标题: 【PS4】Infamous: Second Son - Limited and Collector’s Editions [打印本页]

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-2-22 12:26 PM
标题: 【PS4】Infamous: Second Son - Limited and Collector’s Editions
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-21 07:12 PM 编辑

Developer(s)开发商:Suc ker Punch Productions
Publisher(s)出版商:        Sony Computer Entertainment
Director(s)制作人:Nate Fox
Series系列        :Infamous
Platform(s)平台:PlayStation 4
Release date(s)        发售日:2014年3月21号
Genre(s)类型:        Action-adventure
Mode(s)模式:Single-player 单人





作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-2-23 07:16 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-23 06:57 PM 编辑


  游戏总监Nate Fox在大会上介绍了这款游戏,听得人内心颇为不安。作为一款电光火石的游戏系列的最新续作,它是不是真的能够达到这位总监所描述的感人程度呢?要回答这个问题,还需要费些时日。索尼并没有透露Infamous: Second Son 会不会成为PS4的首发游戏,不过,Suc ker Punch还是到PlayStation博客上晒了下游戏的一些细节。

  Infamous: Second Son 剧情时间设定在Infamous 2 七年以后,地点在西雅图,这是一个与现实一模一样的世界。游戏主角是24岁的Delsin Rowe,Suc ker Punch把他涂抹成了一个后进生形象,是的,至少他自己是这么认为的。电为什么总是跟气联系在一起的呢?前作的主角Cole McGrath是个带电的家伙,而Rowe的超能力竟是操控甚至化为一缕青烟。初听起来,似乎不够电流带劲,但从游戏的首映预告片来看,烟雾缭绕的Rowe足以掀起一场轩然大波。


  在游戏剧情介绍一文中,[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch称,善恶的内心抉择将回归本作。游戏制作人Brian Fleming说,“像系列的所有作品一样,你一路上的各项决定,都会决定你的游戏内容和剧情走向。”
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-3-26 06:27 PM
新传闻称《声名狼藉:次子》Infamous: Second Son为PS4首发游戏

  《声名狼藉:次子》Infamous: Second Son是索尼在PS4发布会上公开的一款PS4游戏,在公布之时所放出的宣传片中,我们并没有看到科尔的身影,取而代之的则是一位新角色Delsin Rowe。游戏将描述科尔篇7年后的故事,游戏的舞台也将被设置在西雅图。而近日,有传闻称本作将会是一款PS4的首发游戏。

  Nathan Reed是一位自2008年就开始在[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch工作的游戏开发者,而在他的简历中显示,《声名狼藉:次子》Infamous: Second Son是一款“PS4首发游戏,将于2013年第四季度发售。”不仅如此,在其LinkedIn页面中也明确表明本作是一款PS4首发游戏。

  不过目前[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch已经针对此事进行了回复,他们声称“开发小组里没有人给出了这样的信息”。这样看来,似乎这个发售日仅仅是一个猜测。不过我们的确还是有可能看到本作加入PS4首发游戏阵营中,当然具体情报还有待官方公布,请玩家们耐心等待后续报道。
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-8 07:42 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-5-8 07:43 AM 编辑


The latest issue of Game Informer contains a blowout of inFamous: Second Son through a 10-page cover story. We’ve rounded up some information from the magazine below, but you can find even more content – including screenshots – in the publication’s June 2013 release.


- Conduits now referred to as bioterrorists
- New area of government keeps track of the conduits: Department of Unified Protection
- Condits have been identified, holding them without trial in containment facilities
- Department of Unified Protection shows its power during an operation that doesn’t go as planned in Seattle
- Transport vehicle crashes and the conduits escape
- DUP sets up roadblocks and won’t let anyone enter/leave
- Condits have been identified, holding them without trial in containment facilities
- Department of Unified Protection shows its power during an operation that doesn’t go as planned in Seattle
- Transport vehicle crashes and the conduits escape
- DUP sets up roadblocks and won’t let anyone enter/leave
- Lots of security systems are sent out and Seattle is turned into something reminisint of an airport
- There are elevated walkways with search-lights and security cameras as well as checkpoints and scanners
- Game has parallels to post-9/11 America setting
- Security vs. freedom theme
- DUP is like the TSA

DUP guards

- DUP guards feature behavior similar to that of SWAT teams/trained military police
- Others have a seemingly supernatural ability to shield themselves and move around quickly
- Suc ker Punch won’t elaborate on this further


- Stars 24-year-old Native American Delsin Rowe
- Delsin is the artistic type with a chip on his soldier
- Fan of anti-authoritarian street art
- Likes tagging buildings with his own art
- Very much an average guy until the conduit-transport vehicle crashes
- Delsin tries to help those in the wreck, and learns that he’s been a conduit all along with dragging an injured conduit from the area
- Soon realizes that he can control smoke
- Natural power lets him absorb other conduits’ power
- Can use more than smoke power
- Delsin is excited about his power unlike Cole


- Delsin can take down different forward-operating bases run by the DUP around Seattle
- Can get through these areas with force, but eliminating security systems is more effective
- Smoke projectile at Delsin’s disposal
- Also can perform a smoke-dash maneuver somewhat like Nightcrawler
- Air ducts found all across Seattle
- Can use the ducts to get around or climb like Cole
- Another technique lets Delsin throw smoking fireballs
- When Delsin descends, he can perform a “move” like Cole’s thunder drop
- Forests act as the edge of the game world
- Another move: smoke cloud; immobilize enemies
- Can restock on smoke from chimneys, destroyed cars, and even tear gas canister
- Can also use Delsin’s chain as an alternative weapon
- Absorb smoke by pressing both thumbs down on the touchpad
- Touchpad can also be used to free conduits in cells
- Team wants to simply the controls; inFamous 2 actions required multiple button presses
- One moment of the demo lets players make a decision about killing a DUP officer or not
- Can switch between entire sets of power that complement each other


- Suc ker Punch recreated the city’s feel instead of specific road layout

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-8 06:53 PM
《声名狼藉:次子》详细前瞻 主角可控制烟雾

  著名游戏杂志GameInformer 2013年6月号的杂志封面已经确定为PS4游戏《声名狼藉:次子》,该作于2013年2月份的PS4发布会上公布,从游戏名来看本作并非正传,副标题应该有新的含义。游戏自公布之后一直鲜有消息放出,而这期GameInformer杂志将用10页来介绍这款游戏,下面就让我们来看一下详细的游戏情报。

  前作《声名狼藉2》拥有一个Happy Ending(下文有微量剧透请有选择的观看),主角科尔为了拯救人类而牺牲了自己。七年过去了,一些幸存的超能力者(Conduit)被政府妖魔化,他们被美国媒体定名为“生化恐怖分子”,为了让人们对他们产生恐惧。政府为了对付超能力者还成立了“综合保护部门(Department of Unified Protection)”(以下简称DUP),他们快速的招募了一个队伍,让持有专用的防护措施的视频来清理超能力者。


  “DUP的原型就是美国运输安全管理局(TSA)”制作人Brian Fleming说到他希望游戏可以和真实世界有相似之处。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-8 06:58 PM

  Delsin Rowe是《声名狼藉:次子》中的新主角,他是一个24岁的原美国街头涂鸦艺人和暴动者。当运输超能力者的飞机在他家乡坠落,他在救助伤者的过程中无意中意识到自己也成为了超能力者。

  Delsin的能力是什么?有些类似美剧《HERO》里面Peter Petrelli的能力,他可以吸收其他超能力者的能力。所以当Delsin在救助超能力者的时候,他接触到了一个可以控制烟雾能力的人,于是他便获得了自己第一个超能力,当然这里还有其他的伤员。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-8 07:04 PM




  《声名狼藉》系列都拥有正义和邪恶两条路线,这个选择在《声名狼藉:次子》中将变得尤为艰难,但是开发商[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch拒绝对此举出明确的例子。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-9 07:11 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-11 04:35 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-13 06:22 PM
《声名狼藉:次子》世界观介绍 DUP抓捕超能力者




  “当制作完《声名狼藉2》时,我们给玩家们一个选择的权力,是让科尔英雄的牺牲自己拯救世界,还是保存自己的性命而牺牲其他人呢?”游戏的制作人Nate Fox说到:“从游戏奖杯上传数据来看,有78%的玩家优先选择了牺牲科尔并拯救世界。于是我们便决定让这个角色就这样的成为牺牲自己拯救世界的英雄,而我们就塑造一个新的英雄出现在新作中。”

  绝大多数的玩家在《声名狼藉2》中选择了Good Ending(好结局),所以顺着这个结局,新作的故事讲继续发展。科尔被塑造为一个打败强大敌人的疯狂超能力者,而他也设置了一个名叫Ray Field Inhibitor (RFI)的炸弹。这个炸弹不但杀掉了科尔还破坏了全世界所有的超能力基因,从此世界从超能力“瘟疫”中解脱出来。



  “在前两作中,人类害怕死亡,他们成立了新部门名叫DUP(Department of Unified Protection),这个组织去世界各地寻找超能力者并将他们控制在自己的范围内,实际上他们真的是在保护普通的居民。”FOX介绍了游戏中的DUP组织。



  《声名狼藉:次子》是[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch为PS4打造的独占作品,Gameinformer杂志为大家带来了独家的游戏介绍,在本周的5月15日,杂志将为大家带来游戏主角的介绍,也请玩家们继续关注论坛的后续报道。

来自:http://www.gameinformer.com/b/fe ... spx?PostPageIndex=1
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-15 12:19 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-5-25 12:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-5-26 07:07 AM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》游戏截图 主角投掷火球

  [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch曾在索尼的PS4发布会上公布了《声名狼藉》系列在次世代上的首款作品——《声名狼藉:次子》,该作也是系列第三部作品,游戏讲述前作7年后的故事,而主角则采用了一个新人物Delsin Rowe。此前,外媒gameinformer放出了游戏的前瞻,而近日[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch官方放出了游戏的最新截图,我们看到了主角使用超能力在对付DUP的人。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-6-6 07:21 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-6-6 06:21 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》动态捕捉宣传片 真人演绎超能力

  索尼日前放出了《声名狼藉:次子》的最新介绍视频,本次视频讲述游戏是如何进行动态捕捉的。游戏中担任主角人物模型的是著名的动作捕捉演员Troy Baker,他曾经担任《最后生还者》和《生化奇兵:无限》等大作的动态捕捉演员。[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch表示在E3上,玩家们会看到大量的技术展示和《声名狼藉:次子》游戏的样貌。本作将于2013年底发售,对应平台为PS4。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-6-13 09:49 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-6-19 08:29 PM

  在E3上《声名狼藉:次子》作为PS4独占游戏出展,而在PlayStation 4官方发送的宣传手册中暗示该作将有多人在线模式。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-16 07:09 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-7-16 06:08 PM 编辑



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-23 06:59 PM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-7-24 07:13 PM



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-1 10:16 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-2 12:39 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》开发日志 讲述烟雾和镜像



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-21 07:28 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-21 07:44 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》最新宣传片 吸取对方能力




作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-21 10:05 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-8-22 08:32 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》开发日志 PS4的操作特性

  从黑马发展成大作,[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch的《声名狼藉》系列是游戏界成功的代表,而系列第三作《声名狼藉:次子》则将登陆次世代平台。日前[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch官方放出了游戏的开发日志,其中介绍了该作针对PS4的手柄新功能进行了介绍。



作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-8-23 07:00 PM
《声名狼藉:次子》非PS4首发游戏 次年2月发售

  索尼公布的几款PS4独占游戏中包括《杀戮地带:阴影坠落》、《竞速俱乐部》、《纳克》都已经确定为PS4首发游戏,而大家之前一直以为是PS4首发游戏的《声名狼藉:次子》却正式被公布不是首发游戏。此前GameStop在发售列表中显示该作将于2014年4月1日发售,而日前游戏的开发商[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch正式确认游戏将于2014年2月发售。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-10 07:12 PM
《声名狼藉:次子》最新宣传片 介绍预购奖励



Infamous: Second Son Pre-order Bonuses Revealed

The PlayStation 4 launch is almost-kind-of-near-but-still-3 months-away, and we hope you’re excited for it as much as many of us are over here. If you caught word of how things went at Gamescom and PAX, we had a lot of great news and announcements — particularly the tease of a brand new power and reveal of a new character for Infamous Second Son! Coming early next year, the team over at [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions is excited to keep talking to you about the game over the next few months, and show you even more leading up to our launch.

Speaking of more, we decided to pack in even more Infamous news this month with the announcement of our pre-order offering for Infamous Second Son!

We’re happy to announce these exclusive vests, designed by Seattle locals Penny Arcade, the good folks over at iam8bit, San Diego street artist Exist 1981, and artista y disenadora, Jos! The entire set is available exclusively via pre-order of Infamous Second Son at participating retailers.

These will only be available via pre-order, so be sure to get yours in before the game comes out early next year.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... r-bonuses-revealed/

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-9-23 07:39 AM

PS4独占游戏《声名狼藉:私生子》近日更新了最新的截图,画面逼真,几乎可以以假乱真,声名狼藉私生子的剧情设定发生在《声名狼藉2》的7年之后,游戏的主角也换成了后进生——24岁的Delsin Rowe,他拥有超能力,能操控甚至变成一缕轻烟。为避免早先发生的城市灾难,国家正处于高度戒备状态。为应对这一威胁,政府设立了特务组织DUP,他们已经把西雅图封锁。而玩家扮演新的主角Delsin Rowe,将得到机会参加这场战斗。《声名狼藉:私生子》PS4版比较两个PS3版游戏前作而言,实现了画质的重大飞跃。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-10-18 07:38 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-10-18 06:37 PM 编辑

Infamous: Second Son Limited and Collector’s Editions







Infamous: Second Son Limited and Collector’s Editions Revealed

The PS4 launch is right around the corner, which means plenty of fantastic, next-gen games to check out on November 15th! But today, we’re here to update you on Infamous: Second Son. [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions has devoted tremendous effort to it so far, and we’ve been working with them to reward gamers who pre-order with not only the exclusive vests we announced, but also an upgraded, limited edition that gives you a unique foil cover, as well as Cole’s Legacy DLC.

Behold! The Infamous: Second Son Limited Edition for only $59.99! Like the title says, it’s limited, so if you’re interested, don’t forget to pre-order. This item won’t be available after launch.

Don’t worry if you’ve already pre-ordered, by the way. You’ll automatically be upgraded to the Limited Edition!

But what’s this Cole’s Legacy DLC we mentioned? For one, it won’t be available for purchase when Infamous: Second Son launches. It’s only available through these offers here. It’s additional downloadable content you’ll be able to play that uncovers what happened between the devastating events of Infamous 2 and Infamous: Second Son.

Cole MacGrath’s actions in New Marias set in motion a chain of events leading to the now forceful occupation of Seattle by the oppressive Department of Unified Protection. Cole’s Legacy bridges this gap in time with a series of missions Delsin Rowe must complete that reveal unique insights into how the world of Infamous: Second Son came to be.

And for those of you looking for something to collect, look no further than the Infamous: Second Son Collector’s Edition for only $79.99.

The Infamous: Second Son Collector’s Edition contains everything you need to get into the Infamous universe. This beautiful, very limited collector’s edition contains a copy of Infamous: Second Son, an exclusive cover, exclusive in-game vest, a replica of Delsin’s beanie, a set of pins, decals, a DUP patch, and Cole’s Legacy DLC!

The Limited and Collector’s Editions will be gone pretty quickly, so be sure to pre-order before the game comes out early next year.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... -editions-revealed/

Infamous: Second Son Limited and Collector’s Editions Europe








Hi everybody. Welcome to a nice autumn update for inFAMOUS Second Son. [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions has been working hard on the game and we’ve been collaborating with them on two very special editions for next year.
However, before we get to that we’re proud to reveal the final box art, with Delsin in all his smoke-power glory.

First up, the inFAMOUS: Second Son special edition. Grab your special edition copy of inFAMOUS: Second Son to get very own Delsin Rowe beanie hat and a bonus mission – Cole’s Legacy.

But what is Cole’s Legacy?

For one, it won’t be available for purchase when the game launches. It’s only available through these offers here. It’s additional downloadable content you’ll be able to play that uncovers what happened between the devastating events of inFAMOUS 2 and inFAMOUS Second Son.

Cole MacGrath’s actions in New Marais set in motion a chain of events leading to the now forceful occupation of Seattle by the oppressive Department of Unified Protection. Cole’s Legacy bridges this gap in time with a series of missions Delsin must complete, revealing unique insights into how the world of inFAMOUS Second Son came to be.

And for those of you who are looking for something to collect, we’re delighted to bring you the inFAMOUS Second Son Collector’s Edition!

The inFAMOUS Second Son Collector’s Edition contains everything you need to get into the inFAMOUS universe. This beautifully designed edition contains a full copy of inFAMOUS Second Son, an exclusive cover, exclusive denim vest cover, a replica of Delsin’s beanie, a set of badges, collector’s coin, bottle opener and Cole’s Legacy DLC.

PSBlog EU:http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2 ... -editions-detailed/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-11-12 06:51 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-15 07:26 PM 编辑

PlayStation Blog: Infamous Second Son Hands-On

Infamous Second Son Hands-On

Things don’t go as planned for Delsin Rowe, the smug but likeable hero of Infamous Second Son. Following the catastrophic events that shook the world in the first two games, Delsin’s super-powered status as a Conduit is laid bare after exposure to other superhumans. Delsin can absorb the powers of others, and then employ them for his own devices. He has serious potential, and that immense potential was on display during the PS4 launch event here in New York City this week.

This third-person, superhero action game already looks electric running on PS4, with fluid animations and sharp bursts of light around every rain-soaked corner. At the event, we join Delsin and his cop brother Reggie as they attempt pass through a Department of Unified Protection (DUP) security checkpoint. Their dark, menacing uniforms stand in stark contrast with the bright yellows of warning signs that litter the scene.

But unfortunately for Delsin, things don’t go as planned.

Sure enough, Delsin’s spectacular abilities trigger an automated warning at the checkpoint, and the DUP descends upon him with rifles ready. This is where the first playable section of Second Son begins. I grabbed the DualShock 4 with an appropriate level of eagerness and put Delsin through his paces.

Second Son feels just as it should in the Infamous family, with an addictive fusion of melee combat and projectile play. Once again, Suc ker Punch has approached traversal carefully and with a great attention to detail.

The first power on display is smoke, which gives Delsin some great ways to move around. Our hero can burst apart into gouts of red and black, whipping right through obstacles and towards targets. All it takes is a press of the Circle button, but the momentum this move generates is exhilarating and practical, providing Delsin with much needed control of the battle space.

Like past Infamous games, Delsin can also leap up onto cars and launch off of them with more inky explosions, gaining additional height and tactical options. In fact, explosions (and, more specifically, their remnants) fuel Delsin’s smoke abilities - much like Cole’s beloved electricity. By standing near a ruined car or fire that’s belching smoke, Delsin can absorb it into himself for some extra super juice. A fine meal for any smoke-powered protagonist.

Delsin can move around all day, but he still has some very angry DUP soldiers to deal with. Using his chain and shots of smoke, Delsin chews through the opposition with style. Each tap of the Square button peppers targets with sizzling blasts that come in both light and heavy varieties. The heavy, “shotgun” blasts are capable of tearing down guard towers, along with any unfortunate soldiers staffing them at the time of demolition.

Delsin has a few more tricks up his sleeve, however. Our hero can drain the humming charge of neon signs and take on those powers for himself. Yes, “neon” can be a power, and it’s rad from top to bottom. Delsin’s blast becomes a bright streak of light, and his new, neon dash can send him flashing up the sides of walls in a glorious display of color. Suc ker Punch is tightlipped on the other applications this power will provide, but the mind races at the possibilities.

The demo ends on Delsin face-to-face with a hulking soldier and his chaingun pal. But even the extra padding isn’t enough to save the soldier from Delsin’s tentatively named “karma bomb,” which sends our hero up into the air and back down again in a screen-wide attack.

Infamous Second Son looks and plays like a dream, and makes our wait for Delsin’s story all the harder to bear. Expect increased smoke levels in Seattle come early next year, when Second Son drops on PS4.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... econd-son-hands-on/

作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-11-15 06:34 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-15 07:49 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》实机演示 对抗重机枪男

  PS4将于今天下午在美国发售了,首发游戏数量空前强大,但索尼第一方游戏《声名狼藉:次子》与PS4一同公布却不能和PS4一同发售。日前[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch也放出了游戏的最新实机演示,从这视频来看游戏的完成度已经相当高了,所以相信玩家们离玩到游戏的日子也不远了。



  日前索尼公司在PS4的首发活动中公开了该平台独占新作《声名狼藉:次子》的发售日,确认这款由Suc ker Punch开发的游戏将于2014年3月21日登陆北美。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2013-11-26 07:39 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2013-11-26 07:42 AM 编辑

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-23 07:37 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-1-23 06:08 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》新宣传片 展示媒体评价


  《声名狼藉:次子》由Suc ker Punch负责开发,游戏将于2014年3月21日登陆北美地区。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-27 06:57 PM


  2014年台北游戏展号称史上规模最大的一次,SCE为了吸引眼球也邀请了众多的制作人前来进行舞台活动和媒体采访。相比去年的台北游戏展,今年SCE方面邀请到的日式游戏制作人更多一些,但这其中邀请到的唯一一位来自欧美的游戏制作人便是PS4独占大作《声名狼藉:次子》的制作人Ken Schramm和Greg Phillips。


  《声名狼藉》系列初代在PS3平台上推出之后便以出乎意料的高评价成为了当年的黑马游戏,之后系列2代以更出色的追准一举将整个系列跨进了备受瞩目的“大作”范畴。如今PS4平台上画面更加出色、系统更加成熟的《声名狼藉:次子》即将推出,玩家们更是关心游戏的内容。本次台北游戏展上,制作人Ken Schramm和Greg Phillips参加了26日上午的媒体Session,向媒体们介绍了游戏同时提供了试玩,而下午他们则是参加了PlayStation展台的活动,点燃了玩家们的热情,下面就为大家带来《声名狼藉:次子》台北游戏展之行的完整报道。





  而在Ken Schramm上台来用带有异域特色的“你好”向媒体们打招呼,Ken Schramm拥有很典型的美国人的性格,非常适合带动气氛,在之后的内容中会提到对Ken Schramm本次台北之行的感受。寒暄之后Ken Schramm便开始了对游戏的介绍,当然在这之前他首先简单的介绍了一下自己的公司。


  《声名狼藉》系列的制作公司[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions想必大家已经不陌生了,Ken介绍到[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch从成立至今已经有了17年的历史了,这段时间内总共推出了8款游戏。那么17年8款游戏这个数字听起来好像很普通,但其实[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch只是一个规模大概100人左右的小公司,由于规模限制[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch的所有资源也只能让他们在同一时间制作一款游戏。

  不过在三年之前[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch被SCEA并购,所以现在他们属于索尼集团旗下的一家开发游戏的工作室。在[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch公司历史中有两个对他们来说意义重大的系列作品,一款是PS2时代的《狡狐大冒险》,该系列去年还在PS3和PSV平台上推出了新作;而另一个系列便是PS3时代的《声名狼藉》两部作品,这两个系列在全球都拥有百万以上的销量,属于热销的作品。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-27 06:59 PM
  关于[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch的介绍到此为止,下面要进入主题介绍《声名狼藉:次子》。Ken表示游戏拥有一个主题“当一个平凡的人拥有超能力之后,他将会如何运用超能力”,然而在游戏中,这个问题将由玩家们给出答案。正如美国的开国领导富兰克林所说:“为了短暂的安全而牺牲自由之人,两者都不配拥有。”,Ken提到这句名言就是整个游戏制作的中心思想。



  在《次子》之前,《声名狼藉》系列已经有了两部作品,那么之前系列所提倡的就是给予玩家们自由自在的选择。既然给予了玩家们自由,那么玩家们的选择也为他们制作下一款游戏的剧情提供了方向,就如在GI很早之前的前瞻报道一样,[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch曾经提到过多从游戏奖杯上传数据来看,(微量剧透请大家有选择性的观看)有78%的玩家在《声名狼藉:次子》优先选择了牺牲科尔并拯救世界。于是他们便决定让这个角色就这样的成为牺牲自己拯救世界的英雄,同时为此就需要塑造一个新的英雄出现在新作中。也就是因为这样,Ken才有机会站在这里向大家介绍《声名狼藉:次子》。





  下面要介绍的是游戏的主角Delsin Rowe,官方的中文译名为戴厄辛·罗尔(内地传统翻译规则可能是戴尔辛,本文先使用官方的译名)。在《声名狼藉:次子》的世代背景中,超能力者都已经被视为恐怖分子(其实就是),游戏的主角戴厄辛也是在偶然的机会下拥有了超能力,因此他也需要承受人们对于超能力者的恐惧。戴厄辛是一位24岁的美国西北部的原住民,与之前系列主角科尔最大的不同之处在于,戴厄辛非常喜爱自己拥有的超能力。同时戴厄辛还拥有更加强大的力量,他可以从其他超能力者身上获得新的超能力,官方此前也说过这一点很像美剧《英雄》中的主角Peter Petrelli,既然可以吸收超能力,戴厄辛之后也肆无忌惮的运用这些超能力。




  场景方面之前也提到了,游戏以真实城市西雅图为基础制作,那么制作团队也尽全力让西雅图完整的会还原在游戏中,Ken希望当玩家们在游戏中使用超能力时,可以有一种在真实世界中体验超能力的感觉。由于游戏世界中西雅图用户有非常多的超能力这,所以游戏中有一关名为DUP——“联合保安部(Department of Unified Protection)”的组织来管理整个城市。那么为了要提升游戏中西雅图的还原度,制作组把现实世界中西雅图市的地标性简直都制作到游戏中。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-27 07:05 PM





































  记者:本作副标题名为“次子(Second Son)”,那么First Son代表什么呢?是不是就是指前作主角科尔呢?

  Ken:Second Son有各种不同意义,比如主角是家里的第二个儿子,戴厄辛有一个哥哥,或者就和你的理解一样,First Son就是科尔。那么游戏是沙箱游戏,所以在场景会出现很多收集要素,相信在收集的过程中你可以了解到更多的信息。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-27 07:09 PM











  下午Ken Schramm和Greg Phillips参加了Playstation展台的活动,这一场活动聚集到玩家数量堪称本次台北游戏展PlayStation展台人数最多的一次。现场粉丝的火热程度甚至超过了《弹丸论破》的舞台活动,各通道挤得水泄不通。而当然Ken Schramm登台的时候,现场激起了巨大的欢呼声,不知道有多少玩家知道Ken,但是他们都冲着《声名狼藉:次子》的名号而赐予他极大的支持和欢呼。




  活动现场将上午与媒体介绍的消息和演示向玩家们展示了一遍,与和媒体不同,玩家们的热情是高涨的,这也让Ken Schramm更加的有表演欲。Ken Schramm提到游戏中正邪选择时,问场下的观众有谁想当英雄吗?腼腆的台湾玩家没人举手回答,Ken就开玩笑说道:“原来你们这些坏蛋都藏在台湾啊!”,此玩笑也引来现场一片笑声,果然欧美制作人在活跃气氛方面上要远强于日本制作人,当然小野义德除外。



  演示部分还是在现场更加有感觉,玩家们在看到必杀技之后欢呼雀跃,舞台活动也在演示之后结束。《声名狼藉:次子》的台北之行也告一段落,Ken Schramm和Greg Phillips带着满意而归,玩家们似乎也非常的满意。希望3月21日游戏推出之后,其品质也可以让玩家们满意,而也希望2015年的台北游戏展能够带来更多给力的中文化游戏的消息。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-27 07:10 PM
  Ken Schramm拥有典型的美国人的性格,活泼爱说话,表情和肢体语言丰富。在媒体Session中就体现了其幽默感与其互动的欲望。在私下的交流和询问中也回答的很详细,对媒体很友好。








  Greg Phillips是个非常可爱的人,由于Ken是主要负责宣传的,Greg则是负责展示游戏,他回答了一个媒体的提问,此外并没有说太多的话。但是为什么这样一个话不多也不怎么显眼的人会让人觉得可爱呢,仔细看了下面的合影你就了解了。







作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-1-28 06:53 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-2 09:26 AM


本作主角Delsin Rowe:


女主管Abigail “Fetch” Walker :

统一防治部DUP (Department of Unified Protection)士兵:

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-2 10:08 AM


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-5 06:45 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-6 07:38 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-7 07:08 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-11 11:42 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-2-12 06:41 PM 编辑


  《声名狼藉:次子》是PS4平台的独占游戏,虽然本作很遗憾的错过了PS4首发,不过依然是一款非常值得期待的新作。近日官方放出了一段新的宣传影像,主要介绍了本作收藏版的内容。本作的收藏版就爱那个收录游戏本体、游戏主题夹克、开瓶器、徽章、可收集的硬币以及额外DLC “科尔的遗产”任务,内容相当丰富,喜欢的玩家可以考虑入手。游戏将于2014年3月21日登陆亚北美地区。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-13 07:30 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-14 11:28 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-25 12:38 PM
Infamous: Second Son Gameplay TV spot


Infamous Second Son on PS4: Enjoy Your Power

In just under a month from now we’ll launch one of the most anticipated games of the year — Infamous: Second Son on PS4. To fuel the growing excitement for the March 21st launch date, we worked closely with [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch to create an adrenaline-fueled gameplay spot that dives into the defiant attitude of the game, combining both music and industrial superpowers.

In Second Son you’ll play as Delsin Rowe, a superhuman being who decides that possessing spectacular powers is extraordinarily thrilling. He quickly learns the freedom that comes with mastering his abilities and we can’t wait for you to experience that exhilaration for yourself.

Featuring new in-game footage and a track from Seattle grunge band Mudhoney, this spot highlights the game’s jaw-dropping visuals. It also gives you the opportunity to revel in mastering Delsin’s power as you stand up to the oppressive Department of Unified Protection.

The wait is almost over. Prepare to enjoy your power when Infamous: Second Son launches on March 21st.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... 4-enjoy-your-power/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-2-28 07:35 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-5 07:12 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-8 04:13 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-10 06:21 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》真人版宣传片 享受你的能力



《声名狼藉:私生子》流程12小时 物体永久破坏

  《声名狼藉:私生子》正在透露更多更有趣的信息,但它的游戏流程究竟有多长?为什么最终没有添加多人游戏模式?现在,制作组[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch工作室联合创始人Chris Zimmerman在一次网络直播访谈节目中透露了更多细节。




作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-14 07:19 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-14 06:02 PM 编辑

Infamous: Second Son Official Preview Gameplay
《声名狼藉:次子》官方实机演示 地下隧道之战

  《声名狼藉:次子》开发商Su cker Punch在PS官方博客上放出了《声名狼藉:次子》的最新实机演示,游戏将于2014年3月21日发售。本次视频中展示了之前从未出现过的地下隧道场景,战斗中不断切换烟气和氖气,同时在画面左下方的能量槽也会随着能力的切换而改变。


Infamous: Second Son - Delsin’s Ruthless Powers in Action

There’s a hushed excitement at Su cker Punch as we approach our March 21st launch date. We’ve been working on Infamous: Second Son for almost three years, and in just a few days we’ll finally be able to put it into your hands. Several of our team members are traveling around the world sharing our latest gameplay demo with press and fans, and today we get to show you a mission playthrough from that build.

Like the previous games in the Infamous series, Second Son gives you the option to use your powers heroically or ruthlessly. The path you choose will affect every aspect of the game, from character relationships to powers development to the story itself. In this play through, Delsin has convinced Fetch Walker, a Conduit with the power to control neon, to help him take out a group of anti-Conduit protesters. With Delsin’s influence, Fetch is willing to exterminate the “haters” and anyone else who gets in their way.

For players who choose the ruthless path, combat is fast, explosive, and lethal. Restraint is unnecessary. The faster you can obliterate your enemies, the sooner you’ll gain access to your strongest powers, and it doesn’t matter who gets hurt along the way. For those who choose to be heroic, combat is about accuracy and precision. Explosions are great, but civilian casualties are not. Your rewards will come from helping citizens and from using your abilities to capture enemies alive. The standards are higher, but for those who want to be a hero, that’s exactly the point.

Next week, the choice will be in your hands. Will you embrace responsibility to become the city’s savior, or will you unleash your wrath on everyone, regardless of the consequences? We know either way, you’re going to have a great time. You have until March 21st to decide.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... s-powers-in-action/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-15 12:33 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-16 07:28 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-16 07:30 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-16 07:30 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-16 07:31 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-19 07:36 AM

The Superhuman Sound of Infamous: Second Son

The Superhuman Sound of Infamous: Second Son

Hey everyone! I’m the audio director at [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch, and I’m excited to show off some of the fun and painstaking attention to detail we took with the sound design of Infamous: Second Son.

We knew we had to up our game on all sonic fronts because we were launching on PS4, so we started early by identifying the key areas we wanted to focus on. Obviously the powers were going to be the most important aspect, so we began conceiving ideas before there was even visual concept art. We created a language for each power set which we used as a palette to craft the design of each set. With smoke, it was charcoal, air, and extinguishing flames. For neon we strapped a contact mic on our Sly Cooper neon sign and also recorded fluorescent tubes, electromagnetic interference, and a very long induction coil.

Another area we knew needed to come alive was the ambience. Since our game takes place in Seattle, what better way to capture the bustling city than running around with microphones, capturing the subtle nuances from birds, sirens, and car alarms, to rain and traffic? We took things to extreme measures with our ambient design, setting up unique audio events based on the neighborhood, the time of day, and whether or not Delsin or the D.U.P. is in control of a district.

Another concern for us was the final mix. We mixed the game at Sony’s Bridgepointe Studio, which was a wonderful experience. The game sounds great no matter what listening environment you may have: home theater, TV speakers, headphones, and so on.

Going even further, our team also worked closely with the PlayStation hardware team to develop a custom audio mix for the new PlayStation Gold Wireless Stereo Headsets which provides an outstanding example of how the audio mode enhances the sound experience.

Hope everyone enjoys the sonic magic of Second Son starting this Friday!

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... nfamous-second-son/
作者: №Dante    时间: 2014-3-19 07:47 PM

我准备好了, 您准备马上白金了?
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-20 07:07 AM
№Dante 发表于 2014-3-19 07:47 PM
我准备好了, 您准备马上白金了?

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-21 07:34 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-3-21 06:25 PM 编辑

Infamous: Second Son getting day one patch with 5 hours of new content
《声名狼藉:次子》首日更新 增加5小时内容

  在2014年3月21日PS4独占游戏《声名狼藉:次子》发售的当日,游戏开发商[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch就宣布将为该作推出首日补丁,而这个补丁中包括了众多故事章节,剧情时长竟然达到5小时左右。

  新增的故事任务将围绕着一个新的“书面记录”来展开,这段剧情是[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch与42 Entertainment联合制作的,伴随着这些记录和线索来寻找D.U.P.占据西雅图的秘密。

InFamous: Second Son's day one patch adds 19 new missions, 5 hours of additional gameplay

InFamous: Second Son's day one title update will introduce a series of new episodic story missions that amount to around 5 hours worth of additional gameplay, Suc ker Punch has revealed.

The content forms part of a new 'Paper Trail' storyline, a side-story described by the developer as an "innovative online and in-game story arc" that sees players attempting to discover the full story behind the D.U.P.'s occupation of Seattle through a series of 19 new missions and corresponding "web-based investigations".

Players will be given access to new content each week for six weeks, delivered directly via the game and, Suc ker Punch suggests, http://enjoyyourpower.com/. The content is said to have been co-developed by Suc ker Punch and ARG company 42 Entertainment, and provides additional gameplay and backstory on the world of Second Son.

On top of Paper Trail, the 300mb update also includes the Cole's Legacy Content Pack available for free to pre-order customers, as well as a variety of tweaks and improvements, including tweaks made to the difficulty, increased pedestrian and traffic density, and graphical improvements.

InFamous: Second Son lands exclusively on PlayStation 4 tomorrow, March 21.


Cole's Legacy Content Pack
FREE with pre-order
Explore the events immediately following Infamous 2
Work with an investigative reporter to understand the source of conduit powers
4 story missions, approximately 1 hour of gameplay



Infamous Paper Trail Storyline
FREE bonus missions and exclusive web content
Innovative online and in-game story arc co-developed bySuc ker Punch and 42 Entertainment
Manga and murder, follow the trail of origami doves to discover the full story behind the D.U.P.'s occupation of Seattle.
19 story missions and corresponding web-based investigations, approximately 5 hours of unique gameplay.


  [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch与42 Entertainment联合开发的故事任务

Difficulty Balance
Normal difficulty has been slightly increased to challenge the player’s mastery of their powers
Expert difficulty has been fine-tuned to ensure it is the best experience for skilled gamers
Karma progression extended to support longer playtime



Boss Fights
The boss fights have been re-tuned for difficulty and fun
More dynamic boss behaviors and attacks



Pedestrians and DUPs
Engine performance tweaks to allow for more life and activity in the city
Increased pedestrian and traffic density and variety
Increased pedestrian-related karmic opportunities
Post-story enemy activity and D.U.P. raids



Technical Improvements
Graphics and performance improvements
Fixes for a small number of infrequent blocking bugs
PSN integration to support Paper Trail DLC



作者: 灭.苍枫    时间: 2014-3-21 04:19 PM
不知道有没有偷跑 好期待啊 今天已经21号了 不知道游戏多久到这
作者: №Dante    时间: 2014-3-24 02:34 PM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-3-25 08:32 AM

  Suc ker Punch已经制作《声名狼藉》游戏很多年了。尽管工作室目前已经完全的同该系列挂钩,公司的Nate Fox相信这其实是一件好事。






作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-2 07:58 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-4-2 06:31 PM 编辑

《声名狼藉:次子》第二次更新 新增HUD开关

  《声名狼藉:次子》发售将近半个月了,日前[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch官方便公布了游戏的第二次更新,本次更新增加了三个比较核心的功能,同时[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch也表示在未来的两个星期内,游戏还会迎来更新。





Second Son Update Incoming: Change Time of Day, HUD Off, 30 FPS Option

Ten days.

That’s how long it’s been since I went to the midnight launch of Second Son here in Bellevue, Washington (just outside Seattle). I must have talked to over 100 people there, and so many more on social media and forums, Twitter, NeoGAF, etc. since then. It’s been amazing to see the excitement and passion of inFAMOUS fans, new and old. I want to let you all know how much your enthusiasm and support means to us, how it renews us, and readies us to go try to make even better games in the future.

We also want you to know that we listen to your complaints. Some big, some small, but we take them all to heart. We never want to lose sight of how important it is that we listen to all of you. We can always be better.

So to say thanks, not just for all the support but also for your passionate requests to make the game better, we’ve started work on a few small features which we’ll be delivering in the weeks to come.

Change Time-of-Day

Once you beat the game, a new entry will appear on the options menu to allow you to select the time of day! A very popular request indeed, and one we’re excited to enable for you all.

HUD On/Off

Especially for those amazingly talented screenshot taking folks, we’re including an option to let you turn the HUD on and off.

Cap at 30 FPS

Internally we prefer the unlocked frame rate, but we recognize that some players find it distressing. So we’ll provide a way to ensure the game is not bumping up over 30 FPS, if that’s how you prefer to play.

Of course, our coders and QA team are working to try to identify and resolve key bugs, and we’ll look at incorporating important fixes in the patch too. And who knows… if we’re inspired enough, we may sneak a few other little things in too. Time will tell!

We’re all working hard to release these updates as soon as we can. Time-wise, the earliest we could have the patch and new features ready is about two weeks from now, so stay tuned for another update — we’ll let you know as soon as they’re ready to go live. Until then, keep fighting the D.U.P., keep sharing your awesome screenshots (#PS4share on Twitter), and enjoy your powers!

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... d-off-30fps-option/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-9 07:16 AM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-4-17 06:57 AM
Infamous: Second Son Patch Out Tomorrow + New Photo Mode


Infamous: Second Son Patch Out Tomorrow

I have some good news for you. We’ve made great progress on the inFAMOUS Second Son patch on PS4 I promised you a couple weeks back. In fact, we expect to publish it on PSN tomorrow, April 17th.

Now first, let me update you on the specifics I promised, and then toss in a few extra goodies that we managed to squeeze in when nobody was looking. First — addressing one of the top two requests we’ve gotten — you’ll be able to disable the HUD, and once you’ve finished the game you’ll be able to adjust the time of day as you like.

We also promised, and have included, an option to cap the game frame rate at 30 FPS if you prefer playing this way. To set expectations for you all: this is a frame rate cap — not a lock. It won’t eliminate the rare instance of a dropped frame during gameplay.

But that’s all stuff you expected. Let’s talk about a few surprises, saving the best for last:

• A handful of localization text changes, and a couple of fixes for rare crashes in the game (Thanks to all of you who uploaded reports on those, they were extremely helpful!).
• If your controller runs out of batteries in the middle of gameplay, your game will pause. Our art director pulled a hamstring scrambling to get his second controller mid-boss-battle, so we needed to fix this.
• If you’re choosing expert difficulty, we let you know within the options dialog if you’re qualified for the “Unstoppable” trophy the moment you opt in.
• Photo Mode.

Wait, what’s that last one? We were totally amazed at the quality of the screenshots you all shared. Amazed. So we thought we’d try to help you all out. With this patch, you can enable photo mode within the options. Once you do that, clicking L3 will pause the game, and allow you to use a suite of our internal tools (like setting depth of field) to take even more amazing shots.

To hold you over until the patch goes live tomorrow, check out the brief video tutorial above showing how the Photo Mode works!

Final full disclosures and fine print: these options and settings, including frame rate, will reset to defaults each time you restart the game. We chose to not disturb our game save file format with this patch in order get these features to you as quickly as we could. Additionally, Photo Mode will only work in situations where the camera is freely movable by players. In scripted sequences/cutscenes you can still take screenshots of course, just not with the Photo Mode tools.

We hope you enjoy the new tools and the Photo Mode, and we can’t wait to see what you come up with! Enjoy, and talk again soon.

PSBlog:http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... patch-out-tomorrow/
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-5-1 07:49 AM



作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-10 09:52 PM
【E3 2014】《恶名昭彰:第二之子》DLC《首道曙光》今年夏季问世

索尼电脑娱乐(SCE)旗下[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions 制作的PS4 动作游戏《恶名昭彰:第二之子(inFamous Second Son)》,刚刚在PlayStation E3 媒体发表会上,宣布将于今年夏季推出下载包(DLC)《首道曙光(暂译,First Light)》。
在这个DLC 中,将会讲述关于Fetch 的故事,从宣传影片中可以看到Fetch Walker 被关在监狱中,她被迫面对她过去所遭遇的悲剧历程。在尝试逃脱的战斗过程中,她将解开她不为人知的秘密,同时要向那些使她蒙受冤屈的人来复仇。


作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-6-12 09:08 PM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-6-14 05:16 PM 编辑

Infamous: First Light standalone DLC coming to Second Son in August
《声名狼藉次子》全新DLC FirstLight宣布


Infamous First Light Coming to PS4 this August

My name is Jason Connell, and I’m one of the Creative Leads on Infamous First Light, the new standalone Infamous title for PS4 that we just announced at the PlayStation press conference tonight. As someone who worked on the original cutscenes that we used to announce this character before, I’m pretty excited that my first PlayStation.Blog post revolves around the return of my favorite conduit from Infamous Second Son: Abigail “Fetch” Walker.

Played once again by the brilliantly talented Laura Bailey, Fetch is back — and her story is not an easy one to tell. There is heartache, drug abuse and abandonment. Playing as Fetch, you’ll experience the events that transform her into the conduit you met in Second Son. You’ll see her cope with life in Curdun Cay (the high alpine prison) after being captured by the DUP, and experience what happens when her brother Brent goes missing – and how far she will go to find him.

In First Light, you will be able to explore new environments, such as Curdun Cay itself and the beautiful snowy mountain passes around it. You’ll also revisit the city of Seattle, this time through the lens of Fetch’s neon-tinted glasses. Of course, it wouldn’t be an Infamous game without awesome powers. This time around, you’ll see firsthand that Fetch has her own flavor of neon that is unique to her character and tone.

In Second Son, we made great progress on our lighting engine, particle effects, and our ability to give characters richer personalities using facial motion capture techniques. We’ve continued to use these tools to not only develop Fetch more as a character, but also to bring you to new environments as well. And for those with a photographer’s eye, I’m pleased to confirm that Photo Mode is included in First Light. I’ve been super impressed by the quality level of screenshots shared with #PS4share on Twitter. The details that fans captured are impressive, so I’m excited to see what gets shared when people start playing!

First Light will be releasing this August, and will be available digitally through PlayStation Store as a standalone game. We also have some fun exclusive content in the game for those who own Second Son; we are excited to announce that exclusive bonus content will be available for customers who own both Infamous First Light and Infamous Second Son.

PSBlog - http://blog.us.playstation.com/2 ... to-ps4-this-august/

  PS4独占大作《声名狼藉:次子》已经于2014年3月21日发售,而在北京时间今天举行的索尼E3 2014展前发布会上,初次公开了本作即将推出的全新DLC“声名狼藉:First Light”的宣传影像,预定于2014年8月发售。无需购买原作也可购入下载游玩,如果有原作本体的话则可体验到部分特别内容。

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-13 07:46 AM
本帖最后由 kirassss 于 2014-8-18 07:34 AM 编辑

Infamous: First Light Introduces Replayable Battle Arenas, New Trailer

  “声名狼藉:First Light”是PS4独占游戏《声名狼藉:次子》的新DLC,在科隆游戏展中索尼公司公开了该DLC的全新宣传片并带来了相关的新情报,在此就为大家介绍一下。

  官方表示该DLC是他们最喜欢的项目之一,并透露“声名狼藉:First Light”将讲述一段关于Abigail “Fetch” Walker的新故事。打造原创故事是一项挑战,但他们觉得Fetch是一个非常吸引人的角色,所以他们想更多的探索她的过去。在被D.U.P抓获后,Fetch被送往雪山上的监狱Curdun Cay,在那里D.U.P的领袖Augustine打算将她培养成无情的杀手。

  而在科隆游戏展中,官方还展示了全新的战斗竞技场。本作的战斗竞技场将支持全球排行榜功能,这也是[粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch为广大《声名狼藉》系列粉丝所带来的新游戏模式。而且作为单人模式剧情的一部分,玩家们将会发现Augustine利用这些竞技场来训练杀手。Fetch就是在这些竞技场中通过了一波又一波的挑战,逐步强化自己的力量。而在实际进行游戏的时候,玩家们能够返回并重复体验这些挑战,获得更高的分数来冲击全球排行榜。这可以说是玩家们与好友们的互动关卡,也是该系列过去未曾探索过的游戏形式。此外如果玩家们仍然拥有《声名狼藉:次子》原作的话,就能够在战斗竞技场中使用Delsin。


  “声名狼藉:First Light”将于2014年8月26日登陆PS Store,其售价为14.99美元。


New Infamous First Light trailer debuts, new features detailed

It feels like I was just on the blog announcing Infamous First Light at E3, a brand new standalone DLC to Infamous Second Son, and I’m happy to be back to talk about all the progress we’ve made. We are officially in the final days of the project and it’s really exciting to debut our latest trailer at gamescom.

Creatively, this was one of my favorite projects to date. First Light features the origin story of my favorite conduit from Second Son, Abigail “Fetch” Walker. It’s always a challenge to create an origin story, but we found Fetch to be a really engaging character and wanted to explore her past a little more. After being captured by the D.U.P, Fetch is taken to Curdun Cay, a conduit prison up in the snowy mountains, where D.U.P leader Augustine sets out to train her to become a ruthless killer.

The biggest feature we are unveiling at the show is re-playable Battle Arenas with worldwide leader board support. This is an exciting new game type for [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch and the Infamous franchise, and you’ll catch a glimpse of it in the trailer. As part of the single player narrative, you’ll find that Augustine uses these arenas within Curdun Cay to train conduits into killers. Fetch is put through the paces in these arenas, taking on wave after wave of challenges to sharpen and upgrade her powers. As you play through the game, you can then go back and choose to re-play the challenges to compete with scores on worldwide leaderboards. This is a level of interaction with your friends that we haven’t explored before and it’s SUPER exciting. As an added bonus, if you still have your copy of Second Son, you will be able to play as Delsin in these Battle Arenas.

In addition to the new Arenas, you’ll meet new key characters, Brent and a street-smart dirt bag, Shane. Players will also get to explore the open world of Seattle while unleashing Fetch’s new and highly personalized neon powers. Fetch’s melee is extremely fast and Dash now has an interactive component that will require you to navigate through neon gas clouds to maintain the higher speeds. You’ll also be able to gather skill points to increase her powers sets, and we’ve included lots of new upgrades. In the trailer, you’ll also get to see the fx spectacle of Fetch’s neon power bomb. Finally, while speaking of FX, First Light explores a snowstorm environment that is key in experiencing Fetch’s story.

I must say that its’ been a pleasure working on the project and we we’re excited for you to play First Light in just two short weeks! First Light will be available for download through PlayStation Store on August 26th for $14.99. Also, if you pre-order First Light, you will receive this D.U.P. inspired costume for Fetch to wear in the game!


作者: HenRyXb    时间: 2014-8-22 11:40 AM
作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-22 12:06 PM
HenRyXb 发表于 2014-8-22 11:40 AM
楼主,请问你玩了这游戏吗?是否有问题?我的连开启游戏都有问题。真xx的。就是放了光碟进去之后然后开启游 ...

是怎么样类似的问题?比如全Black Screen?碟进不到?才是有Error?
作者: HenRyXb    时间: 2014-8-22 12:10 PM
kirassss 发表于 2014-8-22 12:06 PM
是怎么样类似的问题?比如全Black Screen?碟进不到?才是有Error?

作者: kirassss    时间: 2014-8-22 06:00 PM
HenRyXb 发表于 2014-8-22 12:10 PM
光碟进了,然后,我点击开始游戏之后,它进入了游戏第一画面的时候,就卡着了。我等呀等,等不到结果。真 ...

作者: HenRyXb    时间: 2014-8-24 07:46 AM
kirassss 发表于 2014-8-22 06:00 PM

作者: kirassss    时间: 2016-11-5 07:31 AM
Infamous Second Son & First Light PS4 Pro enhancements detailed

Infamous Second Son & First Light Showcase Power of PS4 Pro

When we started working on PS4 Pro, we knew the Infamous titles were going to be an amazing showcase for HDR and 4K resolution. If you played either of the games, you know that Infamous Second Son and Infamous First Light were a spectacle of vibrant superpowers and explosions inside a rainy Seattle cityscape.

It all started with Second Son where we first introduced our incredible particle effects as Delsin discovers his own set of powers. Then in First Light (which is still one of my favorite projects we’ve made at [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch), Fetch had a style all her own, fast and deadly, with incredible neon powers. With our new patch to take advantage of the PS4 Pro, those effects have never looked better. There are numerous reasons to return to First Light and Second Son with PS4 Pro, but let me dial into the three big ones.

First up is HDR. When we re-worked our engine to create Infamous Second Son for the PS4, we had a strict focus on realistic lighting and exposure. We wanted the art direction and tech to reflect realism in a way that immerses players in the damp, rainy streets of Seattle. We did a lot of work to ensure our sky, sun, and light sources felt like the real thing. So why is HDR such a big deal now? This patch, along with an HDR capable TV, pushes those crazy bright values even further.

Yes, that means looking at the sun or sky in our game feels extremely bright, providing a level of contrast I’ve never seen in our game before. The vibrancy of the sky and lighting creates some really striking and beautiful moments. Furthermore, this particular feature will work on the standard PS4 as long as you have an HDR capable TV.

The second reason is in the smaller details. In both games, the Seattle city streets are filled with incredible art from our hard working art team. Signs, coffee cups, puddles, fall leaves — this world is filled with little touches waiting to be noticed. With PS4 Pro’s increased resolution, those touches are even more crisp. You can see detail on bricks and signs that previously went unnoticed. When we created the Seattle landscape, we had a goal to make everything wet. That means reflections of those details on every surface. It also meant a fair amount of specular aliasing. The increased resolution improves this and many other alias issues. And if you don’t have a 4K TV, you’ll still see a smoother image as the PS4 Pro will scale down to match your 1080p display.

The third — and best — reason to revisit the Infamous games on PS4 Pro is simple: the powers look amazing. Delsin’s smoke powers and Fetch’s neon powers are particularly impressive. Watching the original effects now in 4K and HDR, I notice details I didn’t even know existed. For example, when Fetch does a ground pound, waves of brilliantly flickering particles erupt in all directions. We even improved photo-mode to let you pause on powers. My favorite is winding up Fetch’s ultimate neon bomb and then quickly activating photo-mode to pause and observe the thousands of emissive particles bits forming around her.

As a developer, it’s great to see games that we released two years ago come to life in more dazzling ways than ever before. The increased power, resolution, and HDR capabilities of the PS4 Pro breathe new life into every corner of the game.

If you’re into lighting, rendering, or VFX, I would encourage you to check it out. Second Son and First Light are beautiful games on PS4, but on PS4 Pro, they’re an exciting window into the future.

Jason Connell - [粗俗词语过滤-#0003]er Punch Productions


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