历史,也不难看到Blizzard 做出类似的决定,例如著名的《星海争霸:暗影猎杀(StarCraft: Ghost)》就是一例。

Blizzard cancels its next-gen MMO Titan after seven years
Blizzard has officially canceled development on its mysterious next-generation massively multiplayer game Titan. The company confirmed the news to Polygon in a recent interview.
This revelation comes after at least seven years in development and word last year that the developer was going back to the drawing board to reevaluate the project.
Speaking to Polygon, Blizzard co-founder and CEO Mike Morhaime reiterated that the company has technically never officially announced Titan, though it hasn't been shy to talk about the game over the past seven years. "We had created World of Warcraft, and we felt really confident that we knew how to make MMOs," Morhaime said. "So we set out to make the most ambitious thing that you could possibly imagine. And it didn't come together."
"We didn't find the fun," Morhaime continued. "We didn't find the passion. We talked about how we put it through a reevaluation period, and actually, what we reevaluated is whether that's the game we really wanted to be making. The answer is no."
More on Polygon
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-8 07:15 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-8 03:38 PM 编辑

StarCraft 2: Legacy of the Void Details & Cinematic Trailer Revealed

《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》曝光!为独立数据片 新增执政官等模式
消息来源 - 巴哈姆特
Blizzard Entertainment 今日首度公开《星海争霸 2》第三部曲《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》庐山真面目,揭露《星海争霸 2》三部曲的最终章,以及其带来独立游戏体验。《星海争霸 2》游戏总监 Dustin Browder 表示,《虚空之遗》届时上市将可回答玩家对于《星海争霸 2》重要人物的问题,同时带来《星海争霸 2》故事结局,同时不需购买前作《星海争霸 2:自由之翼》或数据片《虫族之心》,只要购买《虚空之遗》就可独立游玩。
在今日登场的 BlizzCon 活动中,参与者可抢先全球试玩《虚空之遗》,这次盛会中将展出单人战役、全新的合作模式「执政官模式」,以及使用全新单位的多人对战等游戏内容。
Dustin Browder 现场感谢玩家这一路来对《星海争霸》系列的支持,同步公开《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》宣传影片,更公开另一个新的游戏模式「同盟指挥官」。
Blizzard 表示,《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》延续《星海争霸 2:自由之翼》与数据片《虫族之心》的故事,以全新的剧情战役描绘这段科幻史诗波澜壮阔的最终章。神族的传奇英雄亚坦尼斯和泽拉图将试图团结神族,对抗来自虚空、威胁全宇宙的古老邪恶,展开救亡图存的最终决战。而人类英雄吉姆‧雷诺,与刀锋女皇凯莉根的命运,同样处于未定之天。
Blizzard Entertainment 执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 表示:「新的单人战役将为这段史诗画下句点。除此之外,我们也迫不及待跟大家分享全新的游戏模式,让玩家能透过更多不同的方式体验这个游戏,而这次的新单位也为《星海争霸 2》的多人对战带来更丰富、更有深度的战术变化。」
Dustin Browder 表示,在 BlizzCon 首次公布的「执政官模式」,是全新的多人对战模式,它让玩家跟好友从新的角度体验《星海争霸 2》。在执政官模式中,两位玩家将共同控制一组基地和部队,与敌方的双人组合展开对战。共享指挥部队与管理资源的责任后,玩家可以各自专注战场上不同领域,展现更为多变的战术。
「同盟指挥官」是《星海争霸 2》新增的另一游戏模式。在这个全新的任务导向、多人合作的游戏模式中,玩家可化身《星海争霸》世界里著名的指挥官携手闯关。每位指挥官都拥有独特的技能、升级选项以及特殊的部队加成。玩家可以共同挑战一系列的特殊场景,提高指挥官的等级并且强化他们的能力。
《虚空之遗》的多人对战新增许多单位,而现有单位也获得更多更新。虫族将加入《星海争霸》一代的经典虫族单位「遁地兽」,牠会从地底发射致命的脊刺消灭地面单位。神族推出新的灭敌兵器「裂光球」,使用大规模的能量射线对一群地面单位造成毁灭性的伤害。人类则发展出新的科技,例如「战术跃传」能让战巡舰传送至战场上的任何地点。BlizzCon 会场中也展出更多的新单位和技能,让大家抢先体验《虚空之遗》的新策略和战术。
Blizzard 同时宣布,《虚空之遗》将拥有自动组织锦标赛的功能,为《星海争霸 2》的社群玩家提供不间断的对战赛事,强化多人对战的游戏体验。《虚空之遗》是独立的数据片,玩家无须拥有《星海争霸 2:自由之翼》或数据片《虫族之心》即可进行游戏。关于《虚空之遗》的售价、发行信息或者其他详细信息将于日后陆续公布,目前预定 2015 年封测。
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Warps into BlizzCon 2014
Blizzard Entertainment today offered the first glimpse of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, its highly anticipated conclusion to the StarCraft II trilogy, and a standalone game experience. Attendees of the company’s BlizzCon gaming festival were the first in the world to play Legacy of the Void, with single-player campaign missions, a new cooperative gameplay mode—Archon Mode, and multiplayer battles featuring several new playable units all on display. Another gameplay mode, Allied Commanders, was also announced at the event.
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void continues the story of Blizzard’s award-winning StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty® where the first expansion, Heart of the Swarm®, left off, with a new campaign that brings the sci-fi saga to an epic conclusion. Protoss legends Artanis and Zeratul attempt to unite their race in an intergalactic fight for survival against an ancient evil from the Void that threatens the universe. The fates of Terran hero Jim Raynor and Kerrigan, the Queen of Blades, also hang in the balance.
“Legacy of the Void will deliver the quintessential StarCraft II experience,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “The new single-player campaign will wrap up the massive story, and we’re excited to share new game modes that will open up different ways to play the game and additional units that will expand the rich strategic depth of StarCraft II multiplayer.”
Archon Mode, a competitive multiplayer mode unveiled at BlizzCon, is a new way to enjoy StarCraft II with friends. In Archon Mode, two players share control over a single base and units as they take on an enemy duo in multiplayer action. By sharing the responsibility of commanding troops and managing resources, players can focus on their own areas of the battle and execute more intricate strategies.
Allied Commanders is another gameplay mode new to StarCraft II. In this objective-based, cooperative experience, players can team up and take on the roles of powerful commanders from the StarCraft saga. Each commander offers unique abilities and upgrades and bestows special bonuses on their armies. Players are able to battle through a series of special scenarios together, leveling up their commanders' capabilities as they progress.
Multiplayer battles in Legacy of the Void will be fought with an array of new units, as well as upgrades to veteran forces. Zerg swarms will welcome the return of the Lurker, a classic creature from the original StarCraft that lays waste to infantry with deadly spines that burst from the ground. The Protoss field a new weapon called the Disruptor, which can use massive energy spikes to wreak havoc through swaths of ground forces. And the Terrans have engineered some new technology, such as Tactical Jump, which allows their Battlecruisers to teleport to any location on the battlefield. Several more new units and abilities were exhibited at BlizzCon, showcasing the new strategic and tactical options in store for players with Legacy of the Void.
Blizzard also revealed that Legacy of the Void will include functionality that enhances online multiplayer play with automated tournaments, providing players with ongoing events that support the active StarCraft II community. Legacy of the Void will be a standalone expansion that does not require a license of the base game, StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, or the first expansion, Heart of the Swarm. Further details about Legacy of the Void, including pricing and availability, will be announced at a later date.
Blizzard is developing StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void for simultaneous release on Windows and Macintosh. To learn more about StarCraft II and Legacy of the Void, visit the official website at starcraft2.com. To try StarCraft II for free, head over to starcraft.com to download the Starter Edition.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2014-11-8 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-11-8 03:40 PM 编辑
Blizzard reveals Overwatch, a team-based competitive first-person shooter
消息来源 - 巴哈姆特
《斗阵特攻》释出角色「闪光」故事影片 针对角色技能与定位进行解析
Blizzard 于稍早的开幕式曝光第一人称射击新作《斗阵特攻(Overwatch)》后,便在主舞台举办新作游戏座谈,深入解析游戏玩法、英雄角色背景、技能解析,以及战斗定位等。
本作目前设计了 12 名英雄角色,每个角色都拥有其特殊技能与战斗定位。《斗阵特攻》中, 玩家将在三张不同的地图中展开 6V6 的对战,游戏中目前设计护送、占领两种玩法,玩家需达到目标才算获得胜利。《斗阵特攻》游戏总监 Jeff Kaplan 特别强调,游戏中不计算击杀(Deathmatch),因此战术才是获胜的关键。
Blizzard Entertainment Reveals Supercharged Team-Based Shooter, Overwatch
In front of a live crowd of more than 25,000 BlizzCon attendees and an expected online audience numbering in the millions, Blizzard Entertainment today announced Overwatch, a pick-up-and-play first-person shooter featuring an amazing cast of heroes and set in an all-new Blizzard game universe.
The action of Overwatch takes place in a technologically advanced, highly stylized future earth. In a time of global crisis, an international task force of soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities known as Overwatch had come together to restore peace to a war-torn world. After many years, the group’s influence waned, and it was eventually disbanded. Overwatch might be gone now . . . but the world still needs heroes.
With an emphasis on accessibility and pure fun, Overwatch brings Blizzard’s signature easy-to-learn, hard-to-master gameplay to the FPS genre. Harnessing the power of their hero of choice, players will join forces in teams of six and battle each other across a range of futuristic global locations, from the hologram-lit streets of London to a bazaar in the shadows of a high-tech Egyptian pyramid. Every battlefield is iconic and built to highlight each character’s unique abilities, and fights can shift from streets to rooftops to open skies within the span of a breath.
“Overwatch is our take on a vibrant, near-future universe with amped-up characters and action-packed team-based gameplay,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “With every new Blizzard game, we look at our favorite aspects of a genre and put our own spin on things. Our goal with Overwatch is to create an awesome FPS experience that’s more accessible to a much wider audience while delivering the action and depth that shooter fans love.”
The heroes of Overwatch each bring their own distinct weapons and superabilities to bear. Here’s just a glimpse of the numerous heroes that will ultimately fill Overwatch’s rosters:
• Tracer, a former British test pilot who shrugs at danger, can execute impossible acrobatic assaults thanks to her ability to teleport, drop energy bombs, and even reverse time.
• Reinhardt, a hulking German soldier in battle armor, can charge great distances and pin his enemies to a wall or slam the ground with his rocket hammer to knock them off their feet.
• Hanzo, a bow-wielding Japanese mercenary, has the ability to scale walls with his bare hands, fire off a tracking device that illuminates nearby enemies for his team, and unleash a huge spirit dragon that does grievous damage to all enemies in its path.
• Symmetra, an Indian architech, manipulates light and energy to shield her allies and damage her enemies—and she can turn the tide of any battle by building a device that instantly transports her teammates to the front lines.
While each hero represents a formidable force on their own, players can amplify their potential by assembling into a well-balanced team and creatively combining powers. No matter which hero or playstyle they prefer, players will be able to team up and accomplish the incredible in Overwatch.
At BlizzCon this weekend, Overwatch is fully playable and running on 600 PCs, and attendees there are the first in the world to play it. Gamers at the show are able to select from a current roster of 12 playable heroes and go 6v6 against each other, capturing or defending points and attacking or delivering payloads across three wildly different maps. New heroes and maps will continually be added to the game as development progresses, and beta testing will begin in 2015.
Learn more about Overwatch, including all of the heroes and maps revealed at BlizzCon, and sign up to participate in the upcoming beta test at the official website, playoverwatch.com. Further details about the game will be announced there in the months ahead.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-7 07:20 AM
Two Overwatch Characters Revealed, Beta Starts This Fall



McCree - "Justice ain't gonna dispense itself."
Armed with his Peacekeeper revolver, the outlaw Jesse McCree doles out justice on his own terms.
McCree had already made a name for himself as a member of the notorious Deadlock Gang, which trafficked in illicit weapons and military hardware throughout the American Southwest, when he and his associates were busted in an Overwatch sting operation. With his expert marksmanship and resourcefulness, he was given the choice between rotting in a maximum-security lockup and joining Blackwatch, Overwatch's covert ops division. He chose the latter.
Although he was initially cynical, he came to believe that he could make amends for his past sins by righting the injustices of the world. McCree appreciated the flexibility afforded to the clandestine Blackwatch, unhindered by bureaucracy and red tape. But as Overwatch's influence waned, rogue elements within Blackwatch sought to bring down the organization and turn it to their own ends. Wanting no part of the infighting, McCree set off alone and went underground.
He resurfaced several years later as a gunslinger for hire. But while McCree's talents are sought after by parties great and small, he fights only for causes he believes are just.



Zarya - "Together we are strong."
Aleksandra Zaryanova is one of the world's strongest women, a celebrated athlete who sacrificed personal glory to protect her family, friends, and country in a time of war.
Aleksandra was born in a remote Siberian village that was on the front lines of the Omnic Crisis, which began some thirty years ago. Although Russian forces defeated the robots and shut down their omnium, the region was devastated by the conflict. Only a child at the time, Aleksandra was surrounded by the post-war destruction, and as she grew older, she swore that she would gain the strength to help her people recover.
Focusing on weightlifting and bodybuilding, Aleksandra was identified by the national athletics program as a potential star. She trained extensively, moving up the ranks while representing her country, and was expected to shatter longstanding records in the upcoming world championships.
But on the eve of the tournament, an attack came from the long-dormant Siberian omnium, and her village was thrust into war once again. Aleksandra immediately withdrew from the competition and rushed home to enlist in the local defense forces, sacrificing the life of fame and fortune she might have had.
Now she serves—a symbol to some, a stalwart fellow soldier to others. But for Aleksandra, it is a chance to use her great strength to protect the ones she loves.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-13 06:32 PM
《神兵泰坦》开发工作室执行长亲口确认续作将跨足 PS4 平台
就在 2015 年英国影视艺术学院(BAFTA)游戏奖颁奖典礼举办之前,以《神兵泰坦(Titanfall)》入围「最佳创新」、「最佳多人」与「最佳原创」3 个项目的 Respawn 工作室,其共同创办者兼执行长 Vince Zampella 接受了生活娱乐网站 IGN 的访问,首度亲口确认这款畅销第一人称射击游戏,系列续作将跨足 Xbox One、PC 以及前代未曾有的 PS4。

Vince Zampella 在访问中表示,由于他预期发行商 EA 会公开续作的情报,因此决定先正面对外证实已在着手游戏的开发,但目前尚未确定名称,而这将会是款多平台的作品,不过 Vince Zampella 不愿透露续作的任何内容,也无法得知是否会提供单机玩法。同时,他认为《恶灵进化(Evolve)》在游戏上市后,透过提供免费地图让所有玩家更能紧密链接的做法相当不错。
而为庆祝《神兵泰坦》发售届满一周年,凡 PC、Xbox One、Xbox 360 的玩家皆可获赠 Season Pass 资格,免费下载到先前都需付费购买的所有地图包。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-3-19 07:07 AM
Starcraft II: Legacy of the Void Beta launches on March 31
Legacy of the Void Beta Preview
The StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Beta is on the way, and with only two weeks left until its launch we wanted to take a look at the goals and expectations around the multiplayer beta. As you are likely aware, we’ve been trying to be as open as possible with the status of our development, and strongly believe that the increased cooperation between developers and players is beneficial to StarCraft II. To be clear, our goal for this expansion is to work together with all of you to make Legacy of the Void as awesome as possible.
For this reason, we decided to start the beta sooner than we normally would have in the past. This should provide ample time for feedback and iteration. However, this naturally results in a few things:
• Some things at the start of the beta will feel more rough than usual.
• We will be missing some units, improvements, features, etc.
• The beta will run for a longer period of time than usual.
• We will need your play-testing support, as well as the feedback about your experiences in the beta, in order to really work together on this expansion.
Please focus your feedback with these points in mind. We are truly excited to get everyone more involved in the development process.
More on Starcraft II's Blog
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-14 07:01 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-14 06:11 PM 编辑
Overwatch ~ Zenyatta Gameplay Preview
Blizzard 新作《斗阵特攻》公开英雄禅亚塔的操作预览影片
Blizzard 旗下研发新款在线游戏《斗阵特攻》新公开英雄禅亚塔的操作预览影片,带领玩家可以藉由这段未剪接的影片一窥智械僧侣禅亚塔的能力。
Blizzard 表示,禅亚塔是一位具有高度智能的智械僧侣,他在世上漫游、寻找灵魂升华之道。 他在全世界流浪,协助他在路上遇见的人脱离罣碍,找到内心的平静。 但是有必要的话,他也会出手保护无辜的生命。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-15 06:35 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-18 06:05 PM 编辑
Overwatch ~ Mercy Gameplay Preview
Blizzard 释出新作《斗阵特攻》辅助英雄「慈悲」对战影片
Blizzard 旗下线上游戏新作《斗阵特攻》上周五释出英雄「慈悲」的对战影片,让玩家可以透过未剪接的影片来了解这位辅助英雄的治疗能力。
《斗阵特攻》为 Blizzard 旗下射击类型在线游戏,强调承袭 Blizzard 「易于上手,难于精通」的设计理念,玩家要驾驭所选英雄的能力,然后组成六人小队,在未来时空中的世界各地和其他队伍互相对抗。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-20 06:30 PM
《魔兽世界》改编电影更新预告图 确定 2016 年 6 月上映
传奇影业更新由 Blizzard 旗下知名魔兽系列游戏改编电影《魔兽世界(暂译,Warcraft)》宣传图。
在《魔兽世界》电影印有「2016 年 6 月上映」最新宣传图释出后,导演 Duncan Jones 在个人推特上表示,「六月..... 现在你们想这是真的肯定了,对不对? 不会再改了? 就是这个日期了,这个日子.... 蛮好的!

传奇影业的《魔兽世界》电影以 Blizzard 全球知名游戏世界观为基础、带来充满冲突的 3D 史诗冒险。 电影由《启动原始码》导演 Duncan Jones 执导,由 Duncan Jones 与 Charles Leavitt 撰写剧本,制片人包括《黑暗骑士》、《超人:钢铁英雄》Charles Roven,《环太平洋》Thomas Tull 与 Jon Jashni,与《桃色交易》Alex Gartner 、《启动原始码》Stuart Fenegan。 至于执行制片人包括 Blizzard Entertainment 首席执行长暨联合创办人 Mike Morhaime、营运长 Paul Sams,与《特务爱很大》 Brent O’Connor、《环太平洋》Jillian Share。
电影共同监制包括前 Blizzard 创意长 Rob Pardo、Blizzard 资深副总裁 Chris Metzen、Blizzard 艺术暨动画开发资深副总裁 Nick Carpenter、制片商 Atlas Entertainment 创意执行 Rebecca Steel Roven。 《魔兽世界》电影将由传奇影业发行。
《魔兽世界》改编电影将于 2016 年 6 月 10 日在北美上映,台湾上映日期尚未公开。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-21 06:53 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-21 06:33 PM 编辑
Overwatch ~ McCree Gameplay Preview
Blizzard 释出新作《斗阵特攻》赏金猎人「麦卡利」对战影片
Blizzard 旗下线上游戏新作《斗阵特攻》今日释出英雄「麦卡利」的对战影片,让玩家可以透过未剪接的影片来了解这位赏金猎人的攻击能力。
Blizzard 表示,在今日新释出的《斗阵特攻》早期版本对战影片,玩家可以看看麦卡利如何在「捍卫者基地:直布罗陀」以自己的方式来伸张正义,麦卡利在此次战局中属于攻击方,而地图为座落于地中海上方的废弃基地。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-22 06:28 PM
Blizzard 释出《斗阵特攻》弓箭高手英雄「半藏」对战影片
Blizzard 旗下线上游戏新作《斗阵特攻》今日释出英雄「半藏」的对战影片,玩家可以透过整段未剪接的影片来了解这位弓手的攻击能力。
Blizzard 表示,在今日新释出的《斗阵特攻》早期版本对战影片,玩家可以看看半藏这位弓箭高手如何一箭一箭放倒敌人。 影片地图为国王大道,而岛田半藏处于攻击方。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-28 06:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-28 06:31 PM 编辑
Blizzard 公开新作《斗阵特攻》冒险家英雄「闪光」对战影片
Blizzard 旗下线上游戏新作《斗阵特攻》今日释出英雄「闪光」的对战影片,让玩家可以透过未剪接的影片来了解这位冒险家的攻击能力。
闪光本名莉娜‧奥斯顿,她具有难以抵挡的善良力量,她可以手持脉冲手枪快速进行连射,同时具备「闪现」技能,可以快速穿过她面前的空间,在数码之外现身。 她甚至拥有「回溯」能力,藉此回溯时间,她的生命值、弹药量和地图上的所在位置会回到几秒之前的状态。
至于闪光的大绝是「脉冲炸弹」,可以丢出大型炸弹,会黏附在任何物体表面或是不幸的敌人身上。 在些许延迟后炸弹就会爆炸,对范围内的所有敌人造成大量伤害。
Blizzard 表示,在今日新释出的《斗阵特攻》早期版本对战影片中,玩家可以看看闪光如何在占领地图花村中扮演防守方的角色。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-5-29 05:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-5-29 06:09 PM 编辑
Blizzard 新作《斗阵特攻》释出可使用传送器的辅助英雄「辛梅塔」对战影片
Blizzard 旗下线上游戏新作《斗阵特攻》今日释出辅助英雄「辛梅塔」的对战影片,让玩家可以透过未剪接的影片来了解这位可以使用传送器大绝的英雄风貌。
至于她的大绝为传送器,只要把出口设在她目前的位置,然后将传送装置的入口设在队友的重生点上。 盟友在重生之后可以立刻利用传送装置快速回到战场上。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-2 06:22 PM
《命运(Destiny)》开发商Bungie注册新商标 可能为新作
5月19日,《命运》开发商Bungie在美国专利和商标局注册了3个新的商标。第一个商标为“Eververse(永恒之诗)”,第二个为“Eververse Trading Co”,第三个或许可能是前两个名称的商标。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-4 06:57 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-4 06:21 PM 编辑
Overwatch ~ Reaper Gameplay Preview
死亡如影随形! Blizzard 释出《斗阵特攻》英雄「死神」对战影片
Blizzard 旗下线上游戏新作《斗阵特攻》今日释出攻击型英雄「死神」的对战影片,玩家可以透过未剪接的影片来一窥这位现身时就让死亡如影随形的英雄风貌。
Blizzard 今日公开《斗阵特攻》早期版本死神操作预览影片,可以看到位于攻击方的死神在阿努比斯神庙地图上的表现。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-5 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-5 12:34 PM 编辑
Blizzard 今(5)日释出线上游戏新作《斗阵特攻》防御型英雄「托比昂」对战影片,他是一名武器设计师,可打造特色武器与敌人对战。
有兴趣的玩家,可参考 Blizzard 今日公开《斗阵特攻》早期版本托比昂操作预览影片,可以看到他在捍卫者基地:直布罗陀地图中的战斗表现。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-12 07:02 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-12 06:57 PM 编辑
Overwatch ~ Reinhardt Gameplay Preview
Overwatch ~ Pharah Gameplay Preview
从空中展开攻势! Blizzard 新作《斗阵特攻》释出英雄「法拉」操作预览影片
Blizzard 旗下线上游戏新作《斗阵特攻》今日释出攻击型英雄「法拉」的操作预览影片,让玩家透过未剪接的影片来一窥这位使用火箭发射器的保安队长攻击英姿。
本名法里哈‧阿玛利的法拉主要使用火箭发射器作为武器,可以发射火箭对大范围内的目标造成显著的伤害,她同时具备「跳跃喷射」技能,她的战斗服推进器可以提供动力,让法拉在空中飞行。 另外,她也可以使用「震荡光弹」技能,也就是发射腕部火箭释放出能量震退命中的敌人,可以对护盾和护壁造成莫大损伤。
至于法拉的大绝为「火箭弹幕 」,她可以持续发射小型火箭弹幕,消灭大批敌人。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-17 08:11 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-20 05:34 PM 编辑
Starcraft II is Getting a Free 'Legacy of The Void' Prologue
【E3 15】《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》公开序章「灭绝之呢喃」影片
Blizzard 今日在 E3 PC Gaming Show 中,公开《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》序章「灭绝之呢喃」,这是研发团队为了衔接《星海争霸 2》两张数据片《虫族之心》与《虚空之遗》间的故事线,所打造特别的三个任务所组成的序章。
Blizzard 今日公开「灭绝之呢喃」宣传影片,同时宣布在《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》上市后,每一位玩家都将会可以玩到「灭绝之呢喃」。 但在游戏上市前,有预购《虚空之遗》的玩家将可抢先体验这些序章任务。
Blizzard 预定 7 月公开更多《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》消息,游戏目前正在封测中。
Whispers of Oblivion – Prologue to Legacy of the Void
What is Whispers of Oblivion?
Whispers of Oblivion is a special three-mission prologue series that has been created to bridge the storyline between Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void.
What can we expect from these missions?
In Whispers of Oblivion, players will join Zeratul for the first time since Wings of Liberty to unravel the final piece of the Xel’naga prophecy.
How can I play these new campaign missions?
We will be making Whispers of Oblivion available to all players before the game’s release, but prior to that, we will be providing early access to the Prologue missions with pre-purchase of the game. Look for more details sometime in July.
Starcraft II's Blog
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-19 07:37 AM
Blizzard 释出《斗阵特攻》肉盾英雄「温斯顿」和刺客型角色「夺命女」战斗影片
Blizzard 于本周陆续释出《斗阵特攻》英雄温斯顿以及夺命女操作预览影片,玩家可透过这两段完整未剪接的影片,一窥英雄特色。
在温斯顿影片中以护送类型地图「捍卫者基地:直布罗陀」作为此次展示战场,玩家将可以发现温斯顿野性之怒的可怕。 肉盾英雄温斯顿可以产生气泡状的力场,在力场被摧毁前,能够不断吸收伤害,并保护范围内的盟友能够开火反击;其大绝技能将会让自己恢复兽性,使生命值大幅提升,变得难以击杀,强化自身近战攻击能力。
而夺命女的操作影片中,则是以占领与护送类型混合的「国王大道」来表现这名刺客英雄的特色。 夺命女的多功能狙击步枪能够搭配瞄准镜进行狙击远方目标,如果目标进入中等距离内,也可以切换成全自动步枪模式;而她的侦查謢目镜(大绝技能)让她能在一段时间之内看见墙壁和物体后方的目标热能反应,且这种强化视线模式可以与队友共享。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-25 06:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-6-25 06:31 PM 编辑
Overwatch ~ Bastion Gameplay Preview
Blizzard 新作《斗阵特攻》释出可切换模式的英雄「壁垒机兵」操作预览影片
Blizzard 今(25)日释出《斗阵特攻》防御型英雄「壁垒机兵」操作预览影片,玩家可以透过完整未剪接的影片,看看壁垒机兵如何运用不同模式以冲锋枪支持火力或者加以防御。
身为自动化战斗机器人的壁垒机兵是属于 SST 实验室突击机器人 E54,他在机动模式下可以移动,并配备一把冲锋枪在中距离战斗时持续提供火力。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-6-26 06:58 AM
Overwatch ~ Zarya Gameplay Preview
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-7 06:05 PM
前《暗黑破坏神 3》制作人 Alex 因个人因素离开《银河子民》开发团队
《银河子民(暂译,英文 Star Citizen)》开发团队 Cloud Imperium Games(CIG)今(7)日确认前《暗黑破坏神 3》首席制作人 Alex Mayberry 因个人理由离职。
前《暗黑破坏神 3》 首席制作人 Alex Mayberry 于去年 5 月离开任职 10 年以上的 Blizzard,并进入 Cloud Imperium Games 担任由《银河飞将(Wing Commander)》之父 Chris Roberts 主导开发的新作《银河子民》游戏执行制作人(可参考此篇 GNN 新闻);今日经过开发团队 CIG 的确认,Alex 也将离开 CIG 工作室。
对 Alex 的离开,CIG 代表人表示遗憾,至于游戏的开发进度,声明中提到不会有任何影响(no impact at all),游戏开发进度一如往常的在计划之中,并强调:「Alex 离开的理由与银河陆战队(Star Marine)没有任何关系」,而原本 Alex 的职责将由 Erin Roberts 负责,他曾参与过《银河飞将》的制作。
工作室 CIG 今日也同时宣布在德国法兰克福建立新开发办公室,将有许多顶尖游戏开发商将在此,他们曾参与过 CryEngine 的制作,而《银河子民》游戏引擎采用 CryEngine 开发,并提到这些开发人员对于 CryEngine 的了解和经验会为 CIG 带来好处。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-8 06:02 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-8 06:13 PM 编辑
《斗阵特攻》新角色「士兵 76」真面目揭晓 释出出身来历、技能概要介绍
日前对《斗阵特攻》世界带来混乱的入侵者「士兵 76」真面目今(8)日正式揭晓,他将以新英雄身分在游戏中登场。
士兵 76 在《斗阵特攻》全球各地发起一连串的攻击事件,金融机构、地下公司,以及捍卫者设施都成为他的攻击目标,并被各国列为追捕对象。 虽然他的动机不明、身分成谜,不过大家相信他曾在美国的「士兵补强计划」中受过训练。 他的肉体能力超越一般传统士兵,再加上其他方面的强化,使他成为一名超绝的战士。 而且他手上还持有从捍卫者设施中偷走的划时代高科技武器,因此有人认为他是昔日捍卫者总指挥官杰克 ‧ 莫里森。
攻击型英雄士兵 76 手中的脉冲步枪一次可以射出数枚小型火箭,火箭前进方式呈现螺旋状,犹如旋风一般;火箭爆炸时会对小范围内的敌人造成伤害。 他能够加速朝前方冲刺,藉此闪避枪林弹雨,或是赶回战场。 另外,他也可以在地上放置生化力场放射器,放射器散发出的能量会为 76 以及范围内所有战友徐徐恢复生命值。 而他的大绝可以藉由脸上的精确瞄准护目镜将攻击目标「锁定」在最接近准星的敌人身上;如果敌人离开士兵 76 的视线,目标会快速切换到下一名敌人身上。
更多《斗阵特攻》新英雄「士兵 76」信息可至官网查询。












作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-14 06:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-7-14 06:53 AM 编辑
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 Gameplay Trailer
Activision Releases First Gameplay Trailer for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5
Today Activision Publishing, Inc. has shared a new gameplay trailer for Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5. Backed with punk band Plague Vendor’s track “Black Sap Scriptures”, the video shows skateboarding pros and hidden characters, classic trick combos in brand new levels and tons of skaters ripping together. Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 is expected to arrive in Europe on 2nd October, 2015 for PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One, the all-in-one games and entertainment system from Microsoft.
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 rekindles the signature style of classic Pro Skater games in a brand-new set of levels with the same renowned focus on daring objectives and fine-tuned controls – including manuals and reverts – for endless sessions and high-scoring tricks. Expansive, seamless online multiplayer means you can quickly jump into the action with up to 20 friends and challengers at one time. Pretty much everything you could do in single player in past THPS games, you can now do online with friends in THPS5, like missions, unlocking new content and levelling up... or if your skills are on point, go head-to-head against all takers in competitive matches. Adding to the online insanity, you can create your own skate parks then share them with the community. If your creation is good enough, you might find the Birdman himself in there nailing 900’s! Shredders, take note: the online features are exclusive to the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One versions of the game.
For the Xbox 360 games and entertainment system from Microsoft and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment system versions, confirmation of exact release dates will follow, but are anticipated to release prior to the end of the year. The Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 versions will not have online play.
Join the community on Facebook at facebook.com/TonyHawkGames and on Twitter and Instagram at @tonyhawkgames.
Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 online details, PlayStation-exclusive character heads

Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 Online Details, PlayStation-Exclusive Goodies
Hey PlayStation fans! I’m in a great mood so I’m going to throw out a bunch of stuff to share today.
I wanted to share some new details about online multiplayer. Connecting with other players is totally different than previous THPS games, and it’s unique compared to the current crop of skating titles. The Freeskate levels serve as lobbies for up to 20 players. They act as hubs where players can hang out and skate between different missions and online matches.
The sessions themselves are hosted by dedicated servers, so you can drop in and out of populated Freeskate sessions at any time. When you are ready, you can jump into a mission with your party or challenge the entire park in one of the competitive multiplayer modes. This is done from the Sessions menu, a multipurpose tool for queuing up missions or modes, managing your party, and checking to see who’s in the park. When your mission or match is finished, you can either retry/rematch or seamlessly jump back into the Freeskate where you can hang out while deciding what to do next.
This means that Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 is designed to get you online quickly and easily. As a reminder: the online features are only in the PS4 version. The PS3 version has no online play (this is why the price is $20 less).




Also, PS4 and PS3 owners will be happy to hear Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5 has PlayStation-exclusive content. There will be three character heads from Sony’s games: Ratchet, Sweet Tooth, and Sackboy.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention some nuts and bolts things about the game. The pre-order exclusives from GameStop, Best Buy and Amazon are all live, so be sure to eye those and pick your poison. There are differences between what is offered for the PS4 and PS3 versions, so be mindful of that. It will be available for PS4 on September 29, 2015 for $59.99, and the PS3 version will show up before the holidays for $39.99.
We’ll have the game playable to the public at various places in North America and Europe over the summer and fall, so be sure to follow @TonyHawkGames on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook to get the deets.
Thanks for taking some time to let me talk about our baby, Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 5!
Josh Tsui - President, Robomodo
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-14 06:24 PM
传奇影业公开《魔兽世界》改编电影 360 度全景影片 鸟瞰暴风城景色
传奇影业今日在官方 Youtube 频道公开展现 Blizzard 知名游戏《魔兽世界》改编电影世界的 360 度全景影片「艾泽拉斯的天空(SKIES OF AZEROTH)」。
传奇影业所公开的这部影片,就是在刚落幕的 Comic Con 动漫展让玩家运用 Legendary VR 观看器、开启 VR 展示影片后,可以看到的内容。 如今玩家不用 VR 观看器,透过 Youtube 影片也可以感受骑乘狮鹫兽翱翔在暴风城上空的景色,同时可以尝试移动画面,观看各个不同角度的风景。
《魔兽世界》改编电影导演 Duncan Jones 此次在 Comic con 透露,《魔兽世界》改编电影预告片预定今年 11 月会公开;由于 11 月 7 日、8 日刚好是 Blizzard 年度大活动 BlizzCon,因此各界预期应该就会在 BlizzCon 揭露电影正式预告片。
《魔兽世界》改编电影将于 2016 年 6 月 10 日在北美上映。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-15 07:18 AM
Prototype Biohazard Bundle Quietly Releases on PS4 and Xbox One

作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-7-30 06:51 PM
【GC 15】Blizzard 预告将在 Gamescom 公布《魔兽世界》最新数据片
Blizzard 宣布,将于下周登场的欧洲最大电玩展 Gamescom 中,公开《魔兽世界》最新数据片。
Blizzard 今日在《魔兽世界》官方推特宣布,太平洋日光时间(PDT)8 月 6 日上午 9 时将会在 Gamescom 电玩展中以实况方式,正式揭露最新《魔兽世界》数据片。
最近在欧美也对于《魔兽世界》下一部数据片有众多猜测,像是有 MMO Champion 网站的网友发现、Blizzard 上周六向纽西兰智能财产局注册了《林地议会(Council of Glades)》的商标,还有美服玩家宣称获悉 7.0 新数据片名称为《黑暗先知(The Dark Prophet)》,但也有其他玩家认为《黑暗先知》为《暗黑破坏神 3》 新数据片,但这些消息都没有获得 Blizzard 证实。
实际数据片内容如何,就等待 Blizzard 届时揭晓了。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-8-6 06:18 PM
【GC 15】为何命名路西欧? 《斗阵特攻》设计师解析新英雄与新地图等设计
Blizzard 在欧洲最大游戏展 Gamescom 首日公开了旗下最新在线游戏《斗阵特攻》新英雄「路西欧」与两张新地图「伏斯凯亚工业」、「努巴尼」,《斗阵特攻》资深游戏设计师 Michael Chu 解析了这两张新地图与英雄设计的想法,以及如何为英雄取名的思考过程。 他表示,《斗阵特攻》相较于其他 FPS 游戏,主要想要强调团队合作以及多种独特的英雄,而为了让新手更容易组成队伍与上手,他们也在 UI 设计上持续调整进化。
《斗阵特攻》资深游戏设计师 Michael Chu 接受巴哈姆特 GNN 等媒体访问
《斗阵特攻》资深游戏设计师 Michael Chu 在 Gamescom 现场接受巴哈姆特 GNN 等媒体访问,以下为访问内容整理:
问:这次 Gamescom 公开的两个新地图,在游戏机制有什么新创意玩法?
第二张地图「努巴尼」是设定在非洲的高科技城市,可以说超级高科技,主要原因就是这个地方机器和人类是平等的,他们共同工作、共同生活,建立起这个壮观城市。 地图机制上分成两部分,首先是要占领点位,等攻击方成功占领后,下一步就是要护送物品到博物馆中,可以说是融合了占领与护送的要素。
答:现在可以说有三种,就是占领、护送与综合前两种的地图。 我们其实有在尝试找出新游戏模式,我们对此很有兴趣,也很有可能会有新的地图机制,但目前看到的是只有这几个。
答:新英雄路西欧他不是超人,他只是普通人,他对音乐很有兴趣,进而从此演化成为他的能力。 例如他手持音波枪,可以发射音波攻击敌人或者用音爆变成能力把敌人震开,他还有曲目可以切换,不同曲目可以对队友产生效果。 一首主要是恢复生命值,另一首则是加快大家移动速度,当他把音量全开的时候,还可以把前述歌曲的效果更加增强。
问:可是在这次 Gamescom 试玩版本,感觉路西欧音波枪的攻击力好像不痛不痒?
答:我们设计路西欧主要是着重在他的辅助能力,而非攻击能力。 路西欧是辅助英雄,所以重点就不在攻击,这只英雄的重点在让团队更强,藉由刚提到加快速度、疗愈与防护这三种方式来实现。
答:本地化名字与翻译对我们来说的确是挑战,我们做了很多研究,也对如何在地化议题有很多研究。 因为《斗阵特攻》游戏故事背景设定在地球,我们希望让玩家感觉更真实,所以我们会很注意游戏内容与相关翻译,像是角色对话在翻译后,也希望是给当地玩家觉得这是真实的人在说话。
另外值得一提的是,我们在设计各地新地图时也是很重视能够符合设定,以便塑造可以让玩家更加融入的情境。 像是这次公开的新地图「伏斯凯亚工业」,如果有注意到的话上面所有招牌都是俄文,就是要让玩家感觉是在俄罗斯的设定,像我们在念伏斯凯亚时,俄罗斯同事还跑来指导我们原来我们的发音跟俄文发音的重音位置并不同(笑),而这些设计都是希望能够塑造出故事背景风貌。
问:《斗阵特攻》是款第一人称射击(FPS)游戏,有哪些特色让玩家觉得这款游戏与其他 FPS 不同?
答:这是 FPS 游戏没错,他主要有两个重点是跟其他游戏显著不同的地方。
答:老实说,这问题太早了。 我们现在主要着重在使这游戏内容更好玩、更完整,我们的确是很注重英雄和地图机制,所以研发会很注意英雄世界观与故事背景。
问:此次在 Gamescom 的《斗阵特攻》试玩版本中,我们发现好像与去年 BlizzCon 首度试玩版本的 UI 有些不同,像选择英雄时开始出现类型分类?
答:其实英雄类型的概念一直都存在,像温斯顿一直是坦克,那我们改变 UI 设计呈现,主要是想要更清楚跟玩家解释,同时想要帮助玩家。
就如同我刚所说的,这是款非常重视团队合作游戏,所以我们想要帮助新手更快速了解队伍组成、如何选择选择英雄,赶快掌握哪些角色适合做哪些职责,重新设计 UI 后可以让玩家很快速的了解角色,同时吸取建议。
问:由于这是 FPS 游戏,那英雄定位上攻击与辅助的角色定位都很明显,可是坦克要如何凸显他的定位?
问:您刚说团队合作重要,但在 FPS 游戏中,其实枪也很重要,那枪在这游戏中的设计如何? 英雄可以用不同枪?
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-8-7 06:17 PM
【GC 15】Blizzard 曝光最新数据片《魔兽世界:军临天下》 新推英雄职业恶魔猎人
Blizzard 今日在欧洲最大游戏展 Gamescom 2015 现场,以实况直播的方式向全球玩家公开了《魔兽世界》第六部数据片《魔兽世界:军临天下(World of Warcraft:Legion)》,同时宣布将带来新的英雄职业恶魔猎人与神兵武器、职业大厅新特色,角色等级上限将开放到 110 级。 《魔兽世界:军临天下》预计今年下半年封测。
《魔兽世界》游戏总监暨副总裁 Tom Chilton「卡干」在台上揭露新数据片,游戏创意总监 Alex Afrasiabi 和首席游戏设计师 Ion Hazzikostas 也陆续为玩家介绍新数据片内容。
Blizzard 表示,在这新的故事篇章中,燃烧军团的恶魔再度入侵,企图召唤他们的主人,亦即毁灭了万千世界的黑暗泰坦:萨格拉斯。 在毁灭降临的危急时刻,艾泽拉斯的英雄必须前往破碎群岛,在太古伊始夜精灵的诞生处和文明中心的荒废遗迹中寻找救赎,取得传说中的强大神器,并且发挥这些神兵武器的威力来击败燃烧军团。 同时英雄们还必须和拥抱魔化能量的精灵刺客化敌为友... 他们是背叛者伊利丹的追随者... 伊利达瑞的恶魔猎人。
完整报导 - http://gnn.gamer.com.tw/6/119046.html
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-3 07:16 AM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-14 06:52 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-14 06:52 PM 编辑
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Launches November 10, Opening Cinematic
《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》宣布 11 月上市 同步曝光动画宣传片
Blizzard 于今(14)日宣布《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》将于 11 月 10 日正式上市,并同步曝光宣传影片。
《星海争霸 2》资深团队执行制作人 Chris Sigaty 与首席设计师 Jason Huck 于刚刚在新宣传影片全球首映会中,介绍新数据片《虚空之遗》新增特色外,包含执政官模式、同盟指挥官合作任务等,三阵营也有了新单位,而虫族的遁地兽更将回归;同时现场也揭露一小段「再造 Reclamation」影片,故事将陈述《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》背景, 完整影片预计近期公开。
蕴酿了 17 年之久的故事将迈入最终章,因此在公开数据片《虚空之遗》动画宣传片前,现场先回顾了《星海争霸 2:自由之翼》、《星海争霸 2:虫族之心》开场动画片,并同时宣布游戏将于 11 月 10 日上市。
《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》将于 11 月 10 日正式上市。 而《星海争霸 2》世界杯联赛第三季总决赛即将展开。


En Taro Adun! StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void Warps in on November 10
The protoss armada prepares for battle, and the countdown to reclaim Aiur has begun! Blizzard Entertainment today announced that StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void, the highly anticipated third game in the iconic StarCraft II real-time strategy series, begins warping in to stores starting on November 10. In Legacy of the Void, players will guide protoss legends Artanis and Zeratul as they fight to unite the protoss race, take back their homeworld, and vanquish the ancient evil that threatens the universe.
The Legacy of the Void launch date was revealed during the StarCraft II World Championship Series Season 3 Finals, streamed live around the world from Krakow, Poland. Attendees and viewers also witnessed the premiere of the action-packed Legacy of the Void opening cinematic.
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void is the thrilling conclusion to the award-winning science-fiction saga that began with the original StarCraft in 1998. In the expansive new protoss-focused campaign, players will take command of the mighty Spear of Adun—a magnificent protoss arkship capable of altering the course of battle from above. In addition to determining the protoss’s destiny, players will also bear witness to the ultimate fates of terran hero Jim Raynor, the former marshal turned rebel leader, and Kerrigan, the zerg Queen of Blades.
“Legacy of the Void provides an epic conclusion to a story more than 17 years in the making,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “It also brings tremendous enhancements to StarCraft II’s definitive real-time strategy gameplay, with new units, automated tournaments, collaborative game modes, and more. We can’t wait for players to experience it all this November.”
Multiple Editions Warping In
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void is available for pre-purchase now on Battle.net for £29,99, and everyone who pre-purchases the game digitally gets immediate access to the Whispers of Oblivion prologue missions. In addition, anyone who purchases or pre-purchases Legacy of the Void will also receive an upcoming Hero in Blizzard’s free-to-play team brawler, Heroes of the Storm: Artanis, noble Hierarch of the protoss (and mighty Warrior of the Nexus).
Players also have the option to upgrade their purchase to the Digital Deluxe Edition (£44,99), which unlocks a variety of in-game bonuses for Blizzard games (available upon Legacy of the Void’ s release), including an Archon battle pet for World of Warcraft, a Void Speeder mount in Heroes of the Storm, and a protoss-themed card back in Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft.
Legacy of the Void will also be available in a retail-exclusive Collector’s Edition, which comes equipped with the digital bonus items from the Digital Deluxe Edition, as well as a special edition of the full-color hardcover StarCraft Field Manual (retail edition SRP £26.40); a DVD loaded with cinematics and special features; and a CD soundtrack. The Collector’s Edition will be available at select retailers for a suggested retail price of £59, 99. Players should check their local retailer for details and availability, as supplies are limited.
Play StarCraft Like Never Before
Legacy of the Void introduces new ways to enjoy StarCraft II’s unrivaled real-time strategy gameplay. In Archon Mode, two players share control over a single base and units as they take on an enemy duo in multiplayer action. By sharing the responsibility of commanding troops and managing resources, players can focus on their own areas of the battle, execute more intricate strategies, and benefit from each other’s unique expertise.
Legacy of the Void also adds Co-op Missions that provide players with a whole new way to enjoy the game with a friend. In this objective-based experience, players team up and take on the roles of powerful allied commanders from the StarCraft saga. Each commander brings unique abilities to the table, including specialized upgrades and army bonuses. Players will join forces to battle through a series of challenging scenarios together, leveling up their commanders’ capabilities as they progress.
An array of new units will breathe new life into the online multiplayer battles that represent the core StarCraft II competitive experience. Zerg swarms will welcome the return of the Lurker, a classic creature from StarCraft: Brood War that lays waste to infantry with deadly spines which burst from the ground. The Protoss field a new weapon called the Disruptor, which can use massive energy spikes to wreak havoc through swaths of ground forces. And the Terrans have focused on establishing air superiority with the Liberator, a versatile, heavily armed gunship with twin missile launchers and the ability to transform into a stationary air platform, much like its ground-based Siege Tank counterpart. Six units are being added in total—two for each race—with many existing units receiving updates to prepare for the coming battle.
Legacy of the Void will also include enhancements to online multiplayer play in the form of automated tournaments, providing players with exciting ongoing events that support the competitive StarCraft II community.
Legacy of the Void will be a standalone experience that does not require players to own StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty or Heart of the Swarm, which are also now available as standalone games .
Legacy of the Void will be released beginning November 10 on Windows and Mac PCs. The game will be fully localized in English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Korean, European and Latin American Spanish, traditional Chinese, Polish, and Russian. Availability of Legacy of the Void in mainland China will be announced at a later date.
Blizzard is developing StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void for simultaneous release on Windows and Macintosh. To learn more about StarCraft II and Legacy of the Void, visit the official website at starcraft2.com. To try StarCraft II for free, head over to starcraft.com to download the Starter Edition.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-21 06:59 PM
Blizzard 宣布与出版社蓝灯书屋合作 《魔兽世界》《星海争霸》新小说 2016 年发行
Blizzard 于日前宣布与出版社蓝灯书屋 Random House 合作推出新小说,并公开相关影片,阐述 Blizzard 发行故事小说想法。
一直以来,Blizzard 尝试藉由小说、影片阐述旗下游戏故事、世界观,并曾推出数本系列小说,而近日官方宣布将于 2016 年 3 月 15 日发行由 William King 撰写的新小说《魔兽世界:伊利丹(World of Warcraft: Illidan)》,以及由纽约时报畅销作者 Timothy Zahn 撰写的原《星海争霸》小说, 同时也会有数种不同的语言版本。
除了上述两本小说外,官方还将同时与与蓝灯书屋 Random House 合作出版与《魔兽争霸》、《星海争霸》世界观有关,和 Blizzard 相关的小说。 此外,Blizzard 故事发展总监 James Waugh 在公开的介绍影片中表示:「我们不只制作游戏,同时创造一个世界(We don't just make games. We build worlds)。 」
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-22 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-22 06:20 PM 编辑
Overwatch ~ A Moment in Crime Special Report: 'The Junkers'
《斗阵特攻》两名通缉犯身分曝光! 公开「犯罪时刻」影片介绍新角色信息
Blizzard 于稍早正式释出新「犯罪时刻」特别报导影片,影片中揭露《斗阵特攻》两名罪犯信息。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-23 07:23 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-23 06:09 PM 编辑
Overwatch ~ Junkrat and Roadhog Introduction Video
《斗阵特攻》两名罪犯新英雄完整情报曝光 预览影片展示技能特色
Blizzard 今(22)日释出《斗阵特攻》两名罪犯新英雄「炸弹鼠」和「拦路猪」对战展示影片,与技能解析。
「炸弹鼠」因受到辐射感染而狂乱,使他对炸弹疯狂着迷,制作出十分危险的炸弹。 他在智械生产中心的废墟中发现了一个珍贵的秘密,虽然没人知道他到底发现了什么,但是从那之后,不管他到哪里去,都会受到众多赏金猎人、恶徒和投机份子的追杀。 这种情况一直持续到他遇上拦路猪这个拾荒者集团的打手,才停止下来。 炸弹鼠开出好处五五分的条件,让拦路猪勉为其难的同意当他的私人保,之后他们开始在世界各地犯案,他们所到之处满地疮痍,只留下破坏与混乱。
炸弹鼠属于防御型角色,技能当然以「炸弹」为主,他的爆弹枪可以从远距离缓慢地发射榴弹,这些爆弹会一路弹向目的地,并在撞到敌人的时候爆炸。 甚至还会施放地雷,引爆时,会对敌人造成伤害,并且将他们弹飞... 或是让自己飞到半空中。 而他的绝招是丢出一个装有引擎的轮胎炸弹,这个炸弹可以在墙壁和障碍物表面高速移动。 他能遥控引爆这个炸弹,对爆炸范围内的敌人造成重大伤亡,如果时间到了,炸弹也会自动引爆。
「拦路猪」是个残暴的杀手。 失去家园的马可眼看着历经灾难的家乡变成不毛之地,人生从此产生重大变化;为了在这个环境活下来,他戴上面具、骑着临时拼凑而成的摩托车,朝内陆地区的公路干道前进。 一路上,他的人性一点一点的消逝。 最后,原本的马克荡然无存,残暴无比的拦路猪就此诞生。
肉盾型角色拦路猪所持有的废铁枪能射出大量金属片,射程虽短,不过命中范围很大;其次,也可以朝远处射出一颗装满金属片的球体,球体会在撞到物体时爆开来,散射出许多金属片。 拦路猪也会朝目标掷出锁炼,命中时会把该目标拉到自己面前。 拦路猪的绝招会在他的废铁枪上面加装一个装填器,然后在极短的时间内连续射出可击退敌人的废弃零件。
更多英雄介绍与技能展示可至官网查询。 《斗阵特攻》预定今秋在北美展开封测。









作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-26 07:13 AM
Transformers: Devastation Behind the Scenes with Platinum Games
Transformers: Devastation - Brand New Behind-the-Scenes Video
Activision has released a new behind-the-scenes video for its highly anticipated, intense action-brawler Transformers: Devastation featuring exclusive insights from developer PlatinumGames.
In this latest video, PlatinumGames producer Atsushi Kurooka, director Kenji Saito and Activision producer Robert Conkey explore how Transformers: Devastation combines the exhilarating world of the Transformers Generations story universe with the one-of-a-kind style of PlatinumGames. Capturing the look and feel of the iconic robots in disguise meant recreating little details, like their signature metallic sheen. But it also required nailing the lifelike speed and explosive force of their every move, which fit perfectly with PlatinumGames’ flair for big gameplay and visuals.
Transformers: Devastation features five unique playable heroes - Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Wheeljack and Grimlock – each of whom can dish out huge, free-flowing combos in gorgeous, cel-shaded 3D. The complete adventure includes a gripping story campaign pitting the Autobots against the Decepticons to decide the fate of Earth, as well as five fine-tuned difficulty levels and a hardcore challenge mode with 50 bonus missions.
Transformers: Devastation is expected to launch on 9th October on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Windows PC via Steam. For more information, please visit TransformersGame.com and facebook.com/TransformersGame.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-9-26 07:33 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-9-28 06:14 PM 编辑
《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》曝光新故事影片 一窥神族收复艾尔的计划
Blizzard 于稍早在 TwitchCon 活动中曝光《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》神族故事影片。
在先前的活动中,官方曾透露将有一支名为「收复家园 Reclamation」的故事影片,故事将陈述《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》背景,当时也公开一小段预览影片。
今日,官方在 TwitchCon 活动中正式揭晓其完整影片,带领玩家一窥《星海争霸 2》三部曲最终章、了解更多神族以及他们即将收复艾尔的计划。
《星海争霸 2:虚空之遗》预定 11 月 10 日正式上市 。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-3 07:03 AM
Blizzard shows revamped UI for Starcraft II
New User Interface Coming to StarCraft II - StarCraft2.com
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-7 07:07 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-10-7 06:47 PM 编辑
Transformers: Devastation Launch Trailer
《变形金刚 毁灭》新预告片公开 战斗爽快至极
《变形金刚:毁灭》中将有包括擎天柱、大黄蜂等五名角色可供使用,每名角色都有自己独特的能力以及武器。本作定于2015年10月6日发售,将登陆PS4、PS3、Xbox One、Xbox 360和PC平台,喜欢的玩家不要错过哦。
Activision Launches PlatinumGames' Earth-Shattering Action Brawler: Transformers: Devastation
Activision today released Transformers: Devastation. This new third-person action-brawler rolls into battle with Hasbro’s classic Generations designs and developer PlatinumGames’ renowned flair for slick visuals and free-flowing, high-speed combat.
Transformers: Devastation moves at a breakneck pace: rocket through danger in vehicle mode before bursting into robot mode to unleash a barrage of close-quarters combos and blaster fire. Tackle the game’s gripping single-player campaign and 50 highly challenging bonus missions with any of five playable heroes – Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Sideswipe, Wheelkack and Grimlovk. Each of these characters can be evolved with new abilities, unique talents and more than 150 upgradeable weapons.
Brought to life with bold, cel-shaded artwork, Transformers: Devastation features legendary Transformers voice actors like Dan Gilvezan as Bumblebee, Frank Welker as MEGATRON and SOUNDWAVE, Michael Bell as SIDESWIPE, Gregg Berger as Grimlock, and Peter Cullen as Optimus Prime. As the fates of Earth and Cybertron collide, the noble Autobots must face off against the Decepticons’ most ruthless champions in an original adventure from veteran Transformers writer Andy Schmidt that expands the series’ ongoing Combiner Wars story arc.
Transformers: Devastation is now available for MSRP $49.99 on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Windows PC via Steam. For more information, please visit TransformersGame.com and facebook.com/TransformersGame.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-15 07:01 AM
Overwatch Closed Beta Begins October 27 in North America

Overwatch Beta Coming Soon
Attack commencing in 3… 2… 1…
The Overwatch beta officially begins October 27, and we're getting ready to invite our first batch of recruits for some field-testing! Read the mission briefing below to learn more about our plans for the beta, and don't forget to sign up if you're interested in helping us shape the fight for the future.
We're aiming to accomplish two primary goals with our public beta test: First, get tons of top-notch feedback on the gameplay—including balance, feel, and fun—to help us make Overwatch the best team-based shooter on the planet. Second, we want to hammer the heck out of our tech, including stress-testing our server infrastructure and making sure the game runs great on the widest variety of systems possible.
To accomplish this, we're dividing our beta participants into two different groups, each with different mission objectives and deployment schedules. The Closed Beta group will form the core of our testing crew. In addition, we'll be conducting a number of Beta Test Weekends with wider groups of players when it's time to break out the big guns.
Closed Beta
The Closed Beta will be composed of a small number of testers who will have regular access to our public beta test. Our goal for the Closed Beta is 100% gameplay feedback, and we’ll be encouraging participants to discuss and dissect every hero, map, ability, and other aspect of the game on our upcoming beta forums.
In order to get the most meaningful and constructive feedback possible, the total number of players in the Closed Beta will be extremely limited—though we’ll be adding more people from time to time to make sure we have the right number of heroes actively engaged.
The first phase of the Closed Beta will deploy on October 27 in the Americas gameplay region, and players may be added gradually to start (with more being invited as new features are ready to test). During this time, we'll continue to make preparations for our Europe and Asia gameplay regions - our goal is to have Europe come online next, with Asia following at a later date.
We'll provide more details - including an FAQ - once the Closed Beta begins.
Beta Test Weekends
From time to time, we'll also need to open up the floodgates and call upon an army to overwhelm our hardware. The goal: get as many heroes playing as we can, all helping us "stress test" our servers to ensure they can withstand the assault.
These larger-scale Beta Test Weekends will be brought online occasionally for a limited time, generally over a weekend, and will run concurrently with our ongoing Closed Beta test. Because Beta Test Weekends are primarily hardware- and tech-focused, the number of heroes, maps, and gameplay modes will be restricted—but feedback on everything will definitely be welcome.
Multiple different Beta Test Weekends will be assembled in various parts of the world. We have tons of would-be heroes signed up for the Overwatch beta, and we want to give as many as possible a chance to play during the testing period. The first Beta Test Weekend is currently slated for after BlizzCon—stay tuned for more information following the event.
A few more things: The Overwatch beta will be Windows-only, and you'll need to have the Battle.net desktop app installed to play. If you're selected to participate in either the Closed Beta or one of our Beta Test Weekends, you'll receive an email with instructions when you're ready to be deployed. Read this article to make sure our transmissions won't get filtered, and don't forget to opt in if you haven't already.
We'll have more information to share on the Overwatch beta in the near future, so keep your sights trained on playoverwatch.com!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-23 06:04 PM
Activision Blizzard 宣布成立电子竞技部门 由前 ESPN 执行长、MLG 创办人执掌
随着电子竞技(电竞)产业成长,并促进电竞生态的发展,Activision Blizzard 近日宣布将成立新部门,专注在电子竞技。
新成立的电子竞技部门请到曾任娱乐与体育节目 ESPN 与美式足球联盟频道 NFL Network 执行长的 Steve Bornstein 和专业电竞联盟 Major League Gaming(MLG)共同创办人之一 Mike Sepso 分别担任新部门总裁与资深副总裁的职务。
今年 4 月,由 Blizzard 所举办的《暴雪英霸》比赛在 ESPN 同步转播
表扬选手与其高超技巧、奉献并支持是 Activision Blizzard 对电竞的精神,Activision Blizzard 首席执行长 Bobby Kotick 指出,他们已引领电竞多年,希望凭借长久以来所累积的经验和深厚历史,携手两位来自相关产业且具丰富经验的领导者,一起加深 Activision Blizzard 在电竞方面的影响。
前娱乐与体育节目 ESPN 执行长 Steve Bornstein 提到,去年有超过 1.5 亿人观看、游玩 Activision Blizzard 旗下游戏至少 130 亿小时,因此他相信电竞将会是传统运动项目联赛的最大竞争对手,而广告、门票销售、授权、赞助和周边等对这个发展中的电竞产业将有很大的成长,「我很高兴能帮助 Activision Blizzard 推动它在电竞的领导地位。 」
而作为一名电竞社群的成员已超过 12 年的 MLG 共同创办人之一 Mike Sepso 则表示:「我非常期待电竞的未来。 Activision Blizzard 给予数百万计的粉丝他们想要的东西,而我也非常兴奋能帮助这个社群的玩家,并创造荣耀的历史。 」
Activision Blizzard 公告
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-10-28 06:14 PM
《斗阵特攻》第一阶段封测已于即日起在美洲及欧洲服务器展开,Blizzard 目前正在陆续发送封测账号邀请。
团战射击游戏《斗阵特攻》正式展开测试,在每场战斗玩家要驾驭所选英雄的能力,组成六人小队,在未来时空中的世界各地和其他队伍互相对抗。 官方表示,第一阶段测试在美洲、欧洲服务器展开,主要目标是收集第一手的游戏意见,因此本阶段的封测参与者数量相对较少,不过官方会在封测期间持续加入更多的玩家。
此外,Blizzard 也会不定时展开周末 BETA 测试活动,届时会让更多的玩家加入,一同为硬件系统作压力测试,协助确定上市工程是否已准备就绪。 关于此次测试信息,《斗阵特攻》游戏总监 Jeff Kaplan 也特地录制一段影片,针对这次测试进行相关说明。
官方目前正在陆续发送封测账号邀请,预计会需要花费到 12 个小时的时间处理,之后也将计划在亚洲区开放封测,详细信息可至官网公告查询。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-1 08:24 AM
Nexon 与 Respawn 达成合作协议 未来将推多款《神兵泰坦》手机游戏
Nexon 今(30)日稍早于官网宣布,将与《神兵泰坦(Titanfall)》开发商 Respawn Entertainment 连手合作,在 2016 年推出多款基于《神兵泰坦》世界观与设定来制作的手机游戏,届时将会在 iOS 与 Android 平台上市。
Nexon 指出,为了本次的合作,双方将会共同投资手机游戏开发商 Particle City,该团队将会负责制作这系列的手机游戏,而 Nexon 则会负责这些游戏在全世界各地的发行事宜。
Respawn Entertainment 执行长兼共同创办人 Vince Zampella 表示,公司之所以与 Nexon 达成本次的合作,主要是看重 Nexon 于全球市场的发行能力,以及对于免费游戏营运上的丰富经验。 有了 Nexon 的协助,Vince Zampella 相信可以让更多玩家认识到《神兵泰坦》这款作品。
据了解,Vince Zampella 同时也是 Particle City 的共同创板人,他将会在该公司内担任创意总监一职。
官方公告 - http://company.nexon.co.jp/en/pr ... d=20151030-d29cf21a
New Titanfall games are coming to iOS and Android
Nexon Teams up with Respawn Entertainment to Bring “Titanfall” Games to Mobile Devices Worldwide
Nexon, a worldwide leader in free-to-play online and mobile games, and independent videogame developer Respawn Entertainment announced today that the companies have partnered to create several new and original smartphone and tablet games based on the expansive sci-fi universe of Titanfall. In connection with the partnership, the two companies jointly invested in mobile game developer Particle City, the studio leading the development of the upcoming titles. In this multi-game, multi-year partnership, Nexon will serve as the exclusive global publisher of the Titanfall mobile games, with the first game expected to be released worldwide on iOS and Android in 2016.
“As a player and fan of Titanfall I am delighted to be working with the talented team at Respawn to bring the world of Titanfall to mobile and tablet,” commented Owen Mahoney, President and Chief Executive Officer, Nexon. “Working closely with our partners at Respawn and Particle City we intend to build on the original game’s success and introduce millions of mobile gamers to the rich Titanfall universe.”
The collaboration with Respawn and Particle City is Nexon’s latest in a series of global partnerships with renowned developers. Recently, Nexon announced a partnership with Respawn and Electronic Arts to bring a PC online version of the award-winning first-person shooter Titanfall to Asia. In April 2015, Nexon published the hit mobile strategy game DomiNations, which was developed by Big Huge Games, an independent studio co-founded by 24-year industry veterans Brian Reynolds and Tim Train, famous for online strategy games Civilization II and Rise of Nations. Nexon also recently announced the details of LawBreakers, the first game from Cliff Bleszinski and Arjan Brussee’s Boss Key Productions.
“Our partnership with Nexon is momentous for many reasons,” said Vince Zampella, CEO & Co-Founder, Respawn Entertainment. “Nexon’s unrivaled publishing network and free-to-play expertise will allow Titanfall to reach new global audiences. And with Particle City, we are closely collaborating to create all-new standalone games with original gameplay experiences that expand the Titanfall universe to players everywhere.”
Particle City was co-founded by industry veteran Larry Pacey and Respawn CEO Vince Zampella in 2015. The new developer will be led by Pacey, with Zampella serving in a creative advisor role. Particle City, co-located with Respawn in Los Angeles, is currently hiring top talent. Candidates can find a list of open positions at particlecity.com.
Through the partnership, Nexon and Respawn will build on Titanfall’s premier franchise to deliver a high-quality game experience to the $30 billion mobile gaming market, the largest gaming platform globally. Praised as an evolution of the first-person shooter genre, Titanfall was the most-awarded game of E3 2013, earning more than 100 nominations and 60-plus wins, including a record-breaking six E3 Critics’ Awards. The title was the third highest-rated Xbox One game released in 2014, according to videogame review score aggregator Metacritic.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-3 07:01 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-3 07:08 PM 编辑
Activision buys Candy Crush maker King for $5.9 billion
知名游戏开发商动视暴雪(Activision Blizzard)和《糖果粉碎传奇(Candy Crush)》开发商国王数字娱乐(King Digital Entertainment)于今日联合宣布,动视暴雪以59亿美元的价格收购国王数字娱乐的全部股权。

Activision Blizzard to Acquire King Digital Entertainment for $5.9 Billion
Activision Blizzard and King Digital Entertainment today announced the signing of a definitive agreement under which ABS Partners, a wholly owned subsidiary of Activision Blizzard, will acquire all of the outstanding shares of King for $18.00 in cash per share, for a total equity value of $5.9 billion (the “Acquisition”). The $18.00 per share purchase price implies a 20% premium over King’s 30 October 2015 closing price, a 26% premium over King’s 30 October 2015 enterprise value (which excludes net cash), a 23% premium over King’s one month volume weighted average price per share and a 27% premium over King’s three month volume weighted average price per share. The boards of directors of both Activision Blizzard and King unanimously approved the Acquisition, which is being implemented by means of a scheme of arrangement under Irish law. The Acquisition is subject to approval by King’s shareholders and the Irish High Court, clearances by the relevant antitrust authorities and other customary closing conditions, and it is currently expected that the Acquisition will be completed by Spring 2016.
Activision Blizzard believes that the addition of King’s highly-complementary business will position Activision Blizzard as a global leader in interactive entertainment across mobile, console and PC platforms, and positions the company for future growth. The combined company will have a world-class interactive entertainment portfolio of top-performing franchises, including two of the top five highest-grossing mobile games in the U.S. (Candy Crush Saga, Candy Crush Soda Saga), the world’s most successful console game franchise (Call of Duty), and the world’s most successful personal computing franchise (World of Warcraft), as well as such well known franchises as Blizzard Entertainment’s Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo and Activision Publishing’s Guitar Hero, Skylanders and Destiny, along with over 1,000 game titles in its library. Activision Blizzard expects that this leading content, together with expertise across subscription, upfront purchase, free-to-play and micro-transaction business models will enhance Activision Blizzard’s position as one of the world’s most successful interactive entertainment companies. During the last twelve months ended 30 September 2015, Activision Blizzard had non-GAAP revenues of $4.7 billion and King had adjusted revenues of $2.1 billion. During the same period Activision Blizzard had adjusted EBITDA of $1.6B and King had adjusted EBITDA of $0.9 billion. During the last twelve months ended 30 September 2015, Activision Blizzard had GAAP revenues of $4.9 billion and King had IFRS revenues of $2.1 billion. During the same period, Activision Blizzard had GAAP net income of $1.1 billion, and King had IFRS profit of $0.6 billion.
Bobby Kotick, Chief Executive Officer of Activision Blizzard, said, “The combined revenues and profits solidify our position as the largest, most profitable standalone company in interactive entertainment. With a combined global network of more than half a billion monthly active users, our potential to reach audiences around the world on the device of their choosing enables us to deliver great games to even bigger audiences than ever before.”
Kotick, added: “Riccardo, Sebastian, and Stephane are some of the best minds in the business, and we have long-admired King for consistently creating incredibly fun, deeply engaging free-to-play games that capture the imaginations of players across ages and demographics. Activision Blizzard will provide King with experience, support and investment to continue to build on their tremendous legacy and reach new potential. We share an unwavering commitment to attracting and developing the best talent in the business, and we are excited about what we will be able to accomplish together.”
Riccardo Zacconi, Chief Executive Officer of King, said, “We are excited to be entering into this Acquisition with Activision Blizzard. Since 2003, we have built one of the largest player networks on mobile and Facebook, with 474 million monthly active users in the third quarter 2015, and our talented team has created some of the most successful mobile game franchises. We believe that the Acquisition will position us very well for the next phase of our company’s evolution and will bring clear benefits to our players and employees. We will combine our expertise in mobile and free-to-play with Activision Blizzard’s world-class brands and proven track record of building and sustaining the most successful franchises, to bring the best games in the world to millions of players worldwide. We are very much looking forward to working with Activision Blizzard. We have two teams that, together, will have an amazing footprint, innovative technology, and leadership across platforms, and unique, established IPs to delight one of the largest networks of players in the world.”
Gerhard Florin, Chairman of King’s board of directors, said, “The Acquisition provides a return to King shareholders through the premium that it provides to King’s share price and the immediate liquidity that the Acquisition will provide to all of our shareholders upon completion. The King board of directors believes that Activision Blizzard’s cash offer is attractive given the balance of future opportunities, risks and competitive forces confronting King’s business.”
Full press release at Business Wire
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-4 06:43 PM
《魔兽世界》改编电影《魔兽:崛起》抢先曝光预告片段 完整版于 7 日全球同步公开
传奇影业于稍早抢先曝光改编电影《魔兽:崛起》首支预告片段影片,完整预告预定于台湾时间 7 日凌晨全球同步公开。
由电影《启动原始码》导演邓肯琼斯执导的《魔兽:崛起》是部改编自 Blizzard 旗下《魔兽争霸》、《魔兽世界》的电影新作,主要演员有崔维斯费米尔、葆拉巴顿、托比凯贝尔、班福斯特、多米尼克库柏、班史奈泽、罗伯卡辛斯基和吴彦祖,本片由传奇影业、Blizzard 和亚特拉斯娱乐联合制作。
官方预定于 7 日凌晨全球同步公开《魔兽:崛起》首支预告影片,然而稍早已抢先公开部分片段,展示了电影剧情中的磅礡场景。
《魔兽:崛起》预定 2016 年 6 月 10 日在台上映,首部预告影片将于 7 日凌晨正式公开。
《魔兽世界》改编电影《魔兽:崛起(Warcraft: The Beginning)》预定明年 6 月 10 日全国上映
环球影业今日正式公开由 Blizzard 知名游戏《魔兽争霸》、《魔兽世界》改编电影《魔兽:崛起》中文数据,《魔兽:崛起》预定 2016 年 6 月 10 日全国上映。
环球影业指出,改编自席卷全球的 Blizzard 娱乐电玩巨作,环球影业和传奇影业携手推出电影《魔兽:崛起》,将史诗般的种族对战场面搬上大屏幕。
艾泽拉斯的和平(The peaceful realm of Azeroth),正因一个可畏的种族入侵而处于开战的临界点:兽人战士被迫离开垂死的家园去寻找新的世界。 由于一个传送门的出现,两个世界得以链接,败战求全与种族灭绝成为他们不能败的理由。 我们将透过彼此的立场来了解,准备交战的两方英雄会因为他们的家人、族人和家园的命运而走向不归路的故事。
《魔兽:崛起》导演是邓肯琼斯Duncan Jones,编剧是查尔斯利瓦伊特Charles Leavitt和邓肯琼斯 Jones,主要演员有崔维斯费米尔Travis Fimmel、葆拉巴顿Paula Patton、托比凯贝尔Toby Kebbell、班福斯特Ben Foster、多米尼克库柏Dominic Cooper、班史奈泽Ben Schnetzer、罗伯卡辛斯基Rob Kazinsky和吴彦祖Daniel Wu,本片由传奇影业、Blizzard 和亚特拉斯娱乐(Atlas)联合制作。
制片有查尔斯罗文Charles Roven、托马斯图尔Thomas Tull、乔贾希尼John Jahni、艾利克斯贾特纳Alex Gartner和史都费纳根Stuart Fenegan,执行制片有吉莉安薛尔Jillian Share、布兰特欧康纳Breant O'Connor、麦克默罕Michael Morhaime、保罗山姆斯Paul Sams,劳勃帕度Rob Pardo、克里斯梅森Chris Metzen、尼克卡本特Nick Carpenter和蕾贝卡史缇尔罗文Rebecca Steel Roven Co-Produce共同制作,《魔兽:崛起》由环球影业发行。
《魔兽:崛起》预定 2016 年 6 月 10 日在台上映。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-5 06:25 PM
Blizzard 征才页面透露将重制《暗黑 2》、《魔兽 3》等经典游戏
Blizzard 近日在官网发布了一篇征人公告,其中透露了 Blizzard 即将重制《星海争霸》初代、《魔兽争霸 3》以及《暗黑破坏神 2》等经典游戏。
本次释出的职缺为资深软件工程师,负责的项目则为 Blizzard 以往经典游戏的重制工作。 在征才文中 Blizzard 指出,《星海争霸》初代、《魔兽争霸 3》以及《暗黑破坏神 2》等游戏凭借其优秀故事、耐玩性及创新的多人游玩模式,成为以往那些年代的经典游戏。 但随着科技的进步,现在玩家使用的计算机硬件及主机,也让这些老旧的游戏难以运行。 为此,Blizzard 决定让这些作品重返荣耀! 并启动本次的征才计划。
欲知更多有关 Blizzard 这次征才讯息的玩家,可至官方页面查询。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-6 06:39 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-6 06:49 PM 编辑
Overwatch releasing by June 21 for PC, PS4 and Xbox One
《斗阵特攻》预购页面流出 透露将会登上 PS4 / Xbox One 家用主机平台
根据外媒报导,Blizzard 开发的团战射击游戏《斗阵特攻(Overwatch)》于 Battle.net 页面泄露,除了 PC 平台外,未来也将会在 PlayStation 4 以及 Xbox One 平台上架「Origins Edition」供玩家预购,并在 2016 年春季上市。 此预购信息也证实了《斗阵特攻》除了先前发表的 PC 平台独占之外,未来也可望在 PlayStation 4 / Xbox One 家用主机平台上游玩。
※ Battle.net 预购页面现已遭移除
Origins Edition 将在 Gamestop 通路上架,售价 40 美元,预购的玩家可以获得「夺命女(Widowmaker)」的 Noir skin(可更换的外观)。 关于《斗阵特攻》更进一步的上市消息,玩家可关注明日凌晨开幕的 BlizzCon 主题演讲,等待官方正式的证实。


作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-6 06:54 PM
Blizzard 发布澄清 指出征才目的仅是为了持续维护旗下经典游戏
针对 Blizzard 可能重制《暗黑破坏神 2》等经典游戏一事,昨日美国电玩媒体 Gamespot 释出 Blizzard 对此发布的补充说明内容,表示征求此一职缺仅是为了持续让玩家玩到这些游戏,而并非要重制它们。
Blizzard 的公告指出,公司维护旗下游戏的行为已行之有年,许多以往发行的的游戏现在也依然可以运行,所以 Blizzard 也希望持续为了玩家而去维护这些经典佳作。
http://www.gamespot.com/articles ... s-upd/1100-6431991/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-7 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-8 07:47 AM 编辑
《魔兽:崛起(Warcraft: The Beginning)》正式曝光首部预告影片 更多场景与战斗画面揭露
传奇影业与 Blizzard 于今(7)日在 2015 BlizzCon 中公开《魔兽:崛起》首部预告影片。
由电影《启动原始码(Source Code)》导演邓肯琼斯(Duncan Jones)执导的《魔兽:崛起》是部改编自 Blizzard 旗下《魔兽争霸》、《魔兽世界》的电影新作,主要演员有崔维斯费米尔(Travis Fimmel )、葆拉巴顿(Paula Patton)、托比凯贝尔(Toby Kebbell)、班福斯特(Ben Foster)、多米尼克库柏(Dominic Cooper)、班史奈泽(Ben Schnetzer)、罗伯卡辛斯基和吴彦祖(Robert Kazinsky),本片由传奇影业、Blizzard 和亚特拉斯娱乐Charles Leavitt 联合制作。
BlizzCon 开幕仪式于美国时间 11 月 6 日 11 时正式登场,而众所瞩目的《魔兽争霸》系列改编电影《魔兽:崛起》首部正式预告片在约 11 时 15 分(美国时间)放映,现场玩家终于一睹这部期待已久的电影正式预告片内容。
饰演迦罗娜的葆拉巴顿、麦迪文的班佛斯特、 莱恩王的多米尼克库柏、古尔丹的吴彦祖与黑手的克兰西布朗与导演邓肯琼斯更现身开幕式,引起全场欢呼。
《魔兽:崛起》预定 2016 年 6 月 10 日在全国上映。
《魔獸:崛起》電影吳彥祖談古爾丹拍攝幕後 寶拉巴頓透露對迦羅娜看法
《魔兽世界》新数据片《军临天下》明年夏季问世 开场动画曝光

《魔獸世界:軍臨天下》Beta 測試近期展開 揭露新區域、場景、副本詳細情報

The Invasion Begins Summer 2016 - World of Warcraft: Legion Now Available for Purchase
The Burning Legion’s assault on Azeroth begins next summer—but for heroes around the world, hunting preparations start now. Today at BlizzCon 2015, Blizzard Entertainment announced that World of Warcraft : Legion, the sixth expansion to its acclaimed massively multiplayer online role-playing game, is now available for pre-purchase at http://www.wowlegion.com/.
Players who pre-purchase World of Warcraft: Legion digitally can immediately boost one character of their choosing to level 100. In addition, those who pre-purchase will get early access to the brand-new hero class coming with Legion, the Demon Hunter, prior to the expansion’s release.
During today’s BlizzCon opening ceremony, Blizzard also unveiled the intro cinematic for the expansion, setting the stage for the demonic Burning Legion’s devastating return. As the Horde and the Alliance battle against hopeless odds, heroes of both factions must seek salvation among the Broken Isles—ancient center of a doomed night elf civilization. There, they’ll take up mighty Artifact weapons and make a forbidden pact with the dread Demon Hunters of the Illidari—a final, desperate bid to save their world from falling under the Great Burning Shadow.
“World of Warcraft: Legion is one of the most intense chapters in the Warcraft saga yet, filled with features and content that will push new and veteran heroes to their limits,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and co-founder of Blizzard Entertainment. “Whether players want to boost a new character or get a head start on mastering a Demon Hunter, they’ll be primed and ready to battle the Burning Legion when the expansion launches next summer.”
Prepare for Battle
World of Warcraft: Legion will be available in a Standard Edition (physical and digital versions available; SRP $49.99), which players can pre-purchase digitally now at www.wowlegion.com. Players also have the option to upgrade their pre-purchase to the Digital Deluxe Edition (SRP $69.99), which contains the following in-game bonuses for World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games (available upon or before the expansion’s launch):
• World of Warcraft - Illidari Felstalker Mount and Nibbles Pet: Stalk the invading demonic forces atop one of the Burning Legion’s own twisted hounds of war, and summon a delightfully demented companion to keep you warm by the fel fire—both available immediately upon pre-purchase.
• Heroes of the Storm - Felstalker Mount: Charge down the lanes of the Nexus and wreak havoc on the opposing team astride this fierce fanged terror.
• StarCraft II - Fel Protoss Portraits: Take back Aiur in infernal style with psionic-infused StarCraft II portraits of Illidan and Gul’dan.
• Diablo III - Wings of the Betrayer: Equip your hero with Illidan’s wings and strike terror into the hearts of Sanctuary’s demons.
Players who pre-purchase either the digital Standard Edition or Digital Deluxe Edition of Legion through wowlegion.com will be able to immediately boost one character to level 100, allowing them to experience the latest World of Warcraft content alongside their friends. Players who wish to prepare multiple characters for battle against the Burning Legion also now have the option to purchase additional level-100 character boosts directly through the game at $60 each. Further details on character boosts, including information on the gear, skills, and Garrison upgrades boosted level-100 characters will receive, can be found at worldofwarcraft.com.
Pre-purchasing Legion will also grant early access to the Demon Hunter prior to the expansion’s release. This dexterous and deadly new hero class turns the twisted power of the Burning Legion against them; drawing on fel forces to fuel their attacks, Demon Hunters pursue their prey with uncanny agility, unleash pent-up fury in the form of devastating attacks, and metamorphose into terrifying demonic forms. As a hero class, Demon Hunters begin their journey at a higher level than other World of Warcraft classes. During the pre-launch early-access period, players will be able to complete the Demon Hunter’s unique starting experience and achieve level 100—leaving them fully prepared to join their allies on the Broken Isles the moment the expansion launches. Further details on the Demon Hunter upcoming early-access period, including the timing and duration, will be announced at a later date.
World of Warcraft: Legion will also be available in a retail-only Collector’s Edition (SRP $89.99), which includes the digital bonuses from the Digital Deluxe Edition along with a full-color hardcover art book, a behind-the-scenes two-disc Blu-ray/DVD set, a CD soundtrack, and a Legion mouse pad. Supplies are limited; players should check with their local retailer for pre-order details and availability.


Blizzard 今日在 BlizzCon 宣布,2016 年夏季推出《魔兽世界》最新数据片《军临天下》,BlizzCon 现场公开新数据片开场动画。
今日在 BlizzCon 舞台上,由 Blizzard 故事剧本暨商品发展部资深副总裁 Chris Metzen 公开《军临天下》开场动画,预告邪恶的燃烧军团即将重返艾泽拉斯,涂炭生灵。 部落与联盟陷入绝境,胜算渺茫,双方英雄必须在已遭毁灭的上古夜精灵文明核心找出一线生机。 英雄将在此寻得威力无比的神兵武器,并与恐怖的伊利达瑞恶魔猎人缔下禁忌之约 —为了不让世界落入燃烧军团的魔掌,他们只能出此下策。
Blizzard Entertainment 首席执行长及共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 表示:「《军临天下》的新功能、新内容能让新玩家和老玩家都感受到淋漓尽致的游戏体验。 无论玩家选择直升新的角色,或是扮演恶魔猎人,都能得到无穷的乐趣,在明年夏天数据片上市前,做好与燃烧军团正面对决的万全准备。 」
Chris Metzen
- 新职业:恶魔猎人─恶魔猎人:除灵敏矫捷的身手外,还能释放潜藏的恶魔之力,变身为恐怖的恶魔形态。
- 新功能:神兵武器:发挥传奇武器的力量打击燃烧军团,解锁新的技能与特长,成为你独一无二的专属神兵武器。
- 新区域:破碎群岛:在新的冒险地图探寻失落的夜精灵古文明,克服翡翠梦魇的腐化力量,并在各大区域寻猎燃烧军团的爪牙。
- 新功能:职业大厅:无论你是圣骑士还是术士,团结就是力量。 联合同职业的 NPC 伙伴,指挥他们执行任务。
- 全新 PvP 荣誉系统:在竞技场与战场对抗敌方阵营,为名誉和荣耀而战,赢得新的 PvP 专用技能。
Blizzard 表示,《魔兽世界:军临天下》将推出典藏组合包,内含《魔兽世界》与其他 Blizzard 游戏礼物(将于数据片推出前后自动启动):
《魔兽世界》–伊利达瑞恶魔潜猎者坐骑与尼波斯宠物—骑乘燃烧军团的恶魔战犬,追击入侵的恶魔军队,并召唤总是兴奋过头的忠诚伙伴与你共度旅程,牠会用魔化火焰温暖你的身心。 ——购买后可立即使用。
- 《暴雪英霸》–恶魔潜猎者坐骑—乘着这只凶恶无比的猛兽在万象界域自由驰骋,把敌方队伍打得天翻地覆。
- 《星海争霸 2》–魔化神族头像—使用幽能灌注的伊利丹和古尔丹头像展现炼狱风格,霸气地夺回艾尔吧。
- 《暗黑破坏神 3》–背叛者之翼—让你的角色戴上伊利丹的双翼,令圣休亚瑞的恶魔心胆俱裂。
台湾、香港及澳门也会推出《魔兽世界:军临天下》实体典藏版,日后公布详细信息。 Blizzard 表示,从今天开始,台港澳玩家就可以购买角色直升 100 级服务(新台币 1,800 元),关于角色直升更多细节(如直升 100 级会收到的装备、技能信息与要塞更新),可以在官网找到相关信息。
研發團隊談《星海爭霸 2:虛空之遺》結局設計 未來計畫持續推出角色故事任務
《星海爭霸 2》「諾娃:特務密令」任務祕辛 承諾未來將持續開發新單位
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-7 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-8 07:41 AM 编辑
Overwatch Ready for Action Spring 2016 - Pre-purchase Now for Consoles and PC
《斗阵特攻》明年春季 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台问世
Blizzard 旗下新作《斗阵特攻》游戏总监暨副总裁 Jeff Kaplan 今日在 BlizzCon 宣布,《斗阵特攻》预定 2016 年春季在 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台推出,今日同步揭露新地图好莱坞,与 21 位英雄中最后三位英雄源氏、职业电竞选手 D.Va、与具有科学专才的美。
他现场公开《斗阵特攻》启元版(新台币 1900 元)正式展开预购,内容包含内含五套依据英雄过往所设计的造型:黑卫雷耶斯(死神)、指挥官莫里森(士兵 76)、绿意壁垒机兵、维安队长法拉、以及飞行员闪光;以及在 Blizzard 其他游戏中,以《斗阵特攻》为主题的游戏奖励,包括《魔兽世界》的温斯顿宝宝宠物以及《暴雪英霸》的英雄闪光、《炉石战记》 卡背等,至于参与《斗阵特攻》的预购活动者,将可在游戏发售时获得游戏中冷血刺客漆黑夺命女的造型奖励。
Blizzard 表示,《斗阵特攻》为一款场景设定在近未来的 6 对 6 射击游戏。 军人、科学家、冒险者、以及稀世奇人携手合作,为争夺世界各地知名地点的控制权而展开战斗。 游戏共有21位英雄,他们各自拥有独特武器和特殊能力,例如可扭曲时间或无视物理法则;玩家要与队友合作,一同完成游戏目标。 游戏相当考验团队精神,玩家在游戏中可以更换英雄,运用自身能力扭转战局。 战斗节奏紧凑,并强调实时性与游戏性。
「目前正在制作的《斗阵特攻》,正是我们长久以来梦寐以求的第一人称射击游戏:丰富多彩的世界观、强大的英雄、并且注重团队合作的游戏体验。 」Blizzard Entertainment 执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 说。 「我们相当兴奋,欢迎家用主机及 PC 玩家与我们一同为明日而战。 我们已迫不及待想看到明年春季时,各战队在战场上一同展现出的优异表现。 」
在今日的 BlizzCon 会场上,Blizzard Entertainment 同时也揭露了一张全新地图:好莱坞,带领玩家进入危险却又令人目眩神迷的电影制片厂之旅;此外,Blizzard 也公布《斗阵特攻》最后三位英雄,生化忍者源氏,他是一位身手矫捷的刺客大师,可用刀刃反弹敌方攻击。 职业电竞选手 D.Va,她操作着军用实验机甲捍卫自己家园。 美,将她的科学专才应用于保护自然环境上;在战场上,她操纵气候的科技能力可让敌方身陷寒冰。
Blizzard 表示,Windows PC 玩家也可选择购买《斗阵特攻》标准版(建议售价新台币 1300 元),内含所有 21 位英雄,提供玩家《斗阵特攻》的核心游戏体验。 预购此版本或其他《斗阵特攻》版本的玩家皆能在游戏发售时享有漆黑夺命女造型奖励。 台湾、香港及澳门地区家用主机版本的预购信息将于日后公布。
The world needs heroes... and Overwatch is recruiting starting today! Blizzard Entertainment’s team-based first-person shooter is coming to Windows PC, the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and Xbox One in spring 2016†. Players around the world can prepare for battle by pre-purchasing Overwatch for all three platforms at buyoverwatch.com. As a bonus, players who pre-purchase will receive the special Noire skin for Widowmaker, Overwatch’s ice-cold assassin, at launch.
Overwatch is a 6v6 shooter that takes place on Earth in the near future, where teams of soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities clash for control of iconic locations around the world. The game features a diverse cast of 21 heroes—each with their own unique arsenal of weapons and abilities—who bend time and defy physics as they work together to complete objectives with their allies. Teamwork is critical as players swap heroes on the fly and combine their powers to game-changing effect—the action is intense, with a focus on immediacy and fun.
“We’re building Overwatch to be the first-person shooter we’ve always wanted to play, with a vibrant world, awesome heroes, and an emphasis on tightly focused cooperative gameplay,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We’re excited to welcome console and PC gamers to the fight for the future, and we can’t wait to see all the incredible things teams are able to accomplish on the battlefield this upcoming spring.”
At BlizzCon today, Blizzard Entertainment also unveiled an all-new map—Hollywood, which takes players on a dazzling and dangerous movie studio tour—along with the final three heroes in Overwatch’s 21-character roster. Genji, a cybernetic ninja, is an expert assassin capable of extraordinary feats of agility, including reflecting enemy attacks with his blade. D.Va is a former pro-gaming superstar who pilots an experimental military mech in defense of her home country. Mei travels the globe applying her scientific expertise to protect the natural world; in battle, her arsenal of climate-manipulating technology has the power to put the opposition on ice. To learn more about these and other Overwatch heroes and maps, visit playoverwatch.com.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-8 07:00 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-8 07:42 AM 编辑

《爐石戰記》公開新冒險篇章《探險者協會》 預定 11 月 12 日問世 PC線上遊戲
Join the Expedition! The League of Explorers Coming to Hearthstone November 12
Grab your hat and torch; it’s time to go exploring! Today at BlizzCon, Blizzard Entertainment revealed The League of Explorers, a brand-new Adventure that sends brave duelists far and wide on harrowing expeditions to recover a mysterious lost relic. The newest addition to Hearthstone’ s Adventure Mode, The League of Explorers will pit adventurers against dastardly villains in fierce encounters that will require unique strategies to conquer. And yes, there might be serpents.
“League of Explorers is a fun mix of memorable locations from Warcraft and exciting new locations to battle through,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “Players who join the expedition are in for a good time and will walk away with some great new cards for their collections.”
The League of Explorers introduces four intrepid adventurers—Elise Starseeker, Reno Jackson, Sir Finley Mrrgglton, and Brann Bronzebeard—and invites players to join their journey through a series of exotic destinations, some familiar and some new, to recover an artifact of immense power. These brave explorers will face many perils as they navigate through the Temple of Orsis, Uldaman, the Ruined City, and the Hall of Explorers in hopes of discovering lost artifacts that will lead them closer to the relic. Escaping giant boulders and emerging from all of the locations in one piece will reward adventurers with a combined total of 45 treasured new cards, bringing a slew of new tactics to the game.
Available for exploration starting November 12 on Windows and Mac PCs; Windows, iOS, and Android tablets; and iOS and Android mobile phones, the four League of Explorers locations will open on a weekly basis (one per week) over the course of a month, with a one-week break in the middle during the Thanksgiving holiday. The League of Explorers can be purchased in full for $19.99 USD, one location at a time for 700 gold or $6.99 USD each, or in discounted bundles based on the number of individual locations already purchased.
Prepare for the perilous journey ahead and learn more about Hearthstone at http://www.playhearthstone.com/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-8 07:33 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-9 06:23 PM 编辑
Activision Blizzard 成立电影电视制作工作室 计划打造《使命召唤》电影
就在《使命召唤:黑色行动 3》正式上市后,Activision Blizzard 宣布正式成立 Activision Blizzard 工作室,为专注于电影与电视制作的内部单位,预定将会把《使命召唤》系列改编成电影,最快 2018 年或 2019 年问世。
Activision Blizzard 强调,将会为《使命召唤》电影版本打造强大的电影世界,而该工作室同时正在打造以游戏《宝贝龙冒险(Skylanders)》为基础的电视动画,《宝贝龙冒险学园(暂译)》预定于 2016 年第二季问世。
整个工作室由曾担任迪斯尼策略资深副总裁的 Nick van Dyk 来担任联合总裁,位于美国加州 Santa Monica 总部。 Activision Blizzard 执行长 Bobby Kotick 表示,他们计划进入电影与电视制作已经超过一年,目标将会是以现有 Activision 旗下 IP 来拍摄真人电影或动画化,广受欢迎的游戏系列《使命召唤》希望未来能够打造成电影系列。
Bobby Kotick 表示,公司与不少好莱坞创意人才都有深厚关系,将会为《使命召唤》打造故事。
《魔獸世界:軍臨天下》塑型新功能將整合所有物品外觀 解析新系統特色
研發團隊解析《暴雪英霸》新戰場「厄運之塔」設計理念 給玩家毛骨悚然的感受
只有電競選手可駕駛機甲?《鬥陣特攻》研發團隊解析 D.VA 英雄背景趣味設定
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-18 06:16 PM
《斗阵特攻》首波周末 Beta 测试 20 日限时登场 计划开放三位新英雄
Blizzard 宣布《斗阵特攻》将于太平洋标准时间 20 至 23 日进行首波周末 Beta 测试,同时公开硬件需求。
团战射击游戏《斗阵特攻》已在北美地区展开 Beta 测试,而本周末预定于太平洋标准时间 20 日(五)早上 9 时至 23 日(一)早上 9 时展开首次的周末限时封测,并开放给更多美洲、欧洲玩家参与;而玩家将可以直接选择 21 名英雄,包含日前在 BlizzCon 公布的三名新角色 D.VA、美和源氏,于花村、国王大道、直布罗陀基地三张地图上进行对战。
本次将是压力测试,研发团队期望藉此了解部分技术问题,包含游戏运作状况、Beta 服务器的体验、Bug 等相关问题。 官方表示:「我们的目标是希望将硬件推到极限,因此若过程中有任何性能问题,请不要感到惊讶,这都将是正个过程的一部分。 」
最低配备需求:(targeting 30fps)
- Operating system: Windows Vista/7/ 8/10 64-bit(latest Service Pack)
- Processor: Intel Core i3 or AMD Phenom X3 865
- Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460, ATI Radeon HD 4850, or Intel HD Graphics 4400
- Memory: 768 MB VRAM, 4 GB System RAM
- Storage: 7200 RPM with 5 GB available HD space
建议配备需求:(targeting 60fps on Medium settings):
- Operating system: Windows Vista/7/ 8/10 64-bit(latest Service Pack)
- Processor: Intel Core i5 or AMD Phenom II X3, 2.8 GHz
- Video: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 or ATI Radeon HD 7950
- Memory: 2 GB VRAM, 6 GB System RAM
- Storage: 7200 RPM with 5 GB available HD space
《斗阵特攻》将于太平洋标准时间 20 至 23 日进行首波周末 Beta 测试。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-20 07:36 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-11-20 07:33 PM 编辑
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Coming to PS4 & Xbox One on December 1
动视今天宣布第一人称冷兵器对战游戏《骑士:中世纪》将会在12月1日登录XBOX ONE以及PS4平台。本作中玩家将能够在总共25张不同的地图上,体验最多24人在线的冷兵器对战,而本作的主机版中还会有最大支持6人合作的生存模式。


Activision Publishing Announces Chivalry: Medieval Warfare for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One
Activision Publishing has announced it will bring Chivalry: Medieval Warfare, Torn Banner Studios’ intense, melee-oriented action game, to the PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system and Xbox One next month. This new release features 24-person online multiplayer, over 25 maps, dedicated server support and a new horde mode for teams of up to six.
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is expected to storm the PlayStation 4 via the PlayStation Store on Dec. 2. and Xbox One through the Xbox Games Store on Dec. 1. Also launching on these dates, on both platforms, is Chivalry: Medieval Warfare Ultimate Edition, which includes the full game, plus the Barbarian Character Pack, Marauding Arbiter Pack, Inquisitive Dreadnaught Bundle and Barbarian Weapon Pack. Pre-orders for the Standard Game and Ultimate Edition are expected to open on 25th November for Xbox One only.
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare makes combat fast, forceful and precise with a deep melee fighting system and the ability to quickly switch between first and third-person perspectives. Lay waste to castles and villages as one of four distinct classes – Knight, Vanguard, Man-at-Arms and Archer – in battles of cold, ruthless steel across a multitude of solo and team-based modes. The game includes over 60 period-authentic swords, axes, maces, javelins, bows and more, complemented by a range of armours, helmets and siege weapons, including catapults, ballistae, boiling oil and battering rams.
A number of cosmetic DLC sets, each sold separately, will also be available when Chivalry: Medieval Warfare arrives. The Barbarian Character Pack contains savage barbarian skins for each of the game’s four classes. The Marauding Arbiter Pack features new skins and helmets for the Vanguard class. The Inquisitive Dreadnaught Bundle holds new skins, helmets and special weapons for the Knight class. Finally, the Barbarian Weapon Pack delivers five brutal weapons of war.
For more information, please visit tornbanner.com/chivalry , and follow the game on Facebook.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-11-26 07:16 PM
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-1 06:17 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-1 07:29 PM 编辑
TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan rated in Australia, developed by Platinum Games
《忍者神龟》系列新作泄露 由白金工作室开发
近日,在澳大利亚的评级网站上出现了一款名为《忍者神龟:曼哈顿变种(TMNT:Mutants in Manhattan)》的游戏,这款《忍者神龟》系列新作由白金工作室开发,Activision负责发行。根据巴西评级机构的情报,其将登陆PS4、PS3、Xbox One、Xbox 360和PC平台。
虽然《忍者神龟》的动画和漫画都深入人心,但在游戏领域,这四只乌龟混的可不是很好。这一系列的上一部作品是由Red Fly工作室开发的《忍者神龟:脱影而出》,该作推出后受到了一致的差评,游戏中时不时出现的bug和令人厌烦的视角几乎毁了《忍者神龟》这块金字招牌。

http://www.classification.gov.au ... wLmVA0tWHsHBG9lWpXU
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-2 07:27 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-2 07:15 PM 编辑
PS4/Xbox One 版近战动作游戏《Chivalry: Medieval Warfare》即日起欧美下载贩卖
由 Torn Banner Studios 开发的 PS4/Xbox One 版下载专用在线近战动作游戏《Chivalry: Medieval Warfare》(シバルリー メディーバル ウォーフェアー),即日起在欧美地区下载贩卖,售价 19.99 美元,官方并公布游戏上市影片。
本作为一款可支持最多 24 人同场对战,选择使用剑、斧或弓等不同武器的角色,分成两股势力展开战斗的第一人称视点动作游戏,共有「斯巴达」、「武士」、「维京」、「骑士」、「海盗」及「忍者」等不同时代及武器的 6 种职业可供玩家选择,在硬派世界观中融合了奇幻要素的独特设定,受到不少玩家青睐。 家用主机版本将收录超过 25 种地图,除了团队死斗及攻城战等原有游戏模式之外,还追加了抵抗怪物波状攻击的「持久战模式」(ホードモード)等新要素。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-4 07:59 PM
《斗阵特攻》首次封测将于 11 日结束 预定明年 1 月再次启动封测
Blizzard 宣布,《斗阵特攻》首次封测将于台湾时间 12 月 11 日凌晨 1 时结束,并预定 1 月再次启动封测。
Blizzard 表示,从《斗阵特攻》展开封闭测试开始,世界各地玩家进行 90 万场以上战斗,研发团队获得关于服务器运作、对战配对、地图与英雄平衡等众多意见,他们将先停止封闭测试、来好好改善游戏,同时计划将观战系统与升级系统加入。
Blizzard 指出,《斗阵特攻》预定明年 1 月中下旬再次启动封测,相关细节将于明年初公开,届时原本拥有封测资格的玩家仍可登入游玩。
《斗阵特攻》为一款场景设定在近未来的 6 对 6 射击游戏。 军人、科学家、冒险者、以及稀世奇人携手合作,为争夺世界各地知名地点的控制权而展开战斗。 游戏共有21位英雄,他们各自拥有独特武器和特殊能力,例如可扭曲时间或无视物理法则;玩家要与队友合作,一同完成游戏目标。 游戏相当考验团队精神,玩家在游戏中可以更换英雄,运用自身能力扭转战局。 战斗节奏紧凑,并强调实时性与游戏性。
《斗阵特攻》预定 2016 年春季在 PC / PS4 / Xbox One 平台推出。http://tw.battle.net/overwatch/zh/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-9 06:22 PM
《斗阵特攻》释出新开放影片 未来新英雄、地图将以免费内容形式加入
Blizzard 释出《斗阵特攻》新开发影片并于影片中透露,未来研发团队也将陆续加入新角色、地图,不过届时不会是付费 DLC 下载内容,而是以免费内容形式于游戏中更新。
PC / P S4 / Xbox One 射击游戏新作《斗阵特攻》即将于 2016 年春季上市,游戏也于即日起开放预购。 目前游戏内共有 21 位英雄,他们各自拥有独特武器和特殊能力,例如可扭曲时间或无视物理法则等,玩家要与队友合作,一同完成游戏目标。
近日官方释出新开发影片,游戏总监暨副总裁 Jeff Kaplan 于影片中针对玩家关心的问题回应:「目前的 21 位英雄平衡性、趣味性、独特性都很好,而我们也有加入新地图和新英雄的想法,而我们觉得最适合的方式是以免费内容的方式推出,并非是 DLC,希望这样能减少玩家的顾虑。 另外,我们也很兴奋的在某处暗示新英雄的信息,有些彩蛋就隐藏在地图之中」;目前研发团队无法确定什么时候加入新英雄,或是游戏上市后多快的时间内会新增英雄。
除此之外,Jeff 也谈论了关于游戏音乐和音量、当前计分设计等多项功能更新设计。 详细开发更新信息可参考以下影片。
PC / PS4 / Xbox One 《斗阵特攻》预计明年 1 月再次启动封测。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2015-12-19 07:11 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2015-12-19 04:03 PM 编辑
Overwatch Theatrical Teaser
《斗阵特攻》最新预告影像公开 展示登场角色
此前暴雪已经正式确认《斗阵特攻》将登陆PS4和XBOX One平台,并与PC版同期于2016年春季发售。日前官方放出了本作的一段最新预告片“我们是守望先锋(We Are Overwatch)”,在这段宣传片中官方主要展示了本作的多位登场英雄角色,下面就请玩家们一起来欣赏一下。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-5 07:17 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-5 06:23 PM 编辑
Activision Blizzard Acquires the Business of Major League Gaming
北美知名电竞公司 MLG 传出以 4600 万美元卖给 Activision Blizzard
国外媒体 Esports Observer 报导,北美最大电竞公司 Major League Gaming(MLG)董事会于 2015 年 12 月一场会议中,批准了以 4600 万美元将多数资产卖给知名游戏厂商 Activision Blizzard。
根据 Esports Observer 报导,MLG 于 12 月 22 日向股东通知 MLG 将多数资产以 4600 万美元一事。 此外,MLG 执行长 Sundance DiGiovanni 也卸下职务,改由前任财务长 Greg Chisholm 担任执行长。
报导指出,部分股东对于没有召开鼓动会议就做出这项决定感到失望,有人并猜测此次交易主要是为了支付 MLG 的债务,能留下给股东的并不多。
MLG 曾经在北美电竞市场引领风骚一段时间,成功举办像是《星海争霸 2》、《决胜时刻》等北美赛事,同时也计划打进中国市场,但近年来遭受对手挑战,像 ESL 就拿走了《决胜时刻》世界联赛举办权。
然而,Activision Blizzard 与 MLG 本身都并未对此项报导加以证实。

Activision Blizzard Acquires the Business of Major League Gaming
Activision Blizzard today announced the acquisition of the business of Major League Gaming (MLG). MLG is a leader in creating and streaming premium live gaming events, organizing professional competitions and running competitive gaming leagues. The acquisition expands Activision Blizzard’s reach across the rapidly-growing esports ecosystem by adding proven live streaming capabilities and technologies to the Activision Blizzard Media Networks division, led by former ESPN CEO Steve Bornstein and MLG Co-founder Mike Sepso.
Bobby Kotick, Chief Executive Officer of Activision Blizzard, said, “Our acquisition of Major League Gaming’s business furthers our plans to create the ESPN of esports. MLG’s ability to create premium content and its proven broadcast technology platform – including its live streaming capabilities – strengthens our strategic position in competitive gaming. MLG has an incredibly strong and seasoned team and a thriving community. Together, we will create new ways to celebrate players and their unique skills, dedication and commitment to gaming. We are excited to add Sundance and the entire MLG esports team to our competitive gaming initiatives.”
Sundance DiGiovanni, Chief Executive Officer and MLG Co-founder, said, “Our mission for over 12 years has been to promote and expand the growth of competitive gaming worldwide, and today the industry is at a key inflection point as its popularity soars and rivals that of many traditional professional sports. This acquisition and Activision Blizzard’s commitment to competitive gaming will expand the opportunities for gamers to be recognized and celebrated for their competitive excellence.”
Mike Sepso, Senior Vice President of Activision Blizzard Media Networks and MLG Co-founder, said, “Sundance and I founded MLG to highlight the incredible talent of competitive gamers all over the world. Activision Blizzard’s esports leadership, incredible intellectual property and long history in competitive gaming create a perfect home for MLG’s capabilities. The acquisition of MLG’s business is an important step towards Activision Blizzard Media Networks’ broader mission to bring esports into the mainstream by creating and broadcasting premium esports content, organizing global league play and expanding distribution with key gaming partners.”
MLG will continue to operate MLG.tv, MLG Pro Circuit and GameBattles platforms, and will continue to work with its partners and other publishers across the industry. MLG.tv is a premium online broadcast network for professional-level esports and the MLG Pro Circuit is the longest-running esports league in North America. GameBattles is the largest online gaming tournament system across consoles, PC and mobile platforms.
With over 100 million unique viewers, the esports audience is estimated to be bigger than audiences for many professional sports leagues. Creating premium content for these audiences will provide significant opportunities in ticket sales, advertising, sponsorships, licensing and merchandising. By 2017, esports is projected to have over 300 million viewers. For the past 12 years, MLG has helped bring esports into the mainstream with broadcasts of professional gaming competitions that rival traditional sports fan engagement.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-16 07:37 AM
Vivendi sells its stake in Activision Blizzard

Vivendi: unwinding of hedge and disposal of Activision Blizzard shares
Vivendi today announced that it unwound the hedge on its remaining 41.5 million Activision Blizzard shares (representing 5.7% of the video game publisher’s common shares) and sold its entire position to a financial institution for net proceeds of US$1.1 billion (approximately
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-18 06:58 PM
不久前,《古墓丽影:崛起》游戏总监Brian Horton表示自己将离开水晶动力,开始一段“新的冒险”。很快,他在自己的推特等社交主页发文,表示自己加入了动视旗下位于美国加州的Infinity Ward工作室,出任艺术总监。Infinity Ward工作室以开发使命召唤COD系列闻名。
虽然Infinity Ward工作室尚未正式确认聘请Horton,但可以推断,Horton未来将可能负责一款尚未公布的新游戏的艺术指导,这款游戏很有可能就是COD系列的新作。
根据COD系列三家工作室每家至少3年开发时间的循环,今年将推出由Infinity Ward工作室负责的新作。在此之前是2015年Treyarch工作室开发的《COD:黑色行动3》和2014年Sledgehammer Games负责的《COD:高级战争》。
Infinity Ward开发的上一个游戏是2013年在Xbox One和PS4销量250万套的《COD:幽灵》。
水晶动力工作室确认,《古墓丽影:崛起》的导演Brian Horton已经从工作室离开。Brian Horton在2013年制作《古墓丽影》时担任资深艺术指导,随着新作的制作,他也成为了《古墓丽影:崛起》的导演。
在Brian Horton本人的声明中,他提到,“能够在水晶动力工作室参与《古墓丽影》系列的制作真的是让人感到无比荣幸的一件事。我在这里遇到了来自全球各地的粉丝,不管是通过线上还是线下,我们都一起分享着对于《古墓丽影》系列和对劳拉的喜爱。对于离开水晶动力工作室我也感到十分伤心,之后我也会继续作为工作室的粉丝游玩之后推出的游戏,再次感谢大家。”
据悉,他将与她的家人前往南加州开始自己事业的新阶段,但他没有明确自己是否还会继续留在游戏业内。不过南加州可是有不少知名的游戏厂商和工作室,比如顽皮狗、Riot、Infinity Ward、暴雪等等。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-22 07:24 AM
Overwatch beta returning February with new game modes, maps & progression system

Closed Beta Update – January 21, 2016
Happy 2016 Everyone!
It’s been a while since we’ve chatted, so I wanted to provide a quick update on the status of the Overwatch Closed Beta.
When we brought the Closed Beta offline last December, we did so with the intent to use the downtime to address player feedback, work on some core features (like progression!), and adjust the balance of the game. Our goal was to have all of that work completed before bringing the Closed Beta back online, and our hope was to have that goal complete by middle to late January.
While progress has been great and the team has been working super hard to get everything implemented on time, we're not quite ready to bring the Closed Beta back online just yet. We’ve been pretty open about the fact that we could slip into February from the beginning, but a big reason for this delay is that we really wanted to add one more big feature to the next beta patch.
After looking through all of the feedback from last year, one of the things we noticed players consistently mentioning was their desire for more game modes in Overwatch, in addition to Point Capture and Payload. Without getting into specifics, we are working on a new game mode. And we’re very excited about it! And we have some great new maps to support it, too, but we need a little more time to get everything just right.
Rather than try to rush a beta patch out this month (which would mean the new game mode would have to be put off), we’re going to take a few extra weeks before bringing the Closed Beta back. By doing so, we can make sure we can include the new game mode along with the new maps. This will also allow us to do some additional polish to the game’s progression and reward system. Though all these features will still technically be a work-in-progress during the beta, we’d like them to be at a certain quality bar before releasing them for testing.
This was an easy choice for us to make, and hopefully this post can help you understand why we made it. I don’t have an exact date for when the Closed Beta will resume, but right now we’re looking at mid-February (and we don’t intend to slip out of February). We’ll do our best to provide at least one week’s notice before we’re ready to get this beta party started again, so definitely keep an eye on our official channels.
We love making this game with you guys. It’s been so much fun and you’ve been incredibly supportive of us. Thank you all so much for your patience and we hope to see you in-game soon!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-26 07:35 AM
Platinum Games’ TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan to be 'officially leaked' tomorrow

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-1-26 06:24 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-1-26 07:13 PM 编辑
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan Debut Trailer & Details
白金工作室近日宣布,将在2016年1月26日正式公开被泄露了很久的《忍者神龟:曼哈顿变种》(点此查看)。不过就在官方的倒计时页面上线不久,有网友发现微软的Xbox Live商店就已经出现了这款游戏的相关信息,就连预告片都出来了。可能是受此影响,游戏的发行商Activision也在不久之后公开了正式版的游戏预告片。
本作和之前白金工作室出品的《变形金刚:毁灭》一样采用了动画渲染技术,画面看上去非常舒服。游戏的战斗节奏也保持了白金的一贯水平,风格明快。既然有四位主人公,本作也顺理成章的支持多人合作,玩家可以在线进行2-4人的合作。除了我们所熟悉的四位主人公之外,施莱德等一干反派也一同出现在预告片之中,游戏的剧情则是由IDW版《忍者神龟》漫画的作者Tom Waltz操刀。
《忍者神龟:曼哈顿变种》预定于2016年夏季上市,届时将登陆PS4、PS3、Xbox One、Xbox 360和PC平台。

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan
Battle alongside your brothers through the sewers, subways, and streets of NYC to take down Shredder and Krang’s evil organization, Foot by Foot. Unleash custom combat skills and powerful team combos to save Manhattan from the overwhelming dark forces growing in the shadows.
• Assemble your team in 4-player online co-op mode!
• Fight fan-favorite enemies like Bebop and Rocksteady!
• Visually stunning, fast-paced combat true to PlatinumGames’ signature style.
• Gritty comic-inspired art style turns a new chapter in TMNT history!
• Original story penned by IDW Comic’s TMNT author, Tom Waltz.
Official Website - http://www.tmntmutantsinmanhattan.com/
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-11 08:34 AM
Overwatch's closed beta is back along with new Progression System, skins and intros
Overwatch Closed Beta – Round 2 Commencing
Break's over, team — it’s time to get back out on the battlefield!
Round 2 of the Overwatch Closed Beta is officially underway in the Americas and Europe gameplay regions. We've added a ton of new content and features for our testers to analyze, including a new player progression system, new game mode, new maps, revamped Custom Game options, and a variety of hero balance updates.
Check out the complete patch notes for a breakdown on everything that's been added and changed, including some additional hero balance insights from our developers. You can also read more about the new progression system here.












作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-11 09:34 AM
Blizzard 迎向 25 周年 释出回顾庆祝影片
Blizzard 迈向 25 周年,Blizzard Entertainment 执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 与 Blizzard Entertainment 共同创办人兼研发长 Frank Pearce 录制影片,带领玩家回顾过去 25 年的里程并感谢玩家的支持。
Blizzard 自成立至今已于今日起正式迎向 25 年,在过去的时间 Blizzard 制作多款游戏并与玩家创造许多经典回忆。 在影片中 Mike Morhaime 和 Frank Pearce 带领玩家回忆过去 25 年期间印象深刻的时刻,并表示:「过去 25 年的历程十分惊人,但也同时期待未来的发展。 再一次的,我们诚挚地感谢全球玩家一起渡过这些时光,并携手一同展望接下来的 25 年。 」
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-2-12 06:34 PM
·动视在2015年的营业收益增长30%(非GAAP标准),收入增长7%(非GAAP标准),数字营收增长超过65%。Activision Publishing用哟四款次世代主机上的十佳游戏,其中包含《使命召唤:黑色行动3》。
·动视所推出的《命运》的资料片“The Taken King”也创造了很好的成绩,如今超过2500万注册用户在这款游戏[词语过滤-#0048]花费了近30亿小时的时间。
·动视于第三季度发售的《小龙斯派罗:超动能》和第四季度发售的《吉他英雄:Live》表现弱于预期。动视认为其主要原因是“Toys to Life”类游戏竞争压力更大,且休闲游戏用户群转移到移动设备上。
2015年11月2日该公司公布了他们亿59亿美元收购King Digital的协议,随着这项交易的临近,他们期待King Digital业务的加入可以和动视暴雪有效结合,令其平台、用户、游戏类型和商业模式能够成长。
2015年12月22日,动视确认将举办“《使命召唤》World League Pro Division”,全世界玩《使命召唤:黑色行动3》的800个职业战队将竞争超过300万美元的奖金。最终的《使命召唤》冠军锦标赛则将于2016年秋季举行。
动视计划将在2016年第四季度推出革新性的《使命召唤》新作,该作品将由《现代战争》系列开发商Infinity Ward负责制作。
动视预计将于2016年和《Skylanders Academy》一起,发售全新的《Skylanders》系列游戏。
2016年1月28日,暴雪公开了2016年的《风暴英雄》官方赛事“Heroes of the Dorm”,将由超过50万美元奖金以及其他奖励。玩家们可以通过ESPN来观看比赛。
暴雪的新作《守望先锋》将于2016年春季登陆PS4、XBOX One和PC平台。首次内测已从2015年10月27日开始进行至2015年12月10日,新的内测也已从2016年2月9日开始。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-7 06:06 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-7 06:14 PM 编辑
Overwatch launches May 24, a takeover ad campaign at IGN has revealed
Blizzard 新作《斗阵特攻》上市日期遭意外曝光 疑似将于 5 月 24 日发售
美国网友发现知名游戏网站 IGN 突然跳出 Blizzard 旗下知名游戏《斗阵特攻》广告,宣告将于美国时间 5 月 24 日上市。
虽然 IGN 马上撤掉这个广告,但仍被网友截图,根据广告内容显示,PC / PS4 / Xbox One《斗阵特攻》将于 5 月 24 日正式上市。
此外,广告中显示若是于美国时间 4 月 29 日前预购《斗阵特攻》的玩家,将可于美国时间 5 月 3 日参与抢先体验公开测试。
《斗阵特攻》为一款场景设定在近未来的 6 对 6 射击游戏。 军人、科学家、冒险者、以及稀世奇人携手合作,为争夺世界各地知名地点的控制权而展开战斗。 游戏共有 21 位英雄,他们各自拥有独特武器和特殊能力,例如可扭曲时间或无视物理法则;玩家要与队友合作,一同完成游戏目标。 游戏相当考验团队精神,玩家在游戏中可以更换英雄,运用自身能力扭转战局。
《斗阵特攻》原本宣布将于今年春季上市,而 5 月 24 日符合这个条件,虽然 IGN 随后撤下了这个广告,但已经引发国外讨论;经巴哈姆特 GNN 向 Blizzard 询问,Blizzard 对此不发表任何评论。 至于《斗阵特攻》正式上市日期,就等 Blizzard 亲口宣布了。

作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-8 07:30 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-9 02:53 PM 编辑
Blizzard 宣布《斗阵特攻》5 月 24 日正式上市 5 月 5 日起免费公开测试
Blizzard Entertainment 今(8)日宣布,旗下射击游戏新作《斗阵特攻》将在 5 月 24 日起登陆 Windows PC、PlayStation 4 与 Xbox One 平台。
Blizzard 表示,预购玩家除了可获得先前揭露过《斗阵特攻》冷血刺客的「漆黑夺命女」造型外,于 4 月 29 日前预购 PC、PS4 或 Xbox One 的玩家还能和一名朋友提前两天投入《斗阵特攻》早鸟公测(台湾、香港及澳门地区家用主机版本预购享早鸟公测相关信息,将于日后公布)。 在这场公测中,玩家将有机会使用《斗阵特攻》全部 21 位英雄,抢先体验这个惊险刺激、讲究战术的奔放世界。 美西时间 5 月 3 日至 4 日的早鸟公测体验期结束后,全球各地玩家就能在 5 月 5 日至 9 日(美西时间)公测期间招募队友,免费体验游戏。 玩家如欲了解公开测试详情,可前往官方网站与官网公告。
要注意的是,玩家在公测的游戏进度将无法延续到正式版,Blizzard 表示,将会在《斗阵特攻》上市时重置玩家在早鸟公测与公测期间的所有造型、奖励、等级、战绩等数据。 另外,《斗阵特攻》在公测与上市后,都不支持 PC 与家用主机版本间的跨平台服务。
4 月 29 日前预购的玩家还能和一名朋友提前两天加入早鸟公测
「《斗阵特攻》是一款适合各种玩家的团队取向射击游戏,游戏方式讲究团队合作,是一款快速有趣的竞赛动作类游戏,拥有各式各样的非凡英雄。 」Blizzard Entertainment 执行长暨共同创办人 Mike Morhaime 表示:「我们认为全世界的计算机与家用主机玩家都会玩得大呼过瘾,我们迫不及待要让大家在 5 月 24 日上市前,让大家抢先体验《斗阵特攻》。 」
Blizzard 表示,玩家可以在《斗阵特攻》加入传奇军人、科学家、冒险家与稀世奇人的行列,在近代未来的地球战场进行大战。 这款游戏推出 21 位形形色色的英雄 — 每位都拥有独特的精良武器与惊人技能。 团队合作是玩家胜利的关键,你可以随意切换英雄,结合众多英雄的力量扭转战局 — 惊心动魄、刺激有趣又趣味无穷。
自从《斗阵特攻》在 2015 年的 Blizzard 年度活动 BlizzCon 中正式对全世界公开亮相,Blizzard 一直在封闭测试中推出若干游戏新特色。 在全新的「控制」地图类型中,玩家们将透过团队作战在尼泊尔山区的村庄或中国都会的高科技大楼内进行激烈攻防。 《斗阵特攻》的全新升级奖励系统提供玩家内有大量装饰品的战利品奖励,让玩家能量身打造英雄外观,包括喷漆、表情、自定义语音与造型(例如庞克闪光与草原探险家温斯顿)。 在快速对战中,系统会自动帮玩家配对,在在线寻找技术相近的队友和对手;玩家也可以在全新的练习战中,对抗由 A.I. 控制的敌人,考验自己的本领绝活;自定义游戏让玩家能针对切换英雄与调整伤害等细节设定特殊规则。 Blizzard 指出,将来还会推出更多精彩内容,不但计划在上市后持续更新英雄与地图,而且不会加收任何费用。
Blizzard 指出,Windows PC、PS4 与 Xbox One 玩家将可购买《斗阵特攻》启元版(建议售价新台币 1,900 元),加入这场未来大战,其中包含五位角色故事背景相关的英雄造型黑卫雷耶斯(死神)、指挥官莫里森(士兵 76)、绿意壁垒机兵、维安队长法拉与飞行员闪光,还有 Blizzard Entertainment 游戏《斗阵特攻》 主题礼物,包括《魔兽世界》的虚拟宠物温斯顿宝宝、《暴雪英霸》的英雄闪光以及更多内容。
《斗阵特攻》同时将限量推出仅供零售的典藏版(建议售价新台币 3,990 元,台湾、香港及澳门地区典藏版贩卖细节将于日后公布),除包含《斗阵特攻》启元版数字内容,还有全彩美术设计集、《斗阵特攻》原声带与士兵 76 的高质感雕像(前捍卫者指挥官杰克莫里森化身而成的正义使者)。 至于 Windows PC 玩家也可选购数字标准版(建议售价新台币 1,300 元),来获得《斗阵特攻》的核心体验。
Blizzard 表示,《斗阵特攻》将推出英文、繁体中文(仅限 Windows PC)、拉丁美洲西班牙文、巴西葡萄牙文、德文、欧洲西班牙文、法语、意大利文、波兰文、俄文、韩文(仅限 Windows PC)、日文(仅限 Windows PC 和 PS4 系统)与简体中文版(仅限 Windows PC),此游戏在台湾分级为辅 15 级。
Overwatch Launches May 24
The Future Arrives May 24 - Overwatch Prepares for Battle on PC, PS4, and Xbox One
Assemble your team and prepare your defenses—the fight for the future is about to begin! Blizzard Entertainment today announced that Overwatch will arrive in stores on Windows PC, PlayStation 4 computer entertainment system, and Xbox One starting May 24.†† Heroes from around the world can join the coming conflict by pre-purchasing Blizzard’s team-based first-person shooter today at playoverwatch.com/buy.
In addition to receiving the previously revealed Noire skin for Widowmaker, Overwatch’ s ice-cold assassin, players who preorder or pre-purchase the game for PC, PS4 system, or Xbox One will also get a two-day head start on the upcoming Overwatch open beta for themselves and a friend.† In the open beta, players will have an opportunity to play all 21 heroes and experience the intense action, tactical depth, and vibrant world of Overwatch prior to the game’s release. Following the head-start period on May 3–4 for those who have preordered, gamers everywhere will be able to assemble a team of friends and check out the game free during the all-access period from May 5–9. To learn more about the open beta, players can visit the official website.
“Overwatch is a team shooter for everyone, with deep, cooperative gameplay, fast and fun competitive action, and a diverse range of larger-than-life heroes,” said Mike Morhaime, CEO and cofounder of Blizzard Entertainment. “We think PC and console players everywhere will have a great time in the game, and we’re excited to give everyone a chance to try Overwatch out for themselves ahead of its May 24 launch.”
The Story So Far...
In Overwatch, players join the ranks of a legendary force of soldiers, scientists, adventurers, and oddities, and clash on the battlefields of a near-future Earth. The game features a diverse cast of 21 heroes—each with their own unique arsenal of extraordinary weapons and incredible abilities. Teamwork is critical as players complete objectives, swap heroes on the fly, and combine their powers to game-changing effect—the action is intense, immediate, and fun.
Since the world last caught up with Overwatch at BlizzCon 2015, Blizzard has introduced a number of game features in the ongoing closed beta test. In a new map type, Control, teams battle to capture and hold objectives in locations such as an omnic village in the mountains of Nepal and a high-tech skyscraper in a Chinese metropolis. Overwatch’s new progression system awards players with Loot Boxes containing an array of cosmetic items to personalize heroes, including sprays, emotes, voice lines, and skins such as Punk Tracer and Safari Winston.
In addition to Quick Play mode, which automatically matches players with teammates and opponents of similar skill online, players can test their mettle against computer-controlled opponents in a new Play Vs. AI mode, while Custom Games allow players to set special rules for hero switching, damage modifiers, and more. And there’s more to come in the future: Blizzard plans to patch in new heroes and maps post-launch at no additional cost. To keep up with the latest Overwatch news, head to the official website.
Meanwhile, In Stores Everywhere...
Windows PC, PS4 system, and Xbox One gamers will be able to join the fight for the future by picking up Overwatch: Origins Edition (SRP: £44.99 on Windows PC, and SRP: £54.99 on PS4 system/Xbox One), which comes with hero skins for five characters based on their storied pasts—Blackwatch Reyes (Reaper), Strike-Commander Morrison (Soldier: 76), Overgrown Bastion, Security Chief Pharah, and Slipstream Tracer. It also includes a cache of Overwatch-themed content for several Blizzard Entertainment games, including a Baby Winston pet for World of Warcraft, Tracer hero for Heroes of the Storm, and more—visit playoverwatch.com/buy for the complete Origins Edition details.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-15 07:39 AM
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan Releasing on May 24


作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-17 06:45 PM
《斗阵特攻》正式公开动漫画、图文小说情报 动画预告片抢先揭露
Blizzard 正式公开《斗阵特攻》动画相关信息,并抢先释出动画预告影片,未来玩家将可透过动画、漫画等方式探索《斗阵特攻》世界故事。
Blizzard Entertainment 旗下射击游戏新作《斗阵特攻》将于 5 月 24 日起登陆 Windows PC、PlayStation 4 与 Xbox One 平台,届时玩家将能操控闪光、士兵 76、半藏、夺命女等 21 位不同特色的英雄进行对战。
Blizzard 表示,他们借着长期以来制作动画的经验来创造一系列动画短片,首部《斗阵特攻》动画短片预计 3 月内就会正式公开,而在接下来的两个月内,Blizzard 会陆续叙述英雄的故事并揭露他们奋战的目的。
至于数字漫画方面集结了多位作家与艺术家共同创作,预计推出六个主题系列,第一个主题将聚焦在不同英雄上,包含疯狂罪犯二人组拦路猪和炸弹鼠,以及古代的勇士,并依循着骑士信条而活的莱因哈特。 短篇漫画预计 4 月亮相,第一个故事讲述手持和平捍卫者手枪的枪手麦卡利的故事。
除此之外,图文小说也是官方的计划之一。 第一部图文小说《导火线 First Strike》时间点设定在《斗阵特攻》之前的 Omnic 危机期间,全球机器人发起暴动,展开了一场 10 年的斗争。 《导火线 First Strike》由作家 Micky Neilson 撰写,并搭配 Ludo Lullabi 所创作的美术图,早期的《斗阵特攻》世界,一群不分国界的特种菁英挺身而出,拯救人类,而玩家将会了解创始成员的来历,像是士兵 76 、托比昂、死神、莱因哈特。
官方强调:「这些只是开始,我们等不及要带领玩家更深入挖掘《斗阵特攻》世界,并期待能尽快与玩家一同游玩这款游戏。 」
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-18 07:12 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-18 07:15 AM 编辑
TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan trailer released





New Trailer for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan
Activision Publishing, Inc., Nickelodeon and developer PlatinumGames Inc. have released a new trailer from the upcoming third-person action game Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan. Today’s video gets up close with the many colossal bosses facing off against Leonardo, Raphael, Donatello and Michelangelo in this new adventure. It showcases popular franchise villains like Shredder, Bebop, Rocksteady, and General Krang, as well as first-time reveals for the ninja Karai, mutant-alien bat Wingnut, and mutant-snapping turtle Slash.
Mixing PlatinumGames’ always-energetic style with the attitude of Nickelodeon’s Heroes in a Half-Shell, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan delivers fast-paced, team-based brawling for up to four players in online co-op. Each Turtle offers a unique way to play, with distinct combat abilities and progression paths. It also features colourful cel-shaded 3D visuals and an original comic story from IDW Publishing series author Tom Waltz.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutants in Manhattan is expected to launch on 27th May as a retail and digital release on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3 computer entertainment systems, Xbox One, Xbox 360, and Windows PC via Steam.
For all the latest Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Mutants in Manhattan news, follow @TMNTMiM on Twitter and Facebook.
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-22 06:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-3-22 06:09 PM 编辑
Overwatch Debut Animated Short ~ 'Recall'
Blizzard 新作《斗阵特攻》曝光首支动画短片「召回」 一窥猩猩科学家温斯顿的想法
Blizzard Entertainment 旗下第一人称团队取向射击游戏 PC/PS4/Xbox One《斗阵特攻》5 月 24 日上市, Xbox 官方频道今日上午正式释出首支动画短片「召回」,描述游戏英雄之一温斯顿的故事。
Blizzard 表示,他们希望透过动画短片、免费观看的数字漫画与图像小说等让玩家更加深入了解《斗阵特攻》世界观与 21 位英雄。
首支动画短片「召回」叙述温斯顿的故事,这名经过基因工程改造的猩猩是一位优秀的科学家,心中期待着英雄得以回归的那一天到来。 在温斯顿挣扎着是否该召回捍卫者成员的过程中,玩家会察觉温斯顿的想法,看见他的回忆,这段故事的场景位于捍卫者基地:直布罗陀的实验室,接着利爪恐怖组织的成员发动攻击...
PC/PS4/Xbox One《斗阵特攻》预定 5 月 24 日上市。


Overwatch Has Something for Everyone
As you might have heard by now, Blizzard Entertainment’s newest game, Overwatch, will be launching on May 24 – and we’re really excited to give Xbox Live Gold members a chance to check it out for free during our Open Beta, which is taking place May 5-9.
For the uninitiated, Overwatch is a team-based shooter where you play as one of 21 awesome, larger-than-life heroes. Each hero has their own unique set of powers and weapons that allow them to bend time, defy physics, and do all sorts of incredible things. The game is set on a near-future version of Earth, where you and your teammates will need to work together to complete objectives like protecting the ancient Temple of Anubis in Egypt, escorting an EMP device through King’s Row in London, and battling for control of Lijiang Tower in China.
We want to make sure you get the complete picture of what playing Overwatch is like, which is why we’re giving you a chance to check out everything the game has to offer during the Open Beta – all 21 heroes, duking it out on every single map. As an extra “thank you” to folks who pre-purchased the game, we’re throwing in a pretty cool bonus: If you pre-purchase by April 29, you’ll be able to jump in and play in the Open Beta starting on May 3, two full days ahead of everyone else. Better yet: You’ll be able to bring a friend along with you!
The World of Overwatch: Meet Winston
If you’re familiar with Blizzard, you know that we’re pretty passionate about world-building and storytelling, both in and out of our games. We love the universe of Overwatch, which is why we’re excited to bring it to life not just in the game, but in other ways – like comics, graphic novels, and animated shorts.
As you can see in our brand-new “Recall” short (the first in a series of videos designed to give you a closer look at the heroes and how they fit into the world of Overwatch), ape scientist Winston is a mighty hero who wields high-tech gadgets, including a Tesla Cannon that spits lightning at his enemies from short range.
Winston is one of the four “tank” heroes in Overwatch. He helps his teammates by leading the charge into battle; he can leap across obstacles and over the enemy’s front line to take out a frustrating healer or a sharpshooter perched in some hard-to-reach position.
Or he can hold the line with his allies, throwing up a large, dome-shaped shield to protect them from incoming fire. These shield and leap abilities help Winston close the gap between him and his foes, so that he can get up-close and personal. And once he’s there, it’s the perfect time to trigger his Ultimate ability: Primal Rage.
Like every hero in Overwatch, Winston also has his weaknesses. For example, the short range of his Tesla Cannon makes him vulnerable to heroes with long-range abilities. But one of the unique things about Overwatch is that you’re never stuck being at a disadvantage, because you can swap between heroes at pretty much any moment in a match. So, if Reaper – with his extremely high damage output – is giving you a hard time, try changing to another one of the game’s tank heroes instead. Roadhog, for example, has a vicious hook move that grabs an enemy, stuns them, and tugs them toward him… right into the range of his scrap gun, which packs a big punch up-close.
Or maybe tanks just aren’t your thing. Instead, you can try sniping at a distance as Widowmaker, who uses her grappling hook to evade her enemies and line up the perfect shot. Or you can blink in and out of the fight with superhuman speed as Tracer – who peppers opponents with her twin pistols, drops a pulse bomb, and then zaps away before they realize what hit them.
You don’t even have to focus on shooting if you don’t want to. Reinhardt fights with a massive, rocket-powered hammer. Mercy heals and buffs nearby allies with her Caduceus Staff. And then there’s Torbjörn, who focuses on setting up lethal mechanical turrets in strategic places to lay down cover fire and guard objectives. We want Overwatch to be a shooter that anyone and everyone can enjoy – there’s a place for every kind of play style, and every single hero can benefit their team in a unique way.
We can’t wait for you all to discover which heroes you like best, and find out what crazy, incredible things you and your friends can accomplish together in Overwatch. We’ll see you in the Open Beta this May!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-3-31 06:40 PM
《星海争霸 2:诺娃特务密令》正式上市 公开新中文预告影片「背叛」
《星海争霸 2》新单人剧情模式第一个任务包《诺娃特务密令》于今(31)日正式上市,新中文预告影片「背叛」同步公开。
《星海争霸 2:诺娃特务密令》收录新战役导向任务、过场动画及故事发展,完整的剧情共有九项任务,贯穿于三个任务包中(第二、三个任务包于今年陆续推出),其中不只有经典的《星海争霸 2》游戏内容,更有首度亮相的新游戏机制。
在《诺娃特务密令》第一个任务包中,玩家将会扮演诺泛碧 ‧「诺娃」泰拉,化身为自治联盟最顶尖的幽灵特务。 操控诺娃接下攸关自治联盟存亡的危险要务:潜入敌军基地、拦阻入侵行星、善用试验阶段的科技,甚至还要执行多项最高机密的作战。
《星海争霸 2:诺娃特务密令》于今日正式上市,玩家无须拥有《星海争霸 2:自由之翼 》、《虫族之心 》与《虚空之遗》数据片即可进行《诺娃特务密令》。
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-4-1 07:20 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-1 06:35 PM 编辑
Widowmaker's Overwatch animated short 'Alive' debuts April 3
《斗阵特攻》预告第二支动画短片「活着」上映时间 以「夺命女」为主轴
Blizzard 预告,旗下第一人称团队取向射击游戏新作《斗阵特攻》第二支动画短片「活着」预定 4 月 4 日在 PlayStation.com 播映,将以「夺命女」为主轴。
《斗阵特攻》第二支动画短片「活着」,故事主人翁是来自利爪组织的冷艳杀手夺命女;无情、高效率是用来描述她猎杀目标时的最佳形容词。 官方透露,这集动画的场景座落于伦敦的国王大道,在这个命运的夜晚,你将惊觉,一个人的死亡,能改变一切。
《斗阵特攻》第二支动画短片预定于台湾时间 4 月 4 日凌晨 3 时于 PlayStation.com 播映,并预计在 4 月 6 日上传至《斗阵特攻》官方 YouTube 频道。

Animated Short Incoming: "Alive"
One shot, one kill...
Did our first animated short, "Recall," leave you eager to explore more of the world of Overwatch? Well, get ready—three more are on the way! Next up: Alive.
"Alive" weaves a tale of Widowmaker, the peerless Talon assassin who stalks her prey with deadly efficiency. In this episode, we spend a fateful night in London's King's Row—where you'll discover how one death can change everything.
Set your sights: "Alive" premieres exclusively on PlayStation.com April 3 at 12pm PT. If you live in the United States, be sure to tune in to The Walking Dead that night on AMC to catch a special 60-second teaser!
作者: kirassss 时间: 2016-4-4 05:54 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2016-4-4 06:09 PM 编辑
Overwatch 'Alive' Animated Short
《斗阵特攻》公开第二支动画短片「活着」 呈现冷艳杀手「夺命女」暗杀技巧
「活着」这部短片的故事主人翁是来自利爪组织的冷艳杀手夺命女,无情、高效率是用来描述她猎杀目标时的最佳形容词。 这集动画的场景座落于伦敦的国王大道,在这个命运的夜晚,玩家会发现,原来一个人的死亡,能改变一切。
《斗阵特攻》第二支动画短片「活着」预计在 4 月 6 日上传至《斗阵特攻》官方 YouTube 频道。
PC/PS4/Xbox One《斗阵特攻》预定 5 月 24 日上市。
Overwatch: The Deadly Tactics of Widowmaker
Hello, PlayStation gamers! I’m Jeff Kaplan, the game director of Overwatch at Blizzard Entertainment. A few weeks ago I stopped by PlayStation Blog to let everyone know that we’ll be holding an Overwatch Open Beta for PS4 players in early May. Today, I’m excited to tell you a little more about the game — and share a bit more about some of the heroes in the Alive animated short that you can watch today right here on PlayStation.Blog.
If you’re not familiar with Overwatch, it’s a team-based shooter that pits two teams of six larger-than-life heroes against each other on objective-based maps that span the globe.
Imagine engaging in a sniper duel atop the walls of an ancient Egyptian temple while a gorilla scientist fights a shape-shifting robot in the rubble below. Picture teaming up with a hammer-wielding knight to assault a robotics facility located deep within the wintery heart of Russia, or dueling a cybernetic ninja as you escort an EMP device through the winding streets of King’s Row in London.
Overwatch is a game about jumping into the shoes — or giant mechanical boots — of a hero with incredible powers, and then teaming up to do amazing things. You can blink forward and backward in time, return your fallen comrades from the dead, and freeze your enemies into helpless humanoid ice cubes. Each character in our cast comes with a unique set of special abilities that can change the course of battle in the blink of an eye.
Take Widowmaker, the merciless and deadly sniper from the Alive animated short. She’s a great character for players who like to use a bit of stealth and deception to the get the job done. As any seasoned sniper player knows, staying perched in one spot for too long is a great way to get yourself killed — so after headshotting an unsuspecting enemy or two, you can use your Grappling Hook to whisk you away to the next vantage point.



Of course, Widowmaker isn’t without her weaknesses. Remember Tracer, the hero Widowmaker tangled with in the “Alive” short? Tracer can blink around the battlefield so quickly that even the most experienced Widowmaker will struggle to line up a shot in time to stop her from jumping in, dropping a devastating explosive charge at your feet, and then warping backwards in time and away from the blast.
But a cunning Widowmaker also knows how to defend herself. Her noxious Venom Mines can alert her to the presence of enemies who dare to get too close, and poison them in the process. If she loses track of an enemy Tracer (or any opponent), she can also trigger her ultimate ability, Infra-Sight, to reveal where every enemy hero is currently located — not just for you, but your entire team.
And if Widowmaker’s tactics simply aren’t working, you can switch characters at any time in-game and turn the tables on that troublesome Tracer. These kinds of plays and counter plays are at the heart of the Overwatch experience — and with 21 heroes to choose from, there’s a character for every situation and every player.
Even though you might know Blizzard primarily as a PC-game developer, a lot of us love gaming on consoles (myself included), so we know how important it is to provide an experience that feels great from the couch and holding a controller. We’ve been developing Overwatch from the beginning with consoles in mind, which gave us the opportunity to make sure the PS4 version of the game was tuned specifically for the platform — not just in terms of the technology, but also the interface and gameplay, ranging from how turrets track their targets to providing console-specific options like aim assist.
We’re psyched for you to check out all of this for yourself and start playing with your friends during the Open Beta from May 5 to May 9. You’ll have access to all 21 heroes and every map during the Open Beta, meaning you’ll be getting the complete Overwatch experience. We’re also offering early access for players who pre-purchase — check out our original announcement for more details.
Jeff Kaplan - Game Director, Blizzard Entertainment
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