标题: 澳洲女总理阿Gill姐给大马阿Jib哥重重一击! [打印本页]

作者: ★蓝羽★    时间: 2013-2-6 06:20 PM
标题: 澳洲女总理阿Gill姐给大马阿Jib哥重重一击!


In a speech at the National Press Club Prime Minister Gillard confirmed the election date.The Prime Minister said her early announcement would allow business and consumers to "plan their year". But it was also a challenge to the Opposition to deliver policy detail sooner than it might want.
"The benefit of fixing the date now is not just the end of speculation about election timing. It gives shape and order to year," she said.

"And it enables it to be one, not of fevered campaigning but of cool and reasons deliberation.
"Not a year without passion – because elections are the time in our national life where values should contend, where alternate plans should be compared and considered.
No surprises also means no excuses. Australians aren't interested in campaigns without content, platitudes devoid of purpose.
"There is now clearly the time … for the people and parties contesting the election to lay out their fully-detailed costed plans for the timely consideration of voters."
The Prime Minister will advise the Governor-General to dissolve the House of Representatives and issue writs on Monday, August 12 for the September 14 election.
Opposition Leader Tony Abbott made a statement welcomed the announcement and said the election would be about trust.
"The coalition is ready," he said.
Ms Gillard said she did not want to start the nation's "longest election campaign".
"It should be clear to all which are the days of governing, and which are the days of campaigning."

http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ ... rg6n6-1226565011494
作者: oOoAnMIoOo    时间: 2013-2-6 07:11 PM
作者: devil930302    时间: 2013-2-6 08:56 PM
作者: 嗯咕咕    时间: 2013-2-7 03:03 PM
作者: 和平世界    时间: 2013-2-7 10:16 PM
JIb哥 这辈子没机会再当首相了,所以要做到满为止
作者: dreamcorner    时间: 2013-2-14 06:29 PM
作者: super_u    时间: 2013-2-17 09:47 PM
作者: sP-[JustNoob]-    时间: 2013-2-24 06:45 PM
他倒了 就等被抓了 所以拼死都不能酱早下台 能撑多久是多久
作者: legendaryborned    时间: 2013-2-25 02:59 AM
不要比 自己觉得很丢脸而已=.="""
作者: 失眠病患    时间: 2013-2-26 01:04 PM
jib 哥不要给你们买便宜机票回国投票,不要酱容易给国外的马来西亚人回来投反对票!(出去了就不要再回来,这里是他的Tanah Melayu)
作者: wang705    时间: 2013-2-27 08:35 AM
作者: jackunion    时间: 2013-3-4 11:59 AM
作者: jackunion    时间: 2013-3-4 12:00 PM
作者: ryancsn    时间: 2013-3-5 10:40 PM
作者: leyasu1989    时间: 2013-3-9 06:17 PM
作者: prodigy    时间: 2013-4-5 03:38 PM

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