I urge everyone of us especially chinese community not to be afraid of the hudud law introduced by PAS, the reasons are:
1) To implement and replace secular law with hudud, that means we need to go through democratic process (at least 2/3 of MPs agree)
2)This changes take a lot of time and money to propose
3)I think Malaysia is in the right track towards developed country, if hudud is not recognised internationally, we may lose out in term of international trade, i think our MPs are mature enough to consider for the sake of malaysia's economy.
4)since Dr Tun M has already said Malaysia is Islamic country,why dun we give a chance to Pakatan Rakyat (DAP,PAS,PKR),opt for a change,make Malaysia's Malaysian more inclusive,united,prosperous etc??
thank you作者: lovelife1990 时间: 2012-9-4 09:05 PM
谢谢作者: early_bird 时间: 2012-9-4 11:18 PM 回复 1#tonyLam